Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2410: Invitation from Qingdai!


Otherwise, Qiongbo Shui Niang would not have attracted Han Yang and Mo Yang who had reached the peak of reincarnation.

It seems that in the majestic water world, there must not be many spiritual materials that contain the energy of the water element.

Moreover, the reincarnation mirror master in the water world does not have the means to prepare pure water elemental energy.

When Lin Yuan was observing Qing Dai, Qing Dai was also observing Lin Yuan.

It's just that Lin Yuan observed Qing Dai's bloodline and his knowledge of the situation in the water world.

What Qingdai observes when observing Lin Yuan is exactly Lin Yuan's appearance.

The mermaids are more or less nympho, and they will try their best to pursue the same kind with good looks.

This is the nature of the mermaid, which has been present since birth.

Qingdai used to value Luoxi the most, and felt that Luoxi's appearance was in line with her own aesthetics.

Not only the color of the fish tail, but also the appearance of the skin is based on the aesthetics of Qingdai.

But now compared with Lin Yuan, Luo Xi was directly thrown away eighteen streets.

Luoxi and Lin Yuan are not qualified to be compared at all.

Such a fascinating color in the world actually exists!

If the emperor-level mermaid in front of me opposed him at the meeting just now, he wouldn't be as angry as Hui Jin opposed him!

"Hello, my name is Qingdai."

"I heard that you are also planning to go to Jiuyuanhaiyan. I wonder if there is such a thing?"

Hearing this, Lin Yuan looked seriously at this imperial-level mermaid named Qingdai.

According to Qing Dai's words, Lin Yuan can confirm one thing.

That is this emperor-level mermaid named Qingdai, who also has plans to go to Jiuyuan Sea Eye.

Going to Jiuyuanhaiyan Lin Yuan doesn't need a companion, but it doesn't prevent Lin Yuan from getting some information he wants to know from Qingdai.

"That's right, I'm going to Jiuyuan Sea Eye to try to break through the bloodline."

"This is also the reason why I will choose the present world this time."

Qingdai received Lin Yuan's reply, and after confirming her conjecture, her face showed joy.

At present, this imperial mermaid has never been seen before.

I am not as old as Huijin, but I am not too young among the six emperors.

People who I can guarantee that I have never met, most of the others have never seen it either.

Qingdai felt that she might as well tell Lin Yuan now the resistance she would encounter if she wanted to go to Jiuyuanhaiyan.

Let Lin Yuan know in advance.

Know who to stand with in the meeting after going in for a while.

Originally, what Qingdai hated the most was forming cliques and engaging in small group affairs.

But now Huijin made things first, and tied Baijin and Feiyan to his same front under the condition that Huangyin would 100% help him.

In fact, there is a certain gap between Bai Jin and Fei Yan and Hui Jin in terms of appeal.

But now they have stood together for this matter and have become a community of interests.

Basically, they will not be separated again until something like this is over.

Bi Dai was on her side, but the disparity in the right to speak between two and four was too great.

If he could pull Lin Yuan over, he would have two peak imperial mermaids on his side, and two on Huijin's side.

Fei Yan, the newly promoted imperial-level mermaid, can only be regarded as a make-up and cannot play a decisive role.

The two sides have a balance in the right to speak.

Thinking of this, Qing Dai pursed her lips and said directly.

"I have the same appeal as you, and I also want to go to Jiuyuan Sea Eye."

"Jiuyuanhai's eyes are very dangerous. It is impossible to enter Jiuyuanhai's eyes with one person's strength."

"We must advance and retreat together to have a chance."

"When you were still retreating, we helped Huijin go to Jiuyuan Sea Eye."

"Although this attempt failed in the end, it failed to break into Jiu Yuanhai's eyes."

"But we made a crack in the Jiuyuanhai eye, and felt the breath of the new emperor's scale inside."

"It is for this reason that I want to explore again!"

"After thousands of years, the overall strength of the mermaid clan has been significantly improved."

"Trying again this time doesn't mean there is no chance at all!"

"If they don't want to help, would you like to try it with me?"

What Qing Dai said shocked Luo Xi.

How can such a thing be said casually outside? This is the core secret of the mermaid clan!

And no matter how Luoxi understands Qingdai's words, there is an intention to form a clique.

If Master Huijin asked him what Qing Dai said when he saw Lin Yuan later, how should he answer

Telling the truth will offend Qingdai, and telling lies will offend Huijin.

At this moment, Luoxi felt that it was too difficult for her.

Through Qing Dai's words, Lin Yuan got the news he most wanted to know.

That means there really is a new emperor's scale in Jiuyuanhai's eyes.

After confirming this point, it makes sense for Lin Yuan to go to Jiuyuanhaiyan.

At the same time, it also made Lin Yuan understand that the huge mermaid clan is not a pool of clean water.

The mermaids with low bloodlines are respectful to the mermaids with high bloodlines, but the mermaids with high bloodlines fight fiercely.

Qing Dai didn't want to tell herself the situation when she said these words.

If you want to let yourself understand the situation, you will understand when you are inside.

Qing Dai did this to reduce her first impression of Hui Jin, and even felt disgusted with Hui Jin from the bottom of her heart.

Qing Dai just mentioned that if the other imperial mermaids don't help, she wants to go to Jiuyuan Sea Eye with her.

This shows that there is not much to say about entering the Mermaid Forbidden Sea.

As long as it is a mermaid with the blood of the emperor, there is a chance to enter.

That being the case, Lin Yuan planned to meet other imperial mermaids after attending this meeting.

After he has a certain understanding of his future subordinates, Lin Yuan can set off for Jiuyuanhaiyan.

Lin Yuan, the endless gem of the water world, doesn't need to know where it is placed, let alone find a way to get there.

After he obtained the new emperor's scale and awakened the emperor-level bloodline, he became an emperor-level mermaid.

With the worship of bloodlines by the mermaid clan, the other six imperial-level mermaids would obediently hand over the Infinity Gem and the other volumes of [Vast Sea Secret Treasure] to themselves.

Lin Yuan found that when he and Qing Dai were walking together, Qing Dai always turned to look at him.

Qing Dai's eyes are too edgy.

Even though Lin Yuan was relatively slow in this aspect, he could still see something wrong in Qing Dai's eyes.

Lin Yuan felt a little strange for a moment.

Lin Yuan lowered his head and looked around his appearance, making sure that there was nothing special about his appearance, nor was there any gaffe.

Suddenly, Lin Yuan matched the eyes Qingdai, Luna and Lian Shen looked at him with the way Aunt Zhang looked at Uncle Li.

Thinking of what Luna said to herself, the love and sympathy of the upper-ranked mermaids for the lower-ranked mermaids will promote the rapid improvement of the blood of the lower-ranked mermaids.

(end of this chapter)