Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 95: Xue Tong's thoughts of life and death are all gone


Everything was calculated, but she never imagined that that bitch would use the trick of pretending to be stunned, and cut off her plan at this important concern. Mo Xuemin knew that she would never be able to find such an opportunity again in the future. , Aunt Fang wanted to straighten her body, but with Mo Xuetong around, it would be extremely difficult. That bitch actually hurt herself in order to prevent her from straightening her body.

With hatred in his heart, he clenched his teeth tightly, his delicate lower lip was bitten and a bloodstain appeared, and his eyes were a vicious blood red.

She will never be soft-hearted again. Only when Mo Xuetong dies can Aunt Fang be able to straighten herself out and she can become the eldest daughter of the mansion. Her brother can also support the family of Mo Mansion as the legitimate son, as well as her mother's dowry. It will eventually fall on me. With these and this as a condition, it will not be a problem even if the queen grants a marriage...

But there is a premise for all of this. That bitch must die, and he must die in a miserable way to relieve his anger! Now she wanted to cut Mo Xuetong into pieces with a thousand knives. She turned towards Mo Xiu with cold eyes, a trace of cruelty flashed in her eyes.

Mo Xiu squatted on the side shivering and did not dare to say a word. He only collected the broken porcelain in his hand. Because of fear, his hand was scratched with blood, and he did not dare to speak. The air was dull and cold.

After a while, Mo Xuemin said coldly: "Let's go see my good sister together!"

In just a moment, Mo Xuemin had regained her composure. Only those who had been following her knew how angry and resentful she was now. Mo Xiu did not dare to say a word, threw the things in his hands aside, and followed Mo Xuemin walked out of the ancestral hall.

The sun is just right outside. The scorching winter sun shining on people should bring a warm atmosphere, but Mo Xiu feels that the sunshine shining on people is biting and cold. It makes people feel even chillier than inside. He peeks at the front The eldest lady, who was standing straight, had regained her calm and gentle look at this moment. Mo Xiu even saw a gentle smile appear in the corner of the eldest lady's eyes. She was gentle and gentle, just like the eldest lady, gentle and generous!

But this smile fell in Mo Xiu's eyes, causing her eyes to twitch unconsciously. The hands in her sleeves clung to each other unconsciously, and they clasped together to relieve the coldness in her hands and feet. She lowered her head, not Dare to look at Mo Xuemin again, and follow her step by step to Qingwei Garden.

In Qingwei Garden, the doctors are at a loss!

Mo Xuetong was not diagnosed with any disease. She only felt that her breath was weak and she seemed to be there. The doctors invited shook their heads and sighed, saying that they were incompetent. They carried the medicine box and left one by one. Mo Huawen He frowned anxiously and stayed there, no longer thinking about anything else. Mo Xuemin came over to pretend to be a gentle and generous sister, but he didn't have time to pay attention to it.

Mo Xuemin was in a good mood because of this.

Judging from the situation, this bitch is really sick, and is not deliberately hindering her plan as imagined. A trace of sinisterness flashed in her eyes. She would have died immediately if she couldn't wake up. She called her third sister by the bedside, pretending to be anxious. She shed a few tears and returned to her yard. If Mo Xuetong died, everything would be settled.

So Mo Xuemin stayed still for the time being and watched the changes.

She was just waiting to see what happened, but Mo Xuetong's world couldn't be quiet anymore!

Is she going to die

Walking in the dark passage, surrounded by endless ink, loneliness, terror, scenes rising from the ink horizon, the love of parents while mutely learning to speak, and the much younger Mo Hua in the swirling peach blossom forest. Wen Ban is surrounded by his mother who is as charming as jade. Is it him who is catching butterflies with the maid over there

The childish face is full of happiness!

The next scene was when her mother died. She was standing outside her mother's house, looking at her father who was rushing over in a hurry. She stepped forward angrily and complained. This was the first time that she had given up her timidity and looked at her father coldly. Standing on the other side of the garden were Aunt Fang and Mo Xuemin, with uncontrollable and joyful expressions on their faces.

It turns out that at that time, I and my father had fallen into their trap...

What happens next? Scenes from his past life reappear in a messy scene. His appearance is ruined, his marriage is designed, and he goes to the Zhenguo Marquis Mansion. Although he has a hundred and twenty dowries to carry, who knows what is really going on here? There were a few more valuable things. Aunt Fang was greedy for the dowry her mother left for her, but she was kind enough to say that she was given a few more for herself. I am afraid that even the maids in the house would not look down on those things. .

Stored in the warehouse are ruined embroidered satin, broken tables and chairs, defective porcelain, imitation jewelry with gold and silver on the surface, heads and faces, and a pitiful twelve taels of silver notes at the bottom of the box...

It was because of these that Madam Zhenguo Hou became dissatisfied with her in the first place! He looked down on her all the time and made things difficult for her!

After marrying into the Duke of Zhenguo's mansion, she slowly became aware of Sima Lingyun's neglect, but she still deceived herself and others, thinking that the affectionate Sima Lingyun was just because there were too many troubles outside, so she lacked patience. For this reason, he went to Zhenguohou Mansion, knelt in front of his grandmother, and prayed to her to let his two uncles support him.

Unexpectedly, it led to the tragedy of Fuguo Palace!

In the Marquis' Mansion of Zhenguo, Mrs. Hou's meanness, Sima Lingyun's neglect, the concubines' fight for favor and frame-up, the loss of the first pregnant child, the news that the second child's life was in his arms, and finally the appearance of Mo Xuemin Sima Lingyun gave him the most vicious blow!

From then on fell into the abyss! Only then came the scene of the wedding hall with flames soaring into the sky. Scenes slowly unfolded around her. In each scene, she was either sad and crying, or blamed herself and was frightened. Only in the last scene did she resist desperately and use her own strength to resist. The lives of those two bitches were dragged down, but in the end, the success fell short. She died, but they were unscathed...

Everything is unfolding in front of my eyes, except for the happy scene at the front. My whole life is a tragedy. It is a tragedy to live under the calculations of others. I am forced to a dead end, but I am still unable to avenge myself. My eyes are split. , but there was no way to save him. The pain extended from the bottom of his heart to his body and limbs, and there was no trace of vitality in his body.

In the darkness, Mo Xuetong huddled humbly in a corner, looking lifelessly at the sad and desperate scenes in front of her. In the past, she would wake up from her sleep angrily when she saw some scenes, but now she found that she did not No power resisted, but the Lord of Darkness carried everything. There was a pair of cold eyes above, controlling everything. No matter how hard she struggled, she could not escape the tragic and desperate fate.

Those eyes are high and ruthless, holding the chess pieces in their hands, each one with the blood of life, the sky is the game, human life is the chess, whoever fights for right and wrong, everyone in the world is honored and disgraced! That was a world she had never dared to think about. Every time she thought about it, she would make up her mind, pretending not to care and telling herself that it was not her own level, that her hatred was just a family, but these were...

After all, it's not her world, so she doesn't have to care! But now, clues are coming together, and she has to face the fact that she can really avenge her past life! For the first time, she was no longer so confident about rebirth, and even had fear!

She always thought that if she defeated Aunt Fang, Mo Xuemin, and Sima Lingyun, her life would become happy and joyful. Therefore, she has been working hard in this direction. Even if she makes small mistakes, she can always succeed quickly. Get out of the misunderstanding, because there is always an obsession in your heart. As long as they are gone, everything will become completely different.

However, today, she has no fighting spirit and looks at the sad and distressing scenes of the past, despair, loneliness, helplessness, self-destruction...

Rebirth, she thought it was a new beginning, where she could stand at a higher starting point, so that Aunt Fang Mo Xuemin could no longer plot against her, and let all their sinister plans be counterattacked on themselves. She would no longer be bullied by others. Mo Xuetong, who was tortured to death by a group of people, was reborn from the ashes, as if everything in the past had faded away. All the past would become their crimes, and she would definitely send them to hell.

Unexpectedly, it has been so long since she was reborn, and now she realizes that she has not yet figured out the cause of her tragedy. How should she fight, and who should she fight with? She has always kept some questions in her heart. , subconsciously forgotten, but in this lonely and desperate moment, it was so clearly reflected in my mind.

In the last life, my mother had died, and Aunt Fang’s correction was an inevitable trend. She had interfered with their mother and daughter, and she wanted to kill herself, and she would not stop dying. I remember that Mo Xuemin was looking at her ferociously. She whispered in her ears, even though she lost consciousness from the pain when she drank a cup of poison, as if she was dead, but she still vaguely had a few words in it, "Royal Palace?"

Mo Xuemin seemed to have told someone about someone in the palace, but at that time, she fainted from the pain and could no longer hear clearly!

Mo Xuemin's ambition was to marry into the palace and enjoy the glory and wealth, but something happened in the palace that time that made her dare not have any more plans in the palace.

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Who is Qin Yufeng? How could such a proud and intelligent man be so fond of Mo Xuemin that he was willing to stand behind her and marry one man after another for her? He would rather destroy his beloved picture than give it away, not to mention his beloved woman, how could he endure that kind of heart-wrenching pain, unless he had never loved her!

But why did he act like he was deeply in love with this life in front of everyone! Who is he doing it for?…

Although Sima Lingyun later became an official, he was not a big official. What did he take from the Fuguo Palace? What was in the pot of flowers that made Emperor Zongwen so angry that he immediately ordered a search of the Fuguo Palace? The four founding princes were both supporters and resisters of imperial power. What could shake the foundation of such a century-old family!

... ... ..

One by one, these things are no longer the affairs of the inner house!

Politics is politics!

How could the Mo family, a small fifth-rank official's residence, be involved in politics from the inner residence? Why, what is there in the Mo family that can be pried into? One and two hands are stretched out so long. It was like this in the previous life. It's like this again in this life, but she can't find the root cause, so she can only watch herself repeat the same mistakes!

If she was still the same as her previous life, she would rather die at this time of ignorance. There is no point in being ignorant!

At this time, she was completely disheartened and despaired of all hope! No life! (To be continued)