Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2651: The second out!


The more miserable a person is, the easier it is to have admiration for an unknown powerful creature.

This admiration will eventually be transformed into faith!

Before Lin Yuan was thinking about how to obtain the power of faith of these nine federation members, now Lin Yuan has found a way.

Lin Yuan raised his hand and released the Qinglu Marsh Turtle.

For the people of these nine federations, the Qinglu Marsh Turtle is a huge life beyond the cognition of all members of these nine federations!

Perhaps even if the members of these nine federations used all their imaginations, it would be difficult to imagine such a giant as the Qinglu marsh tortoise!

After the Qinglu Marsh Turtle appeared, it raised its head and roared, and the sound wave swept towards the sky, directly pushing away the clouds in the sky.

After Qinglu Marsh Tortoise's roar, the sky that was originally covered with dark clouds disappeared without even a trace of cloud!

The Qinglu marsh tortoise can do this not because the Qinglu marsh tortoise possesses similar abilities to Yinyin.

The Qinglu marsh tortoise only has some ability to control the earth element.

The reason why the Qinglu marsh is so strong is because the Qinglu marsh is a huge monster.

Any action is supported by the blood in the body, and the dark clouds in the sky are scattered by the power of blood.

If you really want to fight, the strength of the Qinglu Marsh Turtle should be able to reach the level of the master of the wheel.

Just relying on blood and physical aspects to fight, you will suffer at the level of Zhuanlun Realm.

Fortunately, Lin Yuan didn't train the Qinglu marsh tortoise for the purpose of letting the Qinglu marsh tortoise fight.

Lin Yuan fed the marsh tortoise with various levels of swamp soil. The swamp soil was not absorbed in vain!

All the nutrients in the swamp soil are collected on the back of the swamp tortoise.

Afterwards, if Lin Yuan wants to cultivate any plant-like spiritual creature, he can do it on the back of the Qinglu marsh turtle.

After the area of the spirit-locking space expands, Lin Yuan can make the Qinglu Marsh Turtle reside in the spirit-locking space.

It has to be said that even Lin Yuan, who often comes into contact with the Qinglu marsh turtle, still couldn't help being shocked when he saw the huge Qinglu marsh tortoise.

Not to mention the humans in these nine weak federations on the other side of the barren sea!

The moment he summoned the Qinglu marsh tortoise, Lin Yuan felt more and more light spots transformed from the power of faith in the fountain of faith in his kingdom of God.

The light spots of faith that had already appeared gradually became bigger and bigger.

Lin Yuan spread the black wings behind him, and stood on top of Qinglu Marsh Turtle with fluttering wings.

Lin Yuan's image at this time can be described as a god descending from the earth.

Lin Yuan looked down at the nine federations, and then spoke in a very serious tone.

"This migration may be an adventure in your mind, but what I want to tell you is that this migration is also a transformation and an opportunity."

"I won't say anything superfluous, and then you can feel it yourself!"

"The following three federations form a group, let's climb on the back of this giant turtle in batches!"

"Remember you have to hurry up, I only give you two days for the whole migration."

"If the transfer cannot be completed within two days, then you, the managers of the nine federations, will all stay here and wait to become a delicious meal for the undead!"

If there is a federation that can compete with Lin Yuan, the ruler of this federation will choose to move with Lin Yuan.

It was because the masters of these federations believed in Lin Yuan.

But the current situation is just the opposite.

At this time, the rulers of the nine federations stood here, and most of them seemed to be coerced.

But Lin Yuan's words actually made the rulers of these federations believe in Lin Yuan.

Now the rulers of these nine federations are clear about one thing, that is, they and others have no value in the eyes of the god-like young man in front of him.

Since he has no value, there is no need for this god-like young man to conspire against himself and others.

Moreover, even though he is the ruler of these nine federations, he really doesn't have the ability to collect rare treasures.

These weak federations of their own are going to pay tribute to those powerful federations.

There is no need for the god-like young man in front of him to deceive himself and others.

If it is really impossible to complete the transfer in two days, then I and others will definitely be abandoned here!

So the rulers of these nine federations began to seriously assign the task of transfer.

We are all grasshoppers on the same rope, so which three federations are transferred first and which three federations are transferred later is not so important!

Lin Yuan made such an arrangement because he was afraid that the nine federations would conflict in order to compete for the transfer priority.

I don't want to cause panic among ordinary people because of the time limit I set.

The rulers of these nine federations still have absolute authority in their own federations.

Soon there was a long line of people organizing the transfer.

Qinglu Marsh Turtle usually stays in the swamp world, and since Lin Yuan transformed him into an apostle, he rarely has the chance to get close to Lin Yuan.

Unlike Wen Yu, Li Teng, and Bai Yan who spent so long with Lin Yuan.

Qinglu Marsh Tortoise enjoyed this opportunity to get close to Lin Yuan.

Qinglu Marsh Turtle kept raising his head, watching Lin Yuan affectionately.

Due to the size of the Qinglu marsh tortoise, it is not easy to interact with Lin Yuan.

Otherwise, Qinglu Marsh Turtle would definitely be like Wendy, who would crawl into Lin Yuan's arms every time he saw Lin Yuan.

If the people of these nine federations regard Lin Yuan as a god, then Qinglu marsh tortoise is a tortoise that can hold up the heaven and the earth!

Qinglu Marsh Turtle was so close to Lin Yuan, which deepened the awe of Lin Yuan in these people's hearts.

The sand under his feet suddenly surged up, and the sand formed hundreds of thousands of long ladders.

A long ladder leads down to the flat back of the marsh turtle.

If members of these federations want to transfer, they only need to step on the hanging ladder and walk all the way up!

Watching the transfer of the three finalized federation members, Lin Yuan suddenly discovered that these nine weak federations actually had something.

The people of these nine federations are relatively united.

Even with the soldiers and rations provided by Wen Yu during this journey, many people still fell down due to overwork or illness.

These crumbling people are always supported by a young or middle-aged person. When climbing up the hanging ladder, these young and middle-aged people will spontaneously carry these people who are tortured by illness and exhausted.

This made Lin Yuan very pleased!

An Le also transferred the people from Oasis City.

The sudden appearance of the natural disaster of the undead made it impossible for An Le to carry out her plan of the Oasis Goddess.

Transferring people from Oasis City is An Le's only choice.

Compared with struggling to support on the Zhijiao Continent, An Le also wanted to come to Lin Yuan and other partners.

It's just that the dream of building an oasis city, a pure land, was shattered, which made Anle more or less disappointed.

Wen Yu was the first person in the entire Celestial Council to come into contact with Anle in reality.

After just chatting with An Le for a while, Wen Yu knew An Le's ambition.

If Ta Lei can only be the lord of Houtu City, it is because of his limited ability.

That Anle can only manage a big city, but it is limited by his own dreams and vision.

A person with a vision like An Le is doomed to have no way to go to a world other than the main world with Lin Yuan.

In fact, in Wen Yu's opinion, An Le has good means, otherwise she would not be able to play the role of the goddess of the oasis well in the oasis city, and has never been exposed.

If this method of Anle can be used in other places and then be taught well, why not make contributions

But at this time, Lin Yuan has completely passed the stage of thirsting for talents.

Although Lin Yuan still hoped that talents would gather around him, facing the members of the Celestial Council who had followed Lin Yuan for a long time, Lin Yuan was obviously unwilling to force them.

As long as Lin Yuan realizes Anle's ambition, he will immediately arrange for Anle to have the future he desires.

Lin Yuan is going to arrange the Shouyuan Rat for all members of the Celestial Council, and Wen Yu already knows about it.

Since there are Shouyuan rats, as long as there is no unexpected crisis.

None of the members of these Celestial Councils will die after the long Scourge of the Undead is over.

No matter how much preparations have been made for the natural disaster of the undead, the entire main world will almost become a piece of scorched earth after the natural disaster of the undead is over.

At that time, the main world will be in a state of waiting to be rebuilt.

At that time, An Le had the opportunity to establish a city-state and realize his dream.

Wen Yu has always been realistic, after confirming the ownership of An Le in his heart, Wen Yu no longer cared about An Le.

After all, there are too many things that Wen Yu has to consider and sort out every day.

In the future, the less time you spend on people you don't know, the more Wen Yu can improve your work efficiency as much as possible.

Wen Yu didn't tell Lin Yuan what he had discovered, and he took the initiative to tell Lin Yuan about this kind of thing, as if he had a problem with An Le.

Anyway, with Lin Yuan's wisdom, he was able to perceive Anle's situation and state after he first came into contact with Anle.

Lin Yuan did not have the people who have been here to preside over the nine federations to transfer.

Lin Yuan appeared like a god descending to earth, in order to harvest faith.

The work of arranging these nine federal transfers is still carried out by Bei Xu.

The people in Oasis City were among the crowds of the nine federations.

Anyway, they were going to be transferred, and Lin Yuan didn't give special treatment to the people in Oasis City.

Giving special treatment to the people of Oasis City under such circumstances is bound to make the people of the other nine federations hostile to the people of Oasis City.

This is not good for the people of Oasis City.

An Le has been transferred to Chengtian City by Wen Yu.

If it wasn't for the urgent time, Lin Yuan would have met An Le when he first came to Chengtian City.

But it's not too late to see An Le now.

Lin Yuan took Wen Yu and Chu Ci back to Chengtian City, and came to the room where An Le rested.

An Le has never left the Scorched Reef Continent, this dry environment where the energy of the fire element is abundant.

When he first left the territory of the Zhijiao Continent, An Le almost thought he had stepped into a paradise.

But the paradise in An Le's eyes, in Wen Yu's eyes, is just a wasteland where it is difficult to get a good harvest of any crops.

Anle thoroughly felt the unevenness of the world, which further strengthened Anle's idea of making the people of Oasis City live a better life!

Seeing Wen Yu and Lin Yuan, An Le immediately greeted them expectantly.

An Le could feel that although Wen Yu was close to her, this closeness only remained on the surface.

As for Lin Yuan, Anle regards Lin Yuan as a family member in his private heart.

Lin Yuan's explanation of his name at the beginning made Anle relieved of many things, and that's why he was able to go on so confidently and firmly.

"Lion, we finally meet!"

"You are younger than I imagined, with better skin and better looks."

It was the first time Lin Yuan heard someone praise him so bluntly.

This made Lin Yuan feel somewhat embarrassed for a while.

Lin Yuan smiled and said to An Le.

"You have suffered during this time!"

An Le hurriedly shook her head when she heard the words.

"Lion may have a very difficult environment in the Sun Reef Continent, but I don't feel bitter!"

"Protecting Oasis City to provide water source for Oasis City, so that everyone in Oasis City no longer has to worry about water source problems is my biggest dream and has always been a firm goal."

Lin Yuan was slightly taken aback when he heard An Le's words, and after a short silence, he smiled and said to An Le.

"When you get to the other side of the barren sea, you will find that water is not such a precious thing."

"Except for a few places, the vast majority of places are getting rain every few days."

"In some places, it rains continuously all year round!"

"However, your desire and dream to protect Oasis City can continue to persist even if you change the environment!"

Wen Yu shook his head slightly when he heard the conversation between An Le and Lin Yuan.

If Anle didn't express his intentions so bluntly and clearly in this meeting, as long as Lin Yuan couldn't meet Anle's intentions, it wouldn't be too late!

From now on, when I get to the other side of the barren sea, An Le will naturally re-examine her dreams after seeing more.

But now An Le completely blocked this road.

Even if An Le really changed his dream and persistence in the future, there is no way to speak to Lin Yuan again.

It is also impossible for Lin Yuan to reuse and appreciate a person who has changed his persistence and dreams.

At this moment, Anle's future is completely locked.

In Wen Yu's eyes, An Le became the second person who was clearly eliminated after Ta Lei.

But fortunately, Lin Yuan will definitely leave An Le with a happy ending in the main world just as he did with Ta Lei.

After chatting with An Le for a while, Lin Yuan left An Le's room with Wen Yu.

After Lin Yuan left An Le's room, Lin Yuan couldn't help but sighed softly.

After hearing Lin Yuan's sigh, Wen Yu spoke to Lin Yuan very seriously.

"Young master, wait for my holy source object. The star level of the celestial body council is constantly increasing. There are hundreds of seats in the celestial body council!"

"Besides Beixu, the Suyi people and Warren, the ideas of Yin Lin, Bupo and Roland have yet to be verified."

Lin Yuan nodded upon hearing this.

Although Lin Yuan had disclosed the news of Yunwai Tianyu to the members of the Celestial Council, he never asked the members of the Celestial Council what they wanted.

People like Suy, Roland, and Buper all have extremely important responsibilities in their respective federations.

Except for the Suyi people who directly expressed their intentions to themselves, Lin Yuan was not prepared to actively ask the other three people.

Instead, he intends to wait for the three of them to take the initiative to explain their dreams and pursuits to themselves like An Le.

It's just that Lin Yuan was a little surprised when Wen Yu knew about Warren's decision.

Among the members of the Celestial Council, Warren has the least sense of presence, but he has contributed a lot!

(end of this chapter)