Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2405: The Origin of Mermaids!


Speaking of this, Luna's expression was full of longing.

Said in a tone full of longing and expectation.

"You have retreated for thousands of years, and you should not have seen the secret tome dug out from the ruins."

"That secret book is said to hide a big secret of our mermaid clan!"

"The Golden Emperor ordered the secret tome to be sealed, so I don't know exactly what the secret is."

"But it must be related to the origin of the blood of the mermaid clan!"

"If you successfully enter the eyes of Jiuyuanhai, you may discover the secret of the mermaid's origin!"

Lin Yuan thought deeply after hearing Luna's words.

The mermaid in the emperor-level blood water world has not been reached yet.

But in Lin Yuan's view, the emperor-level bloodline must not be the pinnacle of the mermaid bloodline.

Because Bilan has not yet been promoted to the myth, she has already made her bloodline reach the peak level of the emperor.

Although there is a relationship between pure aura and elemental energy, it must be inseparable from the continuous improvement of Bilan's strength.

Waiting for the blue achievement creation seed to get involved in immortality and eternity, his mermaid bloodline will move forward step by step after being promoted to the emperor level.

This makes the mermaid a creature that really doesn't look like a creature that can be born in a dimensional world.

Lin Yuan had reason to suspect that creatures like mermaids might have descended into the water world from outside the territory.

But why does the strongest overlord race in the water world go to the eyes of Jiuyuanhai to find out the origin of the mermaid

The meerkat-like creature discovered by the two kings contained the energy of lightning in its body.

Most likely, it came to this world together with Jiuyuanhaiyan and existed as the key of Jiuyuanhaiyan.

Of course, these are all Lin Yuan's assumptions, and there is no fact to prove it.

Lin Yuan looked at Luna with deep eyes, and asked in a very serious tone.

"Luna, speaking of the origin of our mermaid family, do you have any guesses and thoughts on the origin of our mermaid family?"

Hearing Lin Yuan's question, Luna asked a little excitedly.

"My lord, do you know or guess something!?"

Luna's rhetorical question let Lin Yuan know that Luna, the mermaid king, must have his own guesses about the situation of the mermaid blood.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have such a big reaction after I asked this question.

After Luna asked the question back, she immediately realized that she was a little impulsive to ask Lin Yuan like this!

As the emperor of the mermaid clan, Lin Yuan didn't need to tell himself even if he had any guesses.

But Luna still couldn't restrain her curiosity.

As early as thousands of years ago, the mermaid clan had many speculations about their own bloodlines.

But at the beginning, everyone didn't take this speculation seriously.

It was later that the blood of the golden emperor reached the peak of the imperial level.

The Huijin Emperor publicly raised this question before inviting other Mermaid Emperors to Jiuyuanhai.

Only then did the mermaid clan rekindle their enthusiasm for exploring bloodlines.

The bloodline origin theory that the mermaids appeared thousands of years ago has become a mainstream speculation.

Luna is a staunch supporter of this inference, and has always regarded the golden emperor as an idol.

It's just what happened later that disillusioned Luna's image of the golden emperor.

The point of Luna's disillusionment is not because of the failure of the golden emperor, because it is very normal to fail in the search and promotion of blood.

However, after the failure, the Golden Emperor directly denied the previous speculation, and did not allow the mermaid clan to search for the bloodline.

What the Huijin Emperor did was tantamount to directly sealing off the path he hadn't taken, and not giving anyone who came after him a chance to explore it.

This is not in line with Luna's three views.

Luna still loves the Golden Emperor as a royal mermaid, but the Golden Emperor is no longer Luna's idol.

At the same time, it is no longer praised by many king-level mermaids.

The failure and changes of the Golden Emperor made many mermaids lose their motivation to move forward.

Otherwise, after the powerhouses of the mermaid clan recover almost.

Some radical king-level mermaids have long proposed to attack the Temple of Grace at the once-in-a-hundred-year meeting.

It will never stop like it is now.

The current depression seems to be calm, but it is indeed wearing down the will of the mermaid clan.

If it wasn't Lin Yuan, the emperor-level mermaid's guess, but a king-level mermaid at the same level as Luna.

In order to show her obedience to King Huijin's order, Na Luna is already going to arrest Lin Yuan!

Lin Yuan, who was thinking at this time, didn't know at all.

Luna, the king-level mermaid who only had a relationship with her twice, actually regarded herself as the hope of the mermaid family's bloodline exploration.

If Lin Yuan knew what Luna was thinking, he would feel emotional in his heart.

On the one hand, I feel that Luna has pinned her hopes on the right person.

Lin Yuan really wanted to find out the unknown bloodline of the mermaid clan.

Lin Yuan did this not so much for the mermaid clan, but for himself.

Since the mermaid clan needs a leader, I only need to become the leader that many mermaids hope for.

Even if there is no treasure similar to Feng Rang Treasure Tree, it can still make the mermaids return to their hearts!

Of course, if you think about it this way, Lin Yuan should try his best to get the second infinity gemstone in the water world.

Because they want to control a world, a huge race, relying solely on bloodlines is very likely to encounter backstabs.

According to the research of scholars, Zerg, a highly social dimensional creature, has the occurrence of low blood vessels counteracting high blood vessels.

This is true for Zerg, let alone mermaids.

Hearing that Luna kept apologizing to herself, Lin Yuan shook his head and said.

"The pursuit and exploration of bloodlines is something that every highly intelligent race must do. You don't have to apologize."

"I do have some guesses about the origin of the mermaid's blood."

"I don't think the mermaid blood is a native life in the water world. It probably came from outside the water world to the water world many years ago!"

Lin Yuan's guess made Luna unable to say a word for a while.

Luna also had guesses in her heart, but Luna's guesses were far less bold or deviant than Lin Yuan's.

At the beginning, the Huijin Emperor speculated about the origin of the mermaid blood, but he only said that the interior of the Jiuyuan Sea Eye was probably the ancestral land of the mermaid clan.

Luna felt that Lin Yuan would not casually make such unprovable and unsubstantiated guesses.

There must be a reason for Lin Yuan to say that.

"My lord, does the extraterrestrial really exist!?"

When Lin Yuan heard the words, he said directly without hiding anything.

"Extraterritorial exists."

"According to the information I have, the double kings of the Temple of Grace have picked up half of the corpses of extraterrestrial creatures."

"The information I got cannot be false!"

Lin Yuan's words can be said to be extremely firm and certain, such an attitude cannot tolerate Luna's disbelief.

(end of this chapter)