Feng Haichao, The King's Exclusive Favour

Chapter 71: Tentative


"In that case, it would be offensive."

Everyone knows that Wang Longye's martial arts is high and powerful, but no one has ever seen Long Zhiheng do anything, let alone Mo Cang, so all of them stared wide-eyed for fear of missing something.

Zhuge Linlang's martial arts are mainly light and agile, and relying on his light skills to always lure the enemy first, Long Zhiheng's martial arts took a solid and steady path, so the two of them were still in a stalemate for a while.

But this was not a solution. In the end, both of them would be exhausted. After this fight, he knew that Zhuge Linlang's martial arts would not be any worse than himself, so he pulled Mocang a sword in the air. Flower, then directly took Zhuge Linlangmen.

Zhuge Linlang leaned back, and at the same time stretched out his foot to attack the bottom plate of Dragon Heng, and drew out his free left hand to hold Dragon Heng's wrist.

Long Zhiheng retreated in time and was not attacked by Zhuge Linlang, but Zhuge Linlang did not let him go. Instead, he took the opportunity to cling to the iron sword and entangle Mocang. Long Zhiheng was surprised by Zhuge Linlang. In the end, he couldn't get rid of his internal strength, so he had to give up the weapon.

In the ring, the one who abandons the weapon first loses.

"Shizi, let it go."

"General Feng Yang's martial arts is exquisite, which makes Heng really admire." Although he lost, Long Zhiheng's eyes were faintly smiling. It seems that he really hopes to be able to compete with Zhuge Linlang.

"In fact, if you really talk about the level of martial arts, the elder son is better, but the elder son has been in the capital and lacks some of the enemy's experience, which allows Lin Lang to take advantage of it."

"If you lose, you lose. You don't need to find a reason for me, it's because I'm not as good as others."

Since Long Zhiheng said so, Zhuge Linlang didn't say much. Seeing that the matter here is over, after arranging the next training mission, he returned to the city, but was blocked by someone on the way.

"General, our concubine, please."

"A magpie?" Zhuge Linlang looked at Bai Xia's maid in amazement, "Why are you here?"

"Today, the concubine on the side asked for grace to go out of the palace to relax, and saw the general passing by the teahouse, so I want to ask the army to go upstairs and talk.

"You go and tell your master, I have nothing to say to her." Zhuge Lin Lang pulled the horse's rein and it was accurate.

Prepare to leave.

Who knew that the magpie knelt on the ground as soon as she saw Zhuge Linlang's movements, she said: "General, Concubine Side has had a very bad time during this period. She feels guilty to you. In addition, the Concubine Crown Prince has been watching Zhuge Linlang. Concubine has never slept well since she was pregnant. I hope you can see her in the past based on your past feelings."

Zhuge Linlang saw that the people around were looking at it, so she turned over and dismounted, "Let's go."

Magpie was very pleased. As expected, his master had a way. Knowing Zhuge Linlang's affection, he told her to use this trick. Zhuge Linlang was really willing to go with her.

On the second floor, Zhuge Linlang found Caiqing was there. It seemed that she was doing well recently, but she hadn't been given up by Bai Xia. I have to say that if Caiqing had such a method, then the East Palace would be lively.

"I have seen the side concubine empress."

After Zhuge Linlang entered the door, he saluted Bai Xia in exchange for Bai Xia's anger.

"Lin Lang, you and I grew up together since childhood, where do you need these gifts?"

"The ceremony must not be abandoned." Zhuge Linlang said.

Bai Xia seemed to be a little helpless about Zhuge Linlang's stubbornness. She asked Zhuge Linlang to get up before saying, "Linlang, how are you doing?"

Based on Zhuge Linlang's understanding of Bai Xia, she would never say useless words. Sure enough, she went on to say: "I have a very bad time during this period. In the palace, I must prevent the crown prince from attacking me and eating badly. If I can’t sleep well, if I continue like this, I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep the baby in my stomach.”

Zhuge Linlang said: "What's the point of my lady telling me this? I'm not a prince, nor a doctor, so I can't help you."

"Are you still blaming me?" Bai Xia looked at Zhuge Linlang with a sad look, "You are blaming me for robbing His Royal Highness, right?"

Zhuge Linlang wanted to laugh and felt bored. She said coldly, "Manny, I am afraid you think too much. I don't want Long Wenyu first. It's not like you robbed it. You should go right with this sentence. The prince said, maybe she sees you deeply, and will be willing to live with you peacefully."

"Why do you bother to say these things to ridicule me?" Bai Xia said sadly, "I see, you think I deserved it, right?"

The magpie on the side couldn't help but interjected and said, "General, you think our mother and daughter are so good.

Pity, can't you say a few nice words to comfort her? "


Zhuge Linlang's gaze fell on Bai Xia's face, and she saw her ruddy complexion. How could she tell that she could not eat and swallow and sleep restlessly at night? Besides, when she was once a prisoner, who had pityed her

"Lin Lang, I really regret it. I can't drink wine now, so I will apologize to you with this tea!" After saying that, he drank the tea.

Zhuge Linlang took a step back, "If there is nothing wrong with my mother, then I will leave first."

Bai Xia didn't hold back either, just watching Zhuge Linlang leave, how weird the smile on the corner of her mouth looked.

Seeing this scene, Caiqing asked, "Manny, this is all our people, why not frame her here? Still looking for the next opportunity?"

"Zhuge Linlang is very defensive. You won’t know if you have been by her side for so long? Just now, she never came close to us, just guarding me! And now we are outside the palace, always be careful that the wall has ears, if When someone accidentally exposes it, it will become a steal. Besides, after this time, if I'm fine, it will be easier to start next time." Bai Xia said.

Cai Qing nodded, "But this opportunity is gone, it's a pity."

Bai Xia retracted her gaze from the window and turned to Caiqing, "Why, at any rate, he is also your former master, so why don't you see her like that?"

Caiqing hurriedly avoided Bai Xia's gaze, "The slave-maid dare not, the master of the slave-maid has only a mother from beginning to end."

"Heh." Bai Xia smiled unclearly, "Go back to the palace."

In the east palace, Tang Yanwan was waiting for Bai Xia, and when she saw them coming back, she asked, "How is it?"

"Zhuge Linlang is very vigilant. She refuses to get close to her concubine at all, and she never touches anything she eats. However, her concubine is only a small test of her today and she lowered her guard. The next time will be good. At the beginning of the play."

Tang Yanwan said, "The palace is waiting for good news from your sister."

The two looked at each other and smiled, all calculations are hidden in this smile.

When Zhuge Linlang returned to the General's Mansion, she was very familiar with a figure swooping from inside. She stood still on the spot so that she could look at the figure in her leisure time.

(End of this chapter)