Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 125: Guild Alliance and S Game


Early the next morning, Lin Yuan went down Qingyue Mountain early and traveled lightly.

Because all the things were packed in the diamond-level spirit box hanging on his chest by Lin Yuan, it has to be said that it is really convenient to have the diamond-level spirit box.

Lin Yuan sent a message to Liu Jie last night, telling Liu Jie not to have so many worries when choosing a store.

If you want to choose a store, choose a place that is relatively large and has a relatively good location.

Because now Lin Yuan really doesn't need to worry about money anymore.

After descending Qingyue Mountain, Lin Yuan's purpose was very clear.

This time, Lin Yuan directly called a speed hoof donkey cart to the guild alliance.

This guild alliance is not an official organization like the Founder's Guild and other life-related aura professional guilds.

The Guild Alliance is an alliance composed of countless club-like guilds in the Huiyao Federation, relying on combat-type aura professional guilds.

Lin Yuan is going to register and authenticate in this guild alliance this time.

After registering in the guild alliance, if Lin Yuan wants to go hunting in the wild, he can join some club-like guild teams to form a temporary team.

You can even accept and issue tasks in the guild alliance.

If the star network is the second world of the people of the Huiyao Federation, it carries the industries of the second world.

The guild alliance is the place where most combat aura professionals live and work in the real world.

You can get a lot of commissions by accepting tasks and completing them.

If there is a boss who issues a task, he can also get the spiritual materials or spiritual objects he needs as soon as possible under the premise of sufficient compensation.

Among them, many creators need special spiritual materials and will come to the alliance guild to issue reward tasks. Some high-value rewards will even have teams from well-known guild-like clubs to accept tasks.

Of course, in most cases, the spiritual objects that are rewarded for missions in the guild alliance are basic rare spiritual objects.

If you want to advance to cherish spiritual objects or improve the quality of cherishing spiritual objects, you need to find a creator.

If there is a place where the Founder is most respected and supported, then this place must be the Guild Alliance.

In the casual team of the guild alliance, most of the combat aura professionals are low-level combat aura professionals, and their qualifications are not outstanding. They may work hard for a year or two just to improve the quality or level of spiritual objects. can be promoted.

Most of the really talented or relatively strong aura professionals have joined club-like guilds.

If a person is talented and wants to be selected by a powerful club guild, then the best way is to reach the 80th floor of the Star Network Tower, or even hit the ladder.

Because powerful clubs and guilds will choose to absorb fresh blood on the star tower.

Glorious Federation martial arts.

There are various big and small club guild team competitions all year round.

But the most formal and famous one is the number one. Every year, the Guild Alliance will cooperate with the officials of the Glory Federation to hold a guild team competition for the entire Glory Federation.

Commonly known as S race.

The S competition can be regarded as a competition for the younger generation. The age of the contestants cannot exceed 30 years old, which is almost the same as the upper age limit of the members of the Huiyao Federation's Huiyao hundred sub-sequence.

In the S game, some truly powerful club-like guilds will participate, and the main teams of these clubs have more or less members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

The members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence are all the most dazzling star players in the S competition.

There are even some clubs whose main teams are all members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

Each guild can only have one team, and a team has five members.

Each team has to participate in various knockout group stage qualifying rounds.

In the end, 16 teams were selected to compete on the star network under the watchful eyes of the citizens of the Quan Hui Yao Federation, and finally ranked.

Although the 16 qualified teams all have rankings, the top three teams will be divided into champions, second runners-up and third runners-up, all of whom will receive official rewards of varying degrees and gain unprecedented glory.

But often only the champion is remembered.

After all, there has been a saying since ancient times that "literature is the first, martial arts is the second".

There is no academic level, and a hundred schools of thought can contend.

But in martial arts, the strength and weakness can be seen at a glance as long as they have fought.

Lin Yuan had already arrived at the gate of the guild alliance and got off the donkey cart.

Lin Yuan looked at the bustling and prosperous scene in front of him, and touched the back of his head.

It is said that the guild alliance is the busiest place in Wangdu, and now it seems that it is true.

Lin Yuan entered the guild alliance, and found that many people around him were looking at him.

One of the receptionists of the guild alliance warmly greeted him, and also looked at him with burning eyes.

Soon Lin Yuan discovered what the problem was.

It turned out that these people were all looking at the badge of the two-star creator hanging on their chests. It seemed that the creator was particularly eye-catching no matter where he went.

At this time, the receptionist of the guild alliance said respectfully.

"Master Two Star Builder, are you coming to the Guild Alliance to issue a mission, or to hire a club guild team?"

Lin Yuan quickly shook his head and said.

"It's my first time to come to the Guild Alliance, and I plan to come to the Guild Alliance for registration and certification."

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, the receptionist was overjoyed and said hastily.

"My lord will follow me to the VIP reception room to handle business."

After speaking, the receptionist hurriedly led the way.

The receptionist was overjoyed. Although the creators would issue tasks in the guild alliance, they only needed to authenticate the identity of the creators in the guild alliance. Very few creators would choose to register in the guild alliance.

Because the purpose of registering in the guild alliance is to be able to receive tasks.

If the creator wants to make money and allocate spiritual materials to cultivate spiritual things, that's fine. There is no need to accept tasks in the guild alliance.

And if every receptionist of the guild alliance can receive the creator and let the creator complete the registration in the guild alliance, he can get a lot of commission.

This commission is almost equal to the usual one-month salary of the receptionist, so Lin Yuan's registration is a great news to the receptionist.

When Lin Yuan entered the VIP lounge, he took off the badge of the two-star creator hanging on his chest without any trace.

At the same time, cleverness is also summoned, allowing cleverness to be directly instrumented.

There are two forms of intelligentization, one is glasses, and the other is glasses turned into masks.

Lin Yuan chose the form of a mask this time.

Cleverly turned into a silver-white mask with light lines, which fit Lin Yuan's face perfectly.

Putting on the mask, Lin Yuan's demeanor has changed. He was still a sunny boy before, but after wearing the mask and matching with a black aura costume, he looks very calm.

Soon, Lin Yuan finished his business in the guild alliance.

The business Lin Yuan handles is also very simple, that is, he binds another star network card he got when he became a two-star creator.

Then bind your identity as a creator with the "Can't Buy and Lose" Star Network Store.

At the same time, he transferred his account for climbing the star tower to another star network card.

There will be another update later~

(end of this chapter)