Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 15: Mindful side effects


This uncle has a big brain, which makes Lin Yuan feel speechless for a while. How big of a brain is he who thinks that others will want to buy that dilapidated cage.

I'm afraid that the brain hole is so big that the neck is left.

"Uncle, I'm talking about buying a panhorn sheep for 100,000 yuan."

Lin Yuan didn't show it on the surface, but in his heart, a small barrage had already been generated, and he was crazily complaining about this uncle with a bad stomach.

The price given by Lin Yuan is very reasonable. Even two ordinary arbor sheep can be bought for about 60,000 federal currency, and the price of the arbor sheep with rare skills is only 95,000 federal currency. Lin Yuan added 5,000 federal coins to show his sincerity because he was anxious.

The uncle's eyes lit up as soon as he heard the 100,000 federal currency, and he quickly picked up the phone to call his wife who was going to buy meat.

After some conversation, the uncle hung up the phone, stretched out his fist like Lin Yuan did, and said with a yes gesture.

"120,000 federal currency."

Lin Yuan shook his head, turned around and left.

Spiritual objects such as elite-level spiritual objects that are widely circulated are priced by the market. I have already expressed my sincerity and want to buy this panhorn sheep with the ability to shake horns, but it does not mean that Lin Yuan can accept such a sky-high asking price. .

It's not that there are no spiritual creatures comparable to argali sheep in this spiritual thing market, just walk around by yourself.

Seeing Lin Yuan turn around and leave, the middle-aged uncle became anxious and said.

"If you give me 105,000 federal coins, I'll sell you a sheep! How about giving you a cage?"

The small barrage in Lin Yuan's heart was brushing faster. If he had eyes on the back of his head, Lin Yuan would definitely give this uncle a supercilious look.

The devil wants those broken cages you haven't painted in months.

In normal times, Lin Yuan would have turned his head and left, but now that it comes to the defensive spirits that his sister needs, Lin Yuan has no impulse to turn his head and look at the uncle Ruanfan.

"I'll take another look. If there's no suitable one, I'll buy the one that's leaning against the innermost one."

Seeing that Lin Yuan did not say that he would sell it immediately, the middle-aged uncle was a little unhappy, so he muttered.

"If you come to buy again later, I won't give away the cage!"

The bullet screen in Lin Yuan's heart had completely blocked the screen at this moment, so he turned and left.

After not walking far, Lin Yuan saw a large booth in front of him, surrounded by many people.

These people lined up around the booth, holding baskets or bags in their hands. Lin Yuan didn't seem to think that this group of people came to buy spiritual objects.

After walking two steps forward, Lin Yuan smelled the faint smell of blood in the air, and his nose fluttered. The bloody smell came from the booth in front of him.

At this time, Lin Yuan saw a big man, carrying a huge woven bamboo bag in his hand, walking forward with some difficulty. The bag was full of some spirit beast meat.

In the spirit thing market, no one would slaughter spirit things for sale in the past. Even if federal residents usually need to eat some spirit meat, these spirit things that provide meat are also farmed, and there are special slaughterhouses.

Now seeing this scene, Lin Yuan guessed that he had walked to the booth of the cultivation base affected by the dimensional rift.

Lin Yuan was about to go forward to see if there were any leaks to pick up, when he heard a rough voice from the booth in front of him.

"Thank you for your support in the past few days. The spirit beast meat has been sold out by now. If you haven't bought it, I'm here to apologize to everyone."

There was exhaustion in this rough man's voice, and a trace of indelible sadness.

People who didn't buy spirit beast meat also lined up for a long time, so they were naturally reluctant to leave, so they shouted at this rough man.

"Boss, I see there are some seriously injured spirit beasts inside, why don't we kill them!"

"That's right, boss! The spirit beast must be slaughtered if it's injured! I don't have any mercy on the bamboo rat I raise in my family. It's a pleasure to roast one by the river every day!"

Lin Yuan couldn't help but give a thumbs up to this man when he saw what he was saying.

Yes lad! Double bet.

But I don't have my own freestyle, so I have to practice hard.

The rough man quickly waved his hand.

"The ones inside can't be sold anymore. I'm sorry everyone. I have waited for such a long time. If you are interested, you can go inside and see if there are any spirit beasts that you can like. There are only three spirit beasts left in it. I bought them." Just make money!"

Seeing that there was really no meat for sale, the people around dispersed.

After all, buying a seriously injured spiritual object back home is a profit based on the spiritual object's own value, but how can you afford to hire a creator to heal the spiritual object

Seeing that people had almost left, the rough man squatted on the ground and carefully wiped off the stains left by selling the flesh and blood of spiritual objects before. Seeing Lin Yuan stepping forward, the rough man said habitually.

"The meat is all sold out, and this stall will no longer sell spirit beast meat!"

When Lin Yuan looked at the rough man's exhausted expression, apart from the determination in his eyes supporting his body, the rest was heavy sadness.

Dimensional Rift Zergs invaded. It is said that only two of the dozens of people in the spiritual cultivation base escaped, and one died shortly after escaping due to shock and wound infection without timely treatment.

This rough man was the only one who survived in the spiritual cultivation base.

"Boss, I'm not here to buy meat, I want to go and see what spirit items you have left for sale."

When the rough man heard that the business was coming, he quickly stopped wiping his hands and stood up.

Suddenly meeting Lin Yuan's eyes, the rough man's heavy heart seemed to calm down a lot.

This rough man only felt that a young man with red lips and white teeth stood there with a very kind and natural temperament, which made people feel close unconsciously. Even the sad and tired emotions seemed to have settled down because of this young man.

The rough man looked at Lin Yuan and found it more pleasing to the eye.

Although all these changes have something to do with Lin Yuan's appearance and temperament, the real reason is because Lin Yuan urged Mobius.

Mobius activates the passive skill Restoration, which only works on Lin Yuan himself, but when Lin Yuan experimented with this skill two nights ago, he found that Restoration also has a certain effect on people who are close to him The effect, just not as strong.

But what Lin Yuan doesn't know is that although this reassurance skill can work on the people around him, but at the same time of reassurance, it will also invisibly increase his favor towards himself.

Thanks for not knowing, if Lin Yuan knew, Lin Yuan would not use it indiscriminately.

"Brother, I'm not a few years older than you. You can just call me Brother Yang. There are three seriously injured spiritual creatures inside. I'll take you there if you look."

Lin Yuan was a little stunned by the boss's "brother", why did he suddenly call him "brother"

Looking at the white hair on the back of this rough man's head, Lin Yuan began to wonder for the first time whether he was too anxious to grow it

(end of this chapter)