Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 745: The flowers in the mirror of past and present lives (3)


The willow trees by the lake swayed slightly, and the girl under the shade raised her beautiful little face. Her long eyelashes trembled slightly in the sun, and her bright and clear eyes showed a little bit of gleaming smile. The breeze blew and raised her eyebrows. Lifting up her long black and thick hair, a few strands fell mischievously on her white face.

Vivid and beautiful, she appeared in front of Qin Yufeng so vividly. He looked at the figure over there with fascination, with a hint of tenderness at the corners of his lips that he had never shown before. It was really amazing that she could appear in front of him so vividly again. Very good! In the last life, he colluded with those who hurt her, causing her to end up in such a tragic end.

In this life, many fateful trajectories have changed. At first, Qin Yufeng did not remember everything. Only after meeting Mo Xuetong, he had a vague dream. The dream always haunted him. That time he and Feng Juexuan plotted against Mo. Xue Tong, I almost really ruined her, that time my heart ached...

He stayed outside the door of Prince Yan's Mansion for the whole night without finding any trace of her. He could hardly stand holding on to the tree, and felt a big hole in his heart. At that moment, he felt that there was no hope for him in life. If she was really destroyed, In his own hands, it seemed that everything in his life was in vain.

If not for her, what would he do for!

That day, he fainted for no reason. When he woke up, he slowly remembered it bit by bit. Sitting in the study for the whole day, he was writhing in his memory, letting the tearing pain slowly fade away. There are scars in my heart, one after another, it turns out it's her, it turns out it's only her, it turns out everything is for her!

But at this moment, he missed it. He clearly felt that the evil and profound His Highness Prince Xuan treated her differently. Maybe others only thought that His Highness Prince Xuan was just a playboy. Only he knew that that Prince had something. How powerful he is, there are some things that King Chu may not necessarily know clearly, but he can see them clearly.

The injured hand of the King of Chu was hit with sores, and then flew away with one blow. There was no trace of sloppiness, and the attack was merciless. In the flash of the stabbing sword, everyone ran towards the King of Chu in panic, shouting To save the prince, to save the prince quickly, only he standing next to Feng Juexuan could see clearly, his ruthless eyes with cold and vicious aura, calm and bloodthirsty.

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Everyone felt that this was King Yan's counterattack. King Yan suspected that King Chu was behind the matter, so he sent his men to assassinate King Chu. Only Qin Yufeng knew clearly that in those ruthless and bloodthirsty eyes, he was determined to kill and punish. , showing the fierceness and dignity of the superior, and after he succeeded in one attack, he was injured by the guards around King Chu.

Immediately, two highly skilled men rushed out and protected him as he retreated, while other assassins still attacked King Chu.

King Chu's guards had no time to take care of him. They all surrounded King Chu for a while, losing the best opportunity to capture that man. Seeing that he was injured and could retreat safely among the calm guards, Qin Yufeng unexpectedly She was inexplicably relieved, this person might be the one most capable of protecting her.

The son of a rich man cannot sit down in the hall, let alone the high-ranking Prince Xuan. No one would have thought that he could do this for a woman. Originally, he only needed to give an order for this kind of thing, but he was willing to risk it. Risk, come here in person, just to vent her anger...

He made a decision and then acted. He succeeded with one blow and retreated neatly, traveling thousands of miles away. It was the tendons of King Chu that were severed. This kind of scheming and such means can be called perfect. With just one move, he not only avenged his beloved woman. He took revenge and killed the king of Chu.

Even Qin Yufeng couldn't help but admire such a man. Only such a talented and handsome man was worthy of her. Only such a man with great foresight and foresight could protect her. With all this, how could he compete with her? .

"Master Qin, how is my garden? Is it more beautiful than my elder brother's?" A teasing voice came from behind, and Qin Yufeng had to look away.

Feng Jueran is dressed in an enchanting and flamboyant purple dress, with extremely exquisite eyebrows and a lazy smile. His extremely enchanting appearance and his unique temperament reveal an evil charm that people cannot fathom. The corners of his thin lips are slightly raised. She stood up and looked at him with a half-smile, looking even more handsome in the sunshine.

Qin Yufeng's eyes narrowed slightly and focused, and he smiled slightly: "The prince's garden is naturally the most beautiful. Although King Chu's garden is also beautiful, it is not as wonderful and natural as the prince. It is better because it is integrated, and even the details are reflected. obvious."

Qin Yufeng did not flatter Feng Jueran, what he said was the truth, but there was some euphemism in his words. He knew that there were some things that he had been hiding, but he obviously couldn't hide it from His Highness Prince Xuan. After he left King Chu and re-established his position, he knew that one day he would be noticed by King Xuan.

"Oh, in the future when Mr. Qin separates his residence, would you like me to give you a copy of the drawings? Then Mr. Qin can also build a garden in this way?" Feng Jueran laughed, turned and walked to the side of the road. , joking casually.

Qin Yufeng also stepped up to follow.

"Your Majesty is joking. Your Majesty's garden has such specifications that I can't even afford it!" He said with a slight smile on his face.

"That's not necessarily the case. With Mr. Qin's talent, it's still possible to build a smaller but similar garden with a little bit of effort." Feng Jueran glanced sideways at him and slowed down. She walked side by side with him, a charming smile on her lips.

"I still don't dare. The prince's garden must also have similar specifications. If it is made smaller or the specifications are changed, it will no longer be the original one. The greatly changed garden is far from the perfection in Weichen's heart. It's far away, so why should I do such a thankless thing?"

Qin Yufeng smiled bitterly and unconsciously fell half a step behind. A king is a king, and ministers are ministers. With Prince Xuan's character, it is only a matter of time before he inherits the throne.

These days, he has been observing His Highness Prince Xuan, and he can see that he really cares about her! Originally, he still had too much unwillingness and always wanted to watch quietly from the side. As long as he found that Prince Xuan was sorry for her in the slightest, he would take her away at all costs.

We will never let the tragedy of the previous life happen again!

However, the more he observes, the more he discovers the depth of Feng Juoran's affection. What else can he do besides being with Feng Juoran and guarding her silently? This is what he owed her in his previous life. As long as she is happy in this life, he will do anything. Can.

"Your Majesty, I want to be a magistrate on the Yan-Qin border. I wonder what your Majesty thinks?" Qin Yufeng said lightly.

"Master Qin is willing to give up the prosperity of this capital and go to the border. Although the Yan State cannot spare any effort, when Bai Yihao takes control of the overall situation, there will definitely be a war with the Qin State. Even so, Master Qin will also Are you willing to go?" Feng Jueran didn't feel surprised at all, but asked leisurely, his attitude softened.

Both of them knew Bai Yihao's ambition, and they also knew Bai Yihao's feelings for Mo Xuetong. Even though they were separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, Bai Yihao never thought of letting go, and the poison on Mo Xuetong's body, It seemed that he was the only one who couldn't understand it. Both of them understood the meaning.

"Your Majesty, there will not be a large-scale war on the Qin-Yan border for the time being. Prince Yan is also waiting for our Qin State to be the first to cause chaos. If Qin State does not cause chaos, Prince Yan will not launch an attack based on his thoughts. Bian, I heard that the power of Prince Yan should not be underestimated. If he rashly embarrasses the Qin State and is attacked from both sides, Prince Yan will never do such a thing."

Qin Yufeng analyzed calmly, without hiding his knowledge. These things should not be clearly understood by him as a new member of the Imperial Academy. Moreover, he also metaphorically mentioned some things to Prince Xuan. I believe His Highness Prince Xuan will understand. .

"Lord Qin, I really care about the country and the people. If I go to the Yan Kingdom, will it provoke a dispute between Qin and Yan?" Feng Juoran still appreciates Qin Yufeng's unreserved attitude. She glanced at him evilly, and the smile on her lips became more and more lazy, as if she was just chatting with her confidant about an ordinary travel matter on such an afternoon.

He, the prince of the Qin Kingdom who was most likely to inherit the throne, went to the Yan Kingdom. This was such a shocking news, but he actually told Qin Yufeng so casually, and the two of them had done it before. is hostile.

"Your Majesty is overly concerned. Prince Yan will not turn against the Qin State because of this matter. Your Majesty cannot let others know that he went to the State of Yan for his own private affairs, and Prince Yan cannot let others know that he provoked the two conflicts because of his own selfish desires." The war between the two countries, compared with the two, Prince Yan is even more unable to explain to the people of Yan."

This time Qin Yufeng spoke more directly, telling what Feng Juoran wanted to do without any concealment. Although there was a smile on the corner of his lips, his heart was bitter. This really meant that he had completely lost his thoughts. , from now on, she is just the aloof Princess Xuan, and she is just a minister, that's all.

"In Master Qin's opinion, is this king going to go or not?" Feng Jueran was very satisfied with Qin Yufeng's clear and transparent explanation. The corners of Yin Hong's lips curved and he asked with a half-smile, There is some deep penetrating power in those beautiful phoenix eyes.

"Of course the prince can go, but we need to make arrangements before going. It happens that I am going to the border, so I can meet the prince there." Qin Yufeng smiled slightly, looked into Feng Juoran's handsome eyes without hesitation, and said in a neither humble nor arrogant way. .

"Okay, thank you Yufeng. I'll thank Yufeng again when the King of Japan returns to Beijing." This time Feng Juoran didn't be polite anymore. He reached out and patted Qin Yufeng on the shoulder. The appreciation in his tone was not so affectionate. He couldn't hide it, he really regarded him as his confidant, and it turned out that he was the prince he liked, and he could use his opponent without any grudges.

From this point of view, we can see that Xuan Wang Feng Jueran is definitely a talented person!

And now he is entrusted with this kind of thing. For the sake of his princess, one of his princes secretly went to the Yan Kingdom. If this kind of thing happened, at least it means that he is ignorant of the general situation, and at worst it means that he is not worthy of being an emperor at all, but Even so, he still went to Yan State without hesitation.

At this moment, Qin Yufeng truly admired her and truly let go of her!

With him by her side, no one will hurt her, no one will harm her, that's enough...

The wind blew, the flowers bloomed and fell, and under the peach blossom tree, the beautiful girl seemed to be getting further and further away from him, slowly fading out of his sight, but staying in his heart forever... (To be completed Continued)