Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 155: Choice of fantasy species


Now that he decided to give Chu Ci a promotion, Lin Yuan didn't delay at all.

After Lin Yuan and Chu Ci went directly to have a meal, they brought Chu Ci to the Founder's Union in Bauhinia City.

At that time, Lin Yuan had completed the two-star builder assessment in the Bauhinia City Builder Union.

This time, Lin Yuan first visited Mr. Ning.

When meeting Mr. Ning, Lin Yuan discovered that Mr. Ning was still nurturing the spinner tooth scissor shark.

It's just that when Lin Yuan saw the Spintooth Scissor Shark more than two months ago, the Spintooth Sword Scissor Shark has become even bigger.

At the same time, it is also stronger, which is the harbinger of the spin-tooth scissor shark will return to its prehistoric ancestors again.

It seems that Ning Lao wants to activate the blood of the megalodon in his body, and it is really very possible to achieve it.

After paying homage to Mr. Ning, Lin Yuan directly rented a training room in the Architects Union as a 2-star Architect.

Then some fresh fruits rich in aura were prepared in the cultivation room, and these fruits were regarded as Lin Yuan's recent meals.

In the past few days, Lin Yuan will improve the quality of Chuci.

Although Chu Ci has been studying in Bauhinia City for a while, it is really the first time that Chu Ci has come to this Bauhinia City to create a teacher's union.

As a member of the Huiyao Federation, although Chu Ci didn't know much about the aspects of the creator's promotion of spiritual objects.

But Chu Ci also knew the status of the founder in the Huiyao Federation.

Chuci is very proud that Lin Yuan can become a creator.

Lin Yuan's expectation for Chu Ci is the same as Chu Ci's expectation for Lin Yuan, but it is only about good health.

But there is nothing less to be proud of for any of the other's achievements.

Lin Yuan directly took out the fine steel butterfly stored in the leaf-shaped diamond step spiritual box in the cultivation room.

[Spiritual Name]: Steel Butterfly

[Spiritual Species]: Kipflyaceae/Glazed Butterfly

[Spirit Level]: Bronze Rank (10/10)

[Spiritual Items]: Gold

[Spiritual Quality]: Epic Quality


[Wing Block]: Condensate hard metal on the wings to block.

[Steel shield]: It quickly attaches to the target, and condenses a solid metal transparent all-round shield that can move with the target.

Exclusive features:

[Counterattack tremor]: When attacked, the attack damage received, whether it is a physical attack or a magic attack, part of the damage will be reflected back in the form of energy tremors.

Looking at this steel butterfly, especially the exclusive characteristics of the steel butterfly, Lin Yuan was very satisfied, and then said to Chu Ci.

"This steel butterfly is very suitable for you, and can take on your responsibilities as a defensive aura professional."

After the steel butterfly appeared, Chu Ci saw a butterfly about the size of an adult's fist that looked like a metal carving, and it just flew around Lin Yuan.

The dark metallic luster on the butterfly's wings shines, with many metallic lines.

During the flight, the steel butterfly flew directly to Chu Ci's side under Lin Yuan's signal.

Chu Ci stretched out his hand, and the steel butterfly landed on Chu Ci's hand immediately.

After that, Chu Ci teased the steel butterfly for a while, and made a contract with the steel butterfly.

Chu Ci is naturally very clear about the responsibilities of defensive aura professionals mentioned by Lin Yuan.

In the team, defensive Reiki professionals must cooperate with other members of the team to play the role of defense in the team.

Although the rhino horn iron ox is a defensive spirit, it is undoubtedly more like a battle spirit, and the sacrifice feature is only effective for Chu Ci personally.

So the current Chu Ci only contracted a rhinoceros horn iron ox. It is obviously unqualified to form a team with other people as a defensive aura professional.

But now with the steel butterfly, it is obviously different.

Lin Yuan asked Chu Ci to summon the Rhino Horn Iron Bull after Chu Ci completed the contract with Jinggang Die.

Immediately after the Rhino Horn Iron Bull appeared, it yelled "moo".

Rubbing Chu Ci's hand lightly with his cheek, he was still worried about Chu Ci's injuries in the previous battle. It was obvious that the rhinoceros horn and iron ox were very attached to Chu Ci.

Then the rhinoceros horn saw Lin Yuan, and then turned his head to Chu Ci, and only after Chu Ci's signal did the rhinoceros horn walk to Lin Yuan's side.

He shook his head at Lin Yuan as a greeting.

Obviously the rhinoceros horned iron ox still remembered Lin Yuan, but after the rhinoceros horned iron ox became Chuci's contract spirit.

Although Rhino Horn Iron Bull remembered that Lin Yuan saved him at that time, but at the moment when he became the contract spirit of Chu Ci, Rhino Horn Iron Bull only listened to Chu Ci's words from then on.

Spiritual things have spirits, and they have always chosen one person for the rest of their lives.

Seeing the state of the Rhino Horn Iron Bull at this time, Chu Ci knew that Chu Ci had trained the Rhino Horn Iron Bull well.

At this time, the level of the Rhino Horn Iron Bull has evolved from the first level of the bronze level two months ago to the fourth level of the bronze level.

This speed is undoubtedly very fast without the help of the creator.

In addition, the iron ox with rhino horns is now much stronger than before, the metallic luster on its body is thicker, and the rhino horns on its head are even sharper.

Obviously, the rhino horned iron ox usually eats a lot of metals, which is why it has such a good development state.

But at this moment, Chu Ci was faced with a choice.

Because the will rune comprehended by Chu Ci has a strong sense of metal thickness.

Therefore, whether it is a rhinoceros horn iron ox or a stainless steel butterfly contracted just now, this rune of will is very suitable.

In this case, Chu Ci, as the contractor, had to make a choice.

Lin Yuan knew that the choice at this time would be very difficult, but Chu Ci had to make a choice, because there was only one will rune after all.

"Chu Ci, the steel butterfly and the rhinoceros-horned iron ox are two spiritual creatures whose will runes are suitable for you. Which spiritual creature do you want to evolve into a fantasy species?"

"Fantasy species?"

Chu Ci asked back in surprise, a little confused.

Why did Lin Yuan mention fantasy species all of a sudden

I also asked myself which one should be promoted to the fantasy species first, the rhino horn iron bull or the stainless steel butterfly

Although fantasy species is not common sense, there is such knowledge in the courses offered by Chu Ci.

Chu Ci naturally knew that the promotion of fantasy species required the quality of spiritual objects to be upgraded to legendary quality.

Chu Ci stared blankly at Lin Yuan. Could it be that Lin Yuan can raise the quality of spiritual objects to legendary quality

Lin Yuan stretched out his hand and scratched the tip of Chu Ci's nose, bringing Chu Ci back to his senses.

"Silly girl, when did I lie to you? Your choice this time is related to your development path for a long time in the future, so you must be cautious."

Chu Ci has always believed in Lin Yuan unconditionally.

So Chu Ci has now carefully thought about the question Lin Yuan asked him to think about, and began to weigh the use of the will rune in his heart.

In the end, Chu Ci pondered for a while and said firmly.

"I choose the rhino horn and the iron bull."

Lin Yuan sighed, and said that in his heart, Lin Yuan hoped that Chu Ci would choose Jinggangdie.

Because the stainless steel butterfly evolved into a phantom species, it can protect Chuci's safety very well, so that Chuci will hardly be in danger of broken arms like today.

After all, the stainless steel butterfly is a very strong defensive spiritual creature. After evolving into a fantasy species and awakening the second exclusive characteristic, its defensive ability will only become stronger.

Although Lin Yuan wanted to create an iron bucket sister before.

However, Chu Ci, as a Reiki professional, is a person with an independent personality, and Chu Ci has the right to choose the path he will take in the future.

As an elder brother, Lin Yuan will intervene in the face of big right and wrong, but in this choice of route, he can only guide.

At this time, Lin Yuan asked again very cautiously.

"Have you really decided to be the iron bull with rhino horn?"

Will runes have always been elusive. Although Chu Ci has already obtained a will rune at this time, it may not be when the next time he will get a will rune.

Therefore, all aura professionals are very cautious about the spiritual objects to be selected for the will rune.

Because once you choose a certain spiritual object to fuse the will rune, it is very likely that your fighting style and fighting system in the future will change with this choice.

Chu Ci nodded this time without any hesitation, his eyes were shining brightly.

"Lin Yuan, I'm sure!"

Chu Ci also has his own goals.

That is Chuci wants to pass the selection of the Bauhinia Hundred Sons and become the top ten of the Bauhinia Hundred Sons, to represent the Bauhinia City to participate in the competition of the Bauhinia Hundred Sons sequence.

Chu Ci had some considerations in his heart. If he chose the steel butterfly, although his defensive ability had been improved, his combat ability would undoubtedly be much weaker than that of choosing a rhinoceros horn and an iron bull.

However, whether it is the selection of the Bauhinia Hundred Sons or the competition of the Huiyao Hundred Sons, individual abilities are undoubtedly more important than team abilities.

So if you want to hit the top ten of the Bauhinia Hundred Sons and be eligible to participate in the competition of the Bauhinia Hundred Sons sequence, it is undoubtedly more appropriate to evolve the Rhinoceros Horn Iron Bull into a fantasy species.

At the same time, the Rhino Horn Iron Bull was Chu Ci's first spiritual creature, and Chu Ci had already adapted to the style of fighting with the Rhino Horn Iron Bull.

In fact, Chuci, a fifteen-year-old girl, also has her own ambitions.

That's what Chu Ci wanted to stand in the position of the Huiyao Baizi sequence through his own efforts.

Although now he has been sheltered under Lin Yuan's wings.

But one day Chuci also wanted to be full-fledged and able to protect Lin Yuan.

This is the warm ambition of a girl.

After Chu Ci made his final decision, Lin Yuan had already started preparing to strengthen the Iron Bull with Rhinoceros Horn.

(I hope friends who like this book can come to QQ to read and support the original version, thank you very much.)

Second update~

(end of this chapter)