Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 99: Mo Xuetong's heart knot


Feng Yue was stunned and hurried forward: "Your Majesty, if the King of Chu and the Fifth Princess really publicize your affairs in the palace, I'm afraid it will be bad for you in the future and the Emperor will be angry again."

"Don't worry, my good eldest brother and fifth sister can't help but say a few nice words for me and help me cover up properly. After all, if a prodigal boy comes out of this palace, their faces will be very shameless. , not to mention that this king is not what they like to see. If I really want my father to teach me well, won't I cause trouble for them? They are so smart!" Feng Jue Ran pointed out, and said, His eyes were pulsing, and he looked at Feng Yue, who was a little scared, in a funny way, and his voice was lazy and enchanting.

"What the prince means is that the King of Chu and the princess will reconcile it for the prince!" Feng Yue blinked and understood, and asked with a smile, "Then prince, do you still want to spread rumors that the prince Zhangtai is cheating and competing with others for jealousy? What happened?"

"There's no need for that. As long as we start, there will naturally be all kinds of rumors in the future. We must withdraw our manpower and don't expose our traces." Feng Juoran raised his dark handsome eyes and narrowed them lazily and casually. , glanced sideways at Feng Yue, "How's the matter in Mo Mansion? Is she awake?"

"Miss Mo San hasn't woken up yet, but Mr. Luo has already invited Mr. Bai to come over before he enters the house. I'm afraid it will take a while for the results to come out. The prince also knows that Mr. Bai will not cure the disease that he is not sure about. If it happens now I haven't come out yet, I'm afraid it will get better." "Bai Yihao is not slow to go this time!" Feng Juoran did not speak immediately, and was silent for a while. His deep eyes turned cold, but his expression was light and inexplicable. It made people feel cold. He flicked his fingers on the table and said with unclear meaning.

"Mr. Bai didn't go slowly this time. Not long after Mr. Luo entered, he followed Mr. Luo to the Mo Mansion." Feng Yue didn't notice anything strange about Feng Jueran and said very honestly.

Things in Bai Yihao's house were under Feng Yue's control, so he noticed something unusual at this time. Who was Bai Yihao? When had he seen him so willing to help people treat illnesses? With his celebrity style, how could he They have to lie down for two hours before seeing anyone, then wash up and dress up, and then spend another two hours before going out to see anyone.

"Bai Yihao is nothing unusual these days, right?"

"No, Mr. Bai is very quiet. Except for sometimes responding to people's poems and occasionally helping a close friend with a minor illness, the rest is the same as before."

"Is there nothing unusual? When did he meet Miss Mo San?" Feng Juoran put down the scroll in his hand unhappily, raised his head and looked at Feng Yue with an unkind expression.

"This, this..." Feng Yue was instantly confused. This was considered abnormal. The master was too difficult to behave. He secretly cursed in his heart but did not dare to neglect, "Mr. Bai didn't come back until Miss Mo San When I was in the Mo Mansion, I did a favor to Miss Mo San, and the aunt who was the head of the Mo family at that time was imprisoned by Mr. Mo. Besides, there is no more entanglement."

This kind of thing can be regarded as an anomaly. Mr. Bai has too many anomalies like this. Yesterday, two wealthy ladies chased Mr. Bai for four streets in their carriages. Later, another young lady got off the carriage after Mr. Bai. Sometimes I fainted on him, and then...

Feng Yue didn't even know if he could tell all the "abnormal" things. To be honest, the documents on the prince's desk would definitely not have as many "abnormalities" as Mr. Bai's! How can I report so many abnormalities? If I don't handle it properly, I will get scolded by the prince again.

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"Next time, the encounter between Bai Yihao and Miss Mo San will be considered an 'abnormality' and will be sent directly to me. Do you have any questions? Mo Feng will have someone send a message to pay close attention to Miss Mo San's affairs." Fortunately, Feng Jueran himself defined the norms of "abnormality" for Feng Yue.

"Yes!" Looking at those charming, evil and unhappy beautiful eyes, Feng Yue dared to have any doubts! Go down and get ready immediately.

When Mo Xuetong woke up, it was already midnight. The winter sky was getting late and early, and it was already dark outside.

The room was lit, and with the dim light and her dazed eyes, she opened her eyes in a daze, but couldn't see clearly what was in front of her.

"Are you awake? But where else do you feel uncomfortable?" A gentle voice that was almost like a spring breeze came to her ears. Someone's hand touched hers, delicate and strong, but she was unable to respond, as if she had just come from the Jiuyou Underworld. When I came back, I didn't know where I was for a while, and the fire was still blazing in front of me, and only a blur of red remained.

"Why, you still don't want to wake up?" Looking at the delicate porcelain doll on the bed, Bai Yihao opened his shining eyes. Bai Yihao was in a good mood. He raised the corner of his mouth and asked with a shallow and elegant smile, placing his fingers on On her wrist, she listened carefully and found nothing unusual.

Although Luo Youwen on the other side did not speak, he also stood up from his seat, took two steps, and looked at Mo Xuetong's face excitedly. After a while, he saw that she was speechless. Although her beautiful eyes were open, they were deeply out of focus. Only then did he notice the abnormality. He turned around and asked, "Yihao, what's going on, cousin? Didn't you say you woke up? Why does he look so stunned? Is there anything wrong with him?"

Bai Yihao said that even if his cousin woke up, there was still something wrong. How could Luo Youwen dare to let him go? Although it was inappropriate for a grown man to stay in a boudoir, Bai Yihao was now a doctor, and he was still with him. He was standing, and he didn't hide in front of others. He went to see a doctor openly and openly, which was not too disrespectful.

Mo Huawen went to the palace and hasn't come back yet. The old lady also came to see her. It was too cold and she couldn't bear it. Xu's mother persuaded her to accompany her. She just went back. Mo Yu and Mo Ye were outside, and Mo Lan was inside. Waiting for the tea, he didn't dare to say anything when he saw the young lady waking up. He just wiped his tears in surprise and followed Luo Youwen, looking at Bai Yihao anxiously. It was obviously not good for the young lady to be like this.

Bai Yihao didn't answer Luo Youwen's words. He reached out and took out two needles from the table. He looked carefully at Mo Xuetong's blank and unfocused eyes. He took her hand and touched two acupuncture points in her hand, skillfully. Two needles were inserted, and sure enough, Mo Xuetong on the bed made a "squeak" sound, her long eyelashes flashed, she closed her eyes and then opened them again.

This time, there was a new focus in her pure eyes. Her long eyelashes flashed, and her eyes fell blankly on the face of Bai Yihao who was sitting in front of the bed. A gentle smile flowed from those handsome eyes. As dazzling as stars and broken diamonds, it slowly became clear in Mo Xuetong's eyes. Her handsome features were as sharp as a knife, her long eyebrows went into her temples, her lips were slightly raised, and she did not blush. Even if she was relegated from the sky, Because Xian Xia Mor was inferior to him, his starry eyes looked at her quietly with a smile.

A little doting, a little gentle, and a little soothing that makes people feel sore.

Mo Xuetong, who felt helpless at this moment, had an indescribable feeling. She was walking in the darkness just now, with no one left, framed by others, and finally died in the fire. When it was extinguished, she also No one cared about her, and when she woke up unexpectedly, she saw a peerless young man with an elegant attitude, looking at her soothingly with such gentle eyes, as if he understood all the pain she had suffered and wanted to share all the pain with her.

The feeling was very painful, sore, and numb. I just felt like I was seeing my loved ones. Finally, someone shared my helplessness and pain, and I couldn't help but burst into tears.

Subconsciously, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Bai Yihao's shirt tightly. His suppressed cries overflowed. His weak body moved slightly. When he wanted to sit up, he realized that he was completely weak. He stared at Bai Yi aggrievedly with his beautiful eyes. Hao's beautiful eyes were filled with mist, and tears instantly fell down, with an innocent and pitiful expression.

Bai Yihao was stunned for a moment, then lowered his voice and asked softly: "But you feel unwell?"

But she felt uncomfortable in her heart. Mo Xuetong closed her eyes in pain and opened them suddenly. She felt that the scenes in front of her were too miserable and terrifying. She didn't want to experience such pain again. If it still happened like this, she would rather die. It was her concerned face that gave her some life. She bit her lip, and her crying turned into whimpering. Her whole body was weak, but her hands were holding on to his snow-white sleeves, as if they were holding the last straw to save her life. .

Staring at Bai Yihao's shaved eyes and pure pupils without any impurities, there is helpless sadness on the beautiful little face, as if a deer can't find its way home, just one glance, Bai Yihao Yihao's gentle eyes condensed unconsciously and became extraordinarily focused.

His hand gently touched her face, then her forehead, and a handsome voice gently comforted her: "It's okay, it's okay now. Just fall asleep and you'll be fine. You'll be fine when you wake up!"

Under her comfort, Mo Xuetong closed her eyes. Although she still whimpered from time to time, and there were faint tears streaming from the corners of her eyes, her face became normal, and the hand that was holding Bai Yihao relaxed.

"Don't disturb her, let her have a good sleep, and it will be no big deal. The other worries..." Bai Yihao took off the two silver needles from Mo Xuetong's hand without finishing his words. He said with concern, Junyi's eyes couldn't help but fall on her face that looked fragile and confused...

Since it is called a heart knot, we can only slowly find the root cause and enlighten it, but there is no rush. No matter how talented doctors are, they cannot cure heart diseases. Luo Youwen understands what Bai Yihao means, and so does Mo Lan.

Mo Lan sighed secretly and sent Bai Yihao and Luo Youwen who had finished packing their things to the entrance of the hospital before returning. She watched carefully at the door and told Mo Yu to see Mother Xu come back and tell her to be gentle at night. There is no need to visit the young lady. Don't alarm the young lady. She will sleep in the outer room tonight and keep watch while the others go to rest first.

All the people left in order.

In the middle of the night, fragments of that day flashed before Mo Xuetong's eyes, including the child's ashen face and the blood on his lips, Mo Xuemin's vicious laughter, Sima Lingyun's disgusted eyes, and the burning pain that burned her body in the light of the fire. ... ..My heart aches and hurts everywhere.

The body lying on the bed twisted unconsciously, breathing rapidly and nervously.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here." A gentle voice came into your ears, and your body was hugged into a warm embrace. The faint sound of breath made people feel at ease, and even the pain on the body that was burned in the dream was The pain cooled down because of that tenderness.

Mo Xuetong woke up from a frightened dream, and opened her eyes subconsciously. She saw darkness in front of her eyes, and heard someone laugh evilly: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's me." The moonlight shined through the darkness in front of the bed. On the charming face of the sitting young man in purple clothes, under such moonlight, that extremely handsome face revealed a demon-like charm, but Mo Xuetong seemed to see a faint smile in his eyes for no reason.

No longer cold and arrogant, there was actually a touch of gentleness and distress. (To be continued)