Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2616: Azure Controversy! (two in one)


A delicately shaped butterfly suddenly grew two pairs of phantom wings.

The ring behind the original stalwart figure also spun at this moment, as if some changes were about to occur.

Seeing this scene, the woman with a cold face and gentle eyes bowed reverently, and chanted softly in her mouth.

Tears unconsciously slipped from the corners of their eyes and dripped onto the white jade pavement on the floor of the hall.

"The Totem God is finally about to be promoted to the second form!"

"Now it is finally confirmed that Lord Sage has awakened!"

Thinking of this woman's expression suddenly turned cold.

"The eight ants in Tadian should also wake up from their slumber."

"Awakening at the same time as Lord Sage is really presumptuous!"

"I hope the dust of a third-level civilization will not affect the sage."

"Otherwise, even if the Lord Sage ordered that the Temple of the Era not be allowed to affect the world, we will have to take action to clean up the dust of this third-level civilization!"

Suddenly, the woman kneeling devoutly on the ground froze.

I was actually thinking about other things when I was worshiping Lord Sage and the God of Totem!

What a great sin!

The woman hurriedly used her head to atone for the crime, leaving a large piece of red-gold liquid on the white jade ground.

The radiance of these red gold liquids exudes indescribable vitality, carrying the rules related to the rotation of the four seasons.

This red-golden liquid flowed out from the woman's forehead.

The sun has gone through several rotations outside the temple, but the woman's pious atonement has never stopped.

Sky City was founded by Lin Yuan, Liu Jie, and Wen Yu. Speaking of which, the first person who followed Lin Yuan was Liu Jie.

Liu Jie is Lin Yuan's retinue knight, but Liu Jie's presence has always been much weaker than Wen Yu's.

Wen Yu is the chief steward of Sky City, while Liu Jie manages the servants in white.

In the beginning, Liu Jie took the white-clothed servants for the trial, but later the job of leading the white-clothed servants for the trial fell into Duan He's hands.

Liu Jie had no duties at hand, so he was idle accordingly.

Liu Jie really didn't want to let himself be an idler in Sky City, so Liu Jie has been seeking to improve his internal affairs ability.

Wen Yu is really too busy these days, it is impossible for Liu Jie to ask Wen Yu for advice when Wen Yu is so busy.

Fortunately, Lin Yuan later brought Bai Qinghuan under his command, and Liu Jie learned a lot from Bai Qinghuan.

To some extent, it can be regarded as being able to stand alone!

Since Wen Yu took care of the affairs of the Dimensional World, Liu Jie has taken over the internal affairs of Sky City.

At the beginning, I felt pressure to take over Liu Jie, but Liu Jie insisted on resisting it.

After staying for a month, Liu Jie finally got used to the work of managing the internal affairs of Sky City, and he also understood Wen Yu's hard work before.

After coming out of Yeyang Palace, Liu Jie went straight to Houtu City.

Liu Jie has already dealt with the current affairs of Sky City, and Liu Jie is going to Houtu City to help Lin Yuan manage those goblins.

Ta Lei is also growing rapidly during this time, but Ta Lei is too young after all.

It was with the help of the Suy people that he was able to secure his position as the lord of Houtu City.

It is very difficult for Ta Lei to handle the daily affairs of Houtu City.

Ta Lei really didn't have the energy to manage these goblins who came to Houtu City.

Right now the Suy have a lot of things to do, managing two continents.

Even if Ta Lei wanted to ask the Suyi people, he was too embarrassed to ask, so Ta Lei could only ask Liu Jie for help.

In fact, Ta Lei didn't have to ask Liu Jie for help, and forced himself to take the credit.

Anyway, Roland's people helped transport these goblins.

The people sent by Roland to transport will definitely manage the goblins, and the leader of the goblin team must not dare to be presumptuous.

But Ta Lei was very afraid that he would delay Lin Yuan's affairs.

Ta Lei couldn't get in touch with Lin Yuan, so he naturally got in touch with Liu Jie.

Ta Lei is more familiar with Liu Jie than Wen Yu.

I think that when Lin Yuan first came to the Hanwen Continent to practice, Liu Jie was the only one by his side.

After confirming that Liu Jie was coming to Houtu City to help, Ta Lei finally felt relieved.

Lin Yuan placed a special diamond-level spirit box in both Liu Jie and Wen Yu's place without exception.

There is a large amount of walnuts in this diamond-grade spirit box.

The purpose of these walnuts is to allow Liu Jie and the Suyi people to use the space corridor in the underground space of Guiyuan Manor.

Although the walnuts contained in this diamond-level spirit box are not enough for Liu Jie and Wen Yu to travel between Huiyao and Cave Continent.

However, it is enough to go back and forth between Huiyao and Hewen Continent dozens of times.

When Liu Jie rushed to Houtu City through teleportation, the first batch of goblins had just arrived.

Because the amount of goblins Lin Yuan needed was too large, the goblins had to migrate in batches.

Because of Lin Yuan's repeated emphasis, Di Xu, Yan Ming, and Yue Zhen, the three peak masters of the reincarnation realm, deliberately let each batch of goblins be led by the reincarnation realm master.

In order to prevent the master of the reincarnation realm who led the team from having any small thoughts, he specially arranged twenty masters of the reincarnation realm under his subordinates to supervise him.

The first group of reincarnation masters led by the team was named You Chuan.

Youchuan, the female master of reincarnation, is a flower in the South Mining Area, and she ranks among the top three in terms of appearance among the female masters in the underground world.

The bloodline is an extremely noble obsidian witch.

However, when Lin Yuan conquered the underground world, You Chuan, who was an obsidian witch, didn't get any attention.

This made You Chuan extremely frustrated.

You Chuan felt that with his appearance, no one in the underground world had any reason to ignore him.

In addition to his good looks, Youchuan is also extremely intelligent, otherwise he would not be able to occupy the most fertile mining area.

And has always dominated the most fertile southern mining area.

You Chuan made up his mind, this time to transport the goblins to the main world, he must win Lin Yuan's favor as much as possible.

However, to You Chuan's disappointment, Lin Yuan was not present after he arrived.

When Lin Yuan was conquering the underground world, Liu Jie didn't have much sense of presence.

Although You Chuan didn't know who Liu Jie was, he could feel that Liu Jie was extremely weak.

Not even a stronger apostle!

The underground world is also the same as other dimensional worlds, everything is based on strength.

With Liu Jie's strength, it is really difficult to win the respect of You Chuan, the ruler of the reincarnation realm.

Although he despised Liu Jie in his heart, You Chuan didn't dare to show it.

Because Liu Jie must be someone trusted by Lin Yuan, otherwise it would be impossible for him to be assigned to preside over such an important job.

Lin Yuan's emphasis on this goblin migration, Yue Zhen, Yan Ming, and Dixu have repeatedly emphasized to the masters of the underground world.

Lin Yuan has the ability to promote the masters of the reincarnation realm to the reincarnation realm, and this ability affects the hearts of all the masters of the reincarnation realm in the underground world.

This includes Youchuan!

Unable to show his face in front of Lin Yuan, at least he can guarantee his basic treatment as the master of the reincarnation realm.

However, once Lin Yuan is offended, not only will he lose his qualifications to be promoted to the Master of the Reincarnation Realm, but he will not even be able to guarantee his current treatment as the Master of the Reincarnation Realm.

You Chuan is very knowledgeable about current affairs, and Liu Jie's management and handover of goblins went very smoothly.

There are so many goblins that it is impossible to count them all one by one.

After much deliberation, Liu Jie decided to adopt the method that Bai Qinghuan told him in advance, and let the goblins divide the levels according to their strength.

Let every powerful upper-level goblin manage the lower-level goblins.

In this way, there are only a few upper-level goblins that Liu Jie really needs to manage.

In this way, whether it is management during the migration or when assigning tasks later, the goblins can be mobilized to the maximum extent.

Juggernaut level goblins cannot be sent out to build infrastructure.

Even if the master-level goblins are asked to build infrastructure, they must do some special work.

Otherwise, for these dominator-level goblins, they are really overqualified!

So Liu Jie purposely dug out these dominant goblins and formed a special team of goblins.

Those goblins whose power of faith has reached a high level finally have a chance to become the leader.

Liu Jie selected 30 most powerful goblins, and put all the migrating goblins under the hands of these 30 goblins.

Then Liu Jie spoke to the thirty goblin apostles in a very serious and serious tone.

"It is trust in you to let you rule the goblin team."

"From now on, each of you will be allocated an earth-attribute celestial-level elemental pearl every other month."

"If you perform well when there are missions in the future, there will be additional rewards!"

The thirty goblin apostles who were selected were overjoyed after hearing Liu Jie's words.

Goblins, who are usually apostles, are not eligible to obtain resources at the level of earth-attribute goddess-level elemental pearls.

Normally, Lin Yuan would only give resources of this level to the Master of the Wheel Realm at the last time.

Liu Jie did not decide this matter without authorization, Liu Jie had a detailed communication with Lin Yuan before making the decision.

It was Lin Yuan who decided to use the goddess-level elemental pearls to mobilize the enthusiasm of the goblins.

It's just that Lin Yuan didn't give a specific implementation plan, and the specific implementation plan was formulated by Liu Jie according to Lin Yuan's purpose.

A total of eight to nine waves of goblins migrated over.

More than 200 top-level goblin apostles are enough to refine the task arrangement to the extreme.

Liu Jie was busy day and night in Houtu City, and while he was busy, Liu Jie communicated with Duan He.

Ask Duan He to recall all the white-clothed servants who have been training outside.

The current situation in the main world is turbulent, and the plan of Su Sheng of the Tadian Sleeper may be carried out at any time.

Under such circumstances, it is really not suitable for the servants in white to continue their training outside.

Moreover, Hu Quan has already created the framework of the sky city on the back of the floating island whale.

There is no shortage of subordinates, no shortage of spiritual materials, but there is a lack of some helpers.

A group of white-clothed servants are just qualified for this job.

Allowing the servants in white to integrate into the building of the city of the sky can also be regarded as an enhancement of cohesion.

Ever since Liu Jie knew that Lin Yuan's goal was outside the main world, Liu Jie also changed his goal.

He also regards the world outside the main world as the direction of his efforts.

Months later, after the royal council was convened, the Federation of Nations was not convened in the name of Huiyao.

Instead, it was the first Federation of All Nations jointly organized in the name of the three major federations, the Glory Federation, the Azure Federation, and the Freedom Federation.

The invitations were distributed to the royal courts of each federation, causing countless storms in the main world in an instant.

The three major federations have jointly decided to hold the Federation of Nations, and it is absolutely impossible not to participate.

This time, the Federation of All Nations jointly led by the three major federations opened in Huiyao, which surprised the officials of the major federations.

Among the three major federations, the Freedom Federation has always been the strongest.

Judging from the past situation, the host of the first Federation of Nations should be in a big city in the Free Federation.

There is no reason to open it in the Royal Capital of the Glorious Federation.

The Freedom Federation has no objection to this, which can't help but make the members of the major federations move their minds, wondering why the Freedom Federation made such a compromise.

This is really not the usual style of the Freedom Federation.

But none of these federations had the guts to ask the Mirror God and Fool God of the Free Federation for the reason.

They couldn't help but speculate whether something happened between the Freedom Federation and the Huiyao Federation that made the Freedom Federation make a compromise.

In short, no matter what the reason is, through this incident, the major federations of the main world have understood one thing.

That is, the Huiyao Federation should take the top spot in the main world in the future.

Otherwise, there is no reason for the Freedom Federation not to fight for such a show of authority!

The time for the Confederation of All Nations was set very urgently.

After receiving the news, the major federations immediately organized troops to go to Huiyao.

Once the Federation of Nations is established, it will definitely change the current situation of the major federations.

It is very likely that the rankings of the major federations by the Federation of Nations will replace the rankings determined by the federations through the fighting of federal envoys at the Congress of All Nations.

Therefore, every federation is ready to fight hard when it concerns vital interests.

The rulers of the Federation who had made good friends with Hui Yao were secretly delighted.

As for those federations that have had friction with Huiyao before or have not established diplomatic relations with Huiyao, this trip to Huiyao gave birth to the idea of curry favor and atonement.

The federations that had cooperated with the Crown Prince of the Freedom Federation before contacted the Crown Prince of the Freedom Federation with which they had cooperated, and wanted to find out about the situation.

Most of the cooperation between the Free Federation and other federations is an individual act under the crown, and there are few cases of cooperation in the name of the federation.

However, in the process of contacting the Crown Princes of the Free Federation, these federations found that the Crown Princes of the Free Federation did not reply.

It was rumored that all the members of the Freedom Federation rushed to Huiyao as soon as they received the news, and they were extremely proactive.

Seeing this situation, even if there is no reply from the Freedom Federation, the crown princes of the major federations also understand what is going on.

The twelve azure blue families of the azure blue federation held a two-day meeting in succession. At the meeting, the twelve azure blue families of the azure blue federation had disagreements for the first time.

The Azure Federation is not monolithic, the twelve aristocratic families represent twelve different interest groups.

Usually when interests are not involved, each other is very willing to give each other face.

But when there is a huge interest involved, the Zhanlan family will clash with each other in order to protect their own interests!

It is rumored that eighty years ago, there were not only twelve great aristocratic families in Zhanlan Federation, but fourteen.

It's just that the two azure blue families completely disappeared in the conflict of interests!

(end of this chapter)