Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 218: The price may be a little more expensive


Except for the young man with dreadlocks, everyone present looked at Lin Yuan and couldn't help thinking about it.

The identity of the guests who can come to participate in the private auction held by this king-level powerhouse team is not easy.

But looking at the black-clothed boy in front of him, he felt that the black-clothed boy in front of him was very strange, and he had never heard of it before.

In addition to temperament, everyone present was more concerned about the identity of the black-clothed boy in front of them.

What kind of background can make this black-clothed boy say that he can choose the type of Bronze-rank epic-quality spirits at will.

And let the black-clothed boy take out the awakened, Bronze-rank epic-quality Yanmai Dragonfly of the blood of the Silurian overlord Megavein Dragonfly.

This is a kind of background.

Looking at the young man's calm expression, he knew that the young man hadn't really awakened to this, and the Bronze-rank epic-quality Yanmai Dragonfly of the Silurian overlord Megavein Dragonfly's blood was in his eyes.

The Electric Sparrow King was silent for a while, and then looked at the Shadow Bat King.

Seeing that Shadow Bat King hesitated for a moment and then nodded firmly, Electric Sparrow King said.

"Little friend, I agree to the transaction, these three original items are yours now."

Lin Yuan smiled and nodded.

"Senior Electric Sparrow King, this Bronze Rank Epic Quality Flame Vein Dragonfly is yours now."

Lin Yuan touched the wings of the Bronze Rank Epic Quality Flame Dragonfly with his hand, as a farewell to the Flame Dragonfly he bred.

Lin Yuan wanted to find a good home for Yanmai Dragonfly before.

And the members of the king-level team where the electric sparrow king is in front of him are obviously an excellent choice.

As long as the quality of Yanmai Dragonfly is upgraded from epic quality to legendary quality, it will immediately have a will rune, which can be promoted to fantasy species.

For a spiritual creature, it is very rare to be able to obtain a will rune and be promoted to a phantom species after contracting with a human being.

After Lin Yuan bid farewell to the Yanmai dragonfly of bronze-level epic quality, he put the Yanmai dragonfly of bronze-level epic quality into a bronze-level sleepy spirit box and handed it to Wen Yu.

Wen Yu walked up to the Bronze-rank Sleepy Spirit Box containing the Bronze-rank epic-quality Yanmai dragonfly and handed it to the King of Electric Sparrow.

At the same time, he also took the three brocade boxes containing original items in the hands of the King of Electric Birds and handed them to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan handed the source creature Hurricane Noctua to Liu Jie and said.

"Brother Liu, now your worm mother's platinum-level skills are gone."

An honest smile appeared on Liu Jie's face as he took the source creature, the hurricane moth.

Liu Jie didn't say thank you, but clenched one hand into a fist very hard.

With this source creature, the hurricane noctuid, the battle system of the platinum-level fantasy-changing worm mother will also be truly perfected.

Liu Jie's Platinum-level fantasies have changed, and the worm mother will also reach the peak state.

Liu Jie didn't know what to say at this time.

It's just getting stronger in this life, and then going to protect the young man in front of him, such a road will lead to darkness.

Wen Yu saw all this in his eyes, looked at Lin Yuan, then at Liu Jie, showing a bright smile.

Wen Yu has never imagined this kind of life now, but this kind of life is really free and comfortable.

Belief and emotion.

In fact, what really builds bridges between people is mutual affection.

Whether it's family affection, love, or friendship, in the end, all paths lead to the same goal.

It's just an emotion, a responsibility.

Wen Yu had already regarded the current manor as a small home.

This feeling seems to be able to stand on this shore at any time.

This kind of home feels so good.

At this point, the private auction held by the king-level team was completely over.

Zhao Xiaochun originally dragged Fang Duoduo to find Lin Yuan and Liu Jie to have a big meal.

On the one hand, Liu Jie returned. He was also a member of Huiyao Baizi before, and he wanted to take over Liu Jie.

On the other hand, both of them want to get to know Lin Yuan and make friends.

However, after Fang Duoduo answered a phone call, his face immediately changed.

Fang Duoduo said a few words to Zhao Xiaochun, and Zhao Xiaochun immediately changed from a hippie smile to a serious expression.

It was as if he had completely changed himself.

After Zhao Xiaochun and Lin Yuan and Liu Jie confessed, they dragged Fang Duoduo away in a hurry.

Lin Yuan, Liu Jie and Wen Yu were not in a hurry to go home, but were planning to go to the night market next to Zhenwu Pavilion for supper.

As a result, as soon as he left the Pavilion of Treasures, Lin Yuan saw the young man with dreadlocks trotting towards him with a smile on his face.

Liu Jie immediately took a step forward and stood in front of Lin Yuan.

The young man with dirty braids ran over and smirked, and then said flatteringly to Lin Yuan.

"Well, brother, let's get to know each other. My name is Gao Feng. There may have been some misunderstandings during the auction just now."

Lin Yuan said with a slight smile when he heard the words.

"It's just a bid, don't worry about it."

After speaking, he was about to go forward with Liu Jie and Wen Yu, but Lin Yuan found that this young man with dreadlocks named Gao Feng had no intention of leaving at all.

At this time, only the young man with dreadlocks asked cautiously.

"That brother, I don't know if you still have other types of Bronze-rank epic-quality spirits?"

Lin Yuan knew what was going on as soon as he heard the young man with dirty braids.

After listening to what he said at the auction and the electric sparrow king, the young man with dreadlocks came up with the idea of other types of bronze-rank epic quality spiritual things he said.

Lin Yuan thought for a while, and did not immediately refuse, but said.

"I have bronze-level epic-quality spirits here, but the price is not cheap. Among them, the price of plant-type bronze-level epic-quality spirits may be more expensive."

From the time the young man with dreadlocks wanted to get the original creature hurricane moth so much, Lin Yuan knew that this young man with dreadlocks would definitely be able to contract a Breeze Hibiscus.

Therefore, it is not difficult to guess the direction of the spiritual affinity of this young man with dreadlocks.

Hearing Lin Yuan's answer, the young man with dreadlocks was overjoyed immediately.

Especially when he heard the words Bronze-rank Epic-quality plant spirits, the eyes of the young man with dreadlocks almost turned into two big green light bulbs under the night.

The young man with dirty braids said in surprise.

"Don't be afraid of being expensive. My Gao family has plenty of money. I don't know if I can take a look at the varieties of bronze-level epic-quality plant spirits? Are there any that are good at attacking directions?"

Lin Yuan said.

"I can't watch it recently, please leave me a contact information, and I will contact you when I can watch it."

Gao Feng, a young man with dirty braids, immediately left his phone number for Lin Yuan, talking.

"Brother, don't worry, you can summon me whenever you have time."

Gao Feng, a young man with dirty braids, kept waving his hands after speaking, watching Lin Yuan and the others leave like a traffic light.

Wen Yu whispered to Lin Yuan.

"The Gao family mentioned by this young man with dirty braids should be the Gao family of the richest family in Fenglan City among the thirty-two major cities."

Since Wen Yu became Lin Yuan's assistant, he has made up some information about the major forces of the Huiyao Federation, thinking that one day it will come in handy.

For others, the information on the major forces of the Huiyao Federation may be extremely rare.

But for Wen Yu, it was very easy, as long as he browsed through the database of Huiyue Palace.

Wen Yu's hard work has come in handy now.

Lin Yuan nodded when he heard the words, and this young man with dirty braids should be regarded as the first customer of the opening of the spirit shop after the construction of his manor.

I hope that this young man with dreadlocks can exchange for something interesting.

Now Lin Yuan has no shortage of Huiyao coins. If Lin Yuan's spiritual item shop opens, it will sell high-end spiritual items.

So naturally, he would not choose the Hui Yao coin transaction, but choose to barter for something that Lin Yuan was interested in.

Lin Yuan, Wen Yu, and Liu Jie had a supper at the night market.

Lin Yuan and Wen Yu's mouths have been raised by Liu Jie during this time.

No matter how you eat the snacks at Wangdu Night Market, you don't think they are as delicious as those made by Liu Jie.

Along the way, Liu Jie was frequently praised by Lin Yuan and Wen Yu, which made Liu Jie giggle uncontrollably.

It was already late when we returned to the manor at night.

However, after Lin Yuan returned to the manor, he did not rush to sleep, but took out an amber crystal button-shaped source item.

Prepare to deed this amber crystal button-shaped source item.

The third update~ You can take a look at the book friend group in the book introduction. Welcome everyone to join the group to communicate. There will be some small activities in the group for a while~ Thank you for your support.

(end of this chapter)