Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 8: The conspiracy of Che Linjing appears


Mo Xuetong set out early the next morning.

The carriage had been waiting outside for a long time. Afraid that Mo Xuetong would be uncomfortable, Mrs. Luo of the Fuguo Mansion specially sent her own carriage that was convenient for traveling. There was a soft couch in the carriage, which was covered with thick carpets. There was a leather mattress, a few cushions on the side, a desk, and a small bookcase on one side by the window with a few leisure books in it.

Yuncheng is not too far from the capital, but it is not too close either. Mo Xuetong and his party were on the road for half a month before they arrived in the capital, because Grandma Li was so severely suppressed by Mo Xuetong in Yuncheng, and then she After learning the lesson, he no longer dared to cause trouble on purpose. Even though he was in charge of Yao Ezi, he was very respectful to Mo Xuetong on the surface. He took the initiative to ask Mo Xuetong for advice on anything, and did not dare to disobey him at all, as if he was sincerely convinced.

So the journey went smoothly.

That day, when she saw the capital from a distance, Grandma Li stopped the car, got out of the car and came to Mo Xuetong's car. She smiled and replied: "Miss, you are feeling well. Do you want to take a rest? It's still early. Let's just pack up our clothes and make up, and don't go back home in disgrace and lose our status as a young lady."

"Miss, this morning one of Grandma Li's little maids hurried back alone early in the morning. She said she wanted to go home to see my mother first, and then go back to the house." Before Mo Xuetong could speak, Mo Lan was there. Mo Xuetong reminded her gently in her ear.

Mo Xuetong knew what was going on, she closed her eyes and nodded, then said gently out the car window: "Mommy, I'm busy, let's all take a rest together."

"Miss, what did Grandma Li send that little maid to do? Why did she still listen to her and stop to rest? What if she found a way to report it to Aunt Fang, and Aunt Fang gave her a blow? We still have to do it. Go back quickly and catch them off guard before they are ready." Mo He opened the car curtain and stuck his head out. He saw all the maids and women in the two cars behind got out of the car, and he couldn't help but become worried. , put down the car curtain in his hand and said anxiously.

"Why are you in a hurry? If you want to prepare, you have already prepared it." Mo Xuetong slowly opened her eyes, sat up straight, and smiled. In order to take care of her body along the way, they did not move quickly. After half a month, After recuperating, her face was not so haggard. She smiled slightly, her skin was like snow, and her watery eyes were hazy and misty, which made people feel tender and pitiful.

Why didn't she know the power given to her by Aunt Fang and Mo Xuemin? In her last life, she was at the gate of the city. Her reputation was ruined and she became an arrogant girl who was hated by everyone.

Therefore, during the more than half a year since Mo Xuetong returned to the capital, no one from the aristocratic families in the capital had made friends with her, and her marriage had been postponed again and again.

If it hadn't been for the trap set by Aunt Fang and her daughter at the city gate, I wouldn't have been excluded from the circle by the ladies of the aristocratic families just after arriving in the capital, and Aunt Fang would not have been so unscrupulous in her design. Thinking of this, Mo Mo Xue Tong's hands at the bottom of her sleeves clenched unconsciously, her face turned pale, and her eyes became sharp.

"Miss..." Mo Lan sensed her mood swings and reached out to support her worriedly.

Taking a deep breath, Mo Xuetong's face softened, she put down her clenched hands, took the hot tea handed over by Mo He, took a sip, and then said calmly: "Mo Lan, get out of the car too. Let’s freshen up and take a look to see if there is an extra carriage behind us?”

Their convoy only had three carriages. After the three carriages in the previous life, there was inexplicably an extra carriage, a carriage similar to Mo Mansion's carriage, and the farce at the gate of the city was all because of the groom driving the carriage. It was caused intentionally, so you can imagine who arranged it here!

She looked up at the car curtain raised by Mo He, with a cold light in her eyes. If she took a wrong approach, this time she would definitely let Mo Xuemin get hurt with one move.

Mo Lan got out of the car and came back for a while. After getting in the car and lowering the curtain, she lowered her voice nervously and said: "Miss, there is really an extra car behind the third car. Our car stopped, and that car We also stopped, and no one got out of the car. There was only a strong man driving the car. The car was the same style as ours. He found an old woman to go up and check it out. The handlebar type was very aggressive in driving people away."

"How could it be? Didn't the government send two cars to pick up the young lady?" Mo He, who had always been careless, also felt that something was wrong. He looked uneasy and wanted to lift the car curtain and look out, but Mo Xuetong reached out to hold her back.

"Miss, we have rested for a while and can start our journey. We are rushing into the city at this time. We are just in time for lunch when we return home. Everyone has worked very hard. We have a good meal at noon and can rest for a while in the afternoon. The master is also there at that time. Home, I must be happy to see the young lady arriving at this time." Before Mo Xuetong could speak, Grandma Li's laughter came from outside.

Mo Xuetong winked at Mo Lan and said one word silently: "Hold on!"

"Mama Li has taken the trouble, but we have to wait a moment. The lady is a little motion sick, so I'm afraid I have to rest for a while before we can set off." Mo Lan lifted the curtain and smiled apologetically at Mammy Li outside.

"But it's getting late!" Aunt Li looked at the sky in embarrassment, a trace of anxiety flashed between her eyebrows. The letter was sent in the morning. When she saw the carriage suddenly appearing behind her, she knew that her aunt had arranged everything. , waiting for the third young lady to get into it, if I wait any longer at this time, I'm afraid my aunt's affairs will be ruined.

"What do you mean, I don't care about the young lady, but I must go to the city now?" Mo Lan's face suddenly turned cold.

The master wanted to rest when he was sick, but the slave refused to let him. This statement did not make sense. Nanny Li was choked and blinked her eyes and was speechless for a moment. She really didn't dare to say such a thing. Seeing that it was still early, even if it was a little bit close, it shouldn't be a big deal, so she simply agreed. If something happened to the sick and weak person in the car on the road, she couldn't afford it.

After Nanny Li retreated, Mo Xuetong gently asked: "Mo Lan, you and Nanny Shen go to the roadside to see if there are any other carriages and horses passing by. If so, we will ride behind others and go in together." city."

As expected by Mo Xuetong, Mo Lan couldn't hide her joy and got on the carriage and told Mo Xuetong: "Miss, there is really a carriage coming. It's very long. It looks like there is one." Rich family, should we follow them into the city?”

"What did Aunt Shen say?" Mo Xuetong glanced at her and asked.

"Nanny Shen said that she couldn't tell who was driving the car. There was no sign on the car, but it must be from a powerful family in Beijing. She also said that you should be careful. The carriage following behind her reflected the name of our Mo Mansion. The imprint seems to be someone sent by the government to pick up the young lady, but Grandma Li didn't mention it." Mo Lan said carefully.

Mo Xuetong opened a corner of the car curtain and saw a gorgeous carriage passing by her car. It was a pure white horse without a trace of hair. It could be seen from the slightest lift of its legs that it was one of a kind. Good horse, the wind blew the gauze curtains, and no one could be seen between the rising and falling. Such a large carriage must have a brocade couch inside, so it was normal not to see it. The corner of my eye glanced at a faint mark on the curtains. His eyes suddenly shrank, and the hand holding the tea cup trembled.

As expected, she was from the royal family, and only the royal family could afford the dragon mark, but now it was what she needed most.

"Miss, what should we do now?" Mo Lan asked from the side.

Lowering her eyes, her long eyelashes flickered twice, she raised her eyes again, her eyes were cold and calm, giving people a sense of peace: "Mo Lan, you use this to ask the car owner, just say that someone is trying to frame me. I would like to ask the owner of the car to testify for us with the peerless music score." She took out a name sticker from the Fuguogong Palace. This was what the old lady asked Aunt Shen to bring to her. She didn't expect to win, but she expected to lose. She will definitely To be invincible.

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"Yes." Mo Lan knew that the situation was urgent, so she took the name tag and hurriedly got out of the car.

Mo Xuetong then ordered Mo He: "Take Grandma Li to the side to chat for a while, and then tell her about the journey."

Mo He also got off the carriage, and the carriage officially started. In order to prevent accidents, Grandma Shen specially changed cars with Mo He. Grandma Shen got into Mo Xuetong's car and asked the coachman to wait for seven or eight large cars nearby. After the car passed by, I followed him slowly.

I saw the city gate of the capital from a distance, and the suspension bridge hanging on the moat was hanging peacefully on the other side. It was in the morning, and there were so many people entering and leaving the city. From time to time, I saw a few people riding Pegasus. A few servants ran past. They were a group of children from aristocratic families going to the countryside to play.

The most indispensable thing in the capital is the children of aristocratic families traveling around.

Mo Xuetong's carriage and horses followed closely behind the convoy in front and slowly entered the city along the flow of people. Grandma Li sat in the car behind and only paid attention to whether the last car was following her. She didn't notice her own car at all. The carriages and horses had been mixed with another team. Due to the large number of people entering the city, the convoy had lost its shape. It no longer followed one car after another. Mo Xuetong's carriages and horses quietly followed up. They were on the other side of that team. middle.

Aunt Shen got into the first car. Aunt Li suggested that she talk to a woman in the back about something, so she got into the third car. After entering the city gate, Aunt Li opened the window behind her and took the He took out a bright handkerchief and waved it at the back window. The coachman who had been following him immediately understood.

Pulling the reins hard, the horse felt pain, raised its hooves and stood upright. It yelled "咴流利" and rushed into the crowd before entering the gate of the city. Some people noticed the extraordinary nature of this team of horses and horses. The road gave way. It was the main road in the city. It was actually not narrow. As long as the galloping horses didn't plunge into the crowd, they wouldn't hit anyone.

But the carriage just happened to plunge into the crowd, and the crowd scattered on both sides. There were screams. Suddenly there was a scream, as if something heavy was missing, and then there was the sound of a scream: "We've hit someone and killed him." , hit someone to death!" The voice was a little old, as if he was an old man.

Sure enough, it came, Mo Xuetong's eyes became cold, and he sat down in the car!

The moans were accompanied by loud cries of pain, barely suppressing the noisy crowd around him! This voice is not quiet, and it really does not sound like the honest and responsible meaning in his words.

After the accident, the avenue immediately became crowded. There were so many people that even the gorgeous car in front was squeezed out of the way and stopped. (To be continued)