Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2553: The sky beyond the clouds!


Lin Yuan just lamented the power of the genes of the Zerg family, and planned to vigorously develop the Zerg family.

However, compared to the demon worms who created the zerg race through their own blood, the development potential of the zerg race is definitely not comparable to that of the zerg.

After sighing, Lin Yuan refuted the words of the eggs.

"Without my arrival, you will really die in this egg!"

"Without the suppression of the Zerg Clan by the gene lock, you are the biggest tonic for the Zerg Clan!"

"At that time, those Zerg queens who take good care of you will compete for you as a delicious meal."

Speaking of this, Lin Yuan paused.

"Show allegiance to me, and I will give you a chance to develop the demon worm clan."

The egg didn't respond to Lin Yuan's words for a long time.

It is obvious that this worm egg does not want to pledge allegiance to Lin Yuan.

Right now, there is no other better way.

The worm eggs can be sure that if they are not willing to show allegiance to the creature in front of them, the creature in front of them may really crush themselves.

Use your own genes to breed a Zerg.

If a zerg devours itself, the genetic strength of the demon worm in the body can activate the [Demon Worm Lock].

It can be used to spy out the inheritance of the demon insect.

So in front of this creature in front of him, I don't have any bargaining chips.

Lin Yuan didn't intend to give this monster from outside the territory such a long time to think, he said coldly.

"Since you don't want to, I'll go find a newborn female worm right now."

"Hengyuan, break the shell of her eggs first, and wait for me here!"

Hearing Lin Yuan's order, Heng Yuan knew that Lin Yuan was actually scaring the egg.

But at the same time, if he picked up the egg, the egg still did not respond.

According to Lin Yuan's instructions, he could crush the eggs, and then the eggs would no longer have any chance.

Lin Yuan's words really had an effect.

Lin Yuan only listened to what the egg said in resignation.

"It's okay to let me be loyal to you, but you have to sign a life contract with my demon worms to ensure that you will treat me kindly."

"And make sure I can find resources to help me incubate."

Before the demon worm could finish speaking, it was interrupted by Lin Yuanhan's voice.

"I originally thought that demon worms would be very smart, but I didn't expect that demon worms can also be stupid."

"Why did you sign a co-life contract with me?"

"Your origin in this world will automatically merge into this world and become a part of this world."

"You have existed in this world for millions of years, and your origin is thousands of times more connected to this world than those zerg queens."

"You hid two infinity gems that can control the origin of this world in the stone tablet, didn't you just want to prevent someone from getting these two infinity gems from affecting you?"

"As long as I fuse these two infinite gems into a treasure, you will obey me irresistibly."

"The question of my allegiance to you now is to give you dignity, so don't get me wrong!"

As soon as Lin Yuan finished speaking, Lin Yuan could clearly feel that the monster's mood fluctuated violently.

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows, this unhatched demon worm had such a violent reaction to his words.

It shouldn't be!

As a reincarnated monster, you should have seen everything in the world.

"What? Can you fuse these two world stones into a treasure of the world!?"

"who are you!?"

World Stone? Treasure of the world

This must be the name that the creatures outside the territory call the infinite gems and the treasures condensed by the infinite gems.

"It doesn't matter who I am."

"Since you know the treasure of the world, you should know the ability of the treasure of the world!"

"I'll give you one last chance, will you be loyal to me?"

The eggs were completely grasped by Lin Yuan.

At this time, the eggs simply do not have any other choice.

"I, the monster Kaila, would like to pledge my allegiance to you and offer my sincere prayers for you!"

While speaking, a golden-green soul spark emerged from the worm's egg.

Lin Yuan could feel the pure spiritual power in this golden-green soul tinder.

Lin Yuan raised his hand and directly took the golden-green tinder into his soul, wrapping the golden-green tinder with his own soul.

Lin Yuan is now able to control the life and death of this demon egg named Kaila!

Lin Yuan raised the corner of his mouth, and grabbed the eggs in his hand.

"Separating the spark from your soul has effects on your own soul."

"After I use the treasure of the world to control the Zerg world, I will return your soul fire to you."

"What kind of energy do you need to hatch?"

"Tell me, I'll spend my time to help you prepare!"

When Keira heard this, she spoke directly without any hesitation.

"There is no aura in this world. If I want to hatch, I must have aura in addition to life energy."

Keira was quite aggrieved when she spoke, aura is a very common energy in the world where Keira originally lived.

Kaila was seriously injured by a powerful enemy and accidentally found this world to reincarnate, but there was no aura in this world.

Otherwise, Kaila would have re-developed back to its full glory in millions of years.

When Lin Yuan heard that Keira needed spiritual energy, he was completely relieved.

If Kaila wants to incubate some kind of special energy from outside the territory, then Lin Yuan really has no way to help Kaila obtain it for a while.

Lin Yuan directly took out an aura crystal and crushed it beside Keira.

Keira felt the aura, and the whole person groaned comfortably.

Keira, who has not felt the aura for millions of years, greedily sucks the aura.

It's like a hungry ghost who suddenly sees a delicious meal before dying.

But soon Keira realized one thing, that is, the aura she sucked was too pure.

Does this level of pure aura really exist?

Could it be that in the millions of years since he was hatched, the Tianyu beyond the clouds has experienced some major development!

It shouldn't be!

To Yunwai Tianyu, the time of millions of years is but a flick of a finger.

The Tianyu beyond the clouds failed to make a breakthrough for tens of billions of years, how could it have made progress in just a few million years.

There is only one possibility that I can absorb such pure aura, and that is the origin of this humanoid creature in front of me must be very extraordinary!

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why it has such a pure aura.

And looking at the attitude of the humanoid creature just now, it showed an indifferent attitude towards the spar containing such pure aura.

This shows that spars with such a concentration of aura are very common to the humanoid creatures in front of them.

If I can continue to absorb such pure aura in the future, perhaps it is not a bad thing to recognize a master.

Just when Keira was thinking and reminiscing.