Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2612: Burning thoughts!


Lin Yuan hadn't paid much attention to the unlocked skills of the Flame-Covering Heart Mushroom before.

Because Lin Yuan is so busy that he basically doesn't have any free time.

And as Lin Yuan continued to obtain endless gems, more and more spiritual objects were unlocked.

Gradually, Lin Yuan was no longer as eager as he was when he unlocked Baihe Lili for the first time.

Now Lin Yuan finally has time to seriously observe the new skills of the diamond-level tenth fantasy five-change Flame-covered Heart Mushroom, which is unlocked by the endless gems.

[Spiritual creature name]: Flame-covered Heart Mushroom

[Spiritual Species]: Paramycetes/Flamyaceae

[Spirit Level]: Diamond Level (10/10)

[Spiritual Items]: Fire Department

[Spiritual Object Quality]: Fantasy Five Changes


[Flame]: Infiltrate the target's mind, spirit and soul through flames. With the heart and brain at the core towards the heart. The mind and soul burn, and the flame is catalyzed by absorbing energy from the heart and brain while the flame is extinguished.

[Body Burning]: In the process of burning the mind, spirit and soul, the flame will feed back to the burning of the body, causing physical damage to the body in the form of elements. Before the flame in the heart is extinguished, the body Suffering from fire effects is not modified in any way.

[Fennian Burning]: When burning the target's mind, spirit and soul, if the target's mind, spirit and soul have longing and missing emotions for a certain living body, you can use the longing and longing as a lead to move towards another One end will burn spread.

[Strong strains]: Strengthen the state of the meridian strains, so that the meridian strains can absorb and control more energy, and allow the strains to be deeply rooted in the target's soul to reduce the risk of being eliminated.

[Real Colony]: Every time the target is questioned, if the target gives an exact answer, a real strain will be born. The real strain absorbs energy and will grow into a real heart mushroom. Feeding the real heart mushroom to the target will make the target Entering the state of "telling the truth" makes it easier to get real answers to the other party's inquiries.

[False Colony]: Every time the target is questioned, if the target gives a deceitful answer, a false strain will be born. The false strain absorbs energy and will grow into a false heart mushroom. If the false heart mushroom is fed to the target, it will make the The target enters the state of "broken inquiry" to prevent being asked the answer in mind when being questioned by others.

Exclusive features:

[True Hearts]: The spores live deep in the target's spirit and soul, and judge the truth or falsehood of the target's expression through the touch of the spirit and soul.

[Collapse and Destroy]: Sacrifice the strains produced by itself. When the strains are sacrificed and collapse at the same time, it will take away the same amount of energy from the whole body as yourself, and collapse together with objects with the same amount of energy.

After probing, Lin Yuan couldn't help but let out a soft breath.

The Qi Zhou Soul Whale has already brought Lin Yuan a huge surprise, and the surprise brought by the Flame Heart Mushroom is no worse than the surprise that the Qi Zhou Soul Whale brought to him.

As a fire-attribute spiritual creature, the flame-covered heart mushroom focuses not on attack, but on functionality.

The Qizhou Soul Whale is the guarantee for the safety of Lin Yuan and others around him, while the Flame-Covering Heart Mushroom is a sharp weapon that Lin Yuan uses to torture to obtain real answers.

When communicating with Withering Eight Pages before, Lin Yuan had already tasted the sweetness brought by the Flame-covering Heart Mushroom.

The flame-covering heart mushroom is not only a guarantee that Lin Yuan can get the real answer, but also has a great deterrent effect on the party being tortured.

The ability of the Flame-Covering Heart Mushroom will definitely be extremely useful after Lin Yuan reaches the Heaven Beyond the Clouds.

As a newcomer, Lin Yuan didn't know much about the situation in the sky outside the clouds, and the Flame Heart Mushroom could ensure that the information Lin Yuan obtained was correct.

Let Lin Yuan learn about the situation in the sky beyond the clouds at an extremely fast speed.

The improvement of each of Lin Yuan's spiritual objects can bring Lin Yuan a lot of surprises.

Lin Yuan thought about this seriously, and felt that it was inseparable from the fact that he was not hesitating to use the highest quality resources to cultivate every spiritual creature.

The elite level skill [Penetration Burning] and the normal level skill [Yanqin] of Flame-covered Heart Mushroom can perfectly complement each other.

[Flame Qin] invades the target's spirit, heart, and soul through flames, and burns the target's heart, spirit, and soul.

Taking the target's heart and brain as a base, you can absorb the energy in the target's heart and brain.

The flame is spawned when the flame is weakened.

[Penetrating body burning] is when the target's spirit, heart, and soul are burned, and the burning of these three aspects will physically damage the body in the form of elements, which can severely burn the target's body.

What's more important is that the flame formed on the target's body by [Penetrating Body Burning] is extremely difficult to extinguish.

Because only when the skill [Flame Qin] is terminated, can the flame produced by [Penetrating Body Burn] be extinguished.

Silver-level skill [Function Burning] This skill Lin Yuan feels that only bad mushrooms with a bad mind can be born.

But any mushroom with a little conscience would not have such insidious and vicious skills.

In any state where life is seriously injured and dying, I will think of my true love, relatives and friends in my heart.

With few exceptions.

The more powerful the life, the longer the life, and often the more fetters in the world.

Firstly, the skill [Fennian Burning] can allow Lin Yuan to uproot the relationship network with a life as the core.

When [Francis Burning] spreads over, the spread target will become the new core.

It can also trigger the chain effect of [Burning Fragmentation].

This will expose a person's network of relationships, both public and private.

Secondly, [Fennian Fen] also has a miraculous effect when Lin Yuan wants to catch spies from a group of people.

If there are two spies in a team of one thousand people.

Once a spy is caught, the spy will probably think of another spy before he dies, triggering the burning conduction to let Lin Yuan catch the other spy.

The Flame-covered Heart Mushroom is simply a torturer with a belly full of bad water!

As for the gold-level skill [Strong Bacteria], it seems to be a passive skill, and it doesn't feel very powerful.

But in fact [Strong Bacteria] can produce a fatal linkage with the exclusive characteristic [Collapse and Destroy].

[Collapse and Destruction] is to sacrifice the strains produced by oneself, and the strains produced by the branches will take away the same amount of energy from the target's body after being sacrificed.

Honkai occurs in the target's body together with the energy taken away, destroying the target from within.

[Strong Bacteria] greatly enhances the lethality of the exclusive feature [Collapse and Destroy].

Not only that, it can also make the strain take root in the soul of the target more tightly, preventing it from being eliminated by special means.

Once a spiritual object's skill is linked with its exclusive characteristics, it will often increase the level of this spiritual object geometrically.

(end of this chapter)