Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2560: Brilliant condition!


The Goddess finally decided not to pay attention to Bupo's situation in the future.

In any case, Mother Bupo's position has been secured.

Only by cooperating with Bupo's guarantee to himself can the interests of the Mother of God Federation be protected to the greatest extent.

If you don't cooperate with Bupo, let the forces behind Bupo drive you down from the position of the goddess.

Nabuper's promise to himself naturally lost its effect.

After trying to understand this, the Godmother's heart relaxed.

At the entrance of the sixth-level swamp dimensional crack on the side of the Freedom Federation, a group of dimensional creatures often run out.

Although the number of creatures that ran out of the dimension these few times was not large, they let Mirror God and Yu God know.

The powerful master of the swamp world has never given up on the idea of conquering the master world.

This made no matter how many requests the Glorious Federation and the Azure Federation put forward, the Mirror God and the Yushen could only grit their teeth and agree.

In the past thousands of years, when did Mirror God and Yu God suffer such a big loss!

Master Chef and Iron Prison were not polite at all, because Lin Yuan was responsible for such a situation in the Freedom Federation.

Now the two of them will go to the Freedom Federation just to grab the wool of the Freedom Federation.

Mirror God and Yu God couldn't help but have a premonition in their hearts, that is, a catastrophe is about to happen in the main world.

Both Mirror God and Yu God felt a little inexplicable about their sudden feelings.

But after the two communicated and knew that both of them had such a feeling, Mirror God and Yu God immediately paid attention to it.

After igniting the divine fire, you can always have a certain perception of the future in the dark.

It's a pity that there is no third God of Fire in the Free Federation, with whom Mirror God and Yu God can discuss.

It was precisely because of the premonition that the two had in the dark that the Mirror God and the Yu God forcibly endured the conditions that the Glory Federation and the Azure Federation kept putting forward.

Du Miao used the holy source's boiled platycodon to fight against Hui Yao in anger, but this time Du Miao always felt very uncomfortable when facing Master Chef and Iron Prison.

After all, Du Miao face to face this time, because the Liberty Federation asked the Huiyao Federation for help, so the position he was in was naturally at a disadvantage.

Master Chef and Tie Yu didn't give Du Miao any good looks, especially Tie Yu always satirized Du Miao in his words every time he faced Du Miao.

Even though Du Miao was very upset, Du Miao had to meet Tie Prison and Master Chef right now.

Because Mirror God and Yu God arranged a task for Du Miao to negotiate with Master Chef and Iron Prison.

I hope that Master Chef and Iron Prison can lead the brilliant reinforcements to enter the entrance of the sixth-level swamp world together with the large forces of the Freedom Federation.

Then go to negotiate with the dimensional creatures in the swamp world.

After Master Chef and Tie Yu learned about Du Miao's intentions, Tie Yu said directly with a blank expression.

"Can your Freedom Federation guarantee that you will be safe after entering this sixth-level swamp dimensional crack?"

"How do you know that the strong in the swamp world will negotiate with your Freedom Federation?"

"We Huiyao are here to rescue, not to be a shield for your Freedom Federation."

The expression on Tie Prison's face became angry when he spoke.

What Tie Prison said seemed to be teasing Du Miao, but in fact it was the truth.

If the Freedom Federation can negotiate with the powerhouses in the swamp world, there is no need for the Freedom Federation to seek help from the Glory Federation and the Azure Federation!

The swamp world has been controlled by Lin Yuan, if there is really a strong man from the Freedom Federation in the swamp world, they will negotiate in advance.

The two of them will definitely be able to receive the news from a month later.

Although even if the two of them really led a group of people from the Federation of Glory into the swamp world, the powerhouses in the swamp world would not do anything to the group of people from the Federation of Glory.

But Iron Prison is still very disgusted with the Freedom Federation's calculation of Hui Yao.

Of course, Du Miao couldn't guarantee that she would be safe after entering the sixth-level swamp dimensional crack, but she still said it in order to let Hui Yao help Du Miao.

"Safety must be guaranteed! Otherwise, I wouldn't come to ask Hui Yao for help."

"Right now, everything in the Azure Federation is based on the idea of the Huiyao Federation. As long as you Huiyao agrees, the Azure Federation will definitely agree!"

"On behalf of the Freedom Federation, I can give you two additional resources. This resource will not be less than the resources provided to Huiyao before!"

"I hope you two can think about it for yourself."

"Having obtained more of these precious resources, you will be able to have more say in Hui Yao's crown in the future!"

Master Chef came here with Tie Prison this time to suppress the battle.

Seeing that Tie Prison handled the problems well by himself, Master Chef has never expressed any opinions.

Master Chef always likes to look at people with a smile, but at this time, Master Chef frowned tightly after hearing Du Miao's words, and looked at Du Miao with cold eyes.

First of all, Du Miao deceived the two of them.

The Freedom Federation has no ability to guarantee security at all, but it still made false promises to Huiyao.

If it weren't for knowing the cause and effect, he really chose to help the Freedom Federation.

That Huiyao will definitely suffer a huge loss.

Secondly, Master Chef has always had a glorious glory and persistence in his heart.

This is also the reason why Master Chef, as Huiyao's oldest five-star creator, will provide creator resources for other strong Huiyao from the day he became a five-star creator, helping Huiyao grow.

This glorious glory and persistence run through Master Chef's will, and Master Chef regards him as his backbone.

In the eyes of Master Chef, Du Miao's words are a blasphemy to himself and to all of Hui Yao's crown princes.

Since the Freedom Federation has thought of a way to separately give itself and Iron Prison extra benefits to facilitate this matter, it can be said that there is no bottom line.

Du Miao mentioned that the Azure Federation will follow Huiyao's decision to make a choice because Huiyao saved the Azure Federation.

If Huiyao agreed to the Liberty Federation sending people into the swamp world to negotiate with the powerful in the swamp world, the Azure Federation complied with Huiyao's decision.

After the death of a group of powerhouses and millions of aura professionals in the Azure Federation, the relationship with Huiyao will drop to freezing point.

Master Chef said coldly.

"We Huiyao will not enter the swamp world with your Freedom Federation, but our Huiyao people can enter the swamp world alone."

"Our Huiyao has a way to negotiate with the powerhouses of the dimensional world. Huiyao can prevent the dimensional creatures of the swamp world from invading the main world through the sixth-level dimensional crack in the swamp within a year."

"I don't know what benefits your Freedom Federation can bring to Huiyao?"

"If the benefits are not enough, it's not worth the glory to take risks for your Freedom Federation!"

"I know you can't be the master in the Freedom Federation, so now you tell the Mirror God and the Fool God exactly what you said."

"Let Mirror God and Yu God make a good decision, and then come and talk to us with a price!"

"I only give the Freedom Federation a chance to bargain!"