Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 72: The old lady from the Mo family is here


The angrily staring figure of Bai Yihao disappeared completely. Mo Xuetong calmed down and entered Mo Huawen's study with a corner of her skirt. As expected, Mo Huawen was sitting there with a smile in the study and was in a good mood. Seeing Mo Xue Tong came in and waved to her with a big smile, motioning for her to come over.

What did Bai Yihao say to his father just now that made his father so happy.

Of course she wouldn't believe this reason.

"Learning piano?" Mo Xuetong looked at Mo Huawen with wide eyes in disbelief and repeated it again.

"Yeah, I didn't expect Mr. Bai to think that Tong'er has excellent qualities and is a good player to learn the piano. He specially came to invite Tong'er to learn the piano. This has never happened before." Mo Huawen laughed loudly and looked at Looking at her daughter's dull and lovely face, she couldn't help but reach out and touch her hair, which made her mood even better.

Bai Yihao's Qin Club is not something that ordinary people would just want to join. As a famous scholar in the Qin State, Bai Yihao's Qin and his medical skills can be called the "two bests". Although the medical skills are also outstanding, they are not as good as the ladies. Blessed, this qin is the only one that performs elegant things, and is highly praised by the rich ladies of various houses in Kyoto.

Young ladies from all over the country wanted to learn the piano from Bai Yihao, but Bai Yihao never paid attention to it, so they all asked their father to teach him the piano. However, these officials could not ask the noble Bai Yihao to teach him the piano, so they all asked their wives to teach him the piano. They took their daughters to find the Queen Mother to intercede.

These two people annoyed Bai Yihao, and in the end he was forced by the Queen Mother to have no choice but to decide to give lessons for one month every spring to teach girls from various prefectures to practice piano. However, there is one thing. Girls who want to participate in piano lessons You have to pass his exam in advance. Only if you have talent can you teach.

Being recognized by Bai Yihao and being able to learn the piano from Bai Yihao makes the ladies worth a hundred times in every respect, especially being able to learn the piano from Bai Yihao who is as far away as an immortal. How envious the other ladies were. For a while, all the ladies came to take Bai Yihao's exam, but only one out of ten could actually pass.

"Father, Tong'er's piano skills are acceptable. There is no need to learn the piano from Mr. Bai. Besides, there are differences between men and women. It is always inappropriate to teach the piano to each other in private." Mo Xuetong curled her lips secretly, but a charming smile appeared on her face. refused.

"Don't worry, Mr. Bai has a noble temperament, just like the clouds in the sky. He teaches more than a dozen women by himself. No one of them is a daughter of a boudoir, a bosom friend, and everyone considers it an elegant thing, even the princess of the current emperor. To learn the piano there, it was rare that Mr. Bai came to invite him in person. This had never happened before. Tong'er could also get to know some noble ladies from the capital as friends. This was a great thing. Her father had agreed to it a long time ago. When next spring comes, you will go learn the piano, and your father will prepare a complete set of musical instruments for you." Mo Huawen said with a cheerful smile, not hiding his pride.

"I can't even ask for this kind of opportunity! It's rare that Mr. Bai is so thoughtful! I'll take you to your home in a few days to thank Mr. Bai!"

Seeing that Mo Huawen was so happy and had already agreed, it was obvious that no matter how difficult it was to change, Mo Xuetong had no choice but to say no more. Anyway, there would still be another month or two until spring next year, and there would be so many changes to be made by then. , she didn't go against her father's wishes here, and besides, she understood the meaning of Mo Huawen's words, and she felt more moved.

It turned out that it was not that he really didn't care about her, but he was afraid that she would not be able to integrate into the circle of noble ladies in the capital and be rejected by those noble ladies. However, in her previous life, she had never experienced her father's love.

"Yes, Tong'er listens to his father." No longer insisting, he stuck out his tongue and smiled cutely.

"Ghost girl!" Looking at his daughter's cute and flexible appearance, Mo Huawen's heart felt soft and he laughed and cursed.

"Father, look, this is a letter that my second uncle asked me to write to you. He also said that it must be given to you when you are alone. I don't know what my second uncle wrote in a mysterious way. He did not allow Tong'er to read it and sealed it. They are all attached so firmly." Mo Xuetong giggled, rolled her eyes, changed the topic, took out the letter from Luo Bin to Mo Huawen from his arms, handed it to Mo Huawen with a letter in his hand, and sipped a little Mouth.

Mo Huawen was stunned for a moment, and then he took the letter, his face slightly sad, but as if he was afraid that Mo Xuetong would see it, Zhuan'er put the letter aside as if he didn't care, and said to Mo Xuetong with a smile: "Your grandmother Here you go, remember to say hello soon!"

Mo Xuetong noticed a trace of sadness in his eyes, as if sadness flowed through him for a moment. Although he was still sitting there upright at that moment, he gave people a feeling of old age and decay.

Is it because of that letter

But Mo Huawen didn't tell her, and she couldn't ask.

"Grandma is here? Did she just come today?" she asked with a smile, following Mo Huawen's conversation.

"I came here last night. I may not leave until after the Chinese New Year. You should go and meet me before you come back. Your cousin Xueyan is also here, just in time to keep you company. Go quickly." Mo Huawen ordered with a smile. He said, because he was afraid that she wouldn't recognize Mo Xueyan who was following him, so he made it clear.

"Okay, father, Tong'er will leave first," Mo Xuetong stood up with a smile and took only two steps. Suddenly she turned around and wrinkled her nose at Mo Huawen, whose smile slowly softened. He said displeasedly: "Father, the weather is so cold. It's really not warm in my father's study. I'll ask someone to make it warmer later, otherwise Tong'er won't be happy."

After saying that, he looked at Mo Huawen with a rather resentful look.

"Okay, father will ask someone to heat it up soon." Mo Huawen agreed with a smile. He watched his daughter walk out of the study with a satisfied and gentle smile, then took out the letter at hand, opened it, and her eyebrows slowly gathered, His face became condensed.

In the corridor, Mo Lan had been waiting there for a long time. When he saw Mo Xuetong come out, he hurriedly handed a heater to her and asked her to hold it in her hand. He helped her carefully step on the road behind the snow. The snow in the sky had stopped falling. , only a few scattered snowflakes are still flying in the air. A thin layer of snow falls on the branches, leaves, rockeries, and lakeside, like white jade wrapped in plain clothes.

There will be a lot of weather like this in the capital. Today's snow is not considered heavy snow. Although the flakes are big, they last for a short time and there are only a few scattered snowflakes from time to time. Although it looks strong, it is not It doesn't matter if it accumulates a thick layer, the servant who sweeps the snow doesn't have to expend too much effort.

The plain white color of the garden makes people feel a bit cold. Walking slowly on the path of the garden, Mo Xuetong remembered that although her father smiled calmly just now, the darkness in his eyes made his smile... It was only on his face, but not in his heart. What was that letter? Why did my father not open it when he received the letter from his second uncle? The color on his face changed.

She didn't know if there was any interaction between her father and her second uncle in her previous life. At that time, she only focused on her own sadness and never paid attention to things outside her body. Now that she thought about it, she missed more than just a little bit. Why? The second uncle gave her father a letter in such a mysterious way, but her father's expression became obviously tense, cold, and sad, and even gave her a momentary feeling of depression.

At that moment, my father was so decadent that he even forced a smile.

Why is my father, who has never had any contact with his second uncle, acting like this? Could it be that the relationship between his second uncle and his father is not as weak as imagined

She didn't care about these things in her previous life. Even when she died, she seemed to feel that her father and her second uncle had no contact. Especially after Aunt Fang was straightened up, the relationship between the Luo family and the Mo family was almost frozen. At Mo Xuetong's wedding, she was embarrassed by Mo Huawen and placed her mother's memorial tablet on a high place. Aunt Fang could only stand with tears in her eyes and salute, which made her father feel embarrassed on the spot.

Mo Xuetong suddenly stopped.

There seems to be a thread that has been entwining Mo Mansion and Luo Mansion since my mother died...

The death of my mother, the strange fall from grace in front of my father, the encounters of several maids, the men in black in my mother's room, the dilapidation of the auxiliary government house where I can see the yard of my mother's house, the second uncle's letter, my father's look…

What did she miss

Frowning slightly, he silently returned to the yard and sat down in his room. He called Mo He who was kneeling on the porch to come in. Without saying much, he told her to step back and think carefully about whether to stay or leave. Following her wishes, Mo He returned to his room in tears. Several maids tried to persuade him, but looking at Mo Xuetong's frozen face, no one said anything in the end.

After freshening up a little, Mo Xuetong took Mo Yu Mo Ye to see his second grandmother.

In fact, the grandmother is not Mo Huawen's mother, but Mo Huawen's second mother, who was the concubine of Mo Huawen's father at that time. It is said that this old lady is also capable, Mo Huawen, Mo Huawen Yan's father died young, and Mo Huawen's mother died when he was very young.

This old lady raised them up with all kinds of hardships, and she was not like other stepmothers towards Mo Huawen. Her son Mo Huayan had as much as Mo Huawen, which made the young Mo Huawen feel very sad. Thank you, Mo Huawen later became an official as a young man, while Mo Huayan was unable to study and start a business. Naturally, his grandmother was willing to live with her son, so she always lived in her hometown.

Even though they don't live together, Mo Huawen is still very grateful to this old lady, so this time when he heard that Mo Huayan's family might move in after the year, he invited his grandmother over early. It's a good family. Let’s have a happy New Year together.

I had only seen this old lady Mo Xuetong when she was married to Sima Lingyun in her previous life. When her father was forced to lose face by her uncle, she came up a few steps, occupied the front seat with a smile, and put her mother's memorial tablet aside. Because she was the woman's elder, she got rid of her father's troubles and did not let her father, who was already a second-rank official at the time, lose face.

At that time, Mo Xuetong, who saw Aunt Fang being crowded away by her uncle and hid away without saying anything, felt very unhappy. She felt that her uncle had hurt Aunt Fang's dignity by doing this, and Mo Xuetong felt aggrieved afterward. Expressing Aunt Fang's sadness, she said that Aunt Fang had raised her so much that she couldn't even marry her, so she had a lot of trouble with her uncle's family overtly and secretly.

Now that I think about it, I feel that my uncle has a sincere heart. Although he is reckless, he really loves his mother. Only he will value her at his wedding. When he thinks of her, he hopes that she will She could see her own happiness, but at that time, she didn't understand her uncle so much, and she was very resentful of what he had caused.

I wonder if Jiuquanxia’s mother would be sad to see her and her mother-in-law so separated.

Silently, they arrived at the courtyard where the old lady lived. The old lady went in to report. The old lady sitting on the high seat said a few words to Mo Xuetong lukewarmly, then asked her to retreat. She went out and listened. A cheerful laughter came from inside. It was the voice of my cousin Mo Xueyan, which made the old lady laugh!

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After all, she is her grandmother's biological granddaughter, so it's reasonable.

Back in the courtyard, Mo Lan came over to take off her cloak and said, "Miss, Grandma Ming is here."

"How did she come?" Mo Xuetong asked after being slightly stunned. She only asked someone to ask Aunt Ming, but never asked her to come over.

"It's the master's order. Mammy is my wife's nanny. It's not appropriate to stay in Yuncheng alone when I'm old."

"Invite Aunt Ming over tomorrow. I have something to ask her." (To be continued)