Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 133: This punch is strong enough


When Lin Yuan saw this weird energy crack, his mind suddenly exploded.

Lin Yuan had seen this weird energy crack when he was in Xiajun.

Isn't this weird energy rift just a dimensional rift

Zergs frantically gushed out of the just-opened dimensional rift, and all kinds of zergs fell from the dimensional rift that opened in the sky and were smashed to pieces.

However, layer after layer of Zerg corpses were laid down, and the newly fallen Zerg worms fell on this thick layer of Zerg corpses, so there would be no more casualties.

Soon the Zerg Sea quietly gathered under the dimensional rift that suddenly opened in the night.

All kinds of insects chirped together, and there were piercing and mixed insect chirps.

Immediately afterwards, these zergs gorged themselves on the flesh and blood of their companions who made a back for themselves, as if they were waiting for something to come.

This sudden dimensional rift opened at the edge of the endless deep forest, and the place where the sea of insects converged was only two or three kilometers away from Mopan Town.

It is almost as if the meta cracks opened at the gate of Mopan Town this time.

The dimensional rift that suddenly opened under the starry sky in the dark night revealed ferocious minions.

It's like a devil who chooses and devours people.

Mopan Town immediately panicked under this accident.

At this time, Zhang Xiaobai ran over.

Zhang Xiaobai still held thirty strings of big kidneys in his hand, and thirty strings of big kidneys could not be held in one hand, so Zhang Xiaobai held two hands, and fifteen strings in one hand was just right.

I don't know if it's because Zhang Xiaobai has gained experience from eating the big kidneys in Mopan Town, or if thirty skewers of big kidneys are just enough to satisfy Zhang Xiaobai's appetite.

Zhang Xiaobai ran up to Lin Yuan with a serious expression on his face. He glanced at the big waist in his hand, and then with one hand, he threw the big waist on the ground.

"Lin Yuan, let's go to the location just now to gather. After such a big incident happened, they should have rushed there immediately."

Zhang Xiaobai's face was unusually solemn, looking at Lin Yuan hesitant to speak, but in the end he didn't say anything, just reached out and patted Lin Yuan's shoulder.

Lin Yuan and Zhang Xiaobai ran towards the place they had agreed with Xin Ying, Lu Pinru, and Tan Ran.

After arriving at the location, Lin Yuan found that Xin Ying and Lu Pinru were already standing there with ugly and anxious faces.

Xin Ying shouted when she saw Lin Yuan and Zhang Xiaobai.

"Listening to the messy sound of insects, the dimensional crack opened in this hole is connected to the Zerg Dimension, but I don't know whether it is a first-level Zerg Dimension Crack or a peak-level Zerg Dimension Crack."

Lin Yuan has also done a lot of homework in this area. If the Zerg Dimensional Rift reaches the second level, I'm afraid that placing an order at such a close distance can make people dizzy with the sound of the Zerg's buzzing.

So the Zerg dimensional crack opened in this hole can only be the first level, but there is a big difference between the ordinary first-level Zerg dimensional crack and the first-level peak dimensional crack in the first-level dimensional crack.

At this time, Tan Ran ran over panting.

The five-member team was formally assembled, and Xin Ying's face had regained her composure at this time, she looked at Lin Yuan and said calmly.

"The incident happened suddenly, and it happened that there was a sudden dimensional crack in Mopan Town, so the mission between us to go to the endless forest to find the Bilin ice snake venom was suspended. You can go to the Wangdu Guild Alliance to collect our mortgage deposit as our sudden termination of the mission. compensate."

Zhang Xiaobai blushed at this moment, and wanted to say something, but looked at Lin Yuan and then at Xin Ying, even though his face was flushed red, he couldn't say what he wanted to say.

Lu Pinru and Tan Ran looked calm, but they looked at Lin Yuan with vague expectations.

At the same time, Lu Pinru had already removed the two-person wardrobe that had been carried behind her back.

Tan Ran also opened the backpack behind him, took out a forehead protector, and put it on his head.

The curly hair was pinned back, exposing the forehead, obviously both Lu Pinru and Tan Ran were ready for battle at this time.

Lin Yuan also saw the plan of the four members of the Extreme Club guild. These four people will stay in Mopan Town to help Mopan Town resist the invasion of insect swarms.

At this moment, Lin Yuan couldn't help but think of the little boy who just bought the fat yellow duck candy figurine.

I also thought of Chuci's childhood when he ate sugar figures, always arguing for the elite-level black-backed boar-shaped sugar figures.

When talking about eating a candy figure that looks like an elite black-backed wild boar, it seems that you can taste the taste of pork.

The memories that are too far away, the brows that were already invisible, are definitely appearing in front of my eyes at this time.

What is happiness

Food is happiness when you are hungry, just enough to be full.

Water is happiness when you are thirsty, just drink enough.

Money is happiness when you are poor, just enough is enough.

Happiness may be a thing when I was young, and I feel happy when I have it.

Happiness may be a goal when you grow up, and you will feel happy when you reach it.

A few months ago, Lin Yuan, who was struggling on the line of happiness, had neither health nor enough food and clothing.

But now even the goal of life has been set up farther than others.

From Lin Yuan's point of view, all this is not so much the fact that he activated the golden finger Mobius after reviving the first life, and his ability to use spiritual energy to strengthen spiritual objects.

It would be better to say that he was born in the Glorious Federation.

Although Lin Yuan was unwilling to accept help from others since he was a child, he unknowingly accepted too much favor.

I always take care of myself in my daily life, thinking about whether I can eat well, Aunt Zhang and Uncle Zhang.

There is no contracted spiritual object in Chuci, and Teacher Bao wants to buy spiritual objects for Chuci out of his own pocket.

And months later, this conscientious teacher.

Looking at the fighting spirit in the eyes of the four members of the Extreme Club, Lin Yuan seemed to suddenly understand the meaning of Hui Yao.

Huiyao is inheritance, a mission, and a belief.

Lin Yuan frowned as he looked at the four members of the Xtreme Club.

"Do you think the four of you are the only ones who want to stay? In my opinion, our temporary team cannot be disbanded, at least until we get through this bug swarm."

As soon as Lin Yuan finished speaking, Xin Ying, Lu Pinru and Tan Ran's eyes lit up when they looked at Lin Yuan.

If the few people were kind to Lin Yuan before, it was because of the formation of a temporary team.

But now the eyes of several people looking at Lin Yuan showed a sense of approval.

This kind of identification has nothing to do with the strength of strength, but a kind of identification at the soul level.

Zhang Xiaobai's blushing face, which had always wanted to say something but couldn't say it, suddenly turned into a brilliant color.

Laughing loudly, he punched Lin Yuan's body.

"Lin Yuan, you are indeed my good brother Zhang Xiaobai."

Lin Yuan was dropped on his shoulder by Zhang Xiaobai's punch, and almost took a step back.

This Xiaobai is indeed a reckless man who wants to eat thirty strings of big kidneys for a meal, and he is really reckless.

Lin Yuan also turned around and punched Zhang Xiaobai on the shoulder.

"I will focus on treating you after fighting."

Zhang Xiaobai took a step back when Lin Yuan punched him, and said with a loud laugh.

"This punch is strong enough, cool!"

Both Zhang Xiaobai and Lin Yuan are not good at expressing their feelings, and sometimes a punch between each other is the interpretation of a man's friendship for a moment.

Lin Yuan looked at the meta-crack this time, and said seriously.

"We alone can't stop the swarm of insects. Now we follow the flow of people and run towards the place where the adventurers gather in Mopan Town."

Xin Ying said quickly.

"There is a branch of the Guild Alliance in Mopan Town, and the flow of people is heading towards the branch of the Guild Alliance. Let's go to the branch of the Guild Alliance in Mopan Town now."

When Lin Yuan was heading towards the Guild Union branch in Mopan Town with the four members of the Extreme Club guild.

A strange but pleasant female voice sounded in Lin Yuan's ear, this voice was the mother of the blood bath who had been silent before.

The second update~ 嘤嘤嘤.

(end of this chapter)