Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2632: Exclusive feature Rattan strangulation!


Fortunately, spirits that have reached this level have powerful aura professionals as partners, and aura professionals will help the spirits relieve the pressure brought by the worry demon.

This makes the spiritual creatures of the immortal species have a probability of more than 50% to successfully step into eternity when they are tortured by the demons.

Unlike those spirit creatures in the wild who have not been contracted by aura professionals, the success rate of being promoted from immortality to eternity will be less than 10%!

Lin Yuan has already made a plan to help Zhizhen Shuteng share the burden when Zhizhen Shuteng is tortured by the inner demon.

When the spirit thing steps into eternity, crossing the catastrophe is no longer the spirit thing's own business.

Zhizhen Chuteng calmed down after hearing Lin Yuan's words, and then began to absorb a large number of spiritual energy crystals.

The ultimate touch cane can feel that stepping into eternity, one's life level is about to change.

This is definitely a great opportunity to improve your strength!

With the continuous absorption of aura crystals, Zhizhen Touching Vine suddenly felt a feeling of uncontrollable power.

With the power out of control, many desires arose in Zhizhen's heart.

Lin Yuan is also suffering from the erosion of this desire, and can empathize with this desire.

A long tug-of-war with the demons begins!

With the help of Lin Yuan to share the torture of Worm, he successfully stepped into eternity after a long tug-of-war.

It has officially become a real eternal spiritual creature.

According to the level division of the twelve eternal revolutions, the quality of the current Zhizhen Touching Vine should be considered to be at the level of the eternal one revolution.

Lin Yuan didn't have the heart to pay attention to the exclusive features newly acquired by Zhizhen Touching the Vine and stepping into eternity.

Lin Yuan soon began to bear the baptism of the second wave of inner demons.

With the experience of the first time, Lin Yuan and Zhizhen Touching the Vine will be more calm after bearing the baptism of inner demons for the second time.

Zhizhen Touching the Vine has not experienced many things along the way, and the demons are also relatively simple images.

But even after resisting the impact of twelve waves of demons one after another, Lin Yuan and Zhizhen Touching the Vine were extremely exhausted in their hearts.

Especially Lin Yuan, who is a Reiki professional.

The immortal body of Zhizhen Touching Vine has been transformed into an eternal mind, and the eternal mind itself has the function of resisting inner demons.

Fortunately, after Zhizhen Touching Vine condensed the eternal mind, Lin Yuan had much less pressure to help Zhizhen Touching Vine.

After completing the promotion, Zhizhen Chuteng came to Lin Yuan's side, and without hesitation, he took his dark green eternal heart and handed it to Lin Yuan.

It's like a child happily sharing his perfect test papers with his parents.

Lin Yuan took the Eternal Heart from Zhizhen Touch Vine and held it in his hands. He saw that the Eternal Heart of Zhi Zhen Touch Vine looked like a dark green ghost crystal.

There is an image of the body of the ultimate touch vine in the crystal.

Zhizhen Touching the Vine spoke seriously from the side.

"The ability of Lin Yuan's eternal mind is tolerance, and the manifestation of this ability in battle is very passive."

"When I am attacked, I can try to accommodate the energy contained in the target's attack, and absorb part of the energy to supplement myself."

"My eternal mind will analyze the target."

"The more tolerant the opponent's energy, the more I will understand the target during the battle, and the easier it will be to find a way to restrain the target!"

Lin Yuan nodded lightly upon hearing this.

If we say that this is the ability to reach the eternal mental state of the vine, then the expression of this ability can be described as very simple.

But this ability seems simple, but in fact it is not common.

On the contrary, facing a strong enemy in a one-on-one battle, even if you are at a disadvantage at the beginning.

It is also very possible to absorb and analyze the opponent's energy by virtue of the tolerance of the eternal mind, and complete a gorgeous reversal of the battle situation.

Furthermore, the ability of reaching the vine mainly comes from the absorption of those eight things by the exclusive characteristic [Engaging and Homologous].

In the choice of these eight things, Lin Yuan will choose the best.

Since admission is based on merit, it is difficult to have commonality among these eight things.

Powerful things often have different abilities, and it is difficult to have commonality.

Just like the five dark golden snake scales, the blood of the elves, and the metal of the king's rank are completely different things.

Therefore, if the ability of eternal mind can only increase a few kinds of things, it is better to tolerate this kind of ability that can absorb all things that can be absorbed by the wrist!

Lin Yuan returned the Eternal Heart to Zhizhen Touch Vine.

Looking at Zhizhen Touching the Vine, Lin Yuan felt quite strange in his heart for a while.

Lin Yuan's strength has always had little to do with the level of his aura professional.

Lin Yuan's strength is based on controlling other strong men in a special way, and let other strong men serve him.

But now, I have just been promoted to an A-level aura professional, and I already have a king-level tenth-level eternal twelve-turn spiritual thing.

If this is said, no one will believe it at all!

It's only been two years since Lin Yuan became a Reiki professional.

It's just that there is no shortcut to increase the level of aura professionals.

Lin Yuan could only upgrade step by step.

When the sleeper's resurrection plan begins, undead creatures descend on the main world.

Fighting against the undead creatures will be a protracted war.

At this stage, Lin Yuan's spiritual energy professional level will definitely increase.

After this war, both the Zerg Clan and the Monster Clan can develop.

Lin Yuan can also use time to accumulate enough capital in the lock spirit space, so that he won't have to worry about resources after arriving in the sky outside the cloud!

Lin Yuan used Mobius's skill [True Data] to investigate the highest-ranked vine of all his spiritual creatures.

[Spiritual creature name]: Supreme touch vine

[Spiritual Species]: Carapaceae / Longvine

[Spirit Level]: Grand Monarch Rank (10/10)

[Spiritual Items]: Wood

[Spiritual quality]: Eternal Twelve Turns


[Forbidden Growth]: After making a contract with any creature, you can break the confinement brought by the contract. As long as you have enough energy, you can continuously improve your strength. When the absorbed energy reaches a certain limit, you will automatically comprehend the required will talisman arts.

[Extreme Strongness]: The absorbed energy will consume a large part to strengthen the toughness and firmness of the vine. When it is damaged, the surface of the vine can be repaired by consuming energy.

[Long Vine Attachment]: Select two vines to attach to one vine, and the attached vines can obtain certain effects of the other two vines.

[Paralyzing vine juice]: When you are injured, you can make vine juice splash out through the wound, and the vine juice has a paralyzing effect.

[Savage Breaking Ground]: In the face of defense, instantly stimulate the power of seed germination to help vines break through the enemy's defense.

[Root binding]: Designate a target, use the target's body as the soil, root in the target's body, suck the target's vitality, and destroy the target.

[Phantom Thorn Meridian]: After the phantom thorn enters the target's body, the phantom thorn will turn into a phantom seed and germinate in the target's body, condensing more phantom thorns.

[Wedge of Freedom]: Every time the vine receives damage reduction, a layer of wedge skin will grow on the surface of the vine, and every three layers of wedge skin will turn into sharp wedge thorns. The wedge thorns can enhance the effect of the vine itself and increase the vine .

[Heto Gomori]: Designate a target, attach itself to the target, help the target resist external attacks, and contribute its own life energy to the protected target.

Exclusive features:

[Phegocytosis Homologous]: Each vine shares the rank quality, but differentiates into independent individuals. Each vine can swallow an object and grasp the characteristics of the object. The swallowed object can no longer be spit out, but it can be passed through Higher-level objects of the same kind will be replaced (with this exclusive feature, vines will not be further differentiated on the existing basis).

[Broken Vine Substitute]: In the case that a vine is destroyed in battle, you can designate a vine to take the damage instead of this vine, and save the selected vine by breaking your wrist.

[Suppressing phantom thorns]: Concentrate the energy in the vine on a certain part of the vine, and this part will grow phantom thorns generated by the special energy contained in the vine, which cannot be detected and sensed.

[Touch the vines and wood world]: Release the wood energy and life energy stored in the vines in an instant. These wood energy and life energy will turn into a large number of vines. These vines are intertwined to form a world made of vines. , the main body will integrate into this world to attack the target. Before the wood world is destroyed, the damage to the main body will be reduced and shared by the wood world.

[Spirituality with objects]: At the cost of sacrificing the absorbed items in the vine, the source of the absorbed items is psychic out. The psychic things do not have consciousness, but they have the power they have mastered. (Depending on the proportion of the energy used in the psychic in the item, the time to be able to psychic is determined).

[Vine Refinement Strangling]: The vine strangles other lives. If the bloodline of the target strangled by the vine is higher than the vine, the vine can absorb the target's blood to improve and strengthen its own The bloodline makes every vine that devours objects through phagocytosis homologously strengthened with the promotion of its own bloodline.

After exploring, Lin Yuan discovered that the newly acquired exclusive characteristic of Zhizhen Touching Vine set foot in eternity is called [Tenglian strangulation].

[Tenglian strangling] is when the ultimate touch vine kills a life whose blood is stronger than its own, it can absorb the target's blood and improve its current blood.

This ability can make the blood of Zhizhen touch the vine continue to strengthen through killing.

The blood of Zhizhen Touch Vine itself has not changed, and the level of blood is lower than most of the eternal spirits.

The things that the vines absorb with the vines cannot fundamentally increase the blood strength of the vines.

At present, Zhizhen Touching the Vine finally has a way to improve the bloodline!

Moreover, it is difficult to have an upper limit for this method of improving bloodlines.

Unless the Supreme Touch Vine reaches the top of all life bloodlines, there will be room for improvement in the Perfect Touch Vine!

The ability of the exclusive characteristic [vine refining strangling] is very consistent with the ability of reaching the eternal heart of the vine.

It is a tolerant way to improve one's own blood by absorbing the other's blood.

It's just that before Zhizhen touched the vine, when he talked about the use of the eternal mind, he mainly mentioned the defense when he was at a disadvantage.

And the exclusive feature [Vine Chain Strangling] shows a kind of extreme greed for tolerance.

After reaching the vines through the exclusive characteristic [Vine Refining and Strangling] to improve the bloodline, each vine that has swallowed things will increase.

In the main world, there are not so many spiritual creatures with powerful bloodlines that can be hunted and killed by Zhizhen.

The aura professionals standing behind most powerful spirits represent one side of power.

It is inconvenient for Lin Yuan to upgrade to the bloodline of the vine in the main world, and there are a lot of creatures with noble bloodlines in the sky outside the cloud.

The bloodline of Zhizhen Touching Vine will be promoted immediately!

Looking at the remaining aura crystals, Lin Yuan found out after counting them.

The ultimate touch vine has been promoted to the tenth level of the great king rank, the eternal twelve turns, and even one tenth of it has not been used.

Lin Yuan can only say that Mobius absorbs the blessings of heaven and earth, although most of them are used to strengthen the spirit lock space and promote the division of the body.

But the number of aura crystals hoarded is quite a lot!

Lin Yuan was very curious about whether these aura crystals could contribute to the transformation of the Supreme Realm of the Emperor Realm.

Lin Yuan asked Zhizhen Touch Vine seriously.

"Touching the vine with your current state and situation, do you have the ability to raise your rank again, and do you need a period of time to calm down and accumulate!?"

Zhizhen Touching the Vine heard the words and directly shook his head and said to Lin Yuan.

"I have no problem continuing to improve now."

"If I really encounter a threshold, I will explain the situation to you directly, and I will not insist on improving my strength!"

Lin Yuan said with a smile when he heard the words.

"Since this is the case, let's continue to absorb the aura crystal!"

Zhizhen Touching Vine immediately began to absorb the spiritual energy crystal again.

Through the previous communication between Lin Yuan and Xuan Yue, Lin Yuan learned about it.

Awakening fate above eternity and igniting the fire will not get new skills and exclusive features.

So it still belongs to the category of eternal twelve revolutions.

This is equivalent to a fine division in a large realm.

During the process of absorbing the aura crystals by reaching the vine, the Federation of All Nations still held for half a day.

At this time, in the auditorium of the Huiyao Temple, the leaders of the major federations all looked solemn, struggling to digest the news that was released after a month.

For a moment, I couldn't believe that the news released after a month turned out to be true!

Everything is going well in the main world, so there is such a terrible crisis lurking in the dark!

The name of the faction Tadian is not unfamiliar to the Federation with five-star creators, and it is more or less familiar.

But for those federations that only have four-star builders, many of them have never heard of the existence of Tadian.

This organization, which I and others have never heard of, is actually planning a plan to overthrow the entire main world and change the era!

Facing this plan, these leaders who came to Huiyao on behalf of their respective federations only had fear in their hearts.

I don't know how to solve the problem at all!

Can they really survive in the face of such a disaster!

In the face of such an impossible disaster, what is the point of founding the Federation of Nations!

(end of this chapter)