Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2549: Celestial Tribulation Beast!


Lin Yuan knew that Meisha was communicating with the Zerg Queen who was stationed at the Zerg base camp along the way.

Many of the etiquettes Kali is using now are not found in the Zerg world.

Meisha learned it from other reincarnation masters around her in just a few days.

It is obvious that Carly's behavior now has been carefully guided by Mesha.

Lin Yuan winked at Meisha, and Meisha immediately pulled Carly up from the ground.

Knowing what Lin Yuan was interested in, Meisha spoke to Carly.

"Carly, you should still have holy blood there, right? Take it out and show it to the adults!"

Carly heard the words and hurriedly took out the few drops of holy blood she had left.

Only the Zerg Queen of the Zerg Clan is eligible to enjoy the liquid flowing out of the meteor crater in the back mountain of the inheritance land.

Zerg currently has a total of fourteen Zerg queens.

Because there is no fixed time for the appearance of the holy blood, the fourteen Zerg queens had to send their cronies to watch at the back mountain of the place of inheritance.

Each person took turns to enjoy the red liquid flowing out of the cracks in the crater of the mountain behind the inheritance.

The last person to have exclusive access to the liquid in the crater was Carly.

This is why Meisha asked Carly to give the holy blood to Lin Yuan.

If Meisha had the holy blood in her own hands, Meisha might have handed the holy blood into Lin Yuan's hands when she was on her way.

Listening to the conversation between Meisha and Carly, Lin Yuan learned the name the Zerg had given to the red liquid secreted from the back mountain of the inheritance land.

Watching Carly take out a red liquid from the transparent sac of some kind of zerg from the bug armor next to her body.

Lin Yuan used the real data of Mobius' skills to investigate it.

Even if the level of the holy blood is very high, Lin Yuan can still know the specific name of the holy blood through real data.

According to the specific name of an object, there is a high probability of guessing the source or specific ability of the object.

After probing, Lin Yuan saw that the name of the holy blood of the Zerg race was the blood of the Heavenly Tribulation Beast.

Heavenly Tribulation Beast? What the hell is the Heavenly Tribulation Beast!

According to the name of Tianjie Beast, it is difficult for Lin Yuan to make any valid guesses.

Since the holy blood of the Zerg race is useful to all the Zerg queens in the reincarnation realm, all the Zerg queens will take the beast blood of the Heavenly Tribulation Beast on a daily basis.

So Lin Yuan asked Carly and Meisha directly.

"What is the use of this heavenly robbery beast's blood to improve your daily strength?"

Hearing Lin Yuan's question, Carly subconsciously looked at Meisha just as she was about to answer.

Both herself and Meisha knew about Lin Yuan's question. Logically speaking, in order to gain Lin Yuan's favor, Carly and Meisha must compete to answer.

However, because of Meisha's favor before, it was Meisha who taught him how to treat Lin Yuan, so that he could gain Lin Yuan's favor.

So Carly instinctively wants to cling to Mesha in this matter.

The Zerg has now surrendered and pledged allegiance to a powerful creature, and the internal environment of the Zerg has changed on the original basis.

This made Carly know that it is impossible for her to be in an environment without much competition in the future.

The competition I will face in the future is bound to be very fierce, so it is not a bad thing to find someone to rely on.

After all, she is also a Zerg queen, so she has no reason not to accept herself if she wants to attach herself to Meisha.

Seeing this, Meisha was very satisfied with Carly's performance.

Meisha is willing to take risks for the development of the Zerg, but this does not mean that Meisha has no small thoughts of her own.

Meisha also wants to have a solid and stable ally in the future environment, and this ally is also dominated by her own ideas.

Carly is a good choice right now!

In the end, Carly's behavior did not disappoint Mesha.

Meisha has now gained Lin Yuan's trust.

Lin Yuan made a promise to himself that he would most likely become the first person of the Zerg clan to successfully step into the realm of death.

In this case, there is no need for Meisha to go with Kali, the Zerg queen who has surrendered to her. Fight for this chance to answer Lin Yuan's question.

Meisha has been seriously analyzing why she can be favored by Lin Yuan.

In the end, Meisha's conclusion was her performance when talking with Lin Yuan.

Since Lin Yuan is a person who cares a lot about other people's performance, most of his words and deeds at this time are seen by Lin Yuan.

Thinking of this, Meisha nodded slightly to Carly, indicating that Carly can answer Lin Yuan's question directly.

Meisha used to be a high-ranking person. As a high-ranking person, what Meisha hates the most is those people who will repay their flaws and cannot tolerate others.

If Lin Yuan can see his current behavior, it will be enough to prove that he has a tolerance.

In Meisha's mind, this kind of speculation is not a scheme against Lin Yuan, but a kind of deeper flattery.

Carly was extremely excited when she got Meisha's approval, and she also felt grateful towards Meisha.

"My lord, the holy blood we obtained is not mainly for our own use."

"Although the holy blood has certain benefits for us, we prefer to distribute the holy blood."

"Distributed to those female worms with a first-level gene lock."

"You should know that we will face many dangers when we ascend the level, and many Zergs died in the process of advancing."

"Drinking this holy blood can reduce the risk you take when you are promoted."

"If you drink enough, this risk may disappear directly!"

Lin Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard the words.

At this time, Lin Yuan had vaguely guessed what kind of blood the Heaven Tribulation Beast was.

Dimensional creatures who increase their strength after reaching the tenth level will suffer some catastrophes similar to the baptism of heaven and earth.

If the blood of the Heavenly Tribulation Beast can offset the catastrophe similar to the baptism of heaven and earth, the Heavenly Tribulation Beast really deserves such a name!

Lin Yuan can easily resist catastrophes such as the baptism of heaven and earth and the catastrophe of creation.

But the whole world is not without catastrophes that Lin Yuan can't resist with his own ability.

If Shi Ji's strength improves again, she will encounter a new trial of heaven.

If Lin Yuan couldn't resist with the strength at hand, he could only watch Shi Ji fall under the test of heaven.

With the blood of the Heavenly Tribulation Beast, let Shi Ji take some more on weekdays to reduce the power of the Tianji Trial, so that she can tide over the difficulties safely.

Presumably this kind of thing should be very rare in the outside world!

After figuring out what happened to the blood of the Heavenly Tribulation Beast, Lin Yuan continued to ask Carly and Meisha.

"This kind of blood can be secreted from the crevices of the meteor crater in the back mountain of the inheritance place, and this kind of blood can be useful to you."

"Didn't you all wonder why the stone crevice can secrete such blood before this, and then explore the stone crevice?"

Curiosity is possessed by every life.