Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 82: Mo Xuemin's last move


This is the most noble eighth prince, His Highness Prince Xuan!

Mo Xuetong was slandering her heart, but she couldn't say it yet. She glared at Feng Juoran with a bit of resentment and grievance, secretly gritting her teeth to hold back her anger.

"Well, that's pretty much it." Feng Jueran was satisfied, especially when he saw the aggrieved and aggrieved look in those bright water eyes. A smile flashed in his eyes, and he picked up the tea cup in his hand and drank it with peace of mind. He said in one breath: "The king will give you a good reward today, let you watch the plum blossoms here, and remember it in the future. This king has one more favor for you."

"Yes!" Mo Xuetong was speechless, with veins twitching on her head. She suddenly turned her neck to the other side. Looking at Feng Juoran's proud and handsome face, she was afraid that she would not be able to control it. , took action directly.

He angrily turned to look at Merlin, not wanting to look at his flawless yet hateful face.

I didn't expect it to be different if I took a closer look.

Standing in the plum forest and looking at the plum blossoms is one thing, but standing here and looking at the plum blossoms is another flavor.

This location is indeed the best place to view plum blossoms. Looking over, you can see the plum blossoms hanging on the branches one after another. Some are in bud and ready to bloom, some are in full bloom, and some are half-hidden on the branches, holding them before they appear. Yes, there are scattered traces of snow on the branches of plum blossoms. Not only do they not make people look decayed, but they also reflect the feeling that the plum blossoms have the fragrance of plum blossoms in the snow for no reason.

Scattered people appear in the plum forest from time to time, either in groups of three or five, or in groups of four or six, standing leisurely among the trees. Their colorful clothes and brocade robes embellish the plum forest with bright colors, making this plum forest more beautiful. It has become more vivid and full of vitality, which cannot be seen in Merlin.

You don’t know the true face of Merlin, just because you are in this forest!

Such plum blossoms and pride are also a bit charming, like a girl as white as snow. She should have flown straight to the nine heavens, but accidentally fell into the mortal world and stopped in a piece of equally clean white snow. Her face is as beautiful as a flower, and she is absolutely beautiful. Unparalleled beauty.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Feng Juoran asked lightly from behind, and Mo Xuetong inexplicably felt the sadness in the words.

"It's really beautiful." No longer fighting with him, looking at this beautiful scenery, many of the emotions in my heart faded away, and I just felt that this plum forest seemed to be the most real existence in this world.

"But what about beauty? The most beautiful residence of Prince Jin in the past is no longer there, but this plum forest is still intact. Just like people, people are no longer there, so what's the use of thinking about the past." The tone was thick. Ridicule and ridicule, the whole person's aura actually became cold and gloomy.

"Your Highness is wrong. Even if the person is not here, thinking about it in his heart, it is just like being reborn in someone else's heart. If that person knows about it, he will definitely be happy, just like this Merlin. The one who loved this Merlin the most was said to be Princess Jin. , although she is no longer here, as long as this piece of plum forest is mentioned, everyone will imagine that there was once such a peerless beauty, walking among the flowers. Isn't this a different kind of eternal life?" Mo Xuetong turned back and looked at the moment. The cold and sinister Feng Jueran said quietly.

"It's better not to have such eternal life..." Feng Juoran leaned back and fell down on the couch. Looking from Mo Xuetong's position, he couldn't see his facial expression clearly. He looked at his handsome profile without any flaws, but Mo Xuetong just felt that Feng Juoran looked lonely and lonely at this time.

What is he referring to? Does he mean his mother-in-law? It is said that the woman was once Emperor Zongwen's favorite woman, and just like him, he is now Emperor Zongwen's most beloved son. Is there anything he is dissatisfied with

"This kind of eternal life is also eternal life, even more eternal than the passing of life. A person will slowly grow old and decline, but the eternal life in his heart will always be that happy. As long as the person who misses her does not die, she will As long as you live forever, your highness, can you think that such eternal life is not eternal life?" Mo Xuetong suddenly didn't want to see Feng Juoran like this, Prince Xuan, shouldn't he be so glorious, shouldn't he be a dragon? Flying for nine days

Feng Juoran was slightly startled and turned his head to look at her intently. Mo Xuetong, who was staring straight at her, became uneasy. She didn't know whether she had said the wrong thing or whether she was not welcomed by His Highness Prince Xuan? Is the calm and gloomy Feng Juoran in front of me really the arrogant and arrogant His Highness Prince Xuan

"Why are you comforting me all of a sudden? Does this king look sad?" Feng Juoran suddenly smiled evilly, his handsome eyebrows raised high, and there was a hint of a smile teasing her on the corner of his lips. The coldness between his eyebrows had long since disappeared with the wind. , where the gloomy feeling just now is no longer present, it is clearly a youthful mentality.

"I don't dare, I'm just discussing the matter." Mo Xuetong replied cautiously. Such a Prince Xuan is very glamorous, and of course he is also dangerous. He couldn't help but laugh in his heart. How could this Prince Xuan be in a bad mood? The half-curved smile on his lips clearly still looked like the sinister and cunning Eighth Prince.

"Okay, then you can discuss the matter here. I have left beforehand. I will reward you with all the fruit bowls and other things here. Remember, you have been rewarded by me again. This kindness is even more important." Feng Jue Ran suddenly stood up, straightened the sleeves of his robe, and walked out. However, when he passed by Mo Xuetong, he looked at Mo Xuetong who had already stood up and bowed respectfully.

Leng Ran said: "Mo Xuetong, if you have nothing to do, stop messing around with that guy from the Sima family. Even if you can't really become a lady, you have to pretend to be for me. Come to watch the plum blossoms with a man, it's no brainer! Don't let it happen next time If I find myself flirting with other men again, otherwise I will never let you go easily."

After saying that, he took a step forward with Feng Yue, and walked down the rockery without looking back. Under Mo Xuetong's stunned eyes, he entered the old residence of Prince Jin's Mansion, and then... nothing more, disappeared. !

What's the meaning? After Mo Xuetong was stunned, she became furious!

What does it mean to pretend to be a lady, what does it mean to flirt with other men, and what does it mean that he will never take mercy on you, even if he is flirting with other people, it has nothing to do with him! Ah, bah! What's more, where did she come from to talk about pulling and pulling with other men? Does Feng Jueran know what she is talking about? If this word gets out, will she still be a human being

Even though no one is hearing it now, it sounds so irritating!

This person is really not an ordinary nuisance!

Bringing people here, but throwing them here, neither up nor down, there is no room for reasoning. In broad daylight, she can't expose Mo Ye's martial arts skills. Fortunately, Mo Xuetong has always believed that there is no unstoppable path for people. , took Mo Ye down from the rockery, walked around the wall for most of the way, and then discovered that there was a small door at the corner, half sideways, actually a little slanted, with a big lock on the door.

Mo Ye went up and broke the door lock.

Walking back to the plum forest along the wall, Mo Xuetong walked towards the edge of the forest. Calculating the time, if Mo Xuemin's last move was taken, Mo Xueqiong and Sima Lingyun should have been discovered by now. She was in the pavilion just now. He also turned around and looked at the place. The carriage was no longer there. If something disgraceful really happened, Sima Lingyun would naturally have no shame in staying any longer.

Two ladies passed by, talking quietly, and making mocking sounds from time to time...

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"It was really the Prince of Zhenguo and a young lady from the Mo family who were in the car just now?"

"Of course it's true. Two people hugging each other, it's really... I usually see Prince Zhenguo as a gentle man. How come something like this happened today..."

"It's immoral, it's really immoral! I wonder if it's that young lady from the Mo family?"

"There is someone else, and it will definitely not be the eldest lady of the Mo family. I heard that the eldest lady was so shocked that she fainted on the spot when she saw that scene."

"This eldest lady is the only one in the Mo family who is more decent. She must be talented and good-looking. The others are really hard to say."

... ... .

"Miss..." Mo Ye is now devoted to Mo Xuetong, and his face turned pale after hearing these words. What he heard was all about Sima Lingyun and Miss Mo's family, but just now the miss was following Sima The Crown Prince came here together. Although she was sure that it was Mo Xueqiong who was hanging around with Crown Prince Sima, others didn't know. This was a double-edged statement, and only Mo Xuemin was left out.

As expected, Mo Xuemin was not someone to be snooped on. Even at this point, she still had a back-up plan, trying to turn a deer into a horse!

It was all in vain to confuse others and make people think that it was him who was hanging out with Sima Lingyun in the car, leaving him unable to defend himself!

"Madam, can you ask me what happened to the Mo family?" Mo Xuetong stretched out her hand to stop Mo Yu's words, and walked hurriedly towards the madam who had been chatting enthusiastically for two days. Because she was walking in a hurry, she staggered and almost stumbled. When he fell, he would have hit the lady in front of him if Mo Yu hadn't been quick to help him with his eyes and hands.

"Who are you?" Walking in front was a woman of about thirty years old, wearing a bright red brocade skirt, with thick eyebrows. She had a noble demeanor when talking and laughing. Although she was talking about other people's private matters, she did not let go. He spoke in a low voice, as casually as if he was talking about the weather, followed by four maids behind him.

"I am the third daughter of the Mo family. What happened to someone in our family just now?" Mo Xuetong was supported there by Mo Yu. Her face was as pale as snow, but she still bowed respectfully, but her body was uncontrollable. Shivering slightly, her bright and clear eyes held a bit of fragile pleading, and she bit her lip lightly, looking nervous and pleasant!

"Miss Mo San, are you the Miss Mo San who just came to the capital?" Madam in red looked Mo Xuetong up and down, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes. Wasn't it said that this Miss Mo San was rude and arrogant? Would it be disrespectful for a woman to remain calm and salute under such circumstances

"Madam, it's me, could you please tell me what happened just now?" Mo Xuetong asked anxiously, as if he didn't hear the other meaning of the lady in red's words.

His smart watery eyes were covered with a light mist, and he was a bit anxious and nervous. Although he was eager to know this, he didn't even care if others said rude words.

The lady in red obviously also noticed the rudeness in her words, and seeing that she didn't care about it, she asked what happened instead. A hint of appreciation flashed in her eyes, she nodded and said with a smile: "Is your fourth lady talking to the Marquis of Zhenguo today? Did Prince Sima of the mansion come to enjoy the plum blossoms together? It wasn't very nice just now. The two of them didn't get out of the car to enjoy the plum blossoms, but hugged each other. I'm afraid this might have caused trouble in your house. Third Miss, you'd better go and have a look. .”

Although the lady in red was asking, she had no intention of letting her answer. Her words were very refreshing and implicit. Although she was very direct, it only made people think that she was a cheerful person. Mo Xuetong was confused. The beautiful eyes with tears fell on her wrist through the misty water.

Wearing a phoenix bracelet on her white wrist, the jade bracelet lined with the phoenix head becomes more and more emerald green when she lifts it up. Her eyes calmly fall on the four big maids behind her. These four maids are all long and beautiful. , their expressions were a bit sharper than those of ordinary maids. Although they lowered their heads from time to time, just like ordinary maids, when they looked up, they did not have the weakness of maids at all. (To be continued)