Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 73: A biased old lady


Aunt Ming came to visit Mo Xuetong early the next morning. Seeing Mo Xuetong's eyes that looked so much like Madam's, Aunt Ming cried and knelt down on the spot.

Mo Xuetong had already ordered Mo Lan to straighten herself up, but refused to let her kneel down. He bowed deeply to her, raised his head and only called out: "Mother Ming!" However, she was so choked up that she could no longer speak. Come.

"Miss, don't cry. If the madam's spirit in heaven sees that the young lady is so cute and sensible, she will definitely be happy." Grandma Ming wiped her tears and smiled happily through her tears.

"Aunt Ming, please sit down." Hearing Aunt Ming mention her mother, Mo Xuetong pursed her lips, suppressed the pain in her heart, and pulled Aunt Ming to sit on the pit beside her. Aunt Ming refused to give up. In the end, Mo Lan thought of a compromise and moved a brocade stool over, and then Grandma Ming sat down again.

"Aunt Ming, do you still remember what happened the night my mother died?" Mo Xuetong asked. This was what she wanted to know most. Everything seemed to have changed from that night.

Mo Yu and Mo Lan saw the opportunity and retreated out. One sat in the outer room, and the other went to the corridor to supervise the maids sweeping the snow outside. From time to time, Mo Yu's pointing voice could be heard. The yard was very quiet, with only Mo Yu's voice and the broom sweeping. The sound of snow.

"Did the young lady hear something?" Upon hearing Mo Xuetong's question, Grandma Ming's expression changed and she asked in a lowered voice.

"I haven't heard anything, but since that day, my father left me in Yuncheng and brought my eldest sister and fourth sister to Beijing. He has always ignored me since then. Although I was not very lovable before, But my father loved me very much when he saw me. Why did my father become cold towards me after that night, and finally abandoned me?" These are the words that Mo Xuetong has been keeping in her heart, and they are also the grievances she has felt throughout her life.

Even with two close maids, Mo Xuetong has never expressed her true feelings like she did today.

What happened that day was too strange. Even if he really splashed water on Aunt Fang, so what? My father had never been close to Aunt Fang before. Why did everything turn upside down in just one day and he was pampered by his mother? Is it really just because of Aunt Fang Jin’s flattery that the beloved self suddenly fell from the clouds to the bottom of the world

"Miss, the old slave didn't know what happened at that time. The old slave always stayed by the madam's side. Finally, the madam wanted to see the master, but the old slave sent someone to call her. Aunt Fang's people didn't let the maid in, saying that it was the master's order. , no one was allowed to see her at this time, so the lady finally died with hatred."

"It's my fault, too. I was sad and angry at the master's indifference, and said such words to the young lady. That's why the young lady got angry with Aunt Fang and poured water all over her body. That Aunt Fang has always been a flirtatious person, she must be What kind of slander was made against the master?" Grandma Ming speculated as she recalled what happened at that time, frowning.

This speculation is similar to Mo Xuetong's, but it's still unreasonable.

If it is true, my father will definitely give my mother an explanation after finding out what happened. Judging from the interactions with my father these days, my father still remembers my mother. There is a painting in the dark corner of the desk in my father's study. It was a small portrait of her mother. The painting was kept very clean without a trace of dust. It was obvious that someone specially took it out to look at it. The dark corner usually contained important official documents from her father. Mo Xuetong once saw her father in front of her. When putting the official documents in, his hand could not help but rub the scroll of the painting. How could such a father be so cold-hearted

This shows that it was the father himself who blocked the maid from the door at that time, or it could be said that his father instructed Aunt Fang to block the maid.

Maybe, this doesn't make sense. How can my father, who is so affectionate, bear to let my mother leave alone? He would rather bear the consequences of being heartless and misunderstood by the people in my grandmother's family. What is the reason for my father to stay, so I am orphaned? He left himself at the Qin family without asking.

This is the knot in Mo Xuetong's heart, a knot that has always been in his heart and cannot be explained!

Since the love is deep, why should we act like we have a shallow relationship? In his father's eyes, he clearly loves him, so why does he treat him like that

His fingers hooked up a small sachet hanging on the edge of the wicker box, unconsciously wrapping it around and relaxing it, wrapping it around again, and letting go again...

"Mother Ming, what happened after father came?" Mo Xuetong frowned and asked in a low voice, "Is it the night after mother left?"

That night was key!

"That night, the master kicked all the slaves out and kept watch over the wife quietly. The old slave was worried and stayed on the porch specially. He was too sleepy for a while and squinted, but then he was awakened by the sound of turning things. Because in the house, the old slave did not dare to speak. After about a tea time, the sound disappeared, and then it was the suppressed crying of the master." Grandma Ming recalled.

At that time, she saw that the master was resentful, so she was worried about him staying in the house. She specially listened on the porch because she had been watching over her for a while. Later, she fell asleep leaning against the corner. The master didn't know what he was looking for in the house. After fussing with it for a while, I unexpectedly heard the master’s painful cry.

When did this seemingly indifferent master actually cry like a child? Aunt Ming was stunned. In the quiet night, Mo Huawen's sobs were light, but sad and sad. Aunt Ming followed him outside. With many tears, the master came out of the house in the early morning with red eyes.

There are no other unusual circumstances!

After my mother died, what was my father looking for while rummaging through things in her house? Mo Xuetong suddenly sat upright, and her clear eyes flashed with agility. What made her father ignore her mother's death and search for other things outside her body? What made her father burst into tears at the end? It was because of her mother. The passing of

"Mother Ming, where have the other maids in my mother's yard gone? Why can't I see any of them now?" Something flashed across Mo Xuetong's eyes, and her eyes darkened.

"What happened to the four big maids was that one of them said that the madam's courtyard was evil, and the ladies and maids all asked to be transferred out. Then the inner courtyard was in the hands of Aunt Fang. The servant left and scattered. , I don’t even know where I went.” Grandma Ming sighed, but she hoped that after asking, she couldn’t find out anything else.

Everything was still similar to what Mo Xuetong had guessed, except for a hint of doubt about her father, there was no progress at all.

After Grandma Ming left, Mo Xuetong had been sitting quietly on the pit, maintaining a state of contemplation. Her eyebrows were slightly frowned, always feeling that she had forgotten something. These things were intertwined, and it was abnormal to discuss them carefully. Why didn't my father notice it? He still said he knew very well, but he took a laissez-faire attitude.

An old lady came to the house. Although she was not Mo Huawen's biological mother, she could still be regarded as a serious elder. She was different from the aunts, because Aunt Ming had been worried for some time and it was too late for Mo Xuetong to go over and ask her to make peace.

When I entered the house, I found that not only Mo Xueyan was there, but also Mo Xuemin and Mo Xueqiong.

After meeting the old lady, the old lady said calmly: "No need to be polite, just sit down."

As soon as she sat down, Mo Xueqiong rushed to speak: "Third sister got up really early today. Grandma mentioned you just now and asked why you couldn't pay back at this time. I also said that Third Sister has been in Mo Mansion since It’s always been like this, anyway, the third sister is the eldest in this house.”

This was because she didn't get up early to say hello to the old lady, and he accused her of being disrespectful, both covertly and openly.

"Thank you, grandma, for your concern. My father just sent someone here for something, so I came late." Mo Xuetong smiled and explained gently.

"Father is really protective of the third sister. Even though the eldest sister was not in good health, he didn't send anyone to ask, but he would go to Qingwei Garden from time to time. This... is indeed different." Mo Xueqiong tilted her head with a hint. A glance at Mo Xuemin, who was sitting on the side with a pale face, smiled.

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"Third sister is not in good health, and she has never been with her father. It is normal for her father to be more concerned now." Seeing that the topic was brought to her, Mo Xuemin raised her head and smiled.

This was the first time Mo Xuetong saw Mo Xuetong since the accident in the palace. Her face looked too pale. She had been seriously ill a while ago, which really hurt her body. Her eyes fell on Mo Xuetong tenderly and she only looked up. There was a deep feeling in the eyes for a while, but it has been calm and gentle ever since.

Even gentler than when we first met!

However, Mo Xuetong knew that Mo Xuemin like this was even more difficult to deal with!

The old lady had been looking at the three sisters quietly. At this time, she snorted coldly, put down the heater in her hand, and said with a frown: "What are the differences between my sisters? If you have time, you should learn more about the female ring. In this mansion Without a mistress, even the ladies will be tit-for-tat when they meet, and there is no good manners."

Her words upset a lot of people, and both Mo Xuemin and Mo Xueqiong looked a little unhappy.

"Grandma, the sisters are just joking. If grandma is worried, you can help your uncle choose another daughter from the family. Then you can help the eldest sister, third sister, and fourth sister to find a good marriage partner." Mo Xueyan was next in line. The second one, who was a few months younger than Mo Xuemin, smiled coquettishly and stretched out her head behind the old lady, smiling.

The old lady liked what she said. She reached out and touched her head and said with a smile: "We really need to discuss this matter. There is no serious mistress in your uncle's house. Look at what kind of chaos everything has become. "Her hand passed across it and pulled all three people inside.

The old lady was most satisfied with her granddaughter. She just felt that several members of the family were not to her liking. She secretly made up her mind to help the family marry a gentle and generous daughter-in-law. Back then, Mo Huawen went against her will and wanted to marry Luo Xia. At this moment, he looked at Mo Xuetong's eyes that looked exactly like Luo Xia's, and he didn't like it no matter what.

After saying a few words to Mo Xueyan as if there was no one around, he waved them away and left Mo Xueyan alone to talk.

The three people exited in order.

When stepping out of the courtyard, Mo Xueqiong, who was walking at the end, suddenly took two steps ahead. Just when Mo Xuetong raised her foot to step out of the door, she squeezed past Mo Xuetong. Mo Xuetong was not careful and wanted to hold her foot back. Something tripped on the edge of her skirt again, and she staggered two steps. Her feet gave way, and she hit the door frame. Mo Ye, who was standing on the side, realized something was wrong, and reached out to grab her, knocking her head on it.

"Miss, how are you?" Mo Yu and Mo Ye hurriedly helped her steady. If Mo Ye hadn't pulled her so hard, Mo Xuetong would have been knocked to the ground.

"Third sister, I'm so sorry. I suddenly remembered that there was something else going on in the yard, so I walked a little faster." Mo Xueqiong stood aside and patted her clothes easily, showing no regrets at all.

Mo Yu angrily opened her mouth to argue with Mo Xueqiong, but Mo Xuetong stopped her with her hand.

"It's okay. Since Fourth Sister is in a hurry, let's go." She said calmly, covering her forehead with a handkerchief, knowing clearly that there was a swelling there.

Mo Xueqiong had already put on a fighting look, but she was waiting for Mo Xuetong to get angry. At this moment, she was calm and didn't even say anything. For a moment, she felt like she was punched on cotton, and she immediately lost her energy. , glanced at Mo Xuetong coldly, and left without even saying goodbye, taking the maid away.

"How is Third Sister's head bump? I have a bottle of ointment over there. I'll ask the maid to bring it to you later." Mo Xuemin hid a hint of pride in her eyes and stepped forward, pretending to be caring.

"It's not broken, it's just a little bit of pain. It'll be fine in a while. I'd better keep the ointment for myself, sister!" Mo Xuetong's face turned a little pale because of the pain. She forced a smile and was not in the mood to talk much, so she complained to Mo Xuetong. After complaining, he helped Mo Ye and the others leave.

"Mo Xiu, the third lady's injury is not serious. Someone will send ointment to the third lady later." Mo Xuemin's gentle voice came from behind.

"Yes" (To be continued)