Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 97: The King of Chu tested the palace of Prince Xuan


"How is it possible? My cousin suddenly vomited blood and fainted. She didn't wake up after that. All the doctors invited were helpless. Yihao, look at her face. Does she look like she's fine?" Luo Youwen was anxious. Pointing at Mo Xuetong's pale and bleeding face, Bai Yihao let Bai Yihao take a closer look.

With such a pale face, such bleeding lips, and tightly closed eyes, how could he be okay

"Miss Mo San is really not sick, she just has some Qi and blood loss. I will prescribe the medicine in a while. If you let her drink it, she will wake up within two hours. As for the rest, it is It depends on her life! "Bai Yihao's immortal-like handsome face always gives people a gentle and elegant feeling. Even if he says such words under such circumstances, it still makes people feel naturally elegant and elegant.

Only those pair of light and gentle eyes are so deep that you can’t even see the bottom!

Luo Youwen and Bai Yihao were quite familiar now, but he was still a little stunned by his handsome and focused expression. When had the light and airy Bai Yihao's face looked so heavy? Could it be that his cousin was really in trouble.

Thinking this way, he was really anxious. He grabbed Bai Yihao's sleeve and dragged him to Mo Xuetong's bed. He pointed at Mo Xuetong and asked urgently: "Yihao, what do you mean? What do you mean by looking at fate? Could it be that you can't predict your cousin's illness, so you can only leave it to fate?"

Thinking that my grandmother was still at home waiting for news about me, I became even more anxious. Before I came, my grandmother had already burst into tears while holding her girl in her arms. If I really knew that my cousin was good or bad, and my grandmother was not in good health, how could she hold on? I'm going to follow my cousin...

"Youwen, don't worry..."

"Can I not be in a hurry? This is my most beloved cousin." Luo Youwen's eyes filled with sadness, interrupted Bai Yihao's words, and held Bai Yihao's fingers a little trembling. After getting along with Yue, Mo Xuetong in Luo Youwen's eyes was cute, charming and naive, with a bit of charming tenderness. Could such an innocent and flawless little person be gone like this

Looking at that petite and delicate face, lying on the pillow without any charm, I just felt that there was a place in my heart that suddenly collapsed, and I pulled Bai Yihao's sleeve tightly as if I had lost my soul, and refused to let go. Even his eyes turned red.

"Youwen, don't be anxious. Your cousin has a heart disease, which requires heart medicine. However, it is not life-threatening for the time being." Seeing that Luo Youwen was really anxious, Bai Yihao explained with a smile on his lips. , pulled Luo Youwen back to the table by his cuffs, pushed him to sit down and comforted him.

"It's not life-threatening?" Luo Youwen raised his red eyes and asked for support.

"No!" Bai Yihao said firmly.

"Really do not have?"

"Definitely not." He replied helplessly.

After receiving Bai Yihao's affirmative answer, Luo Youwen let out a sigh of relief, softened up, and leaned back on the chair behind him. He felt the cold sweat on his back soaked his clothes.

Okay, okay, okay!

Prince Xuan's Mansion, which was placed in solitary confinement by Emperor Zongwen's order, had few visitors today.

The housekeeper of the foreign palace greeted Chu King Feng Juexuan and the fifth princess who had just got off the carriage, respectfully and cautiously.

"What have your princes been doing these past few days? Have you ever felt bored? Do you need anything for food? If so, just send someone to my palace. The eighth brother cannot leave the palace, so you should take care of him." Feng Juexuan With a gentle and elegant smile, he asked and gave instructions easily as he walked.

"Yes, the prince was very unhappy in the first few days. He only stayed in Jinwei Pavilion and was not in the mood to have fun. He has looked better these days. Today he even asked the female band of the palace to have fun for a while. This You may be singing an opera at the party, so I specially asked the servant to bring the prince and princess in, saying that you are brothers and sisters, so there is no need to be polite." The butler answered cautiously and carefully, the smile on his face almost burst out of his face, but he was really nervous in his heart.

He didn't dare to show the carelessness that his prince had when he said this. The prince was his brother, and he was just a little slave. Even though King Chu was a talkative person, he was not the one who wanted to get angry. The steward of the outer courtyard can't resist it, not to mention the pampered fifth princess here.

That person is not someone to be trifled with!

"Eighth brother is singing, dancing and having fun again, and I'm not afraid that my father will be angry when he hears it." Feng Juexuan frowned, although he was still smiling, his face was slightly dissatisfied.

"Brother, don't blame Ba Ge. He has a character that can't calm down. If he could really calm down and do things, his father wouldn't have punished him a while ago. My father is really partial and he was afraid that he would be in the house. I was bored, so I specially asked my eldest brother to come and take a look. I knew early on that myna was not the kind of person who could take things easy. Look, I guessed it. It just so happened that I was bored too." The fifth princess held up her smiling face. With beautiful eyes, she looked around the corner of the corridor and said with some emotion.

It was not easy for her to leave the palace once. This time, she only allowed it by monitoring her eldest brother and eighth brother. After all, it was still a girl's family's wish. If she joined in the fun, she would suddenly light up and smile.

The sound of silk and bamboo coming from that place, as well as the charming singing voice of the woman, is obviously what the Hakka people call Jinwei Pavilion. I heard that the place was only cleaned up a few days ago, and it didn't take long. Feng Jueran likes it. That's because the buildings there are high enough, so you can overlook the night view of the capital. The place is big enough, you can open dozens of tables downstairs, and just play music and sing, but it can also be regarded as a place to eat, drink and have fun. Excellent beauty.

What a dandy!

"Eighth brother has grown up too. We can't keep neglecting business and just eating, drinking and having fun. This time, our father specially asked us to see if eighth brother is reading and has grown up. If this is really the case, The confinement his father sent him would be meaningless, and he would be angry again." Feng Juexuan sighed, feeling very depressed for Feng Juoran, acting like a good brother who thought about his younger brother.

The fifth princess watching next to her secretly curled her lips.

Although the two of them are brothers and sisters, they do not represent the same camp.

Of course the fifth princess herself had no idea, but she was the queen's legitimate daughter, and she and the queen must be of the same mind. The queen supported King Yan Feng Yulei. King Yan had no mother, the queen had no son, and she was of her own blood, so she raised King Yan in All the hard work must have been done for King Yan. Although King Yan was rumored outside and had a clear name in poems and books, he had no big thoughts about the throne.

But in fact, the King of Yan was quite famous among the civil servants. When he compiled the "History of the Country", he mixed with the great scholars from all over the world. With the promotion of the "History of the Country", he became famous, and he was able to compete with the elegant King of Chu. Therefore, many officials in the court were optimistic about the third prince. The support of the queen's mother's family and the queen's own influence made the third prince, King Yan, infinitely close to the throne.

The fifth princess standing on the side of the queen means that she is also on the side of King Yan. If you think about it carefully, the position of the two people who Emperor Zongwen asked to come over today to see if Feng Juoran is obedient and reading is really speechless. Different standpoints, how can we talk about it together, and on the surface maintain the respect between brothers and sisters, or the friendly behavior of brothers and sisters, everyone knows what is going on.

Just as Feng Jue Xuan was now showing concern for Feng Juoran, the fifth princess secretly pouted at the side, but the words she said were also naughty and cute: "Brother, there is no need to blame the Eighth Emperor, look at Brother Zuohuang He is also a pitiful person. Not long after he was recognized, he was scolded by his father again. He finally returned to his own one-third of an acre of land in the house. His father was not at ease and asked us to come and spy. It was true that the Eight Emperors Even if my brother has a wild temper, you can't control him everywhere. The more you control him, the more rebellious he will be. But I like the way the Eight Emperors brother is. It just so happens that I am short of a playmate, so I might as well ask my father to send me to play with the Eight Emperors brothers. let's play together."

Is this to win over Feng Jueran

Feng Jue Agreed, one Eighth Emperor Brother already gave him a headache, and if he allowed the Eighth Emperor Brother to bring the Fifth Emperor's Sister to this point, his father would not be able to wander around in the palace. The Eighth Emperor's Brother would not have to return to the palace, but the Fifth Emperor's Sister would not. I have to come back, and it will not just be as simple as being scolded or grounded."

"Then big brother, remember to help me when the time comes!"

"Okay, Fifth Sister's brother Nan will naturally help!"

The two brothers and sisters seemed to be talking and laughing without any care. While following the housekeeper through several winding corridors and rockeries, the sound of silk and bamboo suddenly rang in their ears, and there was a faint noise. Fortunately, except for the singing, there was no other sound. Obviously, the inside was not as chaotic as expected. Feng Juexuan breathed a sigh of relief and turned around the tall shadow wall with a smile.

Behind the shadow wall is Jinwei Pavilion, which occupies one-tenth of the palace. Looking from a distance, this place is indeed different from ordinary courtyards. Not only is there a lotus pond on one side of the gate, but even though it is winter, the lotus flowers are in full bloom. There are delicate red lotus flowers, reflecting the green leaves, and it feels like lotus flowers in the summer. The fragrance of lotus is still in the air, which is light and refreshing, and very attractive.

The waterside pavilion in the lotus pond is not an ordinary small building, but a platform. At this time, a heavy brocade tent has been erected outside the platform. Only one side is exposed to the outside, and you can faintly watch the women wearing light gauze dancing inside. The sound poured out from the high platform like water. Before I got close, I felt intoxicated.

The real Jinwei Pavilion is on the other side of the courtyard. Among the tall buildings, one of them is the tallest. It is said that the lights of the entire capital can be seen clearly from the top of the building. This is why Feng Juoran likes it, but in private everyone is spreading rumors. , The reason why Prince Xuan Feng Juoran liked this building was just because one day, there was a fire in Mo Mansion. The prince climbed to a higher ground and had a good look at it, so he moved his house here.

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This statement is a bit nonsense. Officially, everyone thinks that the first reason is correct, but people who are familiar with Feng Jueran are very sure that the latter one is the real reason. Who else is as boring as him, just to watch other people's homes burning, How about hiding aside and watching the scenery

Except for this ignorant His Highness Prince Xuan, no one would do such a stupid thing!

But whether it was really a stupid thing or not, no one dared to discuss the legitimate favor of the Eighth Prince. At best, everyone just smiled tacitly in private.

Although they knew about Feng Juoran's desolate hall, Feng Juexuan and the fifth princess were still shocked by such a generous move. (To be continued)