Feng Haichao, The King's Exclusive Favour

Chapter 94: It failed


"But it is also possible that His Royal Highness directed and performed himself, using such a bitter trick to get rid of political enemies!" Li Yu proposed another possibility, "Such things are very common."

Yu Qiubai did not deny this statement, "What do you think is the motive of the prince doing this?"

Li Yu said: "The Seventh Prince's threat to the position of the prince is getting greater and greater. The prince was panicked and did such a thing to blame the seventh prince. If the seventh prince is eliminated, the threat to the prince will be less. Big."

"Commander, the subordinates found this thing over there!"

Someone outside the house came to report, Yu Qiubai and A Qing looked at each other, and then the three of them went outside the house together, "What is it?"

"It's our own token, found in the flowers outside the corridor outside the house." The person who spoke back and forth handed Yu Qiubai a token common to lower-level guards in the Wuwei camp.

Yu Qiubai picked up the token and looked at it, and said, "Go, check who patrolled last night? None of these patrols carried the token with him."


The matter is of great importance. Whether the prince guards himself or is planted and framed, the key lies in this token. There was no investigation into why the dead people were in the house, but the token fell outside. Everyone was waiting to see who the token belonged to.

Soon someone brought up the guard who had lost the token. Yu Qiubai sat in a separate interrogation room in Wuwei Camp, watching the man who was brought up and asked blankly, "Are you going to speak or torture? ?"

Wu Weiying’s reputation is well-known. Sometimes, in order to achieve the purpose of interrogation, he had to resort to heavy punishments. These punishments fell on any person and made him worse than death. This phenomenon only improved when Zhuge Linlang took over, but Zhuge Lin Langyi returned the jurisdiction of Wuweiying to Emperor Longqing, and these dusty instruments of torture began to reappear.

The man shook his body when he heard that he was about to be tortured.

"Listen to the order? Whose order?" Yu Qiubai's eyes narrowed slightly, making people want to retreat for no reason. "This commander has never given such an order!"

The guard glanced at Li Yu who was standing next to Yu Qiubai, "Yes... Deputy Commander Li asked his subordinates to do this!


"Li Yu, do you have anything to explain to this commander?" Yu Qiubai asked Li Yu directly.

Li Yu stepped over to Yu Qiubai and knelt down, "Going back to the commander, his subordinates have never asked him to do anything like this. It is this person who framed his subordinates!"

"If you haven't done it, why didn't he testify against Ah Qing instead of the commander? Instead, he testified against you? Where were you last night?"

"The subordinates have been sleeping in the camp last night and have not gone out."

Yu Qiubai raised his eyes and glanced at Ah Qing. A Qing nodded slightly and left the interrogation room, leaving only Yu Qiubai, Li Yu and the guard.

As time passed, Li Yu's forehead gradually began to sweat, and his breathing became obviously heavy. He glanced at Yu Qiubai secretly and found that he was leaning back in the chair and was about to fall asleep.

Li Yu has been struggling whether to be desperate. If once the water comes to light, he will definitely have a dead end, but what he does is so secretive that there will be no obvious evidence pointing to him at all. If it is impulsive, then everything he has now will be vanished, the high officials promised by that person. Lu also became a bubble. In addition, A Qing has been out for so long and has not come back, making Li Yu feel stressed.

And even if he escapes, he may not be able to retreat in his entirety! How could that person easily let him go because he was holding his dead spot

Li Yu had been struggling between fighting and not fighting. His hands on the ground clenched into fists, weighing the gains and losses in his heart, but before he could get a result from his struggle, Ah Qing returned.

Yu Qiubai took a glance at what A Qing handed over, then threw it directly in front of Li Yu, "How do you explain?"

That was a letter asking Li Yu to arrange for someone to kill a few people in the palace. I don't know if it was because it was too late to destroy or what, it was found by A Qing in Li Yu's room.

"Commander, this is not something of his subordinates! The subordinates were wronged!" Of course, Li Yu would not admit it. He only needs to delay time. If that person finds out, he will definitely come to rescue him.

"Injustice?" Yu Qiubai sneered, "This is clearly written with your name, and you still said that you have been wronged? Deputy Commander Li, do you think this commander looks stupid?"

"Subordinates dare not!"

"Let's talk about it, who made you do this

Did it? "

"Yes..." Li Yu hesitated, "His Royal Highness!"

Yu Qiubai's eyes sharpened, and her tone became very cold, "Aren't you telling the truth?"

"The subordinates are telling the truth!" Li Yu lowered his head and insisted that Long Wenyu was the one who made him do this.

"Li Yu, Li Yu, I don’t think you can die from the Yellow River! No matter, since you don’t shed tears if you don’t see the coffin, Ah Qing, let this deputy commander who has always used torture others to taste our own torture instruments. Feeling!" Yu Qiubai was also very disappointed with this subordinate. He had thought of many people, but he had never thought that this person would be Li Yu.

No matter how stiff Li Yu appeared, he was a mortal fetus. Hearing that Yu Qiubai was planning to be tortured, and the person who asked him to do so was delayed in coming, he knew that he had become an abandoned son! So he took advantage of Ah Qing's approach, and suddenly got into trouble, grabbed Ah Qing's hand, grabbed the long sword he was wearing from his waist, and started to attack Ah Qing.

This incident was beyond the expectation of Yu Qiubai and A Qing. Fortunately, A Qing's reaction was also very fast. After Li Yu managed to grab his sword, he backed away and avoided this deadly sword.

The guard who had been kneeling next to him without making a sound knew that if he continued to stay here would be a dead end, he might as well cooperate with Li Yu to kill him. As long as he got out of here, he would always have a chance.

Just as the guard wanted to cooperate with Li Yu, he was abruptly lifted up and stood in front of him, and then he heard the sound of weapons piercing his flesh. The guard lowered his head and realized that he had a sword in front of him. It was obvious that A Qing wanted to kill Li Yu. Seeing that Li Yu couldn't dodge this sword, he brought him over as a substitute for the dead.

"Li Yu, you disregard your fellowship, are you so worthy of your former brother?"

"Brother?" Li Yu sneered, "Brother is also dead, and his life is gone, what did brother use for?"

"That's why you are so careless about your life?" A Qing was originally an orphan, with Yu Qiubai like a master, like a father and like a friend, and has a good relationship with the guards of Wuweiying. Now I watched Li Yu so cruelly and really bear it. Can't help but sternly questioned.

"Huoshao life?" Li Yu threw the corpse aside. "Don't forget, you killed people. What does it have to do with me?"

(End of this chapter)