Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 78: The mean concubine was slapped


"Sister, wait for us, I have to go into the yard." While they were talking, Mo Xuetong, who got into the car, suddenly helped Mo Ye out of the car with a pale face.

"Third sister, what's wrong with you?" Mo Xuemin frowned slightly, feeling unhappy.

"I'm feeling a little unwell. My grandma prepared some medicine for me last time. I need to get it, otherwise I'll feel uncomfortable for a while. It's really not possible." Mo Xuetong said apologetically, half-leaning on Mo Ye's body, pale. His little face looked a little gloomy, and he could tell at a glance that he was really not in good health. "If the eldest sister is in a hurry, you should go over first, and I will go with the fourth sister."

Mo Xueqiong on the side was overjoyed and nodded immediately: "Sister, if you are in a hurry, just leave first!"

She would never let that little bitch Mo Xuetong have the opportunity to be alone with the Prince of Zhenguo. At the family banquet, Sima Lingyun could not hide the surprise in her eyes. Besides, she even humiliated herself like this yesterday. What happened to her today? To win the game back, this was one of the reasons why Mo Xueqiong hesitated just now.

"Then hurry up, I'll wait for you." Mo Xuemin secretly hated her, but she still had to put on a bright smile and said gently.

Mo Xuetong looked on with cold eyes. She had already seen clearly that Mo Xuemin really wanted to harm her. She was afraid that Mo Xueqiong would do something bad, so she tried every means to prevent her from following along. Then she would not be able to do as she wished!

The three of them had their own thoughts, but what they showed was the deep love between sisters, and they seemed to be in a happy mood.

A few people moved fairly quickly, and within two cups of tea, the three of them got on the carriage again.

The driver raised his whip and drove his horse forward! The three people in the carriage probably had their own thoughts, so they didn't speak. The air in the carriage felt dull for a while.

Mo Xuemin was a little absent-minded and looked out the window from time to time. Mo Xuetong on the other side was also very uneasy. She picked up the small round mirror on the side and looked at it again and again. Mo Xuetong saw it and a faint smile appeared on her lips. .

Not long after leaving, Mo Xuemin looked out the window and suddenly asked to stop the car.

"Two sisters, I also made an appointment with a few other ladies, they are right in front. The two sisters go over first and we will be back in a moment." Mo Xuemin explained with a smile, pointing to a carriage parked on the roadside.

The curtains of the carriages were half lifted, revealing a beautiful face. Mo Xueqiong opened her eyes and found that she was not familiar with that person, so she nodded. Of course Mo Xuetong should also claim that he was! A cold smile flashed in his eyes. Mo Xuemin really couldn't sit still and used this to escape. If Mo Xueqiong didn't come today, she would be the only one left.

Mo Xuemin took Mo Xiu out of the carriage, the coachman raised his whip again, and they parted ways.

Mo Xueqiong and Mo Xuetong didn't deal with each other in the first place. Now that they were the only two girls left in the carriage, there was no need to pretend to be sisters. They simply snorted coldly, stepped aside, raised the curtains, and pretended to watch. The scenery outside, the sleeve of her right hand was slightly raised when no one was paying attention, an invisible dust dispersed, and a strong fragrance mixed with the fragrant breath of her body spread out...

After stunning this bitch, he took off her coat and threw her anywhere in Merlin to see who else this little bitch could marry!

She was thinking so proudly that she didn't notice the sudden coldness on Mo Xuetong's face across from her. Mo Ye moved his hand and wanted to do it. Mo Xuetong held it with his backhand and moved it carefully towards the window. There was wind here. , can blow away the drug in the air, Mo Xueqiong is so vicious, he has no life-or-death grudge against her, but she just had a slight quarrel, and she actually committed such a vicious attack.

If she hadn't done a little research on drugs now, she would definitely have said it now.

The two of them had their own thoughts here. Before they could think of the next step, the car suddenly made a cracking sound, and the people in the car rushed forward involuntarily. Mo Ye reacted quickly and grabbed Mo Xuetong to prevent him from being hit. On the other side, Mo Xueqiong and her maid both fell down and rolled over, their hair buns and clothes all in disarray.

"You two ladies, please get out of the car. The car is broken down." The anxious voice of the coachman came from outside the door.

car broke down! Mo Xueqiong was anxious first, and hurriedly climbed out of the car, not caring about the messy hairpin ring. She knew her own affairs, and the drug in the car would be difficult to disperse if it was not dispersed by the wind blowing in her face. The longer she stayed in there, the more things would happen, and the drug was spiked, so how could she dare to stay in there anymore.

On the other side, Mo Xuetong put on her curtain hat and helped Mo Ye Yingying get out of the car.

As expected, the car was broken down. A stone chipped the front wheel, making it not only bumpy but also motionless.

Looking around, I saw that this place had left the city and was on the official road. There were no other carriages in front of or on the left or right.

"Mo Xuetong, you are such an unlucky person. Something could happen to you wherever you go. If I had known that I was going with my eldest sister just now, I would have saved myself from having to ride on your bad luck." Mo Xueqiong glared at Mo Xuetong with a dark face. , unleashed all the evil fire on Mo Xuetong.

How could she calm down when she thought about the possibility of missing Sima Lingyun

"Pah..." A loud slap interrupted Mo Xueqiong's complaint.

"Mo Xuetong, you bitch, how dare you hit me..." Mo Xuetong touched her sore and swollen face and looked at Mo Xuetong in disbelief.

"Pah..." Another slap in the face made Mo Xueqiong's words stuck in her mouth.

"Mo Xueqiong, these two slaps are still light. Are you using drugs to harm me? I didn't expect you to be so vicious at a young age. I will let my father come to judge and see if he believes you or me." Mo Xueqiong. Xue Tong raised her eyes coldly, and the coldness in those deep eyes made Mo Xueqiong's whole body shiver.

How dare she try to reason with Mo Huawen!

"Think about whether what you, an unloved concubine, says is more effective than what I, a legitimate daughter, say. I have been away from my father for a while. Do you think you can trample on me at will? If you dare to talk nonsense today, see if I am not useless here. I'll kill you." Mo Xuetong said gloomily.

"You dare, my father won't let you go if he finds out." Mo Xueqiong felt bad, especially when she saw her maid and coachman lying on the side, only to realize that there were actually other masters and servants here besides Mo Xuetong. Without any outsiders, when did that maid develop martial arts skills? She knocked two people unconscious in just one encounter.

The carriage stopped at the end of a section of the official road. There was a forest on the side. Although it was winter and there were no leaves, you still couldn't see what was happening here clearly from a distance unless you got close. But it was a pity. I don't know why. Not even a human figure.

At this time, Mo Xueqiong also knew that she was scared. She covered her face with tears and softened and cried: "Third sister, I am not really targeting you. In fact, the eldest sister said that you want to steal the crown prince of Zhenguo, and that you and him are two I don’t know…”

"Oh, so the fourth sister knows that the eldest sister wants to harm me today?" Mo Xuetong asked softly, reaching out her hand as if to touch Mo Xueqiong's face. Mo Xueqiong was so frightened that she took two steps back and said anxiously: "I don't know. I only know that eldest sister and you are going to play with the prince! Third sister, I really don’t know anything."

"Have the eldest sister made an appointment with the prince? It doesn't mean that the eldest sister has nothing to do with the prince. The eldest sister has not been out of the house in the past few days. When did she contact the prince in private?" Mo Xuetong stopped her hand in mid-air and said coldly. , "Is it a letter sent by the fourth sister's gang? Otherwise, why would the eldest sister contact the prince!"

"Third Sister, I really haven't contacted the Crown Prince. The Crown Prince is not familiar with me. When the Crown Prince came here in the past, he used to visit the eldest sister and only met me once. How could I possibly be able to talk to the Crown Prince in private." Mo Xueqiong's expression suddenly changed as she spoke, and she said angrily: "It's her, she's having an affair with the prince, it turns out it's her!"

Because of jealousy, Mo Xueqiong's face was ferocious. She suddenly realized that Sima Lingyun had been treating her badly before, but after the incident at Baoen Temple, Sima Lingyun actually sent someone to tell her in private that she was the one he liked. , I was the one I wanted to marry, but now that I thought about it, I realized that this was clearly to relieve Mo Xuemin's pressure, make people doubt herself, and free Mo Xuemin.

I was so happy that I listened to Mo Xuemin's explanation and settled the differences with her! They secretly made an agreement to deal with Mo Xuetong together.

For a moment, his face became hideous with hatred.

"Fourth sister, look, I don't know if the car coming over there is from the Zhenguo Hou Mansion. It seems that our good eldest sister is plotting against us again." Mo Xuetong opened his eyes and made a gesture to Mo Ye. With a wink, he said calmly.

Mo Ye walked up to the maid and the coachman, stretched out his hand and patted each of them on the back of the head, and then the two of them faintly woke up.

Mo Ye acted quickly, and both of them felt they were just dizzy. The coachman shook his head and crawled under the car to check the wheels again. The maid hurriedly came over to support Mo Xueqiong, who was in a mess.

"Fourth sister, do you want to enter the Zhenguo Marquis' Mansion before the eldest sister?" Mo Xuetong's bright watery eyes froze as she looked at the carriage that was slowly driving over. As expected, the large carriage had the mark of the Zhenguo Marquis' Mansion on it. Through the half-open window, Sima Lingyun's face could be faintly seen.

"I listen to you!" Mo Xueqiong said through gritted teeth, her eyes turning from Mo Ye who was approaching to the carriage. She had no choice at this moment!

With such a skilled maid beside Mo Xuetong, she was far from her opponent. Especially from the angle of standing, she could see Mo Ye's sharp eyes, staring at her closely. If she If something went wrong, he might be killed. She once again confirmed that the Mo Xuetong in front of her was no longer the Mo Xuetong who was bullied by her in the past.

The carriage came over slowly, and Sima Lingyun got out of the carriage with a smile. His large green robe made his elegance more elegant. The robe was pulled straight without any creases, and his face was full of smiles. With a gentle smile and the sunlight falling on his face, he looked bright and handsome.

"You two ladies, where are you going? Why are you parking here?"

His eyes fell on Mo Xuetong's face wearing a curtain. Although he could vaguely see that beautiful smiling face through the veil, he couldn't help but feel itchy. As for Mo Xueqiong, whose clothes were in messy clothes, he was attracted by him. Outright disregard.

That kind of smile, that kind of grace, coupled with the gentle attitude, she was trapped in this way in the previous life, thinking that his smile was because of her, but unexpectedly, he would smile like this to anyone, no one Because she is more, not because she is sincere.

But she was so crazy that she believed that he was her lover, and that's how she ended up.

A hint of cold red flashed through her bright water eyes, but a smile appeared on her face in an instant: "We are going to Merlin, but the wheel is broken and we can't go!"

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"Do you want to go to the Plum Forest to see the plum blossoms? We happen to be on the same road. If you two ladies don't mind, you can take my car first." Sima Lingyun asked gently. Just by looking at his appearance, he could easily impress the woman, so he just looked aside. Mo Xueqiong, who shyly lowered her head and twisted her handkerchief, knew it.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. Sister's carriage will pass by soon, so we'd better wait first." Mo Xuetong said calmly.

"Third sister, the eldest sister doesn't know when she will come. There are not many vehicles on the road, so why not take the Crown Prince's carriage?" Mo Xueqiong couldn't help but say.

Only then did Sima Lingyun turn his attention to her, frowning secretly, with messy hair and rumpled clothes. Standing next to the charming Mo Xuetong, Mo Xueqiong was even more inconspicuous than usual, let alone a lady from a wealthy family. Being like this, still acting that shy look, it makes me feel uncomfortable no matter how I look at it.

"What the fourth lady said is that the eldest lady's car will pass by at some time, so the two ladies should get in my car first. It would be just right to wait for the eldest lady at the roadside while admiring the plum blossoms." Sima Lingyun answered Mo Xue Qiong was looking at Mo Xuetong. His goal today was Mo Xuetong. Mo Xueqiong, who had always been brainless, didn't care at all about this extra thing.

I just thought about the extra trouble, and I would think of some way to get rid of it from afar. (To be continued)