Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 176: Liu Jie, who was shocked one after another (for the little fluffy hamster


If Wen Yu wants to save Lin Yuan money, there is no need to reveal the identity of Lin Yuan Huiyue Palace's Young Highness.

Just because Wen Yu revealed his identity as the spirit servant of Huiyue Palace, I am afraid that the strong in the capital will line up to help build the manor.

But as the spirit attendant of Huiyue Palace, Wen Yu has arrogance from the soul to others except Lin Yuan.

This kind of arrogance in the soul does not refer to domineering, but the extremely arrogant self-esteem.

This kind of self-esteem made Wen Yu not accept help from anyone who wanted to please Huiyue Palace.

Lin Yuan knew that Master Xuan Wen Yu was talking about could only be Xuan Yue.

Lin Yuan did not expect that Xuan Yue helped build this manor.

Lin Yuan directly took out his mobile phone and dialed Xuan Yue's number.

In a lotus pond, lotus flowers of various colors swallow haze.

Xiaguang spits out from the lotus, rises in this apse, and reflects a pool of clear water.

The tail of the platinum-ranked spirit-absorbing goldfish swayed the water, as if turning the water into a breeze that melted into the rosy clouds.

However, the beauty of all this was disturbed by a bright man in a silver robe next to the lotus pond, who smiled cautiously and awkwardly.

Yue Hou glanced at Xuan Yue, only to feel that the spirit tea she drank was no longer fragrant.

Let Xuan Yue go to the chef to fetch a spirit-eating pig before the month.

Spirit-eating Fragrant Pig is a kind of spiritual creature unique to the master chef of the five-star creator.

Just like Yinrui Jinzegui in Huiyue Temple, except that the effect of eating spirit fragrant pigs is not like Yinrui Jinzegui, which can wash out impurities in the body.

Shilingxiang pig is just a kind of food, but the meat of Shilingxiang pig can know what is the most delicious feeling in the world.

Because of this, the meat of Shilingxiang pig is also known as the best meat in the world.

Yue Hou originally wanted to invite Lin Yuan to eat delicacies made of Lingxiang pigs, but after asking Xuan Yue to find Lin Yuan, he found out that Lin Yuan had gone into seclusion again.

Months later, knowing that Lin Yuan was in retreat, he couldn't help but sigh.

My apprentice is working too hard!

How could there be such a hard-working apprentice in the world!

This really makes me seem useless as a master!

But just now, when Wen Yu came to Huiyue Hall to ask Xuanyue to pay the bill.

It was only after a month that Xuan Yue helped Lin prepare to build the manor, which immediately made Yue Hou furious.

How could this disciple be short of money!

Even if Cheng Wu has poor food, he still has a lot of savings. Even if he builds three manors, it is enough!

As a master, I didn't help, and I was afraid that my apprentice would not agree, so you went so fast to cut off this manor!

Xuan Yue naturally understood what Yue Hou was thinking.

Although Xuan Yue had an embarrassed and terrified expression on her face, she was very grateful to Lin Yuan in her heart and was very happy for Yue Hou.

In the past ten years, Master Yue Hou's mood swings have not changed as vividly as in the past few days when Master Yue Hou accepted Lin Yuan as his apprentice.

When Yue Hou wanted to accept apprentices, Xuan Yue, as one of Yue Hou's envoys, naturally would not have any opinions.

But for Lin Yuan, Xuan Yue just loves the house and loves Wu after knowing Yue Hou's heart.

But in getting along, without knowing it, Xuan Yue has recognized Lin Yuan from the bottom of her heart.

The apprentices accepted by adults after this month.

This little Highness of Huiyue Hall.

Suddenly Xuan Yue laughed out loud.

After Huiyue Hall gained a young Highness, not only the Queen of the Moon, but the entire Huiyue Hall came alive.

After a month, I felt that the spirit tea in my mouth was not fragrant.

But after hearing Xuan Yue's laughter again, Yue Hou suddenly felt that the spirit tea in his mouth was a bit bitter.

Before Yue Hou could speak, Xuan Yue's phone rang.

Xuanyue took out the phone and looked at it, secretly said that it was not good, at this time Lin Yuan actually called the phone.

Xuan Yue secretly glanced at Yue Hou, but Yue Hou snorted and ignored it.

Xuan Yue just answered the phone.

Lin Yuan spoke after dialing the phone.

"Uncle Xuan? I heard from Wen Yu that you helped me build the manor."

Lin Yuan didn't know how to call Xuanyue, senior Xuanyue, but Xuanyue always said that he couldn't do it.

Xuan Yue and her teacher, Yue Hou, belonged to the same generation, so Lin Yuan simply called him Uncle Xuan.

When Xuan Yue on the other end of the phone heard Lin Yuan's address, Xuan Yue, who was always clear and calm, choked on her own saliva.

Coughed up.

Although she was a little embarrassed when she coughed, a warm current surged in Xuan Yue's heart.

Uncle Xuan

It was the first time someone called me that, it was strange but kind.

"Your Highness, I asked the master of the construction union to design the manor. Are you satisfied? If you are not satisfied, let Wen Yu go to the spirit craftsman team to modify the manor."

Lin Yuan originally wanted to say something else, but Xuan Yue was seriously considering whether she was satisfied with the manor.

Lin Yuan couldn't say some words that seemed out of place.

What level of powerhouse is Xuan Yue, and how can there be less things to do every day.

But he took care of the construction of his manor.

Invisibly, Lin Yuan felt that it was not only his master Yuehou who gave him a sense of belonging in Huiyue Palace.

"Uncle Xuan, this manor is well designed."

Xuan Yue's clear laughter came from the other end of the phone.

"It's fine if you like it. Wen Yu is also relatively safe in handling things. The supervisor has put in a lot of effort this time."

Xuan Yue praised Wen Yu to Lin Yuan.

Xuanyue didn't pay any attention to Wen Yu as a spiritual servant before, but Xuanyue still liked Wen Yu's handling ability in the construction of the manor this time.

The area of Lin Yuan's manor is not small. When Xuan Yue built this manor before, she thought about whether to recommend two spirit servants to Lin Yuan to help.

But Wen Yu's ability to handle affairs made Xuan Yue dispel this idea.

After hanging up the phone, Xuanyue looked at Master Yue Hou drinking tea just like that, and then looked at herself.

Xuan Yue couldn't help shrinking her neck.

At this moment, Yue Hou's cell phone rang.

After a month of answering the phone, a smile appeared on his face immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Xuan Yue heard Yue Hou ask a question.

"You said that if you have an apprentice, what should you give your apprentice?"

Xuan Yue couldn't help but twitch her brows. Didn't Master Yue Hou mean to ask what should be given to Lin Yuan

Xuan Yue dared not come up with such a random idea.

In case Lin Yuan confiscated him in the end, he might be sent to the desert by Master Yuehou to do missions.

Xuan Yue said hastily.

"Master Yuehou, I don't even have an apprentice, how could I know what to send my apprentice?"

When Yuehou heard Xuanyue's words, the smile on his face was even stronger, and he said it a little ostentatiously.

"I know you don't have an apprentice, even if you have an apprentice, you can't get as good as my apprentice."

Lin Yuan hung up the phone, seeing Wen Yuzheng looking at him expectantly, Lin Yuan said.

"Uncle Xuan praised you just now, saying that you are very safe in handling things."

A surprised and bright smile appeared on Wen Yu's face immediately.

Wen Yu has always respected Master Xuanyue very much, and Wen Yu was extremely pleasantly surprised to get Xuanyue's affirmation.

At this moment, Lin Yuan looked at the list Wen Yu was holding in his hand and asked.

"What are you going to do?"

Wen Yu raised the list in Yang's hand and said.

"Master Lin Yuan, there is no furniture in the house yet, so I want to order some furniture."

Wen Yu's words reminded Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan placed a lot of furniture and wood in Suoling Space before.

In the environment of such a high concentration of aura in the spirit lock space, the furniture and wood have already become jade.

In fact, long before Lin Yuan and Ling Xiao came to the capital, the furniture and wood had already undergone jade quality.

In the past few months, Lin Yuan has strengthened the spiritual objects and improved his strength. He has long forgotten these jade-like furniture and wood, and he doesn't know to what extent these furniture and wood have become jade-like.

If it weren't for Wen Yu's reminder at this time, Lin Yuan really couldn't remember it.

Immediately, Lin Yuan waved his hand and took out some furniture in Suo Ling Space.

As a result, just as Lin Yuan took out the jade-like wood, Liu Jie, who was looking at the scenery in the manor, almost bit his tongue.

Looking carefully at the jade-like furniture that Lin Yuan had just brought out, Liu Jie didn't catch his breath, and hiccupped because of choking.

Now Liu Jie really can't help but want to sigh with emotion!

What kind of conditions did I have with a master!

The fourth update~ Thanks to the little fluffy hamster, there may be a fifth update tonight.

(end of this chapter)