Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2393: Fujimoto's lesson!


If there were only two people whose strength was comparable to hers before, the two of them should work together or find a way to trick each other and use each other as a backup.

is fully capable of escaping.

But now the strength of everyone on the other side has reached a level similar to the two of them.

The strength of the two of them surpassed their own, and the strength of one of them surpassed their own by a big realm.

It would be wishful thinking to escape under such circumstances.

All of this has something to do with the young man named Lin Yuan.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, Han Yang and Mo Yang would never have believed that someone's source totem could have such effects.

The Temple of Grace had always been at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the Mermaid Forbidden Sea.

As the strength of the Mermaid Forbidden Sea continued to grow stronger, Gradually, the Temple of Grace became no longer even qualified to fight against the Mermaid Forbidden Sea.

But if Lin Yuan is in the Temple of Grace, he can only use Lin Yuan's ability to improve the four royal servants including himself.

It is enough to compete with Mermaid Forbidden Sea, and even crush Mermaid Forbidden Sea.

This fellow named Lin Yuan had already given the two of them two paths, surrender or die.

The two of them originally felt resentful towards Ji Yang.

Now after knowing the strength of Lin Yuan's forces, Mo Yang and Han Yang have nothing to complain about.

If Lin Yuanruo found Ji Yang first, but himself.

Facing the oppression of such strength, in order to save his life, he will probably make the same choice as Ji Yang in the end.

Mo Yang and Han Yang looked at each other, and they both saw the deep helplessness in each other's eyes.

Lin Yuan looked at Mo Yang and Han Yang who were full of tangled eyes, and didn't force them anymore.

Instead, prepare to give the two of them sufficient time to think.

It's better to let him figure out the situation and then choose to be loyal to himself than to attack Jiyang like he did before.

If the two of them can't figure it out, Lin Yuan can only use the method he used to deal with Jiyang before.

When dealing with Jiyang before, he set a trap in advance, and did not fully show his strength to Jiyang.

But things are different now.

If Mo Yang and Han Yang knew their own strength, they would still need to use force to bring them under their command.

Then the brains of these two people are somewhat problematic, and it is difficult for them to take on the big responsibility.

It stands to reason that superiors should prefer loyal and steadfast subordinates who will never change until death.

But Lin Yuan's control over the dimensional world is different from the usual way.

In the water world, Lin Yuan will eventually fully control it through a treasure similar to the rich soil treasure tree.

At that time, there is no need to worry about the loyalty of these dimensional creatures, so the faster the brain is naturally active, the more suitable it is to complete the tasks arranged by Lin Yuan.

Han Yang, who had thought everything through clearly, took the lead in condensing his own soul fire, and handed over the soul fire to Lin Yuan.

Mo Yang was somewhat struggling in his heart, but after seeing that Han Yang had already chosen to surrender, Mo Yang had no choice but to make the same choice.

The condensed soul fire that symbolized loyalty in the water world turned towards Lin Yuan.

After accepting Han Yang and Mo Yang's soul fire, Lin Yuan asked.

"Where are Fujiwara and Furuhiro? Bring them out!"

The fight between master and master can severely injure the opponent, but there is no way to kill the opponent in a short time.

Unless it is higher than the opponent's level.

This is also the reason why Lunyuan, together with Wuyuan Hengyuan, can be ranked among the seven masters of the swamp abyss by virtue of a reincarnation source totem.

Therefore, Fujiyuan and Furuhiro will not die so soon.

Han Yang Moyang heard the words and hurried into the hall, and carried out Gu Yang who had fallen to the ground after being poisoned.

The two helped Gu Yang kill the growing worms in the blood vessels with the power of origin.

It's just because Gu Yang's strength is slightly weaker than Ji Yang's, and Ji Yang's poisoning rate is quite large.

Gu Yang was always in a dizzy state, and his mind was not very clear.

As for Fuji Yuan, Han Yang and Mo Yang suddenly attacked Fuji Yuan.

As soon as he shot, he used the strongest force.

After the two seriously injured Fuji Yuan, they fought fiercely with Fuji Yuan.

After all, the underwater environment is more beneficial to the two of them.

In addition, aging and cold erosion continue to erode the opponent's body and its source totem ability.

During the fight, Fuji Yuan's injuries continued to worsen, and in the end the two fought hard to take Fuji Yuan's angry blow as the price.

Completely defeat Fuji Yuan, so that Fuji Yuan has no ability to resist.

Even if a master of the reincarnation realm wanted to kill a master of the reincarnation realm, he would not choose to kill the opponent directly to collect the source totem of the opponent.

Because this kind of behavior is really too wasteful.

The best way is to feed the other party and squeeze the source power a little bit.

Harvest the source totem after the source power is exhausted.

Teng Yuan was regarded as his great tonic by Mo Yang and Han Yang.

The two are going to use the original power in Fujimoto's body to recover from their injuries.

Now the two had to carry Fuji Yuan outside the hall.

It's just that when I attacked at the time, I didn't think that I would end up in the current situation, so the attack was particularly ruthless.

The two of them beat Lin Yuan's subordinates like this, Lin Yuan wouldn't come to punish the two of them!

Han Yang and Mo Yang carefully carried out Teng Yuan, who had lost even the ability to speak.

Seeing Fujiyuan's appearance at this time, all the swamp world reincarnation masters who are familiar with Fujiyuan all took a breath.

For Hengyuan, Wuyuan, Chiyuan, and Xieyuan, Tengyuan is his partner and opponent at the same level as himself.

For those three newly promoted masters of the reincarnation realm who did not dare to use the word "yuan" as their name, Fujiyuan has always been the target to look up to.

None of the seven people thought that Fuji Yuan would end up in such a miserable state one day.

If he hit Fuji Yuan harder, only Yuan Totem would be left in Fuji Yuan.

The end of Fujiyuan sounded the alarm in the hearts of all the reincarnation masters.

Fujiyuan received his order to cooperate with Jiyang, but relied on his power to vent his anger on the three royal attendants and a group of patrol envoys in private.

Originally, Lin Yuan was supposed to save Fuji Yuan, but now Lin Yuan intends to let Fuji Yuan learn some lessons.

"Since Fujimoto was wounded by the two of you, let the two of you treat it!"

Mo Yang and Han Yang, who had just pledged their allegiance to Lin Yuan, naturally did not dare to disobey Lin Yuan's order.

As the master of the reincarnation realm, his own recovery energy is amazing.

As long as he didn't continue to damage Fuji Yuan's body, Fuji Yuan's skin trauma would recover by itself in less than two days.

And the original injury can recover to a rough extent after hundreds of years of cultivation.

When Mo Yang and Han Yang had just taken orders, they saw Lin Yuan wave his hand and shoot two green beams of light that landed on him and the others.

Mo Yang and Han Yang immediately felt that the life energy in their bodies was recovering rapidly.

Even the damaged source has shown a tendency to recover.

Restoration at the source spares hundreds of years of upkeep.

Feeling the changes in their bodies, the two couldn't help but feel quite puzzled.

(end of this chapter)