Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 63: Enemies meet on the road and meet on a narrow road


Mo Xuetong didn't know about the Yu family.

She did not wait for Mo Huawen the next day, but waited for Luo Mingzhu. When she heard that Mo Xuetong was interested in visiting, Luo Mingzhu was more enthusiastic than Mo Xuetong and told her that she knew several big stores in the city. The satins sold were the places she was most familiar with, and she planned to accompany her there.

Mo Xuetong didn't want to go at first, and she didn't have to go, but counting the days, she would be going home in the next few days. Thinking of Mrs. Xu's care, she really wanted to embroider a warm robe for Mrs. Xu. Well, I didn't have any suitable materials at hand, so I thought about it and decided to go out with Luo Mingzhu.

As the car was driving on the street, Luo Mingzhu was even more excited than Mo Xuetong. She secretly lifted a corner of the curtain, and from time to time she pointed at the street and talked to Mo Xuetong. Aunt Han who followed Luo Mingzhu was kind-hearted. After telling her a few words and refusing to listen, Mo Xuetong went with her. Mo Xuetong leaned against the car window and lifted the curtain out of curiosity, only to see Granny Li sitting on the side looking at her sternly. Sometimes she couldn't lift her hand, so she glanced at Luo Mingzhu who was watching happily on the other side. Her heart was filled with resentment. She wanted to see it too!

Fortunately, the curtains that Luo Mingzhu had raised were a bit big. As long as he sat upright where Mo Xuetong was, his eyesight could just see some figures and stalls on the roadside, which was quite refreshing. He simply straightened his body and asked Mo He to stand up. She took off the cushion behind her back and smiled secretly.

Mo Xuetong glanced at her, and didn't care that she was snickering. She stretched her neck and peeked at the street outside by Luo Mingzhu's light. She rarely had the opportunity to go out on the street in her previous life or this life, so she was naturally curious. Very, there is a stern Grandma Li on the side.

The car drove forward slowly and came to a brocade shop with a huge facade. The five-large-bay facade is considered a big store in this bustling street. The store is divided into two floors: downstairs and upstairs. Looking from the outside, it feels like Magnificent and extraordinary, this is the most famous Jinyi Pavilion in the capital. There are satin cloths in the front and men's and women's ready-made clothes in the back. The upstairs is a place where you can directly measure and make ready-made clothes. It provides one-stop service for buying satin, making clothes, and ready-made clothes. This store His strength and courage cannot be underestimated, and of course the strength behind it is also extraordinary.

The car stopped in front of the Jinyi Pavilion. Mo Xuetong and Luo Mingzhu put on their long gauze-covered hats respectively and got out of the carriage. Luo Mingzhu moved quickly and helped the maid beside her reach out before she could get out of the carriage. In the carriage, Grandma Han stood angrily on one side with her lips tightly pursed, unable to speak for a moment, but Luo Mingzhu, on the other hand, smiled and didn't care at all.

Mo Xuetong helped Mo He out of the carriage, and followed Luo Mingzhu into the Jinyi Pavilion. The Jinyi Pavilion was really big inside, and the store was filled with colorful brocades, ranging from the cheapest common ones. To some rare-to-find satin fabrics, order them from left to right to make it easier for guests to choose.

There is a row of tables and chairs in front of the lobby, and people also provide fragrant tea, so that the gentlemen who accompany their wives can have a place to rest. The row of tables and chairs is facing the window, and you can also watch the outside when you are bored. A 9-fold screen is placed outside facing the lobby, and the rows of tables and chairs are made into small boxes.

It greatly facilitates the helpless hearts of the gentlemen and the rest, and also takes care of the dignity of the young ladies when they go out to pick brocades.

There are rows of clothes hanging in the back half of the lobby. The colors are eye-catching. Looking from a distance, it looks like the gorgeous clouds on the horizon. There are already some people choosing there. From time to time, you can see through the colorful clothes. Figures of people walking around.

As soon as Mo Xuetong entered the lobby, she was pulled to the right by Luo Mingzhu. There were piles of brocade piled high there, and the colors and patterns were much more gorgeous than others.

"Cousin, take a look, what do you think of this satin? Wouldn't it look good if I made a dress with this pattern? It looks good on you. How about we pick one together and wear it out together in the future? Others will think it is wrong. We are sisters." Luo Mingzhu was in a good mood and pointed at a piece of smoke-colored material and chirped.

The material is really good. It is no worse than what Xu Yan gave him yesterday. Especially the method of dyeing the satin seems to be unusual. It is lightly layered. There is no pattern but it naturally reveals a natural bright color and light smoke. The color attracted Mo Xuetong's eyes.

"This material is good, I want it!" A hand stretched out from the side and snatched the cloth from Luo Mingzhu's hand, with a disdainful hum, "If you don't want to sell it, just block other people's way, and order it on the side. ."

After saying this, she squeezed people in unceremoniously. Ling Mingyan squeezed in with a few maids, forcing Mo Xuetong and Luo Mingzhu to both sides.

"Ling Mingyan, what do you mean?" Luo Mingzhu got angry on the spot and pointed at Ling Mingyan who was not wearing a hat and said angrily.

"What do you mean? It's not interesting. I just want to sell the cloth and go home to make clothes. If you don't sell it, don't stop others from doing business." Ling Mingyan raised her neck and raised her chin and said coldly to Luo Mingzhu.

What happened last time made her really embarrassed for a long time. Not only was she scolded by the queen in the palace, but she was also scolded by her father after she returned. The most important thing was that You Yuecheng ignored her and several sisters in the mansion. Seeing her laughing at her from time to time, Ling Mingyan couldn't help but hate Mo Xuetong and Luo Mingzhu, especially Mo Xuetong.

Why did she hit someone and be blamed by everyone, but she acted like nothing happened? When others talked about her, besides saying she was gentle and gentle, they also said she would take care of her sisters. Anyway, they never said a bad word. This made the fellow perpetrator Ling Mingyan felt very unbalanced.

Today, when I walked in and saw the maid next to Luo Mingzhu, I immediately recognized Luo Mingzhu and Mo Xuetong, who were wearing curtain hats. How could they not vent their anger without making trouble, and immediately snatched away the piece of cloth and satin they were looking for. If you are in a bad mood, don't let anyone who offends you feel better.

Luo Mingzhu became angry when she heard Ling Mingyan's words. She pulled away the maid between herself and Ling Mingyan. She immediately turned cold and said: "Ling Mingyan, are you crazy because of your loss? It's just a piece of clothing. It's worth so much." You came to rob me regardless of your status as a young lady. You really thought this was your family’s Duke Dingguo’s mansion. Isn’t this behavior of the dignified eldest daughter of Duke Dingguo’s mansion too cheap?”

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"Luo Mingzhu, you are not very smart at all. You are just a piece of cloth. Why don't you get so angry when you see me? Forget it, I will be generous and give it to you. Don't worry too much." Thank me." Ling Mingyan didn't show any weakness, turned around and stared at Luo Mingzhu.

She was still generous and gave it to herself. She obviously saw it, okay? Luo Mingzhu was so angry that she almost jumped. She and Ling Mingyan had never dealt with each other. It was always the case that you didn't like me and I didn't like you, but you still maintained your dignity. This would be a real quarrel. A rude curse.

"Cousin, where should we go? The ready-made clothes there are also good. Grandma may not like the smoke-colored material, so let's give it to Miss Ling. How about taking a look at that smoke-colored dress?" Mo Xuetong said softly. He pulled Luo Mingzhu and pointed to the side.

The smoke-colored dress she was pointing to looked at first glance to be the same color as the piece of material in Ling Mingyan's hand. There were some small longevity characters rusted on the collar and sleeves. Looking at it closely, it seemed to have a somewhat elegant and generous temperament. , indeed very suitable for some solemn old ladies to wear.

"That dress is really good and just right. Grandma will definitely like it when she wears it. So I don't need this material. I only need one of the same color." Luo Mingzhu rolled her eyes and immediately understood what Mo Xuetong meant. No longer paying attention to Ling Mingyan, she pulled Mo Xuetong away.

There are so many people coming and going here. Arguing with Ling Mingyan here has not ruined the reputation of Fu Guogong Palace. Luo Mingzhu is different from Ling Mingyan. Ling Mingyan is used to being arrogant. Now she quarreled loudly with her regardless of the place. If she said that, no matter whether it was justified or not, she would definitely be punished by her grandmother when she returned home. She simply used to sell clothes to her grandmother to mock Ling Mingyan because she was old and wanted to wear old people's clothes.

"Luo Mingzhu, you..." Ling Mingyan behind her also heard the meaning of the two people's words. As soon as she threw the materials in her hands, she was about to rush over. The two nuns standing behind her looked at each other and rushed forward, one on each side. Take her hand.

"Miss, there are so many people watching." One whispered.

"So what?" Ling Mingyan said angrily, unconvinced, staring blankly at Mo Xuetong and Luo Mingzhu who were walking past her.

"The old lady will be angry. Doesn't the eldest lady not know what the old lady is thinking?" Another woman shouted sternly. The two of them were sent by the old lady to stop Ling Mingyan's excessive behavior. At this time, seeing that Ling Mingyan did not care about the dignity of Duke Dingguo's palace, and even planned to rush up and quarrel with the young lady of Duke Fuguo's palace like a shrew, she immediately moved the old lady out.

When I thought about how fierce my grandmother was, and how my grandmother had the final say in my marriage. Last time, my father said that if my grandmother was still dissatisfied, he would lock her up in the ancestral hall. I was immediately shocked and didn't dare to struggle anymore. If she caused trouble again this time , her father will definitely not spare her.

"I'm not convinced. It was these two bitches who caused me to be scolded by my aunt and father last time." Although Ling Mingyan stopped struggling, she still looked at Mo Xuetong and Luo Mingzhu angrily as they walked aside and ignored her. , looking like he could not wait to grit his teeth.

"It's easy for the eldest lady to take revenge. She doesn't necessarily need to do anything herself. It will lose the identity of Duke Dingguo. The old lady doesn't like this kind of behavior. The eldest lady must remember that no matter where she goes, Duke Dingguo's palace We are all the queen's natal family, and we must maintain the queen's dignity." The nanny who spoke was with the queen, and the old lady from Dingguo Palace especially asked for it from the queen's side to be Ling Mingyan's tutor.

Ling Mingyan's unscrupulous behavior has already damaged the reputation of the Dingguo Palace. If Ling Mingyan continues to behave like this, it will only lose the dignity of the Dingguo Palace, the Queen will lose face, and it will also affect Dingguo. Regarding the marriage of the daughter of the Duke of Guo, the old lady of Ding Guo's Palace was so angry that she found one from herself, then asked the queen to find another, and placed two nuns beside Ling Mingyan, just to stop Ling Mingyan. Indiscriminate behavior.

"How to take revenge? What should I do, mama?" After hearing what Aunt Xi said, Ling Mingyan's eyes lit up, she turned around and grabbed the hand of Aunt Xi in the palace and asked urgently.

"What do you want the young lady to do to them?" The nun in the palace glanced at Mo Xuetong and Luo Mingzhu, who were standing hand in hand picking out clothes, and asked calmly, "The queen specifically asked the young lady not to take these. The life of the lady of the boudoir house.” (To be continued)