Feng Haichao, The King's Exclusive Favour

Chapter 297: Crown Prince


Ling Minyao "hehe" smiled, "If Brother Fifth had let go early, wouldn't the younger brother make such a move, and the younger brother would also be forced to helplessly."

The conversation between Ling Chuyao and Ling Minyao reached Ling Qianyao's ears without any loss. He looked at Ling Chuyao in a little surprise, and it seemed that Princess Chu had a lot of weight in his heart.

Ling Chuyao naturally did not miss the look in Ling Qianyao's eyes. He loved Zhuge Linlang and didn't even think about hiding it. He even wished everyone knew what Zhuge Linlang meant to him. In this way, those who wanted to deal with Zhuge Linlang. Will always weigh a little more.

Moreover, he also believes that Zhuge Linlang has enough ability to protect herself, she will not become her own weakness!

A few days after the wedding of Yue Nansong and the ten princesses, Emperor Xuan Le fell ill due to the change of seasons and did not go to court for several days. The health of the emperor's dragon body is related to Jiangshan Sheji, so there are many people who want to hear about Emperor Xuanle's condition, and only a few can really see the face of the sky.

One of the most common is the king of Chu, the holy servant Zhengnong.

Maybe it's because people are getting old, and I really miss the past. Every time I see Ling Chuyao's face, Emperor Xuan Le always thinks of his auntie's wife inevitably.

After all, he owed them both mother and son.

Ling Chuyao didn't know the thoughts of Emperor Xuanle, even if he knew he didn't care, not everything had room for regret. It's just that he concealed it well, hiding his ambition and desires under the gentle appearance, and Emperor Xuanle would also do everything personally when he declared his illness.

Seeing such a son, Emperor Xuan Le became more guilty in his heart.

"Fifth, have you ever blamed me?"

Ling Chuyao's gaze fell on Emperor Xuan Le's grasp of his own hand, "Thunder, rain and dew are all graces, so where is the resentment of children and ministers?"

Emperor Xuanle said: "After all, I lost your mother, if at first..."

"Father, that's all gone." Ling Chuyao interrupted Emperor Xuanle's recollection, "When you mention the past, it will only hurt others and yourself."

"You are right!" Emperor Xuanle smiled bitterly, and then said again: "Don't worry, I will compensate you."

Ling Chuyao didn't take the compensation that Emperor Xuan Le said into his heart. In his opinion, these were nothing but empty words from Emperor Xuan Le when he was ill, and he lost if he was serious!

Who knew that Emperor Xuan Ledi did something unexpected and long-awaited after Xuan Ledi recovered from his illness.

Emperor Xuan Le went to the morning court for the first time after he recovered from his illness, and let Shi Fang read the imperial decree that had been drawn up.

"The emperor's emperor's decree said: Since ancient times, the emperor will continue to stand up to the heavens and care for the Yuhuan area, and the Yuan Chu and Maolong must be established, and the Mianzong Society will be boundlessly rest. Lie Zhaochui, entrusting the most important thing, inherits the celebration, and ends in Yuanliang. His son Chu, the Japanese expresses the singularity, the natural talent is quintessentially beautiful. I abide by the emperor’s order, carry out the ceremony, and obey the public opinion. On February 20th, the twenty-fourth year of Xuanle, the fifth son of the emperor Chu was awarded the treasure, and he was established as the crown prince. The concubine Zhuge Linlang was the crown prince, and he was in the eastern palace. heart of."

The imperial decree of the prince was set up, and the court was in an uproar.

Although many people in Prince Li were thinking about things, they heard this news unsuspectingly, especially the silent Ling Chuyao who had been standing before. How could it not be surprising

But astonishment is astonishment, what should be done still has to be done.

After Shi Fang finished reciting the imperial edict, the people underneath knelt down and said, "The minister will follow the edict."

Ling Qianyao, who was also kneeling on the ground, clenched his hands hidden in his sleeves into fists. If someone saw his eyes at this time, they would find hatred rolling in them. He could only tell himself over and over again, as long as Ling Chuyao hadn’t boarded yet. At that position, everything is still not settled.

Such a major event as Prince Li affected not only the front dynasty but also the harem.

Originally, Emperor Xuanle was sick and the queen wanted to give her son a good impression. Who knew that Emperor Xuanle himself appointed Ling Chuyao. After the emperor recovered from his illness, he issued such a decree. How could she not let people be secretive? hate

The decree was passed to the harem, Dai Yu smashed his favorite set of white porcelain and green bamboo tea cups to pieces, so that he was not relieved, and he smashed everything that could be thrown in the palace!

"Queen empress!" Seeing that Dai Yu had been irritated, the mother who had been serving the queen had to kneel down and persuade, "You have made such a big fire, and you have been passed to the emperor's ears by someone with a heart. How will the emperor see you!"

Dai Yu sneered, "What do you think? The face in this palace is now gone, how can people look at it? How others think of this palace is a joke!"

The mother was loyal to Dai Yu, and she persuaded her with all her heart: "Manny, I forgive the old slaves for arrogance. In fact, this is not bad for you."

"What's the benefit?"

"Manny, you think, now that the nineteenth prince is only two years old, where are the opponents of those adult princes? Now that the king of Chu is established as the prince, the slightly ambitious prince will only stare at the king of Chu. The nine princes are raised, and when they have enough strength, it will not be too late to fight!"

Dai Yu said: "The emperor's health is getting worse and worse. Where can this palace wait for that time?"

"I can’t eat hot tofu if I am anxious. It’s useless for my wife to be anxious now. You and the emperor’s husband and wife for many years should know the emperor better than the old slave. The emperor’s decision has never been regretted. Apart from accepting it happily, any other reaction will Used by someone with a heart!"

Dai Yu sat down on a stool by the side and thought about what the mother said. After thinking about it, it seemed to be the reason, but she was still unwilling. Dugu Xianchen gave birth to a child, then she gave birth to a child? And Ling Chuyao still has half of the blood of a foreign race, is the emperor always confused

In this case, you can only think about it in your heart. Dai Yu has been in the deep palace for many years and has already known how to get the most benefits for herself. So she calmed down quickly and let people clean up the house, and she went to see ten. The nine princes.

The nineteenth prince was two years old, and Yuxue was born cute. Every time he hugged a person's thigh and raised his face, it made people feel reluctant.

Emperor Xuan Le also loved this old man very much. When he had just reached his first birthday, he bestowed the name Jin for Ling Jinyao.

Seeing the queen coming in, Ling Jinyao got up from the ground neatly with a chubby body, quickly leaped over and hugged Dai Yu's leg, and shouted with a smile: "Mother Queen~"

Dai Yu touched Ling Jinyao's head and asked, "What is Xiao Nineteen doing?"

Ling Jinyao still smiled: "Play~"

Dai Yu smiled, no matter how much calculations and defenses were outside, it disappeared because of this smile.

After receiving the imperial decree, the Chu Palace had more contacts, but as the newly appointed prince and princess, Ling Chuyao and Zhuge Linlang were moving into the East Palace. After this time, there were not many people who could get by their side.

But this must not include Yue Nansong.