Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 10: Sing softly


Lin Yuan knew that if he didn't hide his ability to evolve spirits and find a reasonable explanation, it would definitely bring disaster.

It is said that the trees are beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy them. When the trees grow tall, the mountain wind will not be light, just like a genius who wears a halo but is often accompanied by jealousy.

And his ability can not only be described as a genius, his strength is still just a seedling that has just emerged from the ground.

If you carelessly put yourself on the cusp of the storm, I'm afraid it will wither in an instant.

Creating a master is the only way he must go, so Lin Yuan plans to buy some scholars, spiritual object researchers, spiritual materials analysts, and related books needed for the primary assessment of these life professions on the star network.

In terms of knowledge reserves of at least one hundred books, it is enough.

However, Lin Yuan is also a little worried, the price of these books is not cheap.

After the spiritual energy recovered, the network was paralyzed for more than ten years before it was restored. At the same time, the network was innovated. The network model was more like a large virtual world, known as the Federal Star Network.

When the Federal Star Network enters, everyone needs to bind their federal citizen information. Whether it is live entertainment, virtual transactions, interactive social interaction, or ranked fighting, it can be carried out on the Star Network. The development of the past few decades has made the Federal Star Network almost carry The second world that shines the citizens of the Federation.

The books that Lin Yuan needs are sold in the book store of Federation Star Network.

These books are all compiled by high-level scholars, spiritual object observers, and spiritual material analysts. The average price of such books is nearly one hundred federal coins.

Bookstores earn about 15 percent of every book sold, so life occupations are always quite lucrative.

There are a total of 100 books, and the calculated money needed is already 10,000 federal currency. This 10,000 federal currency is almost all of Lin Yuan's net worth, and a large part of this net worth will be set aside for his younger sister's tuition next year.

Lin Yuan remembered that the curriculum of his sister's school had almost reached the spiritual object contract class.

The courses after the spiritual object contract class are more focused on actual combat, so before that, I have to find a high-level spiritual object suitable for my sister.

"Still poor!"

Lin Yuan couldn't help sighing.

What I need to do most now is nothing else, but to make money quickly. The direction has been cleared up, but the direction needs the federal currency to remove obstacles.

Clever saw that Lin Yuan was thinking about something and frowned slightly, so he threw himself into Lin Yuan's arms with the sound on his head.

Although Baiwen Beast has evolved in intelligence, Lin Yuan is the most important person in intelligence.

With Lin Yuan being smart, one can get a warm and solid sense of security.

Yinyin was still standing on her clever head at this time, Xu felt the change in herself, so she happily chirped and sang.

Yinyin is a singer bird who failed to evolve. She couldn't sing at first. Under Lin Yuan's guidance, she finally learned a song.

Lin Yuan hadn't heard many songs in this world, so naturally he couldn't sing, so the song Lin Yuan taught Yinyin was composed by Lin Yuan himself based on the poems before time travel.

Although Lin Yuan always praised Yinyin when she sang in the past, it was more like singing a saliva song when Yinyin sang, and she couldn't sing the taste of poetry.

But now that Yinyin sings this song again, Lin Yuan just feels like "Kunshan jade is broken and the phoenix calls, and the hibiscus weeps and the fragrant orchid laughs."

Lin Yuan seems to have suddenly stepped into a field where the grass grows and warblers fly, the ding-dong spring water makes the harp, the willow trees blown by the wind make the music, and the dew-washed dust makes the curtain.

In the distance, there seems to be a Feihong, walking on the snow. When Lin Yuan went to look for Feihong's figure, Feihong disappeared out of thin air. Only the claws on the snow proved that Feihong had come. From among them, an antique and charming figure frowned while holding a book.

"Thousands of trees are frozen to break, but the solitary root returns alone. In the deep snow in front of the tree, a branch opened last night. The wind blows away the fragrance, and the bird peeks at Suyan."

Winter and summer melt into one scene, and the beautiful scenery reveals ancient colors, all of which come from the singing of Yinyin.

If Yinyin's previous singing voice was nothing more than children's playfulness, then Yinyin's singing voice now is the pinnacle of the real palace level.

It seems that Yinyin, as the only sound bird that has evolved to a normal level, has a really good grasp of the rhythm.

As Yinyin sang, she also found that her singing voice seemed to be getting better. She flapped her wings and danced happily around the room.

Lin Yuan observes the real data of the sound

[Spiritual creature name]: Sound Bird

[Spiritual Species]: Blue Finch / Kingfisher

[Spirit Level]: Normal Level 3

[Spiritual Object Type]: Phonology

[Spiritual quality]: normal quality


[Sound Spike]: Launch a spike made of sound from the designated target.

Unexpectedly, Yinyin turned out to be a combat pet.

Lin Yuan stopped Yinyin and said directly.

"The sound is making a sound stab at the wooden board at the door!"

Hearing Lin Yuan's command, Yinyin instinctively uttered a clear cry, and at the same time Lin Yuan saw the wooden board placed at the door tremble.

Lin Yuan walked over and took a look, only to see that the one-centimeter-thick wooden board hadn't been penetrated, but a not-so-light white mark was left on the wooden board.

Lin Yuan stroked Baihen, and calculated Yinyin's attack power in his mind, which was about three kilograms of driving force.

This kind of attack power is not outstanding among ordinary spirit creatures, but it is superior in that the attack method is invisible and qualityless, the attack speed is very fast, and it is difficult to be dodged.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but have an idea in his heart, if he keeps cultivating Cleverness and Yinyin, what will become of Smartness and Yinyin

Now that I have this ability, can I one day be able to evolve Cleverness and Yinyin all the way from the ordinary level to the elite level.

Evolving from the elite level to the bronze level, silver level, gold level, platinum level, and even evolved into the lord level with domains.

Or is it possible that in the process of evolution, the quality of intelligence and sound can reach the legendary level, undergo a qualitative change, and transform into a fantasy species.

Fantasy species has always been the most sacred word in the spirit world. Fantasy species refers to spirits that should exist in fantasy and should not exist in reality.

When the quality of the spiritual object reaches the legendary level after the bronze level, by integrating some kind of will from mountains, rivers, oceans, and even the sky into the spiritual object, the spiritual object can be qualitatively changed. Only high-level creators can use these methods. Only then can it be mastered.

And Lin Yuan felt that if his ability was as good as he is now, then he might be able to do it in the future.

However, what Lin Yuan has to do right now is to go to the spiritual object wholesale market, and choose which spiritual object he wants to sign a contract with Mobius's spirit-locking feature.

At the same time, we must also strive to make Yinyin and Clever strive to reach the Epic level before the Elite level is promoted to the Bronze level.

Above the elite quality is the perfect quality, and above the perfect quality is the epic quality. When the epic quality is reached and the elite level is promoted to the bronze level, a gene optimization will occur when the spirit evolves.

This genetic optimization lies in the awakening characteristic.

There are various characteristics of spiritual objects, and the awakening characteristics of spiritual objects are random, so this has caused many spiritual objects to have weak awakening characteristics when they are promoted from the elite level to the bronze level, or they do not match the profession of the contractor.

After gene optimization, it will be promoted to the bronze rank, although the quality will drop back to the normal rank again and be upgraded again.

However, if the spiritual object reaches the epic quality at the elite level and then advanced, then when acquiring the characteristics, it will obtain three characteristics at the same time.

The contractor can choose one of them, since the spiritual object contract cannot be changed after the contract, which is equivalent to giving the contractor two more opportunities.

Choose one of three, and having three choices is much better than no choice.

(end of this chapter)