Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 12: Grumpy Mr. Bao


Lin Yuan slept well that night, Clever and Yinyin were close to Lin Yuan, even in his sleep, slowly absorbing the aura from Lin Yuan's body.

Lin Yuan got up as usual in the morning, went to morning exercise for an hour and then opened the door at seven o'clock, and soon the elite-grade radish vines were sold out.

Plants like radish, which are regarded as herbivorous spirits and nutritious food, have always been in short supply, not to mention that Lin Yuan's radish grows well, and the selling price is very conscientious.

When selling green ivy, Lin Yuan also successfully sold a pot of elite-level Lily Lily for 5,500 federal coins.

This morning, Lin Yuan earned a price that he usually couldn't earn in a month. Not counting the green radish, the pot of elite-level lily lily alone topped Lin Yuan's previous monthly income, which made Lin Yuan very sad. happy.

I am preparing to go to the wholesale market for spiritual things to purchase.

At this time, Lin Yuan's phone rang again.

Lin Yuan found out that it was an unfamiliar number, and only heard an anxious and angry voice from the opposite side when he answered it.

"Are you Chu Ci's parent?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Yuan hurriedly said.

"I am, what happened to Chu Ci at school? Are you?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was very impolite, and he lashed out at her.

"Who am I? I'm Chu Ci's homeroom teacher, Teacher Bao! How did you become a parent? Chu Ci actually went to contract a gray beetle in the spiritual object contract class, and was backlashed. You parents don't know what to do. Will the child prepare a better spiritual creature? What is a gray beetle? Do you know that this is a waste of Chu Ci's excellent talent?"

Generally speaking, teachers and parents communicate very politely, but Teacher Bao on the other end of the phone is really angry.

Lin Yuan's back was instantly drenched in cold sweat after hearing Teacher Bao's words.

The gray beetle, how could Lin Yuan not know that the common-level spiritual thing that can be bought for 200 federal coins, because the gray beetle is extremely aggressive when contracting, it may attack the contractor in an aggressive state.

At the same time, the gray beetle's skills are very weak, and it only has the ability to dig, which is hardly helpful to the combat profession.

Gray beetles love dark, moist environments and feed on spoiled meat.

Such a habit caused the gray beetle to become the first in the list of spiritual creatures that no one would like to contract.

Now gray beetles are mostly used as rations for high-level insectivorous spiritual creatures.

Lin Yuan's voice was a little unsteady as he asked Mr. Bao, and the veins on the hands holding the mobile phone showed.

"Teacher Bao, Chuci is okay now!"

There was an extremely dissatisfied voice on the other end of the phone.

"He was treated in time in class, but now he was just mentally shocked and passed out. Fortunately, he failed to make a contract with the gray beetle. Chuci's talent is the best among the students I have ever taught. The range of affinity for spiritual things is For all the defensive spirits, there are not many such talents in the entire Bauhinia City, and if they are cultivated properly, they may even be able to win the Federation's Hundred Sons Sequence. I hope your parents will pay attention to such talents."

Although Teacher Bao on the other end of the phone was angry now, he did not forget his own job and started Lin Yuan's ideological education.

Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Chu Ci was fine, and hurriedly asked.

"Teacher Bao, is Chu Ci still in a coma? I'll go over now!"

Teacher Bao on the other end of the phone immediately warned.

"When your parents come, you'd better bring Chu Ci an excellent elite-level spiritual creature, otherwise you'll really be blind to Chu Ci's talent."

The talent of an aura professional refers to the degree of fit between an aura professional and a spiritual object, or the range of fit.

For example, some professionals are compatible with support-type spirits, but while they are compatible with support-type spirits, they are only compatible with snake-type spirits, so only snake-like support-type spirits can be contracted.

This kind of range is extremely narrowed. A spiritual energy professional can contract three to five spiritual objects in a lifetime, and it is difficult to find three spiritual objects in some partial affinity directions.

This is just an ordinary talent. For those with poor talent, they may only be compatible with venomous snakes in terms of affinity auxiliary snake spirits, which undoubtedly narrows the scope by a large amount.

It is very difficult to find a suitable spirit, let alone contract multiple spirits to form your own combat system.

For combat Reiki professionals, the combination of spiritual objects is very important.

Reiki professionals fight based on the collocation and combination of various spiritual objects, which complement each other, so the wider the range of compatible spiritual objects, the better the combination.

Some people even only use the main force to cultivate one of the spiritual objects, and the other spiritual objects are used to amplify the spiritual objects cultivated by the main force.

This is a four-guarantee-one contract strategy that can effectively save resources in the current federation.

It can be seen that Chu Ci's talent is extremely strong.

Lin Yuan listened to what the teacher said.

"Teacher, don't worry, I'll go to school tomorrow and bring Chuci's spiritual creature with me."

Lin Yuan felt a little strange about Chu Ci, but he could understand Chu Ci's thoughts.

Afterwards, the blaming turned into distress. It's good if I go this time, so that the little girl can see that she can absorb spiritual power, and her physical fitness is no longer the same as before, so that the little girl can feel at ease.

Teacher Bao on the other end of the phone saw that Lin Yuan's attitude was very good, and his anger was more than half relieved, but he couldn't help but remind him again.

"It's best to be an elite spiritual creature."

Then hung up the phone.

Teacher Bao who hung up the phone let out a long sigh in the office.

Although he had only taken Chu Ci for two weeks, he was moved by Chu Ci's earnestness in studying. The teacher always liked students who loved to study hard. Coupled with Chu Ci's talent, Teacher Bao favored Chu Ci very much.

As a teacher, I also know a little about the families of my classmates. Teacher Bao heard that Chuci's family conditions are not very good, and he didn't expect Lin Yuan to bring an elite spiritual creature.

Touching the salary card in his trouser pocket, Teacher Bao gritted his teeth and thought.

If Chu Ci's parents brought an ordinary-level spiritual object, then he would buy an elite-level spiritual object for Chu Ci out of his own pocket, and he couldn't just waste Chu Ci's good talent like this.

Lin Yuan hung up the phone and remained silent for a long time, until Lin Yuan came back to his senses when Clever called Lin Yuan.

Looking at the remaining three pots of elite lily lilies, one pot of elite green radishes and more than twenty pots of ordinary green radishes left in the store, Lin Yuan directly dismissed the idea of going to the spiritual wholesale market now.

Immediately closed the store door.

Lin Yuan is going to stay up all night today, to cultivate all these ordinary-level green radishes into elite-level ones, and then sell them all in the spirit item market tomorrow, so as to exchange them for a good elite-level top-level defense-type spirit item for his sister.

More than 20 pots of ordinary-level green radishes worked hard to promote the spiritual energy of Lin Yuan this night. Even though he was extremely tired, he continued to work hard, and finally all of them evolved into elite-level spiritual things, and Lin Yuan felt it again. When the backlog of spiritual power in the body grows.

When I regained my senses, the sky outside the window was still bright, but more than 20 hours had passed, and it was just another day.

(end of this chapter)