Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2658: Attacking dimensional creatures!


After a month, it is clear that rewards are the best way to stimulate fighting spirit and motivation, but not everyone can afford such generous rewards.

Even if all of Huiyao's resources are exhausted now, he still can't get such a reward as Lin Yuan!

Because the reward level provided by Lin Yuan is too high.

Not to mention these Suling peonies full of pure aura.

It is those millions of Bronze Rank Epic Quality and Legendary Quality spirit creatures. After a month, I really don't know how Lin Yuan made these things!

With so many copper-level high-quality spiritual creatures, even hundreds of four-star creators have been working around the clock for decades to cultivate them.

And Lin Yuan said that he would give out the rewards, so he easily took out these precious resources.

This is not the first time that Lin Yuan has provided such precious resources to Hui Yao.

In order to improve the overall strength of Huiyao, Lin Yuan also gave a lot of resources to Yuehou.

It's just that most of those resources have been invested in the hands of the major forces in Huiyao, trying to increase the strength of the major forces in Huiyao as much as possible.

And now these resources will be specially provided to those fighters who fight against the undead in Huiyao.

This will not only increase the motivation of these fighters to fight against the undead, but also increase the strength of these fighters in a short period of time.

Lin Yuan's dedication to Huiyao will bring new changes to Huiyao.

In the future, there will be more glorious young people vying to become fighters against the undead and joining in the fight against the undead in the future.

This frees Huiyao from worrying about recruiting front-line fighters.

Although fighting the undead at the well of the undead does require facing danger, there are more opportunities.

Here, as long as you work hard and try your best to protect the safety of Hui Yao, you will have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality bronze-ranked spiritual object.

To obtain a high-quality Bronze-level spiritual creature that suits you, you only need to carefully cultivate this spiritual creature.

Future achievements will never be bad!

It can be said that the ultimate strength of the vast majority of aura professionals is limited because they failed to choose a potential spiritual object at the beginning.

The reward provided by Lin Yuan made Yue Hou see a bright future.

"Xiaoyuan's reward and punishment system, I will convene a royal court meeting to discuss and discuss."

"If you already have an idea, you can tell me directly now!"

Lin Yuan shook his head quickly when he heard the words, and said seriously.

"Master, I don't have any ideas. It will be good for the Royal Court Council to discuss a resolution together!"

"Today I went to the Undead Well to investigate, and I have recorded all the places that need to be studied and worked hard in the future."

"At that time, I will ask Wen Yu to sort it out, and then hand it over to you!"

"In the next few decades, those creators will be busy!"

"In order to prevent these creators from having some opinions, master, I will prepare some additional resources for these creators."

After a month, I heard the words and said it very seriously.

"Xiao Yuan, you don't have to worry about these things about the creator."

"Although I can't afford as many resources as you as a teacher, there is no problem in managing these creators well!"

"Huiyao is in danger now, these creators still have the heart to protect Huiyao as a part of Huiyao!"

"They are also working hard, and hope that this natural disaster of the undead can survive safely!"

Lin Yuan didn't stay in the Huiyue Hall for too long. After leaving the Huiyue Hall, Lin Yuan was going to go to the Sea Clan to see what was going on there.

The battle situation in the Hai Clan is much more dangerous than the battle situation in the hundreds of undead wells here in Huiyao.

Huang Yin has already asked Lin Yuan for help through the mind letter paper.

There are too many undead in the sea area, and it is difficult to completely eliminate these undead with the dimensional creatures of the sea clan and the water world.

A large number of undead escaped into the sea area.

But fortunately, the death energy released by the undead only affects the sea clan from the main world.

Those sea beasts and mermaids from dimensional creatures will not be disturbed by the dead energy in the undead.

Even some sea beasts like to feed on the undead. These sea beasts can digest and absorb the dead energy.

Even because of the absorption and digestion of dead energy, there is a tendency to mutate into new varieties!

This is great news for Lin Yuan.

The adaptability of dimensional creatures is much stronger than the spirits and humans living in the main world.

The dead rot earthworms currently bred cannot work in the sea.

If the Hai Clan's side is also affected by death energy like Huiyao's side.

Lin Yuan thought for a while that there was really no good way to solve it!

After all, the Hundred Questions Beast Legion in Lin Yuan's hands and the creators of Huiyao must give priority to serving humans.

Compared with the struggle on the side of the Sea Clan, the struggle between the major dimensional worlds and the main world is much more intense.

Like a tide, the undead flooded towards the land of the dimensional world.

The undead have thoroughly invaded the lands of the Zerg World, Abyss World, Underworld and Swamp World.

However, the invasion of these undead was also strongly countered by these native dimensional creatures.

First of all, more than 80% of the swamp world is a swamp environment.

It looks like if you step on the black ground, half of your body may sink into the mud.

If you can't save yourself or are pulled up by external force, you will soon completely sink into the mud.

Those undead that exist in ghost form are fine, but most of the undead that exist in physical form are stuck in the swamp and cannot move.

These undead have become the food of the marsh crocodiles. There are a large number of marsh crocodiles in the swamp world. Basically, there are marsh crocodiles wherever there are swamps.

Because they can't find food, the marsh crocodiles will even eat their own kind in order to feed their hunger.

Now these marsh crocodiles finally have a chance to feast.

A large number of undead fell into the swamp and were torn to shreds. The dead air did have a certain impact on the marsh crocodile, but the body of the marsh crocodile was able to quickly adapt to the dead air.

For the first time, the marsh crocodiles, who were used to hunger, felt that they could not finish their food.

The remains of the undead float in the swamp, feeding the swamp world's super-strong fungus.

These fungi worked diligently to decompose the corpses of the undead.

In the swamp world, soul-eating dimensional creatures like poison-drinking snake doves and Medusa snake monsters crazily sip floating ghosts.

The soul quality of ghosts is much stronger than that of ordinary souls.

The dimensional creatures in the swamp world were originally quite nervous about the impending undead disaster, but now the creatures in the swamp world have regarded the undead disaster as a gift.

In a few days, a large number of swamp creatures reached a consensus in their hearts, that is, this natural disaster of the undead must not end!

Once it's over, how can there be such a chance to have a full meal every day!

Some powerful undead will indeed kill dimensional creatures, but death has long been a habit for all dimensional creatures.

It is a very normal thing in the dimensional world to die in the process of predation.

Because of Lin Yuan's order, there will always be powerful apostles and masters who will target and kill those powerful undead.

The death of every powerful undead is a gift to those weak dimensional creatures.

Because the swamp world used undead as food, low-level creatures like marsh crocodiles and marsh fireflies proliferated in large numbers.

After learning this, Lin Yuanzu was stunned for nearly five minutes.

Lin Yuan never thought that this natural disaster of the undead would be a good thing for the swamp world!

The swamp world is not the best in the five dimensional worlds.

The performance of the abyss world is no worse than that of the swamp world, and even better than that of the swamp world.

Dimensional creatures like demons are extremely adaptable, which has been confirmed by Lin Yuan long ago.

Because the demons produced in the abyss world should not have the fire attribute.

The reason why the abyss demon has the fire attribute is because of the influence of the abyss red lotus.

The abyssal demon's strong adaptability allows the abyssal demon to change itself according to the environment.

After the demons feed on the undead, a large number of abyssal demons showed the attributes of the undead.

This change in attributes allows the abyssal demon to actively absorb the dead energy, and use the dead energy as a source of its own power.

If Lin Yuan has been unable to research spiritual things like dead rot earthworms, perhaps after hundreds of years of evolution, these abyssal demons will be able to purify the dead energy in the environment.

The best performer against the undead in the five-dimensional world is undoubtedly the Zerg under Kela's command.

What the zerg lack most is food.

If it wasn't for food that limited the population of Zerg, Zerg could crowd every corner of the world!

After Lin Yuan provided Kaila with a diamond-level spiritual box as a unit, the number of zerg increased greatly.

As the undead invaded, Keira commanded the zerg queens and the zerg queen sent the swarm to fight the undead.

It was gradually discovered that these undead were a kind of ration that could be eaten.

Although it is not very delicious, it can provide energy for the body.

After discovering this, the Zergs fully developed the virtue of cherishing food.

Zerg bugs like acid-eating cystworms even use the strong acid they spray from their stomachs to keep the dead undead fresh, preventing the undead from decaying too much and making them unable to eat.

Some absurd female insects even thought of using the undead as their own insect masters, insisting on extracting genes from the undead to breed with the undead.

The extremely strong reproductive ability of the female worm makes a large number of undead happy to be fathers.

Zergs with undead attributes have been bred in large numbers, and these Zergs with undead attributes have become the most effective tools against undead.

Some female insects will even fight for a powerful undead as the insect master.

If Kela hadn't restricted the internal struggle of the Zerg clan, there would definitely be large-scale struggles among the various groups of the Zerg because of the distribution of resources.

Among the five dimensional worlds, the best place to fight against the undead is the underground world.

The creatures in the underground world mostly feed on ore veins and metals, and the undead are not on the diet of underground creatures.

Therefore, the battle between underground creatures and undead is the most tragic.

Lin Yuan had to dispatch some insects and demons suitable for living in the environment of the underground world to help the dimensional creatures in the underground world resist the undead.

The zerg world, the abyss world and the swamp world's outstanding performance in resisting the undead gave Lin Yuan a lot of confidence in his heart.

Perhaps the real eight-page members of Tadian never imagined that the natural disaster of the undead that had been brewing for so long would become the food of these dimensional creatures!

Compared with these dimensional creatures, the adaptability of human beings is simply too poor!

Fortunately, humans are infinitely creative.

After Lin Yuan entered the water, he saw a group of undead rushing towards him.

Lin Yuan couldn't be sure which era these aquatic undead came from.

The strength of this group of undead is not strong, and the strength of the strongest undead is only at the silver level.

As soon as Lin Yuan raised his hand to stir the water, he tore the undead into pieces.

Ling Liu knew that Lin Yuan was going to visit the sea clan's fight against the undead, so he waited for Lin Yuan on the shore.

As soon as he saw Lin Yuan, Ling Liu couldn't help asking Lin Yuan for help.

Some sea beasts from the dimensional world can indeed clean up the remains of the undead and absorb the dead energy in the sea.

However, the number of such creatures is not large, and they cannot keep up with the speed of death of the undead.

There are already a large number of members of the sea clan in the sea area, who are in a negative state due to the infection of death energy.

If this problem is not resolved, the relatively weak Sea Clan will lose a lot of staff.

Anyone in Wangyang Maze who has the ability will solve the problems they encounter by themselves.

However, Wang Yang Maze has no choice but to ask Lin Yuan for help.

Hearing Ling Liu's complaints and asking for help, Lin Yuan could feel Ling Liu's helplessness as the overlord of the sea clan.

At this moment, Lin Yuan suddenly thought of burying Hailianhua.

The dead energy in the sea area is an excellent tonic for Burying Sea Lotus.

Lin Yuan can let the powerful sea clan and Huangyin, Qingdai, Bidai, Feiyan and other royal mermaids take care of Yinhua.

Yinhua grows as much as possible in the sea area, and the place covered by Yinhua will no longer have dead energy to threaten the safety of the members of the sea clan in the sea area!

A cancerous spiritual creature that was despised by the Sea Clan before and would be eradicated immediately once found, has now become the savior of the Sea Clan.

"I do have a method, which can relieve the infestation of the dead air to the sea clan within a certain range."

"It's just that this method treats the symptoms but not the root cause. No matter how large the scope of the problem can be solved, it is impossible to benefit all the sea people!"

"I need to make this clear to you in advance."

"We humans will also be infected by death energy in the process of fighting against the undead, and many strong humans have been hurt by this."

"Our creators of mankind must give priority to solving human problems. After solving the problems of human beings, we will not ignore the situation of the sea people!"

Lin Yuan put the ugly words first, and Lin Yuan's words can be described as extremely candid.

Ling Liu likes Lin Yuan's candid way of communicating.

If Lin Yuan can provide the Sea Clan with a range not to be infected by death energy, it will be of great help to the Sea Clan.

Wounded warriors of the Sea Clan can recover in this area.

The Wangyang Maze side has a certain understanding of the situation on the human side, knowing that the human side is also having a hard time.

Some members of the Sea Clan on the side of Wangyang Labyrinth have the ability of creators.

(end of this chapter)