Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 148: He was never restrained


Lin Yuan had been troubled by the improvement of the quality of the red thorns before, but he did not expect that this bug swarm would solve Lin Yuan's long-standing headache.

Now that the quality of the Bronze Rank Red Thorn has reached the epic quality, if you want to reach the legendary quality from the epic quality, you have to devour the flesh and blood of other-dimensional creatures step by step and work hard to accumulate.

Although time often has no trace of the past, time can solve many problems in the passage of time.

At this time, Xin Ying suddenly whispered to Lin Yuan.

"Denglong Guard of Denglong City has already taken charge of the situation, and the Denglong Guard of Mopan Town will take full responsibility. Let's slip away now, otherwise we won't have a day or two for reporters from Denglong City to interview us. But I can't go."

Speaking of this, Xin Ying suddenly stopped.

Xin Ying didn't continue, because Xin Ying knew that she had made a slip of the tongue the moment she said this sentence.

For any one person, he almost resisted a bug swarm at the peak of the first level alone, and guarded a small town.

If you accept an interview on Xingwang.com, you will undoubtedly become famous and gain widespread attention.

Xin Ying never cared about these things, because Xin Ying thought it was an unwise choice to guard Mopan Town in such a situation.

But it is a glorious choice.

In Xin Ying's opinion, if she wants to be famous, she has to improve her own strength, and she can do it punch by punch in the S competition.

However, although Xin Ying, who knows the ways of the world, has already identified Lin Yuan as a friend in her heart, Xin Ying is a little embarrassed that she seems to be helping Lin Yuan make up his mind unintentionally.

Zhang Xiaobai didn't expect this level.

At this moment, he put his arm around Lin Yuan's shoulder and said carelessly.

"Hahaha, just go! If you don't go for a while, you won't be able to go away!"

Just as Xin Ying wanted to pull Zhang Xiaobai, she saw Lin Yuan whispering.

"The endless forest is ahead, let's go! The original plan was to set off early in the morning to collect the venom of the golden-ranked Jade Lin ice snake!"

Lin Yuan's words were indifferent, but there was an indescribable freshness and ease.

Lin Yuan has never been a person who cares about fame and fortune.

On the contrary, the two lives made Lin Yuan look at everything with a dialectical perspective, except Lin Yuan was very indifferent to the things he really cared about.

Such things as fame and fortune are in such a world that respects strength.

Although fame and fortune cannot be equated with strength, having strength almost equals having fame and fortune.

If strength is compared to a flower, and fame and fortune are compared to a butterfly, it means that if the flower blooms, the butterfly will come naturally.

For Lin Yuan, the Huiyao Baizi sequence is Lin Yuan's next best choice.

Speaking with strength is the real man's choice.

Lin Yuan looked at the scorching sun that came with the dawn.

At this moment, the radiant light from the scorching sun seemed to be more eye-catching than the scorching sun at noon.

At this moment, a slight mental fluctuation came from Lin Yuan's body. This mental fluctuation was so subtle that even Zhang Xiaobai, who put his hand on Lin Yuan's shoulder, couldn't feel it.

At this moment, the Mother of Blood Bath who was lying on the spirit box of Ye Zi moved slightly, only feeling her mouth became more sour.

"This kid is really the Emperor of Europe. He comprehended the will rune so quickly after feeling his rule rune!"

However, the Mother of the Blood Bath immediately thought that Lin Yuan already had a lily Lily of the phantom species, so this rune of will should already be the second one.

The Mother of Blood Bath attributed Lin Yuan's contribution to comprehending this will rune to the fact that she made Lin Yuan feel the energy of her regular rune at the moment when she became Lin Yuan's guardian.

Of course, Lin Yuan would suddenly realize that this rune of will is indeed related to the rule rune that he felt at the time of the mother of the blood bath.

But if Mother of Blood Bath knew that Lin Yuan had comprehended the fourth will rune at this time, then Mother of Blood Bath would be sour and change her name to Mother of Lemons.

In Lin Yuan's eyes, the clearest light seemed to rise from the place where the morning sun shines, and this light-like will rune appeared in Lin Yuan's spiritual world.

Lin Yuan already had his mind on this rune when he realized it. This rune of will is very suitable for Yinyin.

Lin Yuan looked at the rising sun in the morning light, and suddenly a smile appeared on the face behind the mask that no one saw but was enough to overshadow the scorching sun.

He is a teenager.

In the faintness, he has been stepping on the broken footsteps of smoke and dust.

Stagger, stand, run.

Whether it's struggling to survive when you're low, or just doing nothing when you're high.

He never forgot to have an epiphany in his heart.

At this time, Xi's faint light dispelled the last bit of smoke and dust in Sui's footsteps.

And he, as a human being in two lifetimes, has never been restrained.

Xin Ying, Zhang Xiaobai, Lu Pinru, and Tan Ran couldn't help smiling when they heard Lin Yuan's refreshing and free-spirited words.

They have a good impression of each other, and they are friends after getting along.

To experience life and death together is to experience life and death as comrades-in-arms.

Under such circumstances, if the like-minded people are completely congenial, they will be inseparable friends invisibly.

Zhang Xiaobai gave Lin Yuan a thumbs up and said.

"Lin Yuan, it was so cool when you said that just now."

Seeing the antics of Zhang Xiaobai's fingers one after another, coupled with Zhang Xiaobai's strange expression at this time, Lin Yuan couldn't help laughing!

is it cool? maybe!

In fact, in Lin Yuan's mind, it's coolest to be your own person at any time!

Lin Pinru gave Zhang Xiaobai a white look.

"Can you stop showing the results of your Yan Yi cram school!"

Xin Ying looked at Zhang Xiaobai and felt really helpless.

After the S game last year, there was a one-month vacation. I originally wanted to take a vacation with the team.

As a result, Zhang Xiaobai actually went to enroll in the Yan Yi cram school, claiming that he wanted to learn a specialty.

Zhang Xiaobai felt aggrieved at the moment, and said with pouted lips.

"Is it wrong to learn a specialty?"

Lin Yuan couldn't help asking.

"Is there anyone who studies Yan Yi as a specialty?"

Zhang Xiaobai was even more aggrieved, blinking his eyes.

"My Yan Yi got the certificate!"

At this moment, Lin Yuan and the four members of the Xtreme Club union quietly left the land under the city wall of Mopan Town, which was defended last night, and headed directly towards the endless forest in the morning light.

In fact, what Lin Yuan and the four members of the extreme club union did not know was that their departure had already been noticed by everyone present.

One person defended Mopan Town under the insect swarm at the peak of the first level, and even healed everyone at the most critical time.

Not to mention the proud son of heaven, he must be in the center of everyone's eyes. Lin Yuan's life-saving grace alone made it difficult for everyone who had experienced fighting outside Mopan Town to take their eyes off Lin Yuan.

At the moment when Lin Yuan and the four members of the extreme club union left.

The man who led Deng Longwei, the president of the Mopan Town Trade Union Union Branch, and everyone in Mopan Town stood there quietly, watching the hero leave with sincere eyes.

This is the hero's choice. Heroes try their best to turn the tide from danger, but they always retreat lightly, unwilling to leave their names.

The president of the trade union union branch in Mopan Town only felt that the morning sun was particularly shining in the dawn. His eyes were not only dazzling because of the morning sun, but also because of the excitement in his heart. Two lines of hot tears flowed from his eyes, and he uttered the four words softly.

"Young hero."

The bald man at the head of Deng Longwei heard the words of the president of the Mopan Town Trade Union Union, bowed solemnly in the direction where Lin Yuan and the others were leaving and said.

"This is more than just a young hero, this is the spirit of Huiyao, the backbone of Huiyao."

The first update! The big story in Mopan Town is over~ Sahua

(end of this chapter)