Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 76: King Xuan meets a beautiful woman at night


Under the light, Mo Xuetong was reading a book. It was not the poems and songs that she liked in her previous life. Those beautiful articles did not allow her to see through the world. Instead, they gave her more yearning and attachment. She gave her heart to Sima Lingyun by mistake, and finally Not only himself but also his child's life died in his hands.

Ever since Yun Yiqiu had aborted her child, she had learned from the doctor secretly sent to her by the Fu Guogong Palace that she had become increasingly poisoned and it was difficult to conceive another child. In order to conceive a child, she had to adjust her physique. To clear away the remaining poison, she secretly read medical books alone.

She couldn't find out the person who secretly attacked her!

She also asked Sima Lingyun about this. At that time, Sima Lingyun was stunned at first, and then turned pale. He grabbed her hand and asked if anyone else knew. She thought that Sima Lingyun was caring about her, so she was so panicked and shocked. I was moved and told the doctor. After that, the doctor never came again. I heard that he was injured by the patient's family because he misdiagnosed the patient and ran away.

Now I opened my eyes again and realized that this is really a joke!

How could she not die if she sought skin from a wolf

Thinking of the child who had gone through all the hard work and finally fell into the hands of Sima Lingyun and Mo Xuemin, my heart ached like a knife. The hands that turned the pages of the book were trembling slightly. For a moment, I could only curl into a fist and let the pain in my palms go. Dive into your heart and soothe the unforgettable hurt.

"Isn't the Mohist family a great Confucian family? How come the daughter-in-law of the Mohist family is reading such low-class books!" A voice came from the side with a hint of joking. Mo Xuetong, who was in deep pain, raised his eyes in shock and turned his head sharply. , and saw a young man as handsome as a demon lying peacefully on his couch.

Xuanwang Feng Jueran!

Seeing Mo Xuetong turn around in fright, with a bit of astonishment and lingering vulnerability on her tender white face, Feng Juoran curled up her thin lips in a great mood, with a charming smile on her extremely handsome face. Part laziness, part teasing, seeing those smart beautiful eyes slowly turning displeased, he raised his eyebrows, unceremoniously took the candied fruit on the side and threw one in his mouth.

"Aren't you very touched when you see me as your benefactor? I generally don't like women wanting to pounce on me when they see me, but you! I'll just have to do it!"

"Your Highness, is it possible that you haven't been trained in court since childhood and don't know whether men and women should be intimate with each other? Going to a woman's boudoir in the middle of the night is what a gentleman would do?" Mo Xuetong's initial shock turned into anger.

"This is how you treat your benefactor, Tong'er, I came here specially to deliver a message for you, and you treat me like this?" Feng Juoran smiled slightly, took out a box from his arms, and waved it in front of Mo Xuetong's eyes. , and put it into his arms.

Mo Xuetong's eyes narrowed, Mo Xuetong's box of plasters!

"Mo Feng gave this to you?" she asked with her eyes contracted.

"It's not like you gave it to me. In fact, Mo Feng asked several places and said nothing happened, but he believed that you wouldn't let him check for no reason, so he asked me for it. Do you want to know the result?" Feng Jue Ranyang asked. He raised his eyebrows and said, he was already unparalleledly handsome, but now his watery eyes were extremely charming.

What a monster. Mo Xuetong felt wary. She took a deep breath, looked away from him, stood up and gave him a deep salute: "Thank you, His Highness Prince Xuan, for your help!"

She can still tell whether it is good or bad, and she cannot ask Mo Ye Mo Feng to be completely loyal to herself. They are Feng Juoran's secret guards, and their relationship with her is just an employment relationship, so she has no power. Blaming others, she found the note from that year and he replied with a promise. Neither of them were involved, so she couldn't ask him to do better.

"Come here." Feng Jueran waved to her with a slight smile.

Mo Xuetong moved a few steps.

"Come here, I'm not doing this for the convenience of speaking. Do you want me to speak louder?" Feng Jueran said with a smile.

Mo Xuetong then cautiously took a few steps closer. Her elongated shadow under the light was falling on his body, adding a lot of ambiguity.

"Your Highness, can you speak now?"

"Don't worry, Mo Ye Mo Feng will think you are your master. Even I will not ask you about your affairs without any reason."

Is this a guarantee! Mo Xuetong couldn't believe it, bit her lip and looked up at him without speaking.

"There is a kind of medicinal herb in this bottle of ointment. It is very useful for wounds. The smell is also fragrant. It is harmless to people." Feng Jueran took the ointment out of his arms and threw it in his hand. He glanced sideways at her. Because it was time to go to bed, her long black hair was scattered casually, tied behind her head with only a ribbon, which gave her pure little face a bit of charm that had not been seen in the day.

Under the light, her beautiful eyes seem to contain a pool of spring water, so beautiful!

"But the smell of this herb, if combined with the incense burned at home, will be slightly poisonous." Feng Jueran's eyes turned from Mo Xuetong's face to the light incense burned in her room. The smile on his lips was cold, "It's like you have this in your house."

Sure enough, the poison was administered by Mo Xuemin!

No wonder in the last life, after she was injured once, Mo Xuemin also gave her a kind of ointment. Although it was different from the current one, because it was given by Mo Xuemin, she kept it in her house. She never expected that the poison would end up like this. When it happened to me, I thought in vain that the doctor said that this poisoner had been poisoned for many years and was definitely not raped in the Zhenguo Marquis' Mansion. I thought it was Sima Lingyun who had nothing to do with me, so I confessed everything. However, it turned out that Sima Lingyun and Mo Xuemin had already planned it together. By myself.

My heart was numb with pain, and even my brain seemed to have stopped moving. My trembling fingers touched the lamp stand in front of me, and I almost knocked over the lamp stand with my strength.

"What's wrong with your head?" Feng Juoran stood up suddenly, pulled her to the lamp, brushed her long forehead hair away, her forehead was swollen and slightly broken.

"It's okay!" She replied almost numbly. Looking at the ointment box in his hand, she didn't feel Feng Juoran was being rude at all.

"Do you still want this?" Feng Juoran's eyes were filled with confusion, and he suddenly smiled charmingly, tossing the box in his hand twice, and returned to his lazy state.

"Thank you, Your Highness, please give it to me!" She took a deep breath, and her eyes suddenly regained clarity. She reached out and took the box from Feng Juoran's hand, and took two steps back. Desolation and annoyance flashed in her clear water eyes. I was upset about my loss of consciousness just now. I clearly guessed that it was Mo Xuemin and Aunt Fang who did it, so there was no need to lose my mind and be shocked!

"Do you want me to help you?" Feng Jueran raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Thank you, Your Highness. It's getting late, Your Highness, please come back!" She said politely and distantly.

"You really don't need help? I'm relatively free these days. I'm very bored. Anyway, you already owe me a favor, so there's no need for one more."

"Your Highness is joking." Sensing that his gaze was too deep, Mo Xuetong subconsciously moved her body, turned sideways to avoid his direct gaze, and said helplessly again, "Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness. I will definitely give it to you if I have the opportunity." I will repay His Highness."

"Then when is the opportunity?" Feng Juoran rolled his eyes,


"What do you want, Your Highness?" Mo Xuetong suppressed her anger. She had been immersed in her own thoughts just now. Only then did she remember that the person in front of her was dangerous. She should not take anything she said or did lightly.

Feng Juoran suddenly came over, and Mo Xuetong stepped aside involuntarily, seeing him walking to her dressing table, where she placed the hairpins and earrings she had just taken off.

"This is the proof. Whenever I think of how you want to repay me, I will ask someone to bring this!" Picking up the white jade hairpin that he put aside, Feng Juoran's smile became more and more evil. He was already handsome. Unparalleled, he wore a purple brocade robe embroidered with the enchanting mandiluo, which made him look as plump as jade, handsome and fair, and the whole person looked enchanting and charming.

Mo Xuetong took a long breath and told herself that she must not be angry! : "Your Highness, if you like white jade hairpins, is this okay?" She walked over and opened a box, and there was a jade hairpin quietly inside. It was different from the previous one. This one looked newer and was obviously for sale. Used.

"You haven't worn this before, so why should I come here?" Feng Juoran smiled charmingly, "Don't worry, I've got your voucher. I will send someone to give you jewelry of the same value in a few days, so that you don't think I'm here." Taking advantage of you."

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Men and women exchanged tokens privately, and he said it so grandly. Mo Xuetong gritted her teeth, but she really couldn't bear to part with the white jade hairpin, which was given to her by her mother on her tenth birthday, and she has been wearing it in her hair ever since. Never taken off.

"Or do you want to come up and snatch it from me?" Feng Jueran smiled pointedly, and raised the white jade hairpin in his hand towards her, "If you can snatch it away, I won't take this one."

These words are getting more and more irritating!

Mo Xuetong breathed out again and told herself not to be angry. This was Emperor Zongwen's favorite eighth prince, and she could never offend him: "Your Highness, you can leave. I'm sorry it's getting late, but I can't receive him." She bit. She spoke every word with her teeth, her aggrieved little face full of depression.

The cheeks are bulging, and the bright watery eyes are no longer distant and waveless, but almost like spitting fire. When they fall into Feng Juoran's eyes, they are really cute! The kitten is annoyed, but it’s so fun!

"Okay, wait for me to send you a token in a few days." Feng Juoran smiled with satisfaction. He twirled the white jade hairpin twice between his fingers, put it into his arms gracefully, walked to the window, and suddenly Looking back: "You really don't want to be my personal palace maid? You don't know how many people want to be, I reserved it specially for you!"

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness!" Mo Xuetong said dully with eyes wide open, trying desperately to tell himself that this was a robber, and a robber that he could not defeat. A good man would not suffer the immediate consequences.

"Which family did you get engaged to? Why have you never heard of it?" Feng Jueran asked casually.

"Your Highness, your concern is too broad." Mo Xuetong's "servile spirit" really couldn't be suppressed!

"That's right, I'm just curious! If you don't want to say it, forget it. This good daughter's family should not marry the wrong man and waste her life." Feng Juoran said with a smile, his eyebrows raised lightly, and suddenly his figure flashed and disappeared from the window.

Mo Xuetong hurriedly stepped forward and closed the window. After sitting down, she no longer had the intention to read. She called out in a low voice: "Mo Lan."

Mo Lan, who was guarding the door, heard Mo Xuetong's voice inside and hurriedly walked in.

"Go and invite Grandma Ming!"

"Yes!" Although Mo Lan didn't know what Mo Xuetong was doing, she still retreated.

In the room, Mo Xuetong was still shocked by the news!

Engagement, whether it was in the past life or in this life, she had never heard of her own engagement! If I was engaged to someone else, why did I marry into Sima Lingyun's house in my previous life? Who was that family? Are you afraid of the power of Zhenguo Hou Mansion, so that’s why you didn’t go to Mo Mansion to mention marriage again? (To be continued)