Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 75: Yu Sirong was expelled for acting inappropriately


"Miss Yu came here today just to tell me that I have gone too far?" Mo Xuetong opened her watery eyes dumbly and looked Yu Sirong up and down, then smiled as if she had realized something: "So Miss Yu is not here. Those who look at us are here to cause trouble!”

Those eyes look as mocking as they are! Just mocking Yu Sirong so bluntly!

Being laughed at by the person she looked down upon the most in the past!

"You bitch." Yu Sirong was so excited that she was dizzy. She rushed over and raised her hand to hit Mo Xuetong.

Mo Xueqiong pretended not to notice, a proud smile flashed across her lips.

Mo Ye flashed his hand, took two steps forward, grabbed Yu Sirong's raised hand, and pushed it to the side. Yu Sirong, who was no match for Mo Ye, stumbled out and rushed out. Her two girls Huan reacted quickly and grabbed her to prevent her from falling into the mud and making a fool of herself. But even so, the high bun on her head was still loose, with a few strands falling down, and the corners of her clothes were on the mud. It was swept and dirty.

Look as embarrassed as you want.

"Mo Xuetong, how dare you...how dare you?" Yu Sirong stood still in shock and said angrily.

Mo Xuetong stood there coldly, without any warmth in her eyes. Mo Xueqiong glanced aside and landed on Yu Sirong again: "What do I dare not do? Miss Yu came to Mo Mansion to teach me a lesson, but really The Mo Mansion is easy to bully."

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"Mo Xuetong," Yu Sirong shouted angrily. She was furious. A strand of loose hair on her head was in front of her eyes, reminding her of how disheveled she was now: "You have a mother but no mother, look at me. I won’t teach you a lesson.”

"Yu Sirong, if I have someone to teach you, I don't need to take care of it. The affairs of our Mo Mansion have nothing to do with your Yu Mansion. When will it be your Yu Mansion's turn to make decisions? Please do it. Our Mo Mansion doesn't Welcome." Mo Xuetong's eyes were cold, and his gaze swept over Yu Sirong, making him feel cold all over. This must be the same Mo Xuetong who was hiding and crying after being bullied!

Yu Sirong was trembling with anger, her face was turning green and white. She couldn't get off the stage. If this was still Yuncheng, she would have given the rude order to take action and asked the maid to teach Mo Xuetong a lesson.

"Miss Yu, you'd better leave first. Third sister has eaten explosives today and is in a bad mood. Don't worry about it. Wait until I tell my father and ask her to come over to the house to accomplice you personally." Mo Xueqiong said with a smile, He walked over affectionately and gave Yu Sirong a hand, "Don't worry about those useless people."

She squinted at Mo Xuetong provocatively from the corner of her eyes. She just didn't like Mo Xuetong.

"Mo Xueqiong, if you are willing to deal with people who look down on our Mo family, please do so. You are not welcome here either. If I have a mother but not a mother, how can you be better? If this can't let you If you cut off all contact with Yu Sirong, then you should simply take your surname as Yu, because your father won't tolerate you if he finds out!" Mo Xuetong clasped her hands on her sleeves, her eyes flashing with alternating ice and fire, her eyes cold and stern. .

Yu Sirong actually scolded her mother. This was her bottom line. She might be able to tolerate Mo Xueqiong's acrimony, but she could never tolerate someone who could still be a guest after scolding her. Since Mo Xueqiong picked on her again and again. As a legitimate daughter, she didn't mind letting Mo Xueqiong understand the difference between legitimate concubine and concubine.

"If my father knows that my mother is being scolded, but you, as a concubine, are not only indifferent, but also speak for outsiders, where is the filial piety, and where is the filial piety. The Mo family has been stepped on by others, and you have no sense of shame. You are a woman in vain. You are a son of man in vain.”

Mo Xueqiong was stunned by the scolding, and even Yu Sirong looked at Mo Xuetong in astonishment. She saw a cold and vicious air on her beautiful face for no reason. She was shocked for a moment and didn't know how to react.

"Bah bang bang," someone clapped their hands and laughed, "That's right. Children who don't know how to protect their parents are really unworthy of being sons." A man's gentle laughter came.

Everyone was startled when they saw Mo Huawen walking over first, accompanied by a handsome young man.

The handsome young man walking in front was dressed in a fox fur with white background and ink border, a blue brocade robe, a gold and blue warm jade belt around his waist, and a jade crown with a white light on his head. He had a tall and straight figure and a handsome appearance. Extremely, the whole person was filled with a strong aura of nobility, and he turned out to be King Feng Juexuan of Chu.

Seeing Mo Huawen appear, Mo Xueqiong immediately showed an aggrieved expression on her face and looked at Mo Huawen with tears in her eyes:

"Father... Third sister scolded me..." When he saw Mo Huawen's increasingly gloomy eyes, he trembled slightly and couldn't continue.

"Someone brings the Fourth Miss down to the ancestral hall and asks her to fulfill her filial piety in front of Madam tonight." Mo Huawen said coldly.

Two women had already come up, and Mo Xueqiong pulled Mo Xueqiong down without any explanation.

"Uncle..." Yu Sirong felt bad and panicked and immediately came up to salute and explain, but was interrupted mercilessly by Mo Huawen: "I really can't afford to be called the uncle of Miss Yu. Miss Yu is really rare. Today Come to the house to teach my daughter for me. Whether my daughter has a mother-in-law has nothing to do with the Yufu. When will it be the turn of Miss Yu, a girl from the boudoir, to teach my daughter how to do things? No matter how bad I am, I will still be able to teach my daughter. of."

This was a slap in the face. It was really because Yu Sirong had touched Mo Huawen's bottom line. The only person he loved most in his life was Luo Xia. If Luo Xia hadn't made the decision back then, he wouldn't have had a concubine. At first, I didn't expect that the daughter born in a concubine would actually bully Tong'er and slander Luo Xia together with outsiders. How could Mo Huawen still save Yu Sirong's face

I just feel that this little girl is as annoying as Aunt Fang. Sure enough, they are both daughters of the Yu family, and they have such vicious thoughts! He only regrets now that he let Aunt Fang in at that time. Seeing how she served Luo Xia tenderly and wholeheartedly, he thought she was a good person, but she actually hid it so deeply.

"Wow!" Yu Sirong could not hold on after being driven away by Mo Huawen so mercilessly. Her face turned green and red for a while. She couldn't help it any longer and ran out crying loudly. The two maids screamed urgently. With a cry, he chased after him.

Mo Xuetong looked at all this coldly, slowly loosened her hands tightly at the bottom of her sleeves, bit her lip, and suppressed the tearful pain in her eyes.

"Tong'er, don't be afraid, everything is done by your father." Mo Huawen's soft and warm voice sounded in his ears. He raised his hazy tearful eyes and saw only the love that could not be hidden in Mo Huawen's eyes. He could no longer hold back the sadness for a moment, and suddenly He threw himself into Mo Huawen's arms, tears falling silently.

In her previous life, Yu Sirong always showed her friendship with others in front of others, but she was plotting against her again and again behind her back. During her and Yu's operations, the Qin Mansion spread rumors time and again that she was rude, rude, and undisciplined. , not only her reputation was ruined, but her mother was also affected. Several times, the servants in the Qin family also mentioned her mother with disdain. At that time, she was timid and cowardly and could only cry secretly alone.

Now, she finally scolded loudly, and she felt relieved after relaxing!

Yes, in this life, she will never be bullied in vain!

She will avenge every blood feud!

"Tong'er, be good, stop crying, someone is here!" Mo Huawen held her in his arms, felt her body trembling slightly, and patted her shoulder lovingly.

Sensing the gaze of the people next to her, Mo Xuetong slowly calmed down, got up from Mo Huawen's arms, turned her head and wiped her tears with a handkerchief, took two steps forward, and gave Feng Juexuan a gentle and polite look. He bowed and said, "My lord, please see His Royal Highness the King of Chu."

"Miss Third, you don't have to be polite." Feng Juoran said with a smile, his eyes falling on that particularly moist face. That color, like it has appeared many times in dreams, is so beautiful that it touches the soul, especially in this situation. Next, the long eyelashes fluttered twice, gently rounding the eyebrows, pink and red lips, and fair and flawless delicate little lips that could be broken if blown away...

All of them make people feel distressed and pitiful!

"Third Miss, you don't need to be polite. My eldest brother and I just came to see the garden of Mo Mansion. My eldest brother heard that the yard of Mo Mansion is different from other homes, so he came in specially. He didn't expect to see this scene." Another one. A lazy and familiar voice came, and Mo Xuetong raised her head involuntarily.

Sure enough, she saw Feng Juoran leaning against the moon hole at the entrance of the courtyard. His handsome face was astonishingly beautiful, and his smile was even more charming. However, Mo Xuetong was sensitive to the fact that there was something famous in his smile. Something called dangerous flashes and flickers, making people feel inexplicably chilled.

Who messed with this evil prince! Come here to vent your anger!

Mo Xuetong woke up immediately, bowed deeply in his direction, stepped back to Mo Huawen, and said softly: "Father, daughter, please leave!"

Although she didn't know what happened when the two princes Chu, Wang and Xuan suddenly appeared in her home, Mo Xuetong definitely didn't want to know. She felt inexplicably dangerous and just wanted her to escape. By this time, she had calmed down.

"Go!" This place is full of foreign men. It is really inappropriate for Mo Xuetong, a boudoir girl, to take over this place. Mo Huawen nodded.

Watching Mo Xuetong's graceful leaving figure, Feng Juexuan's eyes followed her involuntarily. For the first time, she had been so sad. After handing Mo Lan to her aunt, although her face was pale, she left with determination. , under such a weak appearance, there is such a decisiveness, why doesn't it arouse his curiosity...

"Master Mo, I wonder if your wife has promised to marry you?" Feng Juoran came over, raised his narrow phoenix eyes, and looked at Mo Huawen with a half-smile.

This was an extremely rude question, but because the person asking the question was Prince Xuan, who always acted irrationally, Mo Huawen could only answer bravely: "My daughter has been married to her mother since she was a child."

"What a pity!" Feng Juoran's behavior was extremely innocent, "Then can we retreat?"

After saying this, Mo Huawen almost became suffocated.

"Eighth brother must not be unreasonable!" Feng Juexuan came back to his senses at this time, scolded him with a smile, and then comforted Mo Huawen and said: "Eighth brother is just playing for fun, Master Mo does not need to take it seriously."

"Yes, I don't dare!" Mo Huawen didn't dare to do anything to such a charming and beautiful His Highness, so he could only wipe his cold sweat and nodded in agreement.

"Master Mo, your garden is indeed different. I heard that this was the favorite place for the advisers of the King of Jin back then. Although the mountains and rivers here are not big, they are very exquisite. My father rewarded me with this mansion. I value you very much." Feng Juexuan smiled and walked forward, no one cared about such a small episode just now.

"The Holy Grace is so great that as a minister, I don't have a mansion, so I appreciate the garden." Mo Huawen responded carefully.

"Master Mo is an old friend of my father's latent residence, so he is naturally inferior to others. If my father doesn't rely on me, who will you rely on?" Feng Jue said with a hint of meaning.

It was really difficult for Mo Huawen to answer this. He laughed awkwardly twice and was waiting for a careful response, but he heard Feng Jueran on the side said impatiently: "Brother, are we here to see the yard today, or to see Mo?" My lord, please tell the craftsman to hurry up and leave after finishing the painting. I have a few friends going to the Baihua Building for a banquet later, and I can’t do it if I’m late!”

Baihualou is not a good place to go, it is very famous among the brothels and Chu Pavilion.

But talking about this at this time, except Feng Jueran himself, everyone else was a little embarrassed.

Feng Juexuan coughed and said with a smile: "Eighth brother, don't worry, just go around in a circle. The painter's hands are still fast."

"Okay, then hurry up!" Feng Juoran said carelessly. (To be continued)