Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 156: The Legend of the Rhinoceros


The direction of Lin Yuan's own spirit affinity is to be compatible with healing spirits, auxiliary spirits, and plant spirits.

It's just that Lin Yuan himself is a healing assistant, but he has an output heart.

Lin Yuan is on the choice of cultivating the original biological red thorn.

Directly cultivate the source seed of the red thorn towards the direction of the fighting spirit.

Just looking at the evolution of the red thorn into its current form, we can see how persistent Lin Yuan is in output.

But now Lin Yuan didn't expect that his younger sister Chu Ci was also like him. As a defensive aura professional, he manipulated a big iron ox to indulge in output.

This is really not a family, do not enter a door.

It would take more than five days for Lin Yuan to strengthen the bronze-ranked rhino-horned iron bull. If he wanted to upgrade the quality of the bronze-ranked rhino-horned iron bull to legendary quality.

For more than five days, it was enough for Lin Yuan to strengthen the rhino horn iron bull by himself in the cultivation room.

At this time, there was a bell ringing at the door of the cultivation room.

In the creator's training room, on weekdays, if there are creators cultivating spiritual things in the training room, no one will disturb them.

So as soon as the bell at the door of the cultivation room rang, Lin Yuan knew that it was Mr. Ning who had come.

When Lin Yuan came to see Chu Ci, he just wanted to send Yinrui Jinzemi to Chu Ci, and at the same time sign a contract with Chu Ci on the stainless steel butterfly he had cultivated before.

It never occurred to Chu Ci to comprehend the will rune.

If the quality of the Rhino Horn Iron Bull is to be upgraded to the legendary quality, it needs some spiritual materials to assist, but Lin Yuan did not prepare some spiritual materials in advance due to the sudden incident.

So when he visited Mr. Ning just now, Lin Yuan asked Mr. Ning to see if there were any spiritual materials needed to improve the quality of the Rhinoceros Horn and Iron Bull in the material room of the Bauhinia City Builders Union.

Lin Yuan opened the door, only to see Mr. Ning standing at the door.

At the same time, Lin Yuan saw that Ning Lao's side was also following Lin Yuan's Ning Xuejun when he participated in the builder assessment at the Builder Union in Bauhinia City.

Ning Xuejun is also Ning Lao's granddaughter.

At this time, Ning Xuejun was holding a bronze-level sleepy spirit box in his hand.

When Ning Xuejun saw Lin Yuan, he nodded and greeted Lin Yuan, and at the same time, surprise appeared in his eyes.

Ning Xuejun was very impressed with Lin Yuan, because Lin Yuan was the only person in Huiyao Federation who scored full marks in all three life aura professional level-one exams at once.

Just seeing Lin Yuan again, Ning Xuejun was surprised that Lin Yuan's temperament seemed to have changed a lot compared to before.

Ning Lao looked at Lin Yuan and said with a laugh.

"Boy Yuan, the old man has already prepared all the spiritual materials you asked for before."

Lin Yuan is finally relieved now, at least he doesn't need to waste time to collect the spiritual materials needed to upgrade the quality of the rhinoceros horn and iron bull to the legendary quality.

Lin Yuan touched the back of his head, Sunshine smiled.

"Mr. Ning, don't worry about it."

To upgrade the quality of Bronze Rhino Horn Iron Bull to legendary quality requires a lot of Manganese Ore and Metal Essence.

Manganese ore and metal essence are not very rare spiritual materials.

Metal essence is the crystallization left after a large number of metals are mixed together and forged at high temperature.

Manganite is a dark blue flake metal in the deep layers of the earth.

While manganese ore is extremely hard, if you touch it with your hands, you will feel a tingling sensation of sharp metal.

There are two kinds of spiritual materials, metal essence and manganese ore. Among them, metal essence needs 500 catties, and manganese ore needs a full two thousand catties.

The price of metal essence is about two Hui Yao coins per catty, while manganese iron ore needs nearly eight Hui Yao coins per catty.

If it was in the past, Lin Yuan really couldn't get out the nearly 20,000 Huiyao coins all at once.

But since there are a large amount of Huiyao coins in the beetle-shaped spiritual box of Cheng Centipede, if Lin Yuan wants to buy these spiritual materials for cultivating spiritual things, he no longer needs to be tied up, just buy them and use them directly.

Ning Xuejun handed the Bronze Staircase to Lin Yuan, and at the same time looked at Chu Ci beside Lin Yuan.

Ning Xuejun could tell at a glance that Chu Ci was Lin Yuan's younger sister, even though Chu Ci and Lin Yuanwan had completely different temperaments.

Lin Yuan is the kind of sunny teenager who makes people feel like a spring breeze.

But Chu Ci's tranquility has such a trace of coldness, although there is a smile on his face, he seems to have a slight sense of alienation from everything except Lin Yuan.

Even though their temperaments are completely different, Lin Yuan and Chu Ci's eyebrows and eyes are very similar.

This look of eyebrows and eyes can tell that they are blood relatives.

Ning Xuejun extended his hand friendly and greeted Chu Ci.

Chu Ci was taken aback for a moment, then smiled slightly, and shook hands with Ning Xuejun politely.

Seeing this, Mr. Ning looked at Chu Ci and said with a laugh.

"Boy Yuan, you can't care about this little girl even if you cultivate spiritual things inside, why don't I take the little girl out and let the old man's granddaughter accompany her around."

It just so happened that Lin Yuan had been thinking about strengthening the spiritual things by himself before, so he couldn't let Chu Ci stay bored in this cultivation room all the time.

For five days, Lin Yuan needs to concentrate on cultivating spiritual creatures. If Chu Ci is left aside, Lin Yuan really can't bear it.

Now that Chu Ci is with Ning Lao and Ning Xuejun, Lin Yuan is more at ease.

Chu Ci turned to look at Lin Yuan, and after Lin Yuan nodded, he graciously followed Ning Lao and Ning Xuejun out of the cultivation room where Lin Yuan was.

Now Lin Yuan is the only one left in the cultivation room.

Lin Yuan also took out the metal essence and manganese ore stored in the copper-level sleepy spirit box that Ning Xuejun handed over just now.

Then he touched the horn of the rhinoceros iron ox and said.

"Tiepimple, you go and eat these metal essences and manganese ore, and then I will improve your quality."

Although Rhino Horn Iron Bull is not as intelligent as Yinyin, Lin Yuan can still understand what Rhino Horn Iron Bull said.

Understanding what Lin Yuan meant, the rhinoceros horned iron ox immediately snorted excitedly, and hurriedly ate the metal essence and ferromanganese ore that Lin Yuan put on the ground.

Although the metal essence weighs five hundred catties and the manganese iron ore weighs two thousand catties, it sounds like a lot.

However, since the metal essence and manganese ore are very dense, they are extremely heavy.

So Metal Essence and Manganese Ore don't actually look like much.

While Rhino Horn Iron Bull was happily eating the metal essence and manganese iron ore, Lin Yuan looked at Rhino Horn Iron Bull and smiled softly.

In Lin Yuan's view, the rhinoceros with elite-level epic quality that was seriously injured and endangered at the beginning was a huge bargain, and it was an excellent spiritual creature.

But now that Lin Yuan has money, he can easily buy a lot of defensive spirits that are better than the elite epic quality rhinoceros.

But fortunately, the skill that the elite rhinoceros learned at the elite level was sacrifice.

Because of the rare skill of sacrificing, the Rhino Horn Iron Bull directly surpasses most defensive spirits.

At the beginning, Lin Yuan had just recovered his body and could feel the aura, so he didn't have any time to accumulate resources.

So it was really difficult to destroy Lin Yuan when preparing defensive spirits for Chuci.

But Lin Yuan, as an elder brother, has a clear conscience.

For Lin Yuan back then, that sentence was fulfilled.

"I may not give you the best, but this is the best I can give now."

The rhino horn iron ox has been greatly transformed because of the sacrifice of skills.

And now the Rhino Horn Iron Bull is about to usher in the second transformation in its life, and this transformation is also an extremely important sublimation in Chu Ci's life.

The spiritual power in Lin Yuan's fast-moving body, the pure spiritual energy was quickly absorbed by every cell in the rhino horn iron ox's body.

The cells of the rhino horned iron ox seemed to be activated by this pure spiritual power, showing a state of hunger, scrambling to absorb the energy in the metal essence and manganese ore in its stomach.

Time flies, Lin Yuan basically didn't have much rest in the past five days.

At this moment, the rhinoceros horned iron ox suddenly called out "moo".

The Rhino Horn Iron Bull, which was originally nearly three meters in size, has now skyrocketed to 3.5 meters, and has become even stronger.

The horns on both sides of the bull's head and the rhinoceros horn on its forehead are sharper, shining with a gloomy metal cold light.

At this time, the quality of the Bronze-rank Rhino Horn and Iron Bull was finally raised by Lin Yuan to the legendary quality.

The next step is to wait for Chuci to fuse the will rune with the rhino horn iron ox, so that the rhino horn iron ox can evolve into a fantasy species.

The third update~the last update today!

(end of this chapter)