Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2630: The linkage between Wangyang Labyrinth and Huiyao!


Ever since he was a child, Lin Yuan always kept the most comfortable and comfortable environment for himself. With Lin Yuan's existence, after finding out that he had no parents, Chu Ci didn't feel the lack of family affection at all.

On the contrary, the family affection that Lin Yuan brought to Chuci has made Chuci surrounded by sunshine and love.

Wen Yu set the return date at thirty-five days.

Lin Yuan set off directly and returned to Huiyao through the space corridor.

He planned to come back to pick up Wen Yu after thirty-five days.

From Huiyao to the cave continent, Lin Yuan felt that he could use it less once.

Even a big family like Lin Yuan can't afford the materials consumed every time he goes back and forth.

Of course, Lin Yuan also asked Wen Yu to tell the Federation and the smaller human settlements on the other side of the barren sea the news of the impending disaster.

Because separated by a barren sea, the land at the other end of the barren sea seems to be separated, but in fact the land lines are connected.

The undead natural disaster caused by the resurrection of the sleeper will also erupt on this side of the barren sea.

Lin Yuan would not be so indifferent that he would not give the Federation a chance to survive on the other side of the barren sea.

If these federations are willing to trust Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan is willing to transfer people from these federations.

This kind of large-scale transfer is definitely impossible to use Lin Yuan as a transfer point.

Although the area of the spirit-locking space has become several times larger than before, and the connection of the Klein hub to the swamp world can accommodate all the people on the other side of the barren sea.

But Lin Yuan has to make a lot of decisions to build infrastructure in the main world, and doesn't have that much time.

However, because of the Tianjuan Pavilion, plus the specific information of Su Sheng's plan that Hui Yao controlled the Sleeper of the Pagoda Code.

Wang Yang Maze and Hui Yao finally got in touch.

This matter was presided over by Lin Yuan's master Yuehou, and a cooperation was reached between Huiyao and Wang Yang Maze.

The hidden and low-key overlord in the ocean maze holds the largest number of island whales in the main world.

Island whales can cross the barren sea, and these federations who want to transfer can ask the ocean labyrinth for consignment.

Wen Yu communicated with Lin Yuan through the letter in his mind, and after learning about Lin Yuan's arrangement.

Wen Yu felt that Lin Yuan was too kind!

In Wen Yu's view, there is no need for Lin Yuan to take care of the federations at the other end of the barren sea. The survival of these federations has nothing to do with Sky City's interests!

Suddenly Wen Yu remembered what Xuan Yue said.

"With your wisdom, you will be able to show your talent in Huiyue Palace sooner or later, there is no doubt about it."

"Even if you are unable to complete the Moon Envoy's assessment due to the trauma of your origin, and you are sent to practice under Yin Qing Yuan Que and the others, you will have a chance to succeed sooner or later!"

"After discovering your talent, I'm not sure if I'll accept you as an apprentice."

"But I definitely wouldn't recommend you to become a member of the Glory Knights, because you are too rational and indifferent to uphold the spirit of Glory."

After Wen Yu and Xuan Yue became masters and apprentices, they always had something to say between them, and they never kept it hidden.

Xuanyue's words not only did not make Wen Yu feel strange, on the contrary, Wen Yu agreed with it very much.

In addition to the recognition, there are some little sweets.

Because everything he has now was given by Lin Yuan.

Without Lin Yuan, Wen Yu didn't think Xuan Yue would have taken a fancy to her.

I have been able to grow to this point because I have experienced many times of inner transformation and awakening.

Without Lin Yuan's help and redemption, my heart will gradually fall into darkness if it is silent.

Where can we actively embrace the sunshine like now!

If it wasn't for the pressure and opportunities Liu Jie and Lin Yuan brought to him, Wen Yu didn't think he would be able to develop his talent in internal affairs.

There is always a spirit in Lin Yuan that attracts him, and this happens to be what Wen Yu lacks.

Wen Yu has always followed Lin Yuan's instructions very thoroughly.

On the other side of the barren sea, there is relative calm between the Federation and the Federation.

Because the various federations are far apart, there are almost no borders.

Those federations that border each other have already been pinched and bruised in the case of extremely scarce resources.

Either one federation was conquered by another, or one federation relocated further afield.

Although there is relative calm between the Federation and the Federation, there are turmoil inside.

The extreme scarcity of resources has made food and clothing a problem.

In addition, the creator can cultivate and produce spiritual creatures, and has super strength.

Make the founder become the core of supporting the federation.

The living environment here has the flavor of a fusion of the Cave Continent and the Burning Reef Continent.

The Cavern Continent and the Burning Reef Continent are this side of the barren sea, which happens to be the epitome of this side of the barren sea.

The news brought by Wen Yu stirred up huge waves on the side of the barren sea.

First of all, Wen Yu's side is strong enough, and has not plundered within the federation.

This made almost all major federations believe what Wen Yu said.

But whether to relocate to the other end of the barren sea, each federation has different decisions.

Wen Yu left a wheel mirror master in each federation.

The existence of this wheel mirror master is not only to guide these federal residents when they decide to evacuate.

It is also to give everyone a right to choose freely, instead of being coerced by a few creators.

For those who understand the situation but are unwilling to leave, let them fight the undead bravely after the sleeper's resurrection is activated!

All these tasks were assigned by Wen Yuxia, and Wen Yu did not forget that the most important thing for him now was to collect the cores of the land veins.

Wen Yu didn't waste any time after finding the Sun Reef Continent, but just asked the two mirror masters to bring supplies to support Anle.

Hundreds of millions of goblins here in Huiyao are working non-stop, and the work of laying metal rock slabs underground has been successfully completed.

On the one hand, this is related to Bai Qinghuan's supervision, and on the other hand, it is also related to the fact that many goblins are all controlled by the secret treasure of the underground world, the Rubik's Cube.

Otherwise, a slippery creature like a goblin would not be able to work wholeheartedly as long as the knife was not on the neck.

After laying the metal slabs under Huiyao, Lin Yuan finally felt relieved.

It can be said that after laying the metal slabs under the Huiyao Continent, Su Sheng's most basic defense infrastructure against the Sleepers has been built.

If the sleeper's resurrection had erupted before the metal rock slab was laid.

Even if Lin Yuan has great abilities, he cannot guarantee the safety of Hui Yao.

With the basic defense infrastructure, it is only necessary for the goblins to quickly build the undead well when the powerful undead break through the metal slate.

The spiritual materials for building the well of the dead were prepared long before the metal slabs were laid.

Next, the metal rock slabs began to be continuously laid out. Lin Yuan is also studying the integration of the five dimensional worlds of the swamp world, the abyss world, the underground world, the zerg world, and the water world with the main world with Huiyao as the core.

It's just that Lin Yuan is not sure whether it is the right choice to promote the main world from the first-level world to the second-level world at this time.

Mobius did not restore the relevant memories, and Lin Yuan was very afraid that his rash integration of the dimensional world and the main world would cause a series of unpredictable problems.

But right now this has become an excellent opportunity to protect the Lord's World, and Lin Yuan needs to make a choice.

The delegations from the major federations had already gathered in Huiyao.

It can be said that the moods of the major federation delegations were very complicated when they rushed to Huiyao.

The venue for the first Federation of Nations was set at Huiyao, making all federations speculate on why the Freedom Federation would back down.

Because the news from Huiyao was too sudden, the major federations had not had time to rehearse various possibilities.

Along the way, the delegations of the major federations and the federation behind them frantically collected information, only knowing that the crown of the free federation had once rushed to Huiyao collectively.

This includes Mirror God and Fool God.

Could it be that the Crown Prince of the Free Federation has reached some kind of agreement with Hui Yao!

The leaders of the major federations all had a hunch that the sudden convening of the Federation of All Nations must be related to something.

It's just that no matter whether it is the Huiyao Federation, the Liberty Federation or the Azure Federation, the tone of this matter is very dead, and no news has been revealed.

The leaders of the major federations all thought that the Huiyao Federation, the Freedom Federation and the Azure Federation had already discussed matters concerning the Federation of Nations in advance.

Little did they know that the Zhanlan Federation was also kept in the dark.

The twelve great families of the Azure Federation asked Hui Yao for relevant information many times, but finally did not disclose the information to the Azure Federation in advance after a month.

There is no impenetrable wall in this world, even if there is an impenetrable wall, it is very likely that spies have been planted in each federation.

If I reveal the news in advance, it may let Ta Dian know in advance that I already know Ta Dian's plan, and I am taking corresponding measures.

Second, it may cause panic.

Wait until the All Nations Federation is convened before spreading the news, so that the major federations can respond as soon as possible and make targeted decisions.

All the crown princes of the Freedom Federation went to Huiyao together, showing full sincerity.

Along the way, Mirror God and Yu God rode in their spirit vehicle without any cover.

It surprised the representatives of the major federations.

Even if the Freedom Federation attaches great importance to such a meeting, it would be good to send a crown prince over.

At most, one of the God of Mirror and the God of Yu will come, why now the two choose to go together!

Liberty Federation and Huiyao will not fight at the Federation of Nations!

After a month, he has been hanging by refreshing spiritual materials, and has not rested for half a month.

Even if the strong man who has awakened his fate is mentally tense for a long time without rest, he will still have some headaches and brain swelling.

Yue Hou stretched out her hands and rubbed the temples on her forehead while listening to Cang Yue's report.

Ever since Cang Yue took Chuci out to practice, all the work of Shuangyue Envoy fell on Xuan Yue.

Now Cang Yue is back, and has taken over the work again.

Xuan Yue has always been doing internal work, and Cang Yue is better at external work.

"The Huiyao Temple, the venue selected by the Federation of All Nations, has been fully furnished in a month's time. I am the one who made the arrangements. There is no problem with the arrangement!"

"As long as the federations with records received the invitations, they all responded except for a few."

"Among the federations that replied, only a few that have traveled a long distance have not yet arrived, and the rest have entered the royal capital and lived in the mission guest house."

Yue Hou heard the words and nodded, then asked.

"Those federations with long distances said they didn't say when they would arrive!?"

Cang Yue hurriedly replied after hearing the words.

"The latest one of the adults after the month will arrive at five o'clock in the morning today!"

"I suggest that the Federation of Nations be held in the Glorious Temple tomorrow morning."

Cang Yue understands the specific situation, because of understanding, Cang Yue knows how urgent the situation is.

Otherwise, according to Huiyao's hospitality, the representatives of the federal missions who arrived in Huiyao would have to be given a day's rest.

But right now, the adults don't even have time to rest after a month, and haven't slept for half a month.

It is already the greatest sincerity and honor that my lord is willing to wait until all these federal delegations arrive before holding the Federation of Nations.

"Cangyue, tell the cicadas about this matter, and let the cicadas inform these missions to hold the Federation of All Nations in the Glorious Temple at nine o'clock tomorrow morning!"

Originally, I was very worried a month later, but fortunately I got the news from Lin Yuan.

Knowing that Lin Yuan has already built the basic defense infrastructure in Huiyao.

Lin Yuan's use of hundreds of millions of goblins and the spiritual materials stored in the underground world is definitely a big deal!

In a month's time, he created a miracle that he didn't even dare to think about a month ago.

After a month, in order to find out when Tadian would start his operation, he specially asked Jingshen and Yushen to contact Tadian.

Although the Mirror God and the Foolish God couldn't get in touch with the real eight pages behind the tower canon like the crimson page, they were able to contact the six pages of Nisheng who had been in contact with the Freedom Federation before.

After a month, there is no way to let Mirror God and Yu God contact Nisheng Liuying, but I didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains!

Two months later, Nisheng Liuye invited Mirror God and Yushen to Tadian's headquarters to discuss plans.

And invited Mirror God and Yu God to join Tadian.

This shows that Tadian will probably not take any action within two months.

It has been a month since Mirror God, Yushen and Nisheng came into contact with each other.

Yuehou didn't believe that Tadian really wanted Mirror God and Yushen to be members of Eight Pages.

If Tadian had this purpose, he would have already contacted Mirror God and Yu God, and he would not have waited until now!

Mostly, Tadian wanted to get rid of the two god-fire-level threats, Mirror God and Yushen, before the plan started.

It takes a month for the major federations to migrate, and the time is very tight.

But if it is executed immediately, there is still a good chance of using platinum-level flying spirits on a large scale!

As long as these federations take their citizens to the designated location by the sea, they don't need to bear all the pressure of long-distance migration.

Otherwise, even in one year, these federations would not be able to lead all citizens to complete the migration!

After arriving at the designated location by the sea, everything will be taken over by Wangyang Maze.

Wangyang Maze will arrange for the island whale to lead these people to the glorious Deep Water Lane.

Months later, Lin Yuan was informed of this decision, which just gave Lin Yuan time to prepare.

Lin Yuan can wait for the major federations to move to Huiyao before deciding whether to promote the integration of the five-dimensional world and the main world.

(end of this chapter)