Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 91: The fire started in Yexuan Palace and the plan was launched


"Your Highness, your guess is correct. The Prime Minister of Jingzhao Mansion is indeed a member of King Yan. He has been vigorously promoting His Highness's affairs in the past two days. The rumors about the Emperor were also passed down by King Yan. Of course, King Yan also had something to do with it. There are quite a lot of people. Some of the Emperor's Jingwu Guards are from King Yan. The deputy commander has only been in office for a year. On the surface, it seems that he has nothing to do with King Yan. However, upon closer inspection, he discovered that the deputy commander My mother and King Yan’s wet nurse are sisters.” Steward Wang respectfully stepped forward and reported the situation.

"The deputy commander of the Jinwu Guard is a good position, a fifth-grade sword-carrying guard..." The lazy voice sounded like a sigh or a smile, became softer, and suddenly raised his voice and asked: "Let Qin Mingduo... If you perform well enough, if you have the opportunity to help him accumulate military merit, let him join the Jinwu Guard, find out the deputy commander for me, and present everything to me in detail, you can just pick the important ones and show them to me."

"Yes, the slaves must be carefully selected. Your Highness is the emperor. The officials around you have been mobilized very hard these days. The Xie family and the Yu family, who have been in remote places, have all been transferred over. It is said that the Yu family also sent a beauty to the Minister of Justice. She is very fond of her and is very close to the Yu family. There is nothing unusual about the Xie family. After arriving in Beijing, she only associates with the best families. It is not like the Yu family, where people from the east family come in and people from the west family come out." Butler Wang reported again. .

"Don't worry about this matter. Does that beauty have any immediate relatives that you care about? Let me remind you!" He nodded lazily, scratched the case files on the table with his fingers, and said pointedly.

"Yes!" Steward Wang responded with a heartfelt voice and retreated.

Shen Kun, who was behind him, walked up and bowed before replying: "Your Highness, as you expected, the post of Zuodu Censor may be Qin Zheng. The Emperor issued a decree yesterday to reward Qin Zheng for his fairness and integrity. I also specially rewarded him with the word 'positive'. The one from the Ling family who was supported by the Queen was afraid that there would be no chance of it, so they offered a discount. After the emperor picked it up and looked at it, he sneered and threw it aside without saying anything."

"The queen stretched her hand too far, and the father was naturally not happy. The Ling family is one of the four founding princes, and they are descendants of the country. How can they still control the opinions in the court? It is rare for the queen and the family to After the affairs of the country, you still remembered to comfort me, and sent people to bring gifts to comfort me. I will give you a generous gift tomorrow, saying that I am banned and cannot go out. When the emperor releases me, I will go to the palace to express my gratitude in person. The Queen."

Feng Juoran nodded. The moonlight shone in from the window and shone on his unparalleledly handsome face. The face seemed to glow, especially those obsidian-like eyes, which were deep and bright, exuding a seductive and arrogant aura. The slightly raised smile contained the aura of a king who was proud of everything.

After the official conversation was over, Feng Juoran waved for them to go down, but when they walked out, he suddenly said: "Wang Fu, move my Jinwei Pavilion here."

"Your Highness..." Butler Wang was stunned for a moment, stopped, and turned back in confusion, how to move this yard!

"I just said that I can't sleep well at night, so I have to sleep in a high-rise building." Feng Jueran waved his hand to stop him, and suddenly raised his voice and said, "It's nice here. I like it. The ground floor has been renovated for me. , build a stage outside, so next time if I want to watch singing and dancing, I don’t have to go out anymore, and my father will not always scold me for not living up to expectations.”

Feng Juoran had a smile on his face, a bit lazy, and a bit arrogant. He didn't seem to be giving orders to his subordinates, but more like he was venting his dissatisfaction with Emperor Zongwen. The wind blew by the window, and his black hair The silk was flying in the wind, blowing across his handsome cheeks, and his bottomless eyes glowed with amber-like luster.

"Yes, Your Highness, do you want to recruit some more female musicians into the palace?" Butler Wang is a smart man. He glanced at the dark night outside and said diligently, Feng Yue and Shen Kun around him are both capable, full screen He was so focused that he didn't make a sound.

"Forget it, the female musicians in the palace are enough now, let's do this for now. My father is angry with me right now, so I won't provoke him anymore, and I won't have to call me to teach him a lesson tomorrow. It's great to enjoy the fire view in this building, but I'm really bored. The scenery here is great. I'll sleep here today, so you can go down." Feng Juoran said impatiently.

It’s okay to watch someone else’s fire, but he’s so excited to watch it, and he actually plans to watch the fun here! In order to watch the fire, the lights were put out, which showed how bored His Highness Prince Xuan was. The figure lurking in the dark looked at the palace steward who respectfully exited from inside, and after thinking about it, his figure flashed, and from Standing tall on a big tree next to the building, it flashed past and disappeared.

"Your Highness, he belongs to the King of Chu. He has left now. I am afraid that the King of Chu is worried about Your Highness." Feng Yue and Shen Kun did not go out. When the sound of the wind dissipated, Feng Yue lowered his voice and replied.

"Okay, you guys can go down too. I will rest here today. Tomorrow, just ask Wang Fu to move all my belongings here. Since they want to see me playing with things and getting frustrated, then let's watch!" Feng Jueran closed the door. Eyes, said lightly.

Feng Yue and Shen Kun agreed, but did not step back. This time they entered the inner room, opened a secret door and left.

The building became quiet, and only the handsome and almost demonic Feng Juran was left lying on the golden silk pillow in the high building. Because he had not pulled up his hair indoors, his long black hair was scattered randomly on the thick satin. With his eyes closed, his face was calm and peaceful. The moonlight shone on his side. It was different from the usual evil and romantic, but there was a coldness that was breathtaking. Apart from the dull laziness, it was the same as usual. It was hard to believe that this person seemed to have a cold air. The indifferent beautiful boy is the charming and arrogant Feng Juoran who didn't know the heights of the world.

Some people are always more than what they see on the surface, even the eyes can sometimes deceive you...

In the Fuqing Garden of Mo Mansion:

Mo Xuemin's face was green and black, and her usual gentleness was almost ferocious reflected by the green and black face.

There were a few strands of her hair that were burnt, half draped on her cheeks and she had no time to deal with it. She put her fingers on the table and twisted the handkerchief tightly. She shivered almost convulsively from time to time. Her teeth were clenched and she was furious. Her eyes were cold and vicious.

She was unwilling to do so, how could she be willing to become Sima Lingyun's concubine.

"Miss..." Mo Xiu trembled on the side, trying to persuade her.

"Shut up!" The flesh on Mo Xuemin's face twitched, and she glared over fiercely, as if she had just realized that there were other people in the room.

He reached out and grabbed the beautiful white jade porcelain arc on the side, and threw it towards Mo Xiu.

Mo Xiu had no time to dodge, and was hit by the impact. She stumbled backwards, tripped on the threshold, and fell to the door. The fine porcelain beauty arc fell on her body, shattering on the ground, with several fragments stuck in it. Blood suddenly appeared on her body from her arms and the hem of her skirt. Seeing Mo Xuemin's current state, Mo Xiu dared not say anything. She reluctantly stood up and knelt down, her body trembling into a ball. She didn't know whether it was pain or fear.

"Go and tell Sima Lingyun that if he doesn't allow me the position of the main wife, I will publicize what happened today." Min Xuemin gritted her teeth tightly together and said word by word. His sporadic and messy hair, his green and black ferocious face was as cold as a ghost, and his eyes were filled with anger.

Mo Xiu didn't dare to say anything more. He got up in a panic. His beautiful face was full of fear. Because of the panic, he got up and fell down again. Several pieces of broken porcelain were stuck on his feet and legs. He didn't care to breathe. Painful, I held on to the wall, endured the pain, and walked towards the old lady's yard.

Such a scene reminded her of the scene when the eldest lady came back from the palace that day. She was also so ferocious and terrifying. Mo Jin, who followed him, died in such a situation. Mo Jin was even more loyal to the eldest lady than she was. However, Mo Xiu absolutely did not believe that Mo Jin would do anything on his own initiative, and end up trapping the young lady into injustice.

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No one mentioned this knowledge about Mo Xiu, but he always kept it in his heart!

"Fourth Miss, the matter between the eldest lady and Sima Crown Prince is real. Now everyone is discussing the marriage between the eldest lady and the crown prince. No one has mentioned your matter at all. Everyone in the house guesses that the eldest lady is going to marry the crown prince. Yes, Madam Zhen Guohou came here just now and is talking to the old lady in the mansion. Apart from the people brought by the old lady, only Miss Yan's people can enter the courtyard. I don't know what the situation is like inside." Mo. Mo Yan, who was beside Xue Qiong, wiped her sweat and went inside to report to Mo Xue Qiong.

"Bang" Mo Xueqiong smashed a tea cup on the spot, jumped up angrily, pointed in the direction of Fu Qingyuan and cursed: "We are all concubines, why should she marry Sima Lingyun as the eldest son's wife? But I could only be a concubine, and even said that it was for my own good, so I wanted to squeeze Mo Xuetong out. In the end, the position of the Crown Prince's wife was not mine, but it turned out that she was lying to me. Bitch, really a bitch. "

Mo Xueqiong was extremely angry, her eyebrows twisted into a straight line, how could she not hate him.

The same concubine, how could she become the crown prince's wife because of her intimate relationship with Sima Lingyun? Didn't she and Sima Lingyun reach this stage

He was filled with hatred in his heart, his face turned red, and he slapped his hand hard on the table!

Mo Xuemin, if you want to overpower me and become the crown prince’s wife, don’t even think about it!

There was a big commotion in the mansion tonight. The masters of each courtyard became more angry than the other. The old lady also knocked over a blue porcelain tea cup with fine porcelain flowers.

"Old lady, don't be upset. If we really discuss this matter, Zhenguo Hou Mansion is really not at fault. Prince Sima must have done this to save people. If we must hold them responsible, we must It is really difficult to make the eldest lady the wife of the Crown Prince. From now on, people outside the mansion will probably say that our Mo Mansion is ungrateful. Others saved us, but they still relied on us." Aunt Hua next to the old lady is a discerning person. When he saw the old lady knocking over the teacup angrily, he signaled to the maid next to him to be smarter, took the teacup away, and softly persuaded her.

"It's really not good if there is no wife in charge of the house. These girls have lost their etiquette and lost their reputation. They have also brought Yan'er's reputation down. They are really evil. One or two of them want to be someone's concubine. They are really taught by my aunt. , there is no way that it can be put on the table." The old lady took the newly brewed tea and took a sip angrily. She was burned violently and spit it out, coughing into a ball.

The maids and ladies were all in a panic. The one who handed him cold water opened his mouth, and the one who took a towel took a towel... After a while, the old lady came to her senses and looked at the other maids around her. He said: "They are all inconsiderate. Get down here. They are just here to annoy me."

No one dared to say anything, so Lala suddenly dodged away, leaving only Grandma Hua standing on the side to persuade and sort out the messed up tea sets. (To be continued)