Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2578: A boy who is sicker than the third page of eternal sin!


Lin Yuan smiled at the sun after the moon.

"Master, leave these things to me, and I won't make any mistakes!"

"I have a lot of information about the tower code here, and I just plan to go to Withered Eight Pages to confirm it."

"I believe that as long as the eight withered pages are smart enough, they will definitely be able to give me an accurate answer!"

Having said that, Lin Yuan was about to spread the four pairs of black wings on his back and fly to the place where the withered eight pages were, when he heard Yue Hou's words.

"Since Xiaoyuan has worn all the crown clothes, why not just take my Linghanyue Tower carriage!"

While talking, Yue Hou took Lin Yuan's hand and led Lin Yuan towards the moon stable.

Lin Yuan has a deep impression on Yue Hou's car, Ling Han Yue Pagoda Che Lin Yuan.

The Qingbai Erteng who pulls the cart has now set foot in eternity under Yue Hou's training.

Lin Yuan was not polite to Yuehou, and Lin Yuan understood his responsibility the moment he took over the core of the Huiyao Landline.

Sitting on the Linghanyue Pagoda, Lin Yuan found that he could overlook half of the capital in the sky.

Even though Qingbai Erteng was flying high enough, people on the ground could still faintly see Qingbai Erteng's figure.

After setting foot in eternity, Qingbai Erteng has become a giant with a body length of 10,000 meters.

Looking at the Qingbai Erteng walking in front of him, Lin Yuan couldn't help complaining.

If you look at the memory of the previous life, this Linghanyue Pagoda car really looks like Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing are pulling the Leifeng Pagoda.

But obviously Yue Hou is not a time traveler.

If Yuehou is a time traveler, it is impossible for Lin Yuan, who has been by Yuehou's side for such a long time, not to have discovered anything.

Panwu Mountain is on the outskirts of the capital, not far from the capital.

Soon the Linghanyue tower car stopped directly above Panwu Mountain.

Just when Lin Yuan was about to fly down, he saw Qingbai Erteng's figure turned into a straight spiral.

As if two slideways were formed, the Linghanyue Tower Car climbed and fell from a high altitude, allowing the Linghanyue Tower Cart to land on the ground steadily.

Lin Yuan felt that this feeling was much better than playing the jumping machine in his previous life!

Eight pages must have felt the breath of green and white withering for a long time.

As soon as he reached the door, Lin Yuan saw withered eight pages coming out of the attic in front of him.

It has been a while since Withered Eight Pages came to Huiyao.

But withered eight pages felt that she was not taken seriously by Hui Yao.

After he arrived, Hui Yao unexpectedly had no one to meet him for a few days.

This made Withering Eight Pages feel more unhappy the more she thought about it.

I had heard of Lin Yuan's withering eight pages before, and it was Lin Yuan who made Fuxing two pages lose the chance to act and then disappeared directly.

It is also not known whether the disappearance of the whipping six pages is related to Lin Yuan's victory over the mission of the Free Federation.

In the battle against the Freedom Federation Mission, Lin Yuan displayed a glorious majesty, which can be called magnificent, but after all, he was only a junior.

Hui Yao actually let such a junior come to see him, he really didn't take himself seriously!

Withering Eight Pages decided to give Lin Yuan a slap in the face, and also used this to give Hui Yao a slap in the face!

Thinking of the withered hand of the eight pages, as soon as he raised his hand, a chilly breath rushed towards Lin Yuan.

This surprised Qingbai Erteng who was pulling the cart.

Qingbai Erteng never thought that withered eight pages would suddenly attack Lin Yuan.

After all, eight pages of withering came to Huiyao to seek shelter from Huiyao.

The two of them were wearing shackles, and they were far away from Lin Yuan.

Even if he wanted to block the cold air with his body, he had no chance at all.

If something goes wrong with Lin Yuan, how will Yue Hou live?

Qingbai Erteng is very clear that Lin Yuan has now become the pillar of Yuehou's heart.

If it is said that withered eight pages suddenly shot Lin Yuan, Qingbai Erteng was shocked.

Lin Yuan's next actions were even more beyond Qingbai Erteng's imagination.

I saw a few black roots suddenly gushing out of Lin Yuan's body, and black vines grew out of his back.

These vines are covered with thorns, and these vines directly cover the eight withered pages in a cross shape.

Without giving the withered eight pages any chance at all, these two vines bound the withered eight pages in mid-air.

Lin Yuan turned around and signaled Qingbai Erteng behind him not to be surprised, then said with a smile to Withering Eight Pages.

"I didn't attack you, but you attacked me first!"

"It just so happens that I have a lot of things I want to ask you, and I got the answer from your mouth."

"Elbow, follow me into the house!"

After speaking, Lin Yuan walked into the attic first, and the black thorns dragged the eight withered pages, and dragged the eight withered pages into the attic.

Qingbai Erteng, together with the guards guarding around the attic, watched the strange scene in front of them for a long time and couldn't recover.

Lin Yuan used one of the vines to cover withered eight pages' mouth, making it impossible for withered eight pages to shout.

Withering Eight Pages has the feeling of having just left the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den again.

His safety was threatened in the tower code, and he was also not at all comfortable here.

The boy in front of him is very likely to be more dangerous than those guys behind Ta Dian!

Withering Eight Pages felt a mighty power from Lin Yuan, and this mighty power was more terrifying than what Scarlet One Page gave him.

The gagged withered eight pages groaned inwardly.

If I knew this, I should have died in the tower code on the fourth page of instant extinction, and then hugged the third page of eternal sin just like the seventh page of war to keep warm.

You shouldn't be thinking about finding another way out!

It's just that I had been in contact with the third page of eternal sin for a long time at that time, and the eight pages of withering always felt that the eyes of the third page of eternal sin were full of calculations, and they didn't have much fear of the black hands behind the tower ceremony.

This makes the eight pages of withering always feel that the ingredients of the three pages of eternal sin are not simple.

But no matter how complicated the composition of the three pages of eternal sin is, it is much better than the current situation!

Now I have become a prisoner, life and death are beyond my control.

Who knows what this boy will do to himself!

Facing Lin Yuan, Withering Eight Pages didn't feel the slightest sense of security.

Entering the room, with a wave of Lin Yuan's hand, more roots and thorns spread out from Lin Yuan's body.

These roots and thorns completely sealed off the entire attic.

From the inside, it looks like Lin Yuan directly used the vines to turn the attic into a cage of thorns!

Under the condition of ensuring that the withered eight pages could not escape, Lin Yuan directly brought the withered eight pages to the wall of thorns behind him.

The thorns on the wall immediately re-bound the eight withered pages.

Lin Yuan looked at Withering Eight Pages with a smile on his face, and then he opened his mouth to speak to Withering Eight Pages when his heart grew hairy.

"No one will bother me to communicate with you now."

"I hate it when people lie to me when answering questions. I have a way to judge whether your words are true or false."

"Every time you lie to me, I will make you suffer!"

Lin Yuan was just negotiating normally.

But in the ears of Withering Eight Pages, why does Withering Eight Pages feel that the boy in front of him speaks more sickly than that crazy woman in Yongsin Three Pages!

(end of this chapter)