Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 118: Mother of Bloodbath


Cang Yue's face, which was always covered with frost, rarely showed a smile, not only for Yue Hou's happiness, but also infected by such atmosphere.

After gossiping for a while, Yue Hou's face suddenly became serious and serious.

"After thinking about it for the teacher, I think it's better to choose a guardian for you earlier, so that you can protect you even when you are in danger."

Lin Yuan did not refuse, nodded and said.

"Master, you arrange it."

Months later, when Lin Yuan didn't refuse, the smile on his face never stopped.

The apprentices I recruited by myself are relatively strong, and I am not used to relying on the master. This makes me feel a little hard work after just being a master for a month.

Now Lin Yuan agreed happily, making Yue Hou a rare joke.

"Your guardian is in this apse, under your nose, see if you can find it."

Lin Yuan looked around in the hall, and finally his eyes fell on Cang Yue.

Lin Yuan couldn't help thinking in his heart, the guardian his master found for him would not be Cang Yue!

Cang Yue looked at Lin Yuan with a smile, without making a sound or nodding.

At this moment, Lin Yuan suddenly felt his shoulders sink, and a strange voice came from his shoulders.

The voice sounded a little cold, making people feel creepy.

But this creepy female voice is surprisingly nice.

"Boy, where are you looking? Your guardian is here!"

When Lin Yuan felt his shoulders sink without noticing it, he knew something had landed on his shoulders.

Turning his head, Lin Yuan only found that what landed on his shoulder was a red spider carved like crystal.

There are bright red crystal-like stinging hairs on the spider's legs, the red is very dazzling, as if stained with blood.

It is almost like a shell carved from red crystal, filled with bright red blood, with a cruel beauty.

This spider creature is like a perfect creation of God.

However, the eight slender spider legs and the carapace covered with thorns revealed strength everywhere.

From the spider's body, Lin Yuan seemed to smell a touch of blood.

It seemed that a layer of viscous blood-colored energy radiated from the spider's body.

Lin Yuan observed the red crystal-like spider, and the red crystal-like spider also observed Lin Yuan carefully.

Lin Yuan looked at it for a while and turned his head to look at Yue Hou, only to see Yue Hou nodded.

"That's right, this is your protector, the Mother of the Blood Bath, a spiritual creature of the first level of mythology at the lord level."

Hearing Yuehou's words, Lin Yuan couldn't help but exclaim.

The guardian that my master Yue Hou found for me turned out to be a spirit creature, and it was also a spirit creature in the first realm of mythology, but what is the lord rank

"A spiritual creature of the lord rank?"

Before Yue Hou could speak, the Mother of Blood Bath had already spoken.

"Above the diamond rank is the lord rank, the lord rank..."

Before the Mother of Blood Bath could finish her sentence, she suddenly closed her mouth.

Because the mother of the blood bath suddenly saw Yuehou looking at herself with cold eyes.

Yue Hou looked at the bloody mother and didn't get angry at all.

My apprentice finally asked a question, but I, a master, haven't had time to teach, what's your blunt answer

Yue Hou directly ignored what the mother of the blood bath said, and explained it again.

"The diamond level is not the limit. Above the diamond level is the lord level. The spirits of the lord level will generate domains according to their own exclusive characteristics. Today you see the moonlight as your teacher is the power of the Lengyue solitary wheel domain."

Lin Yuan carefully memorized what Yue Hou said, and then heard Yue Hou say it again.

"The powerhouses in this world are not only humans, but also spirits. The easiest way for spirits to evolve into fantasy species is to sign a contract with humans. After the quality reaches the legendary level, it will be combined with the contractor's will rune. But that's not the only way spirits can become phantoms."

Yue Hou paused, seeing that Lin Yuan was listening carefully to what he said, nodded in satisfaction, and continued.

"It is already the limit for spiritual things that have not been contracted by the contractor to evolve to the diamond level, but if they can improve their quality to the legendary level at the diamond level, then they will have the opportunity to comprehend a will rune from heaven and earth, themselves and themselves. The comprehended will rune fusion evolved into a fantasy species."

Lin Yuan was dumbfounded when he heard that, this was the first time Lin Yuan heard that spirits could evolve into phantom species without going through the contractor.

However, according to what was said after the month, the lowest level of spiritual creatures that rely on themselves to become fantasy species is also at the diamond level.

This made Lin Yuan couldn't help but think of the two Yinrui Jinzegui planted at the gate of Huiyue Hall. These two Yinrui Jinzegui plants have already reached the tenth legendary diamond level.

Presumably the two Yinrui Jin Zegui are also waiting to comprehend the will rune and evolve into a fantasy species.

Before Lin Yuan could think about it, he heard Yue Hou and continued.

"Although the wild spirit that evolves into a fantasy species only evolves into a fantasy species at the diamond level, it will still be stuck at the diamond level. It will not have a chance to evolve from the diamond level to the lord level until the quality reaches the fantasy five changes."

Lin Yuan couldn't help sighing that the evolution of creatures in the long river of life really never stops.

This is the first time Lin Yuan heard the concept of the lord class, and he couldn't help but ask a question.

"Is the lord rank much stronger than the diamond rank?"

At this time, the Mother of Blood Bath on Lin Yuan's shoulder couldn't help but speak.

"The diamond level and the lord level are fundamentally two levels, and they cannot be compared at all. When the spirit reaches the fantasy five changes and is promoted to the lord level, it will experience a baptism of heaven and earth. The spirit that has completed the baptism of the world will be promoted to the lord level. It may be promoted to the mythical species. I was rescued by the queen of the moon during the baptism of heaven and earth, so I am willing to be your guardian."

Lin Yuan heard the slight fear when the mother of the blood bath mentioned the baptism of heaven and earth, and he knew that this baptism of heaven and earth was both an opportunity and a disaster for spiritual beings.

The most beautiful thing about the magnificence of life epic is the transformation and rebirth after the catastrophe.

And if it can't survive this catastrophe, it will be completely turned into bubbles in the evolution process of the long river of life.

Yue Hou looked at Lin Yuan and said seriously.

"This is a secret of the Glory Federation. Only those who have reached the king level are eligible to know. Most people have always focused more on the quality of spiritual objects, ignoring the improvement of the level of spiritual objects, but the level It is the most fundamental existence. If you want to evolve to the threshold of the lord level, you must first reach the fantasy five transformations at the diamond level. In the eyes of the lord level, any spiritual things that have not reached the lord level are just stronger ants."

Lin Yuan has always had no concept of the mythical species, only knowing that it is a level above the fantasy species, so now Lin Yuan knows that the prerequisite for reaching the mythical species is to reach the fantasy five transformations and become the lord level.

Lin Yuan had always had a question before, that is why the highest level of the fantasy species he encountered was always diamond level, and now Lin Yuan finally understood.

The five transformations of fantasy become the lord, and only the accomplished lord can get involved in the mythology and be promoted to the mythology.

I am ready to start writing a new plot line~ Thank you for your support~ Thank you for the little button.

(end of this chapter)