Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 216: cannot be replaced


Dianque King's pupils suddenly shrank when he heard Lin Yuan's words, and he was stunned for a long time before speaking.

"Is this true?"

With a sunny smile on Lin Yuan's face, he said calmly.

"The junior is here to bid for the original item, so naturally he will not deceive the senior. If he deceives the senior, the junior will not be able to take the original item from the senior's hand."

Zhao Xiaochun excitedly patted Fang Duoduo's thigh hard, one after another, and said in his mouth.

"Mist grass! This handsome guy is not too handsome. Fang Duoduo, I got a little hungry after seeing this handsome guy, so I want to eat fermented bean curd stewed pig's trotters."

Zhao Xiaochun was slapping Fang Duoduo's thigh and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Fang Duoduo suddenly bent over like a prawn, and said with a flushed face.

"Zhao Xiaochun, you are so cruel, you are a nympho, you go and hit your own thigh, why do you want to destroy my Fang family?"

Zhao Xiaochun glanced at Fang Duoduo apologetically and said in embarrassment.


Fang Duoduo rolled his eyes and said with tears in his eyes.


The young man with dirty braids immediately darkened when he heard Lin Yuan's words, and said.

"There is no evidence for what you say. You have to prove what you say. There are so many people watching. I don't think you are going to make fun of everyone present and make trouble on purpose."

As soon as the young man with dreadlocks finished speaking, Liu Jie looked serious and was about to stand up.

Lin Yuan put his hand directly on Liu Jie's shoulder, and patted Liu Jie to continue sitting on the seat.

Liu Jie felt an indescribable feeling in his heart at this time, as early as when Lin Yuan stood up to bid for this original creature, the hurricane moth.

Suddenly, Liu Jie felt a rush of heat in his heart.

Liu Jie's heart was extremely heavy when he saw the original creature hurricane moth being auctioned.

Obviously, the hurricane noctuid is very suitable for his mother, but Liu Jie's current savings are not enough to buy this source creature, the hurricane noctuid.

And the moment Lin Yuan stood up to bid for Hurricane Moth, Liu Jie thought of what Lin Yuan just said.

"This hurricane moth is quite suitable for your worm mother's platinum-level skills."

When Lin Yuan said these words, Lin Yuan must have made up his mind to take pictures of this original creature, the hurricane moth.

Liu Jie has long regarded Lin Yuan as his belief.

But Liu Jie couldn't help but be moved by Lin Yuan's actions.

Liu Jie knew that being a retinue knight was actually equivalent to a servant in the final analysis.

But Lin Yuan never treats himself as a servant.

This feeling of being rescued from danger and being treated sincerely made Liu Jie feel all kinds of emotions, and he didn't know what to say.

Thank you is too easy to say, it seems empty.

So the only thing Liu Jie can do is to try his best to protect the young man in front of him.

Faith is not heavy, because faith has always been a kind of sustenance.

At present, in this sustenance, I don't know when there is something called unswerving until death.

Seeing the expression on the face of this young man with dreadlocks, Lin Yuan couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Lin Yuan could see that this young man with dreadlocks was very eager for this original creature, the hurricane moth.

Moreover, the value of the gold-eating mouse with the epic quality of the bronze rank itself is comparable to that of the original creature, the hurricane moth.

The young man with dreadlocks added another ten million Huiyao coins, which was enough to show the sincerity of the young man with dreadlocks.

But Lin Yuan would not give in, because the auction is like this, whoever bids the highest price will get the item.

What's more, this source creature, the hurricane moth, is of great use to Liu Jie.

Liu Jie's worm mother is already the source creature of the platinum-rank fantasy species.

However, the Platinum level skills have always been empty.

Although Liu Jie's four skills of the worm mother can be regarded as forming a system.

Melee attack, long-range attack, and defense are all available.

However, if the original creature, the hurricane moth, can be engraved with the gene template by the worm mother, it will become Liu Jie's platinum-level skill, and it will join Liu Jie's worm mother's combat system.

The melee attack, long-range attack, and defense ability will also add a control ability.

This allowed Liu Jie's insect mother's combat system to get a qualitative leap.

The King of Electric Birds couldn't help being a little displeased when he heard the words of the young man with dreadlocks.

The Electric Bird King has been watching Lin Yuan carefully since Lin Yuan stood up.

The temperament of this young man made the Electric Sparrow King appreciate it very much.

This indifferent demeanor made the King of Electric Birds feel a little unpredictable about the young man in front of him.

But the Electric Bird King looked at the material used on Lin Yuan's black coat, and knew that this young man would not deceive himself.

As the creator of Samsung, the vision of the King of Electric Birds is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

The Electric Sparrow King could tell at a glance that the material used for the feather embroidery on the boy's coat was the silk thread spit out from the silk sac by the platinum-rank spiritual creature Dark Death Spider.

The Platinum-rank spiritual creature, the Dark Death Spider, usually does not spin silk. It only spins out silk to protect itself when it molts its skin.

It can be seen how rare the silk threads of the platinum-rank spiritual creature Dark Death Spider are.

Furthermore, the Electric Bird King recognized the person sitting next to the young man, and that was Liu Jie.

As Liu Jie is a member of the Huiyao hundred sub-sequence, the powerful of the Huiyao Federation will naturally not fail to recognize Liu Jie.

What's more, Liu Jie's heroic deeds shocked the Huiyao Federation for a while.

"Little friend, if I tell you the type of spiritual object, how long will it take for me to obtain the corresponding type of Bronze Rank epic quality spiritual object?"

Lin Yuan said softly upon hearing the words.

"Senior Dianque King, please tell me the type of spiritual object, and the spiritual object of bronze-level epic quality you mentioned will be delivered to the senior before this time tomorrow."

Hearing this, the Electric Sparrow King was about to speak.

But before the Electric Sparrow King could speak, the young man with dirty braids spoke first.

"Master Electric Sparrow King, in addition to this bronze-ranked epic-quality Gold Eater, I am willing to add another five million Glory Coins in exchange for the original creature Hurricane Noctua. "

The Electric Sparrow King ignored the young man with dreadlocks.

For a king-level powerhouse, five million Huiyao coins are no longer considered important wealth.

What is really important is the Bronze-rank epic-quality spirit that matches the direction of one's own talent and affinity.

Although it wasn't the Electric Sparrow King himself who comprehended the will rune.

But the members of a king-level team are close partners with each other.

And the stronger the members of the team, the more benefits and less dangers they would have when exploring in the wild or in the dimensional rift.

The young man with dirty braids looked at the expression of the Electric Sparrow King and knew that if the boy in black didn't make trouble on purpose.

Then this source creature, the hurricane moth, is doomed to miss him.

The Electric Sparrow King exchanged glances with the Shadow Bat King next to him before speaking.

"My little friend, there are winged insect spirits in the attack system and deer spirits in the defense system. If you have any one of these two types of spirits that can reach the bronze-level epic quality, then this The source creature, the hurricane moth, is yours."

After speaking, the Electric Sparrow King paused for a moment, then continued.

"However, if you say that I will only be able to obtain the Bronze-rank epic-quality spiritual item that replaces the source creature Hurricane Noctuma tomorrow, then there must be a mortgage."

Many people's eyes were on Lin Yuan.

I want to see what Lin Yuan will come up with as collateral for the source creature, the hurricane moth.

Since it is a mortgage, even if the price of the collateral is slightly lower than the source creature hurricane moth, it may not be much lower than the source creature hurricane moth.

Everyone present really wanted to see what this young man could come up with to compete with the value of Hurricane Moth.

Lin Yuan didn't expect that the two Bronze-rank Epic-quality spiritual creatures in his Diamond-rank spiritual box happened to have a winged insect-like creature of the power attack system mentioned by the King of Electric Birds.

What a coincidence.

It's just that the Bronze-rank epic-quality Yanmai Dragonfly in Lin Yuan's spirit-locking space had awakened the blood of the prehistoric Silurian overlord Megavein Dragonfly under the extremely pure aura in the spirit-locking space.

It would be a real disadvantage for Lin Yuan, a top-quality Bronze-level legendary quality spirit creature like the Yanmai Dragonfly, to exchange for an original creature, the Hurricane Noctua Moth.

However, Lin Yuan still waved his hand, and directly summoned the Bronze Rank Epic Quality Dragonfly that awakened the blood of the prehistoric Silurian overlord Megavein Dragonfly.

Lin Yuan stretched out a hand after summoning the Bronze Rank Epic Flame Vein Dragonfly.

The two-meter-long Yanmai Dragonfly of Bronze Rank epic quality could no longer land on Lin Yuan's fingers, and could only dance around Lin Yuan's palm.

Lin Yuan looked at the Yanmai dragonfly of bronze rank epic quality and said.

"The younger generation of the attack-type winged insect spirit mentioned by the senior Electric Sparrow King happened to have one, but the senior should be clear that the source creature, the hurricane moth, cannot be exchanged for this one that awakened the blood of the prehistoric Silurian overlord, the giant dragonfly. Bronze-rank epic-quality Yanmai dragonfly."

The first update~There are two more updates later~Please recommend tickets.

(end of this chapter)