Feng Haichao, The King's Exclusive Favour

Chapter 230: The Queen of Eton


Ling Minyao looked at him excitedly, "Shall we go and kill him directly? I heard that this generation of King Orton is a good one, but no matter how good it is, we have to get rid of it. You say yes, mynah?"

Ling Siyao poured cold water on him mercilessly, "The premise is that you can get in, and without disturbing anyone, find the place where King Chiton lives and sneak in and kill him."

Ling Minyao said, "I really want to know how difficult it is for this royal court to break through."

Yan Hong said: "In fact, it is easier than imagined. As long as the effort is light and good enough, getting in is not a problem."

"How good is it?" Ling Minyao asked.

Yan Ling replied lightly: "It's about the same as the prince."

Ling Minyao recalled the only time Ling Chuyao performed light work in front of them, and said a little discouraged: "Does it have to be so good? Then, don't we come here for nothing?"

"That's not true." Yan Hong's slender finger pointed to the route marked in red on the map, "I went to check the time for them to switch defenses. As long as we calculate the time, it won't be difficult."

Ling Minyao was overjoyed, and then looked at Yan Ling angrily, "You already thought about it, why didn't you say it just now?"

"Isn't it the Nine Lords that you asked your subordinates yourself?"

Ling Minyao stared at him with wide eyes, thinking about how likely it is to destroy this person's body, but Yan Hong is a person whom his family's five brothers value very much, so this one doesn't work, so let's just forget it

When Ling Siyao saw his younger brother deflated, he felt relieved, and then realized that he was wrong, and quickly covered the smile at the corner of his mouth, and looked at Yan Wei with seriousness.

After planning the route of all night actions, Yan Hong went out, leaving the brothers with nothing to do in the small yard. They fumbled out the three dice the previous night, "Come on, kill time. "

Ling Siyao disliked, "How can you learn the same as the three teachers outside?"

Ling Minyao was impatient, "Are you coming?"

Ling Siyao jumped and passed.

When the sun went down, when Yan Ling came back, Ling Minyao's face was already painted by Ling Siyao with ink. Yan Ling had a headache at first sight, and didn't understand why Ling Chuyao would send these two people over.

But anyway, since everyone was here, Yan Ling had no choice but to admit it.

Later on, there were fewer people outside, and when the moon went up to Zhongshan, the three of them came out of the small courtyard and went straight to the center of Bushicheng.

The Royal Court of Chiton is like a sphere covered on the ground, surrounded by a circle of stairs. The gates to enter the Royal Court are located in the south, east and northwest. These four gates are heavily guarded. Most people will go through heavy inspections and want to attack. Totally impossible.

The soldiers on patrol stand on high ground and there is almost no blind spot. The only chance is when they change defenses.

In the afternoon, Yan Hong deliberately passed by a few times outside, and then he made sure the time to come. Otherwise, Ling Siyao and Ling Minyao would not be able to bear the responsibility for any accident.

The three of them leaned back in the dark shadows, waiting patiently for the time to come.

Finally, half an hour later, the last patrolling soldiers left, and the three of them took advantage of these few breaths to enter the palace like ghosts.

The king's court was so big that the three had to work separately.

Ling Minyao chose a road heading east and turned several turns before seeing figures coming and going. He leaned behind the pitiful plants in the royal court, betting himself to guess who lived in that room.

After a while, there were fewer people. Ling Minyao was sure that no one would come again, so he approached the room quietly.

Chiton's house is much simpler than Dayan's, and it is already the best for Chiton people. Ling Minyao concealed his body on the beam and looked inside through the gap in the window. At this sight, he was almost surprised that he fell directly from the beam.

Ling Minyao lowered his body slightly, and happened to see the person in the room turning his face to look. This time he saw it more realistically, which made him even more frightened.

Because the people in the room are simply a reduced version of Ling Chuyao!

Although she was a girl, her eyebrows were exactly the same as those of Ling Chuyao, but a little more immature, without the sturdiness of the man on Ling Chuyao's face.

Ling Minyao wanted to look at the child well, but someone came from below, so he had to retreat to the beam of the room, holding his breath and waiting for those people to leave.

After the people left, Ling Minyao had planned to sneak in to see what was going on, just at this moment Yan Wei turned out from the other side.

"Nine Princes, his subordinates have found the residence of King Orton!"

Ling Minyao went over with a light effort, and said in an unbelievable way: "I just saw a child who looks exactly like the fifth elder brother!"

Yan Ling was also a little surprised, "Do you really mean this?"

Ling Minyao said angrily: "What did this king lie to you? If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself, the kid is in this room."

Yan Ling leaned forward, but there was no one inside.

Ling Minyao was shocked, "What's the matter?"

Yan Ling stopped him from pushing the door into the house, "I'll go find the Eighth Prince first, and I'll talk about the child later."

The people inside are gone, Ling Minyao can only agree with Yan Ling's words.

After the three converged, Yan Ling followed Yan Ling to the outside of King Chi Dun's room, and laughter came from inside.

A rough male voice rang out, thinking it should be the King of Eton. He asked, "Axian is still up and running, but is thinking about going out to be naughty again?"

"No," a child replied, "Axian misses his father, and wants to come and see him."

Although the King of Teton knew that his daughter's words were very useful, he lifted the child up and threw it high before catching it, causing the child to laugh.

The three of them watched the joy of family life outside, and for a while, they forgot where they were-until the servants who were waiting came over to see them, they were so scared that they dropped the copper basin in their hands to the ground, and screamed, "Hey, come here," There are assassins!"

When Yan Ling heard this, he kicked open the door in front of him immediately. Inside, King Chidun had already held the child in his arms, so that no one would frighten her.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Ling Siyao and Ling Minyao looked at each other and said, "Take your life!"

King Chiton was able to become the greatest power in this grassland. He was definitely not a weak scholar who had no power to restrain the chicken, but he was still holding a child in his arms, and his agility was compromised.

On the other side are the merciless Ling Siyao and Ling Minyao, coupled with Yanqi, three-sided attack, even if King Chiton has three heads and six arms, it is difficult to be safe and sound.

The rescued soldiers will come soon, Yan Hong's fan opens, and his moves are fierce, full of killing intent.

King Chiton knew that he couldn't beat the combined force of the three in front of him, so he could only retreat to the corner of the wall and put his daughter at the root of the wall, while he stood in front of him without giving way.

Because of the previous injury, King Orton had lost his initial bravery, and was finally kicked by Ling Siyao on the waist, kicking him far away.

The shelter in front of her was gone, and the little girl yelled, "Father!"