Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2652: Long time no see, my guardian!


Warren is the oldest in the Celestial Council.

The Celestial Council seems to be a mysterious organization, but in fact the average age of its members is around 25 years old.

Warren is the only member over the age of fifty, greatly raising the average age of the overall membership.

But fifty is not a very old age for Reiki professionals.

As a navigator, Warren pursues adventure in his bones, and likes to sail around the sea in search of treasure.

Except for being rescued by Lin Yuan when he joined the Celestial Council and getting the Poison Seal Seal from Lin Yuan, he has never received much help from Lin Yuan.

When he knew that Lin Yuan wanted to build a trade line on the Hewen Continent, Warren went directly from his Federation to the Hewen Continent to help the Deep Vatican Federation build a deep water lane and build an ocean-going ship port.

Although in the end, all the preparations were in vain because of the revival plan of the Tadian Sleeper.

However, Lin Yuan still remembered Warren's contribution.

Based on Lin Yuan's understanding of Warren, Warren, who has a special liking for adventures, will definitely like the sky outside the cloud more than the main world.

"Wen Yu, did Warren tell you something before?"

Wen Yu smiled and said to Lin Yuan upon hearing this.

"Young Master, Warren expressed to me when he was building Deep Water Lane that he hoped to have the opportunity to go on adventures and experiences with you!"

"At that time, you hadn't disclosed the situation in the Heaven Beyond the Clouds. Although Warren usually doesn't like to talk much, Warren is very clear about various things in his heart."

Lin Yuan nodded when he heard the words, and didn't continue to say anything more on this topic.

As the saying goes, Taoists have their own ambitions, and the members of the Celestial Council are all independent individuals.

Now that he has made a choice, it is impossible for Lin Yuan to force and interfere too much.

The transfer method through the Qinglu Marsh Turtle was very smooth, and the members of the nine federations had been completely transferred within three days.

These members have been brought by Lin Yuan to the swamp world at this time.

Compared with the other side of the barren sea, the swamp world is simply too rich!

People from these nine federations have never seen such a rich and fertile land.

This rich and fertile land represents one thing, that is, living on this land will not starve.

This strengthened the faith of ordinary people in these nine federations in Lin Yuan again!

On the second day, An Le knew that the people in Oasis City had not been transferred, so he applied to Lin Yuan to go to Oasis City to preside over the overall situation.

Lin Yuan didn't refuse, and simply let An Le and the people from Oasis City stay in the swamp world.

The people who should be transferred here have been transferred, and the things that should be collected have also arrived.

Lin Yuan directly transferred back to Huiyao through long-distance teleportation again, ready to find his master Yuehou.

Then combine the main world with the five major dimensional worlds to promote the main world to a secondary world.

When Lin Yuan returned to Huiyao, he found that many residents of the Federation had moved to the Huiyao Continent.

Knowing that Lin Yuan was going to combine the five-dimensional world with the main world a month later, he no longer objected to the transfer of the residents of these federations to the Huiyao Continent.

However, in just a few days, there were inevitably many frictions.

Fortunately, Zhenlingwei and the guards of the major cities are well-trained, and basically whenever there is friction, the conflict will be quelled immediately.

At this moment, in the bright old castle, the seventh black coffin was pushed away from the inside.

A woman with icy blue eyes and pale skin with pale gray came out with a stiff body.

Among the eight black coffins, only the last black coffin remained untouched.

After Lin Yuan communicated with Yue Hou, Yue Hou made a suggestion to Lin Yuan in order to help Lin Yuan gain more power of faith, and asked Lin Yuan to integrate after a day.

It will take another day for the entry of outsiders to saturate the Huiyao Continent.

Compared with these human federations, the speed of transferring members of the Sea Race in the Ocean Labyrinth is obviously faster.

A large number of Sea Clan members have gathered in the waters near Huiyao Continent.

At this time, he took out a brick and threw it into the sea.

After hitting a Sea Clan, this brick kept going downwards, and it might touch tens of thousands of Sea Clan creatures in total!

The Wangyang Maze has taken into account the lack of oxygen in the sea area caused by the gathering of sea tribes.

A few marine plants that are good at producing oxygen are deliberately arranged in each batch of transferred sea tribes.

Ling Liu, who is most familiar with Lin Yuan, arrived at the Hanwen Continent ahead of schedule.

After discussing with Qin Yu, more than one million sea creatures with wind attributes were dispatched.

An area composed of air was propped up on the seabed for those goblins to lay metal rock slabs on the seabed.

Lin Yuan took out the dimensional secret treasures that he took out from the five major dimensional worlds before, namely the Fengzhu Treasure Tree, the Xilang Treasure Snail, the Cocoon of the Spinning Chrysalis, the Earth Origin Rubik's Cube, and the Demon Monument.

These five secret treasures that have completely controlled the dimensional world must be placed in the place where you want the main world and the dimensional world to merge.

After placing them, as long as Lin Yuan pushes the five secret treasures, the main world will be combined with the dimensional world.

Taking advantage of this day's time, Lin Yuan dispatched Heng Yuan and Abyss Great Emperor to place the five dimensional secret treasures at the locations marked by Lin Yuan according to Lin Yuan's layout plan.

These five dimensional secret treasures contain the mighty power of the dimensional world, and only Lin Yuan himself and those authorized by Lin Yuan can handle these five dimensional secret treasures.

It can be said that everything is ready!

Lin Yuan kept looking out of the window that night, but failed to get a good night's sleep.

Although Lin Yuan knew that this was his only choice, only in this way could he ensure the safety of the creatures in the main world to the greatest extent.

However, the promotion from the first-level world to the second-level world will be accompanied by risks, and no one will know what the risks will be.

Not only did Lin Yuan not sleep well that night, but the month later also did not rest well.

At the beginning, Yue Hou would say that to Lin Yuan so firmly, on the one hand, it was because it was indeed Yue Hou's own thoughts.

On the other hand, after the month, I don't want Lin Yuan to have too much pressure!

Even if something went wrong, it was his own words that led Lin Yuan to make a choice.

A month later, I chose to put all the pressure on myself.

If Lin Yuan and Yuehou were worried and couldn't sleep, then Ling Tao, Ling Che, and the Wangyang Labyrinth experts and members of the Sea Clan led by Ling Liu couldn't sleep because of anticipation.

Even if there are sea creatures capable of producing oxygen to supplement the oxygen, it still cannot change the fact that there are more sea beasts than water in the waters around Huiyao.

Under such a density, it is inevitable that some delicate aquatic spirit creatures will faint or even lose their lives.

Everyone hopes that the environment can be improved, otherwise even those sea beasts with extremely strong physical fitness will not be able to bear the delay!

The members of the major federations who transferred to the Huiyao Continent were also looking forward to a miracle.

After all, the news that the representatives of the major federations brought back from Huiyao was too astonishing.

Once the news was received, even the indecisive ruler dared not waste time.

The mobilization of the entire federation was carried out immediately, and then all members of the federation were transferred.

This transfer made all the real estate of the major federations disappear, and the wealth of each federation shrank greatly.

Only by waiting for a great miracle to come can the human federation be redeemed.

And this great miracle can only be entrusted to Hui Yao now!

It's not that the leaders of the major human federations haven't doubted the authenticity of the news that Huiyao revealed at the Federation of All Nations.

But these problems can be easily verified.

Whether the ground veins are full of death energy, as long as there are immortal powerhouses in the federation, they can detect it.

The leylines of some continents are relatively close to the ground, and ordinary people living in these federations can always hear some inexplicable noises coming from the ground.

At the same time, the body is also infected by death energy, which accelerates aging.

All these can prove the authenticity of Huiyao's news.

After the people of the major federations transferred to Huiyao, they were very grateful to Huiyao.

If Hui Yao didn't reveal the news, it would be very difficult for even immortals to escape when the undead natural disaster broke out.

This time, the promotion of the main world from the first-level world to the second-level world is related to the vital interests of all the creatures in the main world.

Early the next morning, Lin Yuan deliberately met Zi Qing, Xue Shuo, and the mother of Blood Bath who had just arrived at Huiyao in the Huiyao court.

All the spirits of Tianjuan in the Tianjuan Pavilion have gone to Huiyao.

Since the core of the main world's fight against undead natural disasters lies in Huiyao, it is the best choice for Ziqing to bring all the spirits of heaven to Huiyao!

With so many things going on in Huiyao right now, after Zi Qing came over, she also had the idea of helping a bunch of Huiyao.

Huiyao and Tianjue Bieguan are now in-depth alliances.

Because of Lin Yuan, the two have already been deeply bound.

Lin Yuan told Ziqing about his plan to promote the main world from the first level to the second level.

Lin Yuan originally thought that Ziqing, who had always acted conservatively, would have some opinions in her heart about her actions.

But every time she thinks that Ziqing has the same views as Moon Queen, she supports the promotion of the main world from the first-level world to the second-level world!

If it is said that a large part of the reason for Yue Hou's support is to ease Lin Yuan's heart.

That Ziqing's remarks are completely her own thoughts!

"Lin Yuan, you think none of you humans would want to raise the level of aura professionals."

"It's not dangerous for you humans to raise the level of aura professionals, but it's dangerous for us spiritual creatures to raise their level!"

"But have you ever seen a spirit creature that would stand still for fear of danger!?"

"It is the main world's own opportunity to promote the main world from the first level to the second level."

"It is also an opportunity for all creatures living in the main world."

"Even if you have to face challenges, the life that survives in the main world just accepts this challenge!"

"After being promoted to the second-level world, the territory of the main world becomes larger, and the creatures become more diverse, which is the well-being of all creatures in this world."

"If someone will have a view on your actions because of this, then I can only say that this person's vision is narrow."

"You're doing a great thing, what do these narrow-minded people do?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Yuan found that he had always had some misunderstandings about Ziqing.

Ziqing is not conservative, the previous retreat was just to provide a stable environment for the spirits of the heavenly family, and prevent the spirits of the heavenly family from being disturbed.

Before Lin Yuan could speak, Zi Qing continued to speak with a smile.

"We will take all the problems with you at the Tianjue Villa."

After finishing speaking, Zi Qing looked at Xue Shuo, who was standing beside Xue Shuo, her eyes fixed on Lin Yuan's Mother of Blood Bath.

The mother of the blood bath returned to the Tianjuan Pavilion to accept the inheritance during this time, and she and Lin Yuan reunited after a long absence.

Zi Qing winked at Xue Shuo, then walked forward and pulled Xue Shuo who wanted to say something to Lin Yuan, and left the room.

The Mother of Blood Bath came to Lin Yuan, took out a bag of fried chicken and handed it to Lin Yuan.

"Try it, it's fried by Aunt Yan, it's crispy and delicious!"

After such a long time, the mother of the blood bath saw Lin Yuan again, and found that Lin Yuan had matured a lot according to her own impression.

It's only been half a year since we saw each other, but Lin Yuan's demeanor has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Such a situation must have occurred because Lin Yuan had grown tremendously in the past six months.

The mother of the blood bath felt very regretful. As Lin Yuan's guardian, although she could no longer bear the duty of guardian in terms of strength.

But he should still be by Lin Yuan's side and witness Lin Yuan's growth.

In the past six months, his strength has been greatly improved, but compared with Lin Yuan's improvement during this period, his own improvement is probably not enough.

In just over a year, Lin Yuan has grown from a leader of the younger generation to a figure on the peak of the main world.

A year ago, the Freedom Federation Mission went to Huiyao to observe the selection ceremony of the Huiyao Baizi Sequence.

The confrontation between the top young generation of the Freedom Federation and Lin Yuan is still vivid in front of the eyes of the Mother of Blood Bath.

The mother of the blood bath was very curious about what Lin Yuan had experienced during the half a year or so since she left.

The mother of the blood bath really wanted to sit down and listen to Lin Yuan tell the story of the past six months, but the mother of the blood bath knew that it was obviously not the time to talk about these things.

Because Lin Yuan will have an extremely important thing to do next.

Obviously when I accompanied this man back then, this man was still like a weed that had just grown in the field.

No need to use force, just a light tug and it will break.

But now this man has grown into a towering tree, and the shade of this tree protects thousands of creatures of all races in the main world!

Lin Yuan smiled and took the fried chicken handed over by the Mother of Blood Bath.

Mother of Blood Bath is still a foodie who likes food as before.

Seeing the mother of the blood bath, Lin Yuan felt a reunion of old friends.

To be honest, the Mother of the Blood Bath was the one who saved her own life twice.

I was able to find a perfect licking dog and acid-etched queen bee for Red Thorn, thanks to the mother of the blood bath!

Lin Yuan took a chicken leg and put it in his mouth and took a bite. It was delicious and juicy, fat but not greasy, it was really delicious.

It is not inferior to Liu Jie's craftsmanship at all, no wonder it is so respected by the mother of the blood bath!

Lin Yuan looked up at the Mother of the Blood Bath with bright eyes, and stretched out his right hand to the Mother of the Blood Bath.

"Long time no see, my guardian!"

(end of this chapter)