Feng Haichao, The King's Exclusive Favour

Chapter 243: The house is restless


"I have to take an inch?" Yuanxi opened his eyes incredibly, "Is the elder son misunderstanding the concubine body? The concubine body is also whole-hearted for the sake of the Yue Guo government."

"Humph," asked Feng a cold snort, "You think you don't know what your thoughts are! Why, it feels bad to post to Ling Chuyao that he doesn't want it? You think you have a good look, but the result is not abandoned. My shoes!"

"Shut up!" Yuanxi shouted, "Don't point me to anything, you are not worthy!"

Dai Wenfeng pinched her chin, and said viciously: "Don't forget who you are now! You are the concubine of Yue Guo Gongfu!"

"Early concubine? Are you rare to think of me? I and you are just famous and not part of each other, don't point fingers at me!"

On behalf of Feng Feng suddenly smiled, "Master said why you would embarrass Qingdai. It turned out to be a reminder that he still owes you a wedding night in the bridal chamber. It doesn't matter, let's make up now!"

Yuanxi took two steps back, "What do you want to do?"

Dai Wenfeng untied her clothes and walked towards Yuanxi, "The wedding night in the bridal chamber, although it's a bit early, but it doesn't matter. Since the concubine can't wait, the master has no choice but to satisfy you!"

"Ask Feng on your behalf, don't come over, I tell you, if you touch me, I will make you regret it forever!"

"Oh? I want to know how you make you regret your life!" Dai Wenfeng sneered, "It seems that the emperor treats me not badly, the taste of Dayan's first beauty, so many people can't even think about it!"

Yuan Xi kept retreating to the bed. Seeing Dai Wenfeng was still approaching, she really panicked, "On behalf of Wenfeng, you calm down, we have something to discuss."

"He doesn't want to discuss anything with you now. Sooner or later, there will be such a day. The concubine of the world should do your duty well!"

On behalf of Wenfeng, Yuanxi threw Yuanxi down on her. When Yuanxihe resisted, he took a belt and tied her hand to the bedpost, and then entered her mercilessly!

Yuan Xi bit her lower lip tightly, and did not let go until Dai Wenfeng turned over and left a long time later.

Chunliu heard the movement outside the house and wanted to come in but didn't dare. He waited for Dai Wenfeng to leave before entering the house and saw a mess.

"The concubine?"

Yuan Xi lay in awkward motion and still did not move, all over his body were traces of love. Chunliu couldn't help but flushed as he watched those traces, but he felt distressed when he saw Yuanxi's appearance.

"Second concubine, the maidservant asked someone to prepare hot water, you go and wash your body?"

Yuanxi lay on her back, a tear slipped from the corner of her eyes. She always thought that she would still have a chance to marry Ling Chuyao in the future without asking her representative, but now she is already a stubborn willow, she and Ling Chuyao would be impossible anyway.

Thinking of this, Yuanxi's eyes without focus burst out with a strong hatred, she must make this family life worse than death! They were all ruining her, if it weren't for them, if it wasn't for asking Feng, how could she have fallen to this point

"Chunliu, help me take a shower."

Yuan Xi's voice was a bit hoarse because he shouted too hard just now, Chun Liu felt distressed when he heard it, and couldn't help but complain about asking on behalf of Feng Feng.

After this day, Yuanxi stayed in Yushengyuan and did not go out, and even went to ask Mrs. Guo Gong's wife for safety and pushed him under the pretext of being sick.

Mrs. Guo Gong is a gentle woman. She didn't take the opportunity to have Yuan Xi, but sent someone to tell her to recuperate and don't think too much.

After two days, Yuan Xi's body recovered, and he was directly sent to the palace to find Yuan Ya in a carriage.

"Auntie, ask Feng Feng on behalf of him is not a human at all! I want to reconcile with him!"

"Shut up! Do you know what you are talking about?" Yuan Ya was trembling with anger when he heard this niece say this as soon as he entered the palace. "Your marriage is made by the emperor himself, except for the emperor who asked you to make peace. , Otherwise in this life you will live for your family and die for your family!"

Yuan Xi said, "Then you go and tell the emperor's uncle that I will reconcile with him. I can't stay in that place for a moment!"

Yuan Ya glared at her, "You think your life in this palace is too easy, do you want to trouble this palace?"

"Auntie, I really can't live with him. Do you know what Dao Wenfeng did?" Yuan Xi lay on Yuan Ya's lap, and said with resentment, "He actually forced me for a bitch. !"

Yuan Ya pushed her away, "Yue Guo Shi Zi is now your husband. What's wrong with the relationship between husband and wife? It's you, what's so fuss about?"

Yuan Xi shouted: "I don't like him at all, I like King Chu! I just want to marry King Chu!"

Yuan Ya saw that Yuan Xi was still obsessed with it, and closed his eyes and let her take her out to the Yue Guo Gong Mansion. Yuan Xi didn't want to get through her for a day and didn't see her for a day.

Because of Yuan Ya's ruthlessness, Yuan Xi's temper became more irritable, smashing everything that could be smashed in Yusheng Academy all day, or causing people to take Madam Qingdai to change the law.

On behalf of Wenfeng was anxious and told the servants of Qingdai Pavilion that all the concubines of the elder concubine could not go. After this order was given, Yuan Xi turned Yushengyuan upside down again.

The Yusheng courtyard has no peace of life every day, and Mrs. Guo's wife is also a little uneasy. She said to Dai Hao while she was going to bed at night: "Feng'er and his wife are always having trouble like this, it's no way."

Dai Hao didn't care, and said, "It doesn't matter, as long as we hold onto the truth, the emperor will be held accountable in the future, and will only be held accountable for the scholar's residence. It has nothing to do with us."

Mrs. Guo Gong sighed, "The emperor doesn't know what it is like. Although Feng'er was born as a concubine, we were also raised as a concubine, so why did we match a woman who admired others."

"Madam!" Dai Hao stopped her from continuing to say, "The emperor has his own considerations. We can do our own affairs as courtiers."

"But Feng'er is already this old, when will he have a future?"

Dai Hao said, "Didn't he still have a favorite concubine? After she is pregnant, she will become a concubine. It is better to give birth to a child than no one."

Mrs. Guo Gong didn't say anything any more, thinking in her heart that she would ask the doctor to come over and give the concubine a good pulse, so that the child born after the body will be healthy.

Who knew that on the second day, Mrs. Guogong had not had time to act, when he heard the report from the next person, Yuan Xi broke into the Qingdai Pavilion to beat Qingdai to death.

The tea cup in Mrs. Guo's hand fell to the ground and was smashed to pieces. She repeatedly asked: "What's the matter? Wasn't it okay yesterday? How come I was beaten to death all of a sudden?"

"The slave and maid didn't know. The concubine, the concubine, broke into the Qingdai pavilion with a whip early today, and started to whip people indiscriminately. Our master has been sluggish recently before getting up, so the concubine of the concubine broke in like this."

Mrs. Guo Gong stood up and walked out, "Have you asked the doctor? I'm going to find the son, so he can come back quickly."