Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 186: Blood flowers in the sea of flowers


Lin Yuan had just matched against an opponent on the 74th floor.

I saw that the opponent I was matched with directly summoned two tiger-like spirits.

One looks like a gold-rank spirit creature in terms of momentum, while the other is a silver-rank tenth-level spirit creature that is about to break through to the gold rank.

Lin Yuan didn't pay much attention to the steel-toothed tiger of the tenth silver rank elite quality.

However, the purple plasma condensed on the surface of this other gold-ranked tiger spirit was full of a destructive smell.

Lin Yuan used the real data of Mobius' skills to check this tiger-like gold-rank spirit creature with plasma on its body.

[Spiritual creature name]: Amount of electric tiger

[Spiritual Species]: Toothed Felidae/Tiger

[Spirit Level]: Gold Rank (4/10)

[Spiritual Object Type]: Electricity

[Spiritual quality]: perfect quality


[Claw Strike]: Jump forward quickly, and then use double claws to cause tearing damage.

[Arc Winding]: It can condense the arc to defend or attack a certain part of the body.

[Thunder Fang Cutting]: Condenses lightning to form Thunder Fang, causing high-voltage single-target damage.

[Electric Shock and Magnetic Shock]: Through the roar of the tiger, it condenses a large amount of electric elements in the air, and then changes its own magnetic field, repelling a large number of electric arcs to the surroundings, causing electric shock and tremor damage.

Exclusive features:

[Overload Arc]: The arc formed by self-condensation reaches the overload mode, and the violent overload arc will cause a secondary explosion when it comes into contact with bioelectricity.

Lin Yuan secretly frowned at this tiger-type gold-ranked spiritual creature.

The skills comprehended by the electric tiger of this tiger-type gold-rank spiritual creature are not considered strong.

The skill Thunder Tooth Slicing comprehended at the gold rank is considered a relatively poor skill among the skills that can be comprehended at the gold rank of Dianhu.

Thunder Fang Cutting is just a single skill with no bright spots.

But the exclusive features of this money electric tiger are really excellent.

The overloaded arc directly gave the mediocre Thunder Yak a chance to do secondary damage.

Even directly doubled the damage ability of the Tsunami and Magnetic Shock.

Lin Yuan also directly summoned Yinyin and Red Thorn.

After Yinyin was summoned, she felt a strong fighting spirit rising from the silver-ranked tenth-level elite-quality steel-toothed tiger opposite Lin Yuan, and the gold-ranked fourth-level perfect-quality electric tiger.

In the past few days, Lin Yuan has always let Yinyin take the lead in the battle of the Star Net Tower.

Although there had been no suspenseful duels before, it also allowed Yinyin to cultivate a fighting spirit.

As for the red thorn, it was the first time Lin Yuan summoned it in the Starnet duel.

After the red thorn was summoned by Lin Yuan, it directly inserted the thick roots straight into the ground, and then stretched out the sharp vines to protect Lin Yuan's whole body.

The red thorn vine, which was specially evolved without any thorns, wrapped around Lin Yuan's wrist obediently and clingingly.

After the opponent Lin Yuan matched with summoned the spirit thing, he directly said something to himself in mid-air.

"Old irons, let me tell you that I met another guy wearing a silver mask in this battle. Counting this guy wearing a silver mask in the past two months, it happened to be the tenth guy I killed."

Lin Yuan frowned.

The boy is crazy!

Lin Yuan already knew what the person he matched with was supposed to be an anchor.

Lin Yuan also met a fool who was talking to himself in the air on the 60th floor before.

At first Lin Yuan thought he was a mental patient.

But then Lin Yuan found that this idiot kept talking about the situation in front of him, and he had already commented on the voice he summoned before he even fought.

All kinds of theories are said, just like a famous teacher.

He looks like a strong mouthed king who points out the country.

As a result, it really started to fight, and Yinyin used the gold-level skill Sun Rays plus Luminous Light, and was sent directly to the west with the Yin Spike mixed in the chaotic light.

Later, when Lin Yuan talked about it while eating at the dinner table, it was still under Liu Jie's explanation.

Only then did Lin Yuan realize that the person he had always thought was a mental patient turned out to be the star network anchor.

And the man Lin Yuan met in front of him was just like the idiot who was on the 60th floor before.

It seems that an anchor has also left.

At this time, Lin Yuan's opponent was leaning on the gold-level fourth-level perfect-quality Dianhu, making heart-to-heart gestures in mid-air, and blowing kisses.

Lin Yuan couldn't help feeling chills, the man opposite was really too feminine.

This kind of femininity is different from the softness of a woman, but a bit like a chicken that fell into a noodle jar.

When Lin Yuan heard Liu Jie talk about it, he also knew that it was not easy to be the anchor of the star network battle under Liu Jie's notice.

If you want to be a star network anchor, you must first open the anchor qualification.

The review of the anchors of the star network battle is very strict, unlike those singing talent anchors who can directly click on it to broadcast live.

After the review, the scene of his battle will be recorded from a third-person perspective and played in his live broadcast room.

Viewers in the live broadcast room can post barrage in the live broadcast room to discuss the battle situation.

But the anchor in the battle cannot be seen.

Only after the duel is over, exit the star network battle and return to the live broadcast room to see the barrage from the audience in the live broadcast room.

Just like at this time, the feminine man leaning next to the electric tiger.

At this time, the feminine man suddenly stood up, watched the discharge frequently in mid-air, danced street dance, and sang rap.

At this time, the feminine man had already imagined in his mind that the bullet screens in his live broadcast room should be full of screens like handsome and guarding the best anchors.

The feminine man thought about it, his smile became brighter, his hip-hop dance became more vigorous, and the rap he sang began to change from a single bet to a double bet.

But the feminine man didn't know that his live broadcast room exploded when Lin Yuan summoned Yinyin.

Later, when Lin Yuan summoned the red thorn, the bullet screen in the live broadcast room directly blocked the feminine man who was singing and dancing.

Lin Yuan felt that everything in front of him was so eye-catching.

In fact, the war had already begun when the two sides summoned the spirits.

Lin Yuan's previous plan was not to use the acid-etched queen bee, but to hone Yinyin's fighting skills through this gold-ranked fourth-level perfect quality Dianhu.

Let's see if Yinyin, with the help of the red thorn, can make a 50-50 split between the strength of the first-level fantasy species of the silver rank and the perfect quality of the fourth-level gold rank.

But now, Lin Yuan looked at the feminine man with no fighting spirit opposite him, and felt that it was obviously not a good opportunity to hone Yinyin's fighting skills.

At this moment, the feminine man had stopped singing and dancing, but he was still rapping.

"Yo! Yo! Check it out! I finally fell from the ninetieth floor to the seventy-fourth floor. It's not easy! Now let you experience the speed of light journey!"

Lin Yuan really couldn't listen any more at this time, and said directly.

"Redthorn, spread out the sea of flowers."

As soon as Lin Yuan finished speaking, the spore cavity of the red thorn trembled.

The red thorns didn't actually spray out many spores, but these spores still spread a thin layer on the star network battle field.

Then the red thorns directly catalyzed these spores into daughter plants, and a large area of daughter plants grew out, directly changing the fighting environment.

The vines in the sea of flowers are sharp, and the rose-shaped flowers on the digestive cavity are extremely gorgeous.

The Gold Level 4 Perfect Quality Dianhu and the Silver Level 10 Elite Quality Steel Tooth Tiger felt that the sudden flower sea was very novel.

Then wantonly stomped on the newly born red thorn plants in the sea of flowers, obviously playing.

Lin Yuan couldn't help shaking his head when he looked at the feminine man who was still talking coquettishly in mid-air and these two tiger-like spirits who had no fighting intentions.

As a combat aura professional, even if you don't say go all out in any battle, you should face it seriously.

But the feminine man in front of him has been corrupted by some other things.

Since the opponent has no intention of fighting at all, Lin Yuan also wants to end this battle quickly.

Then match the combat skills of the opponent's honed Yinyin.

Lin Yuan said softly.

"Queen Acid Erosion Bee, end the battle."

At this moment, the feminine man was still speaking in mid-air.

"The other side is quite intentional, and even set up a unique skill, is it to sing praises of my uncle's beauty in this garbage sea of flowers!"

At this time, the barrage in the soft man's live broadcast room was not as crazy as when Lin Yuan recalled the red thorn.

Although there are still a lot of bullet screens, they are less than before.

At the very least, you can clearly see the scene where the feminine men are fighting.

At this moment, the eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room shrank.

Because the heads of the two tiger spirits were directly pierced by something, and there was a beautiful flower of blood.

These two bouquets of blood flowers bloomed in the sea of flowers with two wailing roars of tigers.

This weird and glamorous aspect directly gave goosebumps to the audience in the feminine man's live broadcast room, and at the same time couldn't help but swear.

"Black, bull coin!"

The third update~see you tomorrow

(end of this chapter)