Feng Haichao, The King's Exclusive Favour

Chapter 229: If you don't agree, do it


"What did you just say?" Ling Minyao stepped on the remaining stool of the table of people and said aggressively, "Repeat what you just said?"

There were three people sitting at that table, two of them were relatively small, and the other was a big man. The two smaller ones looked at each other, stood up hesitantly and wanted to greet Xiao Er to check out and leave.

Ling Minyao kicked over the table, "I fucking asked you to repeat what you just said!"

Since Ling Minyao got up, the people in the inn have been paying attention to him, and the inn quieted down unknowingly. Now Ling Minyao's kick was extremely loud, and it shocked many cowardly women and children.

When the three people saw that Ling Minyao was so arrogant, they suddenly refused to follow him. The big man pointed at Ling Minyao and said in jerky Chinese, "What are you? A little white face, dare to do something that people dare not say? Still facing grandpa me. Shout out!"

As soon as the big man's voice fell, a chopstick flew from the side and pierced his muscular arm. Ling Siyao's cold voice came: "What kind of thing do you dare to yell at us?"

The chopsticks pierced a hole in the big man's arm, so painful that he roared, pulled the chopsticks, and rushed towards Ling Siyao next to him.

The two younger people also acted on Ling Minyao when they saw it.

The more the two sides fought, the wider the range, and the people who originally ate in the lobby ran out. However, there were also those who could not understand the arrogant behavior of the brothers, and took advantage of the war to spread here, and took the opportunity to help the three men deal with the brothers.

The innkeeper watched these people getting more and more fierce, destroying the contents of the shop to the same extent, but he was forced to stop him, so he could only watch.

When everyone was struggling to fight, a flying knife flew in from outside the inn, brushed it by the ear of the man who fought Ling Siyao, and finally nailed it to the wall.

The fight was forced to stop.

"Who the hell is it? Don't hide it, come out!"

The big man's voice was high, and with such a shout, the other people also stopped temporarily and looked out the door in unison.

A white figure came out from behind the people watching the excitement outside the door, Shi Shiran entered the inn, but stood still at the door. He was dressed as a Han, standing at the door very eye-catching.

When Ling Siyao and Ling Minyao saw the incoming person, their eyes lit up, "Yan Ling, are you here?"

Yan Ling turned his back to the people outside the door, making it impossible to see his appearance, but the people in the store could see it clearly. Seeing this person's appearance clearly, I have to sigh that he was born well.

But how do you look at that face... It's hard to argue with the male and female, with the white clothes with a sorrowful bag, and the jet-black hair casually draped behind his back, holding a fan with a landscape map in his hand, dangling it, it looks people. Eyelids twitched.

"Eight Young Masters, Nine Young Masters, you are in trouble again." Yan Wei looked around the hall before opening his mouth and said, his voice was a little hoarse, which made people feel like a cat scratching but wanted to keep listening.

Ling Minyao glanced at the bruised and swollen person and said, "These people have such long tongues. Help them repair them."

Yan Hong said, "Could it be that you didn't agree with you and started fighting last night?"

This can be regarded as a disguised clarification of the two brothers, it is entirely because those people are too nasty to think of others as nasty.

The big man and the others knew that he had misunderstood, and his face suddenly looked a little ugly. If you want to apologize, you can't hold back your face. Don't apologize. They had misunderstood others.

Yan Ling glanced at them and said to the big man and his group: "Although my son is in a good relationship, he often quarrels, so that he will rise to the fist. I believe that today's matter is a misunderstanding. I will give you a misunderstanding on behalf of my son. I apologize, I hope you all don’t blame it."

The faces of those people were a little twisted, and they all expressed that they were not in the way. After that, they jumped out of the inn like a rabbit with its tail burnt.

Yan Ling took out an ingot of silver from his arms and threw it to the owner of the inn, "This is to compensate you for the loss of the inn, I hope the owner will not blame it."

The boss hurriedly picked up the silver. Seeing that the amount of silver was not light, he smiled openly and said: "No blame or blame, I will let people clean up. How many guest officers will continue to have breakfast? Or drink a pot of tea?"

Yan Hong said: "No need for the time being, we still have something to do, just leave three rooms with us!"

"Okay, okay," the innkeeper nodded, "you are busy first, you are busy first."

After leaving the inn with the two brothers, Yan Ling turned to a small alley and walked to the innermost courtyard before opening the door and walking straight in.

Ling Minyao looked around curiously, "Where is this? Did you live in the inn where you didn't live outside last night? No wonder neither Mynah nor I met you."

Yan Ling said: "It is always troublesome to live in the inn. I asked someone to see this yard on the first day I arrived here."

Ling Siyao looked around and asked, "Since you have a place to stay, why do you want the innkeeper to leave us three upper rooms?"

"People of the Chitton tribe like to use violence to control violence. It seems that we have taken advantage today, but we have also planted the curse. I did this just in case."

Ling Minyao expressed his approval with a smile, and then hooked Yan Ling's shoulder, and said, "I didn't expect that I haven't seen you for so long. The longer you are, the better you will look at Yan Ling, huh?"

Yan Ling's face suddenly became a little ugly.

Ling Siyao looked at his brother who was not afraid of death with some pity. Although there were some things he wanted to do, there were some things he couldn't do if he wanted to.

For example, to provoke Ling Chuyao.

For example, praise Yanqi's beauty.

Although Yan Hong is a subordinate, but it irritates him, it is estimated that only Ling Chuyao can subdue him in this world.

Sure enough, as soon as Ling Minyao finished saying his words, Yan Hong took his hand off his shoulder in a very "gentle" way. The pain was so painful that he couldn't get rid of him.

Fortunately, Yan Ling still remembered this person's identity, but after giving Ling Minyao a little lesson, he let go.

Ling Minyao rubbed his painful wrist and muttered secretly that such a beautiful face was not praised. Why didn't Yan Ling simply disfigured his face

He didn't have the guts to say this. The sage of Kong taught them that their parents should not be destroyed at will. If they said it, it would be another beating.

For the rest of the day, the three of them were nestled in this small courtyard. Yan Ling took a map of the Royal Court of the Royal Court and spread it out, and told the two masters about his inquiries over the past few days.

"The king's court is at the very center of the city. The dome that you saw when you just entered the city gate. Its position is higher than the surroundings, so you can see everything around you very clearly. Subordinates received The prince's order is to make some movement out of the patronage. There is nothing more worrying than the incident in the royal court."

The two brothers Ling Siyao put away their previous inconsistencies, touched their chins, and said, "The biggest movement is nothing more than the trouble with King Chiton."