Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2579: Just be willing to cooperate!


Withering eight pages have been secretly complaining in their hearts ever since they labeled Lin Yuan as sick and delicate.

Previously, eight pages were withered in the tower code because as a five-star builder, he has been making statues for the leaping spring.

Imprison the regular power of the mythical creatures and above inside the statue, and then strip the divinity from the statue under the washing of the leaping spring.

When doing this work, there is a cooperative relationship between the eight pages of withering and the three pages of eternal sin.

During this period, the sickness of the third page of eternal sin made the eighth page of withering suffer a lot.

If it weren't for Tadian's plan, Su Sheng of the Sleeper and the strong demands of the second page of revival, the eighth page of withering would have given up everything.

Withering Eight Pages chose to join Hui Yao because of her self-identity as a five-star creator.

A genuine five-star builder is of great significance to a federation with a large population like Huiyao, and he should be treated with courtesy.

However, what he got at this time was treated like a prisoner.

Thinking of the contribution he made to Su Sheng, the sleeper, for Tadian's plan, Withering Eight Pages only felt ridiculous in his heart.

If I guessed correctly, in fact, I, the eight-page member of the Pagoda Code on the surface, is just a tool, or a sacrifice, in the plan of Su Sheng of the Sleeper.

Thinking of these eight withered pages, I couldn't help but feel a little gloomy.

Withering Eight Pages doesn't know what the other members of Tower Code Eight Pages are thinking, but in Withering Eight Pages' heart, Withering Eight Pages has indeed regarded the Tower Pawn as its own home.

As a five-star creator, Wang Wangbaye prefers to conduct research and prepare potions quietly in an environment where no one disturbs her, rather than going out for activities on weekdays.

In fact, not only are five-star creators, but those who can become creators are more or less likely to have the attributes of a rat.

Because every creator rises from the dust.

Except for Lin Yuan, who is a coward, basically every creator has a stage of being a one-star creator, and has experienced the days of lack of spiritual materials to use.

Before the three-star creator, the level of the creator can be improved by mastering a wealth of knowledge.

But when the preparation of the three-star creator's spiritual liquid began to become complicated, the degree of fusion of the spiritual materials was even more a test of a creator's experience or the feel of the preparation of the spiritual materials.

It would not only take a lot of time to pile them up, but also consume a lot of spiritual materials.

How could a Tuntun rat who likes to be stable be able to withstand such a threat.

The more unknown things are, the more frightening they are. For example, now withered eight pages are filled with an indescribable sense of fear towards Lin Yuan.

Withering Eight Pages claims to have extensive knowledge, but withering Eight Pages has zero knowledge of Lin Yuan's state at this time.

I don't understand why a human teenager has such strength!

Hui Yao let this young man come to see him alone, he must be aware of this young man's strength.

Hasn't Hui Yao ever wondered how the young man in front of him gained such strength

Lin Yuan didn't know that withered eight pages, the old otaku, was shocked by the state of his fusion with the abyss red lotus, and he didn't know that withered eight pages had simulated many possibilities in his mind.

But the existence of Lin Yuan must be more outrageous than all the speculations of Withering Eight Pages.

Because Lin Yuan is a traverser, according to the world system and the situation of the world beyond the clouds that Lin Yuan currently grasps.

The world Lin Yuan lived in before was on a completely different level from the main world and the Tianyu beyond the clouds, and there was no intersection between them.

Lin Yuan thought that withering eight pages didn't want to cooperate well with him, so Lin Yuan didn't mind giving withering eight pages some strength.

Let the withered eight pages understand their current situation.

With a light wave of Lin Yuan's hand, the two thorns directly pierced through the eight withered pages, connecting the eight withered pages like a cross.

Withering Eight Pages couldn't hold back a muffled hum from his mouth.

Lin Yuan used ordinary physical means to pierce the eight pages of the withered lotus with the thorns of the red lotus of the abyss, and did not let the red lotus of the abyss show its power.

Otherwise, the thorns of the red lotus in the abyss will suck the eight withered pages into ashes in an instant.

"I'm afraid you'll be stupefied, should I bring you back to your senses now?"

"Just now this is not considered a small punishment. If you want to know what a small punishment is, you will be able to experience it naturally if you don't say anything when I ask you a question!"

Lin Yuan's words made Withering Eight Pages shudder.

Withered Eight Pages' mind has always been very clear, and it can also recognize current affairs.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have escaped from the tower code together with the third page of eternal sin and the seventh page of war!

As a five-star builder, the property of withered eight pages in the tower of withering is much more than that of the blinking four pages in the tower of fading.

Due to his own safety, the withered eight pages, as a Tuntun rat, were able to give up even so many assets directly.

What's more, now it's time to answer Lin Yuan's question.

Withering Eight Pages took a deep breath and said in a hoarse voice.

"I am very clear that the current me has completely fallen into your hands. If you ask me later, I will know everything without saying anything!"

"But I can't guarantee that I know everything!"

"I believe that you Huiyao should also have a lot of information about the tower code, and know how embarrassing the original eight pages of our tower code are in the tower code."

Lin Yuan heard that from the words of the eight pages of withering, he felt a bit of the frankness of the eight pages of withering.

Lin Yuan was sure that Facing his inquiry, Withering Eight Pages would be willing to cooperate.

As long as you are willing to cooperate!

Lin Yuan found the Withering Eight Pages in order to confirm his previous guesses and gain a detailed understanding of the internal situation of the tower code.

He never thought that he would really learn the core secrets of the tower code from the withering eight pages.

If Withering Eight Pages really grasped the core secrets of the Tower Code, no matter what the reason behind the Tower Code, the people behind the Tower Code should not allow Withering Eight Pages to have the opportunity to leave the Tower Code and seek refuge in Huiyao.

"It's natural!"

"I can't let you make up things that you really don't know!"

While speaking, Lin Yuan summoned the Flame-covered Heart Mushroom that he had just contracted not long ago, causing the Flame-covered Heart Mushroom to release a large number of spores.

These spores flocked to Withering Eight Pages, and with the strength of Withering Eight Pages, it is fully capable of keeping the spores spit out by the Flame-covered Heart Mushroom from getting close to him.

But withered eight pages did not dare to resist, on the contrary, he took the initiative to take a deep breath and let the spores enter his body.

It can be regarded as expressing his attitude towards Lin Yuan in his own way.

Lin Yuan is deeply satisfied with the behavior of the withered eight pages.

Through the behavior of Withering Eight Pages, Lin Yuan can confirm that Withering Eight Pages is a person who is very knowledgeable about current affairs.

This left Lin Yuan with a lot of time to ask about the eight pages of withering.

Withered Eight Pages' strength as a five-star creator, Withered Eight Pages can easily see through the reality and depth of the Flame-Covered Heart Mushroom.

(end of this chapter)