Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2621: The spirit lock space has been promoted!


"You don't have to worry about what those spirit craftsmen say, you can make up your own mind about what happens next."

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Bai Qinghuan was overjoyed, knowing that Lin Yuan understood what he wanted to express in those words just now.

But then Lin Yuan changed the subject and said.

"Mianxia of Huiyao is in charge of the affairs of the major cities, and he is far-sighted enough."

"At that time, the cicada will come down to join you."

"If you do well, His Majesty Cicada will tell me personally!"

"Bai Qinghuan's world is very big, and the main world we are in is only a part of this big world."

"If you do well in this matter, I can consider bringing you by my side when I decide to leave for the Heaven Beyond Clouds!"

Originally, when Bai Qinghuan heard Lin Yuan say that he would let a brilliant Mian come down to join him, he was somewhat depressed.

If a glorious majesty partnered with him, he would definitely be subject to much more restrictions than when he cooperated with those spirit craftsmen.

Bai Qinghuan can ignore the words of those spirit craftsmen, but everyone under Hui Yao's crown is Lin Yuan's elders.

Bai Qinghuan couldn't ignore these glorious words.

A majesty who is in charge of Huiyao City must have his own clear decisions in his heart on various matters.

Bai Qinghuan knew very well that after partnering with the brilliant Chanming Mianxia, every decision he made had to be discussed with Chanming Mianxia in the end.

In the end, a joint decision was made with His Majesty Cicada.

However, what Lin Yuan said next made Bai Qinghuan's depression disappear in an instant.

Lin Yuan gave Bai Qinghuan a practical promise, allowing Bai Qinghuan to see a bright future.

For a person who is eager to seize the opportunity, as long as he is promised a bright future, he will definitely try his best to fight for it.

This is exactly the case with Bai Qinghuan!

Bai Qinghuan tried his best to gain control over the building of Huiyao Infrastructure, hoping to let Lin Yuan see his own ability.

Eager to get a chance in front of Lin Yuan.

Bai Qinghuan was very afraid that Lin Yuan would not see what he had done, and finally credited those spirit craftsmen for the credit.

That's why Bai Qinghuan took the initiative to crowd out those spirit craftsmen.

But now Lin Yuan promises that as long as things are done well, he will be able to take him to the sky outside the clouds, so that he will have a chance to stay with Lin Yuan all the time.

This is undoubtedly Bai Qinghuan's dream.

As long as he can stay by Lin Yuan's side, he is equal to a member of the first echelon in Sky City.

Secondly, with Lin Yuan's influence, he can unscrupulously stir up the situation in the main world.

But after arriving in Yunwai Tianyu, Lin Yuan will face many challenges on his own initiative.

What I am best at is arranging troops, and Lin Yuan will definitely rely on his own ability.

I will also have more opportunities to realize and practice my own value.

"Master, I will complete the construction of the infrastructure after discussing everything with His Majesty Cicada!"

"There will be absolutely no problems on my side!"

Lin Yuan waved his hand when he heard the words, motioning for Bai Qinghuan to take charge of the management.

Bai Qinghuan's last answer was wonderful.

Discussing everything with Mr. Chanming to make a decision is equivalent to saying that Chanming can influence my decision, which belongs to throwing the pot to Chanming in advance.

The latter sentence will never cause problems on my side, which is tantamount to throwing the pot away twice.

Talking to smart people allows smart people to easily understand what they mean, and it is not tiring.

But if you communicate with someone who is too smart, you have to consider whether there is something in the conversation when the person who is too smart speaks!

Lin Yuan has been staying in Huiyao for the past few days, but he sent Zhou Luo, Wu Wuxia, and Duan He, who had just returned with white-clothed followers, and other backbones.

This time, Huiyao presided over the convening of the first Federation of All Nations, although it was under the banner of the three major federations.

But in the end, there are still some federations that are not involved.

Therefore, it is not realistic to want to participate in the Federation of Nations to obtain all the cores of the continental veins.

Lin Yuan asked the backbone of these Sky City to bring dozens of mirror runner masters to receive the core of the land veins controlled by those forces who did not rush to Huiyao to join the Federation of Nations.

Not to mention there are no five-star creators in some federations, there are only one or two four-star creators.

It is impossible for a federation of this level to search for such things as the core of the continental veins in the continent where it is located.

Faced with this situation, the backbone of these sky cities only needs to find the core of the land veins by themselves, and then bring the cores of the land veins back.

Lin Yuan has arranged almost all the things that can be arranged, and it is only a matter of time.

I hope that Tadian can start the plan of the resurrection of the sleeper later.

Since only Lin Yuan was required to make decisions on the next big and small matters, Lin Yuan didn't waste any time and devoted all his time to cultivating spiritual creatures.

Lin Yuan kept strengthening the spiritual objects, in order to promote himself as an S-level spiritual energy professional as soon as possible.

Secondly, I also want to distribute more bronze-level high-quality spiritual objects to various big cities.

Let the soldiers of the city guards and city defense corps have high-end combat equipment.

Lin Yuan strengthened the spiritual object while waiting for the opening of the spirit lock space.

When the spirit-locking space was not open, Lin Yuan strengthened the spirits outside with his own physique, and the speed of strengthening the spirits was much slower than strengthening the spirits in the spirit-locking space.

Calculating the time, after two days, the Locking Space will almost be unlocked.

It was at this stall that Lin Yuan received the news from Wen Yu.

[Wen Yu]: Master, I found a very arid area on the side of the barren sea. Although this area is arid, it is not a traditional desert environment, but similar to a grassland environment.

[Wen Yu]: The land is relatively fertile, with a high mud content, but the land is very hard due to the lack of water due to excessive drought.

[Wen Yu]: The environment of this land is very similar to An Le's description of the Burning Reef Continent. The Celestial Council can perceive the members and know the general direction of the members, but there is no way to determine the specific direction when they are close.

[Wen Yu]: I am surrounded by some powerful mirror runner masters. I don't want to use these top combat powers to find An Le, which will affect the speed of my search for the core of the land veins!

[Wen Yu]: Young master, I hope you can arrange some apostles of average strength for me, let these apostles of average strength go to find An Le, and it is enough to bring An Le back to Chengtian City in the Cave Continent!

Under normal circumstances, Wen Yu doesn't like to bother Lin Yuan, but Wen Yu can judge which matter is the most important.

For Lin Yuan, the ultimate goal is to find the core of the land veins, and everything must be based on finding the core of the land veins.

Lin Yuan is willing to search for Anle and spend all his time on Anle. In Wen Yu's view, it can be regarded as the utmost benevolence.

If all the manpower is spent on searching for An Le, it will affect the search for the core of the land veins.

An Le would probably feel uneasy if she found out afterwards.

With An Le's talent, Wen Yu felt that An Le would be able to become a lord in the main world at best.

With a qualification like An Le, there is no chance to follow Lin Yuan to leave the main world and go to the sky beyond the clouds!

Even if Anle arrived in Yunwai Tianyu, he couldn't help him.

On the contrary, talents like Suyi people and Yin Lin can do something in the sky beyond the clouds.

Seeing the news from Wen Yu, Lin Yuan felt that he should really leave for the Cave Continent through the space corridor.

Lin Yuan is going to send a large number of people to search the other side of the barren sea as soon as possible after the lock spirit space is lifted, and get all the cores of the land veins.

When Lin Yuan was not going to allow the main world to merge with the five dimensional worlds, he left the opportunity to merge with any of the dimensional worlds to the other side of the barren sea.

When the area on the other side of the barren sea expands, it will still be the most remote area in the main world.

Chu Ci is practicing by Wen Yu's side, and practicing Chu Ci by Wen Yu's side can gain great benefits.

So Lin Yuan was going to let Chu Ci follow Wen Yu all the time.

After Wen Yu finished exploring the barren sea, he brought Chu Ci back together.

Everything in Houtu City has stepped into the normal state. Lin Yuan transferred Ting Ting back and let Ting Ting be responsible for allocating resources!

There is a specialization in the art industry. In the entire Sky City, except for Wen Yu, only Listening, who is the president of the Linglu Chamber of Commerce, has the strongest ability in resource allocation!

It was still difficult for Ta Lei to manage Houtu City without listening.

But Qin Yu, who has been listening to him for a long time, can continue to follow Ta Lei and assist Ta Lei.

Before leaving for the Cave Continent, Lin Yuan came to the Martial Arts Field where aura professionals who were about to be promoted from various forces gathered.

Start helping the spiritual creatures of these spiritual practitioners to advance to the next level.

Although the resources of the spirit lock space have not been released yet, the pure land of bliss and the spirit lock space are different exclusive features of Mobius, and there is no delay in using them.

After the area of the spirit-locking space is expanded, it can easily accommodate a large number of spirit crystals.

The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss unfolded after Mobius was promoted to the mythical species, covering an area of nearly 500 square meters.

Lin Yuan can help a large number of spiritual objects to upgrade their ranks at one time, which makes Lin Yuan collect spiritual energy crystals much faster than before!

Every baptism of heaven and earth was solved by Hengyuan with a flick of a finger, which allowed Lin Yuan to solve a large number of baptisms of heaven and earth at an extremely fast speed.

However, it took a full day and a half before Lin Yuan completed the absorption of the blessings of heaven and earth and the creation of the earth.

This time, the harvest of aura crystals exceeded the sum of what Lin Yuan had harvested from aura crystals before.

After all, the strength of the powerful people in the Huiyao Continent is not comparable to the Shenmu Federation, the Hammer Federation and the Deep Brahma Federation on the Hewen Continent!

Lin Yuan felt that when he entered the spirit lock space, he would definitely see a lot of rewards!

At that time, I will have to trouble the little butler of the Suo Ling Space, Feng Su Xun Ling again!

Helping the powerful people of Huiyao successfully survive the baptism of heaven and earth and the catastrophe of creation, Lin Yuan came to the space corridor at the entrance of the sixth-level abyss dimensional crack.

Originally, Lin Yuan opened up this space corridor connecting the Cave Continent in order for Hui Yao to develop the resources at the other end of the barren sea.

However, one teleportation consumes too many space resources, so no matter what is found on the other side of the barren sea, it is difficult to pay the teleportation fee!

This space corridor can only be used by Lin Yuan himself.

But this situation is not considered a loss in Lin Yuan's view.

One is to go to the cave continent at the other end of the barren sea to obtain the core of the continental vein.

The core of the land veins is related to Lin Yuan's hard power. Only by obtaining more cores of the land veins can Lin Yuan guarantee the winning rate in the battle with the top powerhouses.

Secondly, it is impossible for Lin Yuan to ignore Bei Xu's safety.

Thirdly, the main tentacles of ethereal jellyfish can grow again after falling off.

It's just that it takes a long time for it to grow again.

Lin Yuan, who went to the Cave Continent through the space corridor, once again endured the pain of long-distance transmission.

When Lin Yuan came back to his senses, he continued to race against time to strengthen the spirit at the entrance of the space corridor, waiting for the opening of the spirit lock space.

Lin Yuan told Wen Yu that he was going to the Cave Continent, but he didn't let Wen Yu turn back.

When Wen Yu was exploring the other end of the barren sea, he drew a map.

According to the map drawn by Wen Yu, Lin Yuan will ask the apostles and masters he sent to find Wen Yu.

The Mother of God Federation has never socialized much with the outside world, and the Mother of God Federation has been in a semi-blocked state for a long time.

Obviously has a five-star creator, but the Godmother Federation does not choose the Godmother envoy who can represent the Godmother Federation.

The Godmother Federation has been absent from several sessions of the All Nations Conference. Among the federations with five-star creators, the Godmother Federation can be said to be a maverick.

However, after Buper informed the Godmother of the situation, the Godmother finally made a decision.

Decided to go to Huiyao to participate in the first Wanbang Federation.

Warren has no special affection for the Storm Federation.

However, after receiving the invitation from Huiyao, the Federation of Storms decided to set off for the Federation of Huiyao.

The Sui people, the newly promoted masters of the Dark Continent and Sandbar Continent, also set off for Huiyao.

Prepare to go to the Hammer Federation to meet Roland first, and then walk with Roland.

Recently, the members of the Celestial Council talked all about the Federation of All Nations on the mind letter paper.

Wen Yu also told Anle about the situation after confirming that he had discovered the Zhijiao Continent.

An Le's heart finally settled down.

After reading the content on the Xinnian letter paper, it can be said to be very peaceful.

However, Lin Yuan knew that this calmness was just the appearance before the storm.

I have more and more information about the tower code on my side, and the corresponding tower code must also be collecting information about Hui Yao and myself.

Lin Yuan has already sent a message to the eight pages of withering, asking the eight pages to contact the seven pages of war and the three pages of eternal sin as much as possible.

Each tower code member has somewhat different control over information. It is very likely that the seventh page of war and the third page of eternal sin have some content that the eight withered pages do not know.

Just when Lin Yuan put away the letter in his mind, Mobius' voice rang in Lin Yuan's ear.

"The partner's spirit lock space has been promoted, come in and take a look!"

Usually Mobius' voice rang in Lin Yuan's mind, but this time it was indeed in Lin Yuan's ear.

Lin Yuan turned his head just in time to see Mobius standing beside him.

(end of this chapter)