Feng Haichao, The King's Exclusive Favour

Chapter 311: Visit the prison


Ling Chuyao still had to deal with Cheng Jun. After he sent Zhuge Linlang back to the East Palace, he asked the servants to make a bowl of ginger soup and then left. Now that he has caught the handle, he won't let those people go easily!

When Cheng Jun was brought to the Palace of Qianqing, Emperor Xuanle had already been waiting.

Seeing people coming in, Emperor Xuanle frowned: "Why didn't you change clothes first?"

Ling Chuyao said, "This is not because I am afraid that my father will be anxious, so I will come here first."

Emperor Xuan Le stared at him and sighed for a long while, "Go to the back and wash, don't care about being young and fit, who will deal with so many things here when I am sick?"

Ling Chuyao obediently went to the apse for cleaning.

There were only two people left in the hall, Emperor Xuan Le and Cheng Jun. Except for the few words just said to Ling Chuyao, Cheng Jun felt that the pressure on his body was getting heavier and heavier.

How can ordinary people be able to contend the Thunderbolt of the superior who has the power of life and death

Emperor Xuan Le didn't speak, and Cheng Jun didn't even dare to speak, but the clothes that were already dry were wet again with cold sweat.

I don't know how long Xuan Le Emperor finally spoke, but his words caused Cheng Jun to fall into a great panic.

"Cheng Jun, who gave you the courage?"

"The emperor, the subordinates are just confused for a while..."

Hearing his words, Emperor Xuan Le was furious, raised his hand and smashed the inkstone at hand over there, "Asshole!"

Cheng Jun didn't dare to hide, letting the inkstone hit his head, blood flowed for a while.

"The emperor calms down his anger, the emperor calms down his anger, his subordinates just got lost in their minds for a while and committed a big mistake, please forgive the emperor!"

Emperor Xuan Le sneered, "Forgive you? Today you are in the hands of the prince. If this is not the case, do you want the prince not to come back?"

Cheng Jun was even more frightened. He knew from the words of Emperor Xuan Le that Ling Chuyao told Emperor Xuan Le the whole story. But also, if it wasn't for the cause, how could Ling Chuyao mobilize the Imperial Guard

Cheng Jun was dismissed from his post and was sent to prison for murdering the prince.

After Ling Chuyao brought Cheng Jun back, Dai Yu had been fidgeting. She didn't understand why she still fell short after she had arranged things.

Dai Yu was relieved when she heard that Cheng Jun was taken into prison. Although she was confident that Cheng Jun would not recruit her, Cheng Jun would not die for a day, and she was in danger of being exposed at any time.

Dayan’s jail was located on the northwest corner. It was cold and damp because no one was cleaning it. Cockroaches and mice could be seen everywhere.

On this day, a man in the official uniform of Dali Temple came to the jail with a man in a green cloak who was obviously a woman, but the woman wore a hood on her head and her entire face was hidden inside. ,can not see clearly.

The head of the prison hurriedly came forward to bow when he saw someone coming, "Master Cao, what brought you here?"

Master Cao gave a hum and said, "I want to see Cheng Jun."

The head of the prison was a little embarrassed, "The commander Cheng is responsible for strict supervision, and ordinary people cannot visit him."

Master Cao was not embarrassed, and directly handed out a waist card in his hand. The prison head fell to the ground as soon as he saw the waist card, "It turned out to be the meaning of the empress, and the humble position will take the adults over!"

The head of the prison took a bunch of keys from the table and led the two of them into it. Master Cao was parallel to the woman, and even faintly behind, the head of the prison walked in front without noticing it.

When he arrived in the cell where Cheng Jun was detained, the head of the prison was sent out by Master Cao after he opened the cell door. He said to the woman beside him: "Manny, the minister is waiting for you over there."

The woman nodded.

After Master Cao walked away, the woman reached out and took off her hood, revealing an unparalleled face.

"Led by Cheng."

Cheng Jun had originally closed his eyes, opened his eyes when he heard the sound, and looked at the visitor in disbelief.

"The emperor..." He just opened his mouth and said a word, thinking that the identity of the person in front of him should not be exposed, so he changed his words: "Why are you here?"

Dai Yu picked up a stool with his back to the prison door and sat down, and said, "You are convicted of this palace, this palace should naturally take this trip."

Cheng Jun's gaze was fixed on Dai Yu's face, and after a while, he lowered his head and said, "Everything is voluntary, and it's okay with the mother."

Dai Yu looked at him and suddenly said, "Cheng Jun, thank you."

"I don't dare to be a humble job." Cheng Jun thought she was just for the protection of the country temple. "The humble job didn't say anything. The emperor shouldn't embarrass you."

Dai Yu said: "My thanks are not just for this time. For so many years, you have done so many things for me without any regrets. Even now you don't even have a home. I am ashamed of you."

When Cheng Jun heard Dai Yu's words, he suddenly raised his head to look at her, with an eagerness in his eyes that could not be ignored: "It's a humble job willingly."

Since that year, he has been riding a horse from the stone bridge, and when he saw the woman standing under the peach-blossom tree with a smile, he could never forget it again.

Can't forget, or don't want to forget, the picture in the depths of his memory has made him fascinated all his life.

Until she entered the palace, in order to get closer to her, he worked hard to become the commander of the Imperial Guard. He didn't ask for anything, only hoped to be able to look at her.

Just look at her.

Dai Yu seemed to turn a blind eye to that gaze. She smiled and said, "That's why I thank you."

Cheng Jun looked at her smile blankly, and forgot to answer for a while.

"Cheng Jun, in order to do so many years, now I need you to do the last thing for me, are you willing?"

Cheng Jun felt the fragrance lingering around his nose suddenly, and the soft voice whispering in his ears, his whole body was very stiff. She was so close that she could feel her breath spray on her face.

This is probably the happiest moment in his life.

No, no, it should be...

The scent near his nose faded, and Cheng Jun returned to his senses. He looked at his hands and said "OK" in a low voice. He couldn't refuse her request.

Dai Yu stood up and said, "Do you have any unfulfilled wishes?"

Cheng Jun wanted to shake his head. He didn't know what he thought of. He asked, "The Nineteenth Prince..." The unfinished words disappeared under Dai Yu's fierce sight. She didn't allow him to ask. She couldn't take any risk, even though it was in heaven Prison, don't you know that the walls have ears

Therefore, Dai Yu will not give Cheng Jun a chance to ask questions. Once this handle is left behind, it will only make them survive and die!

Confusing the blood of the royal family is a serious crime, and the government of Yue Guo has already fallen, even if she is a queen, she is still walking on thin ice!

Cheng Jun understood the meaning of the person in front of him, he wanted to understand, so he didn't ask, but his eyes showed pleading, hoping that she would give himself an answer, whether it was joy or death.

Dai Yu didn't want to get entangled with this person anymore, but thinking of this person running out of time, after hesitating for a while, he shook his head almost invisible, and the light in Cheng Jun's eyes instantly went out.

Dai Yu couldn't bear it, but he couldn't change anything, so he could only hurriedly say "I'm sorry" and leave without looking back.