Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2659: Yinhua and the Well of the Undead!


It is impossible for the creator resources on the Wangyang Labyrinth to be provided to humans until everything goes well for the Sea Clan.

Lin Yuan was able to make a promise to help the Sea Clan solve the problem immediately after solving the problems of human beings, which is already the most sincere condolences to the Sea Clan!

"Lord Lin Yuan, you are the savior of our Sea Clan. No matter how the years change or the era changes, our Sea Clan will always enshrine your holy image and take you as our place of faith!"

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows noncommittally when he heard the words. Lin Yuan really needs the power of faith provided by the Hai Clan.

But Lin Yuan will not rely on the belief of the Hai Clan in himself, and make too many demands on the Hai Clan.

Lin Yuan's help to the Sea Clan is to hope that the Sea Clan can work with humans to fight against this undead natural disaster.

If you really want benefits, the benefits that the Hai Clan will bring to Lin Yuan will definitely not be more than what Lin Yuan provided to the Hai Clan.

"Lingliu, after you go back for a while, tell Ling Tao and Ling Che to help me create an open space with a radius of 500 square kilometers at the place where the metal slabs are laid on the seabed."

"And we must ensure that this open space can continue to expand in the future."

"I will place an elf evolved from a cancer spirit here."

"The elf transformed from the cancer spirit can not only process the corpses of the undead, but also swallow the dead air to purify the environment in the sea."

"The remains of the undead that you collect in the future can be directly thrown into the sea of flowers spawned by this elf."

Lin Yuan did not exaggerate Yinhua's ability when he spoke.

Lin Yuan wanted to take advantage of the natural disaster of the undead to let Yinhua's strength grow rapidly.

The sea people need to deal with the remains of the undead. Although some sea beasts in the dimensional creatures of the water world can swallow the remains of the undead.

But the digestion ability of these sea beasts has a certain limit.

The wreckage of the undead cannot be completely swallowed and digested by the sea beasts, otherwise the sea clan would not have to worry so much!

Dimensional creatures in the water world have much poorer ability to digest undead than those in the abyss world, swamp world, and zerg world.

However, the dimensional creatures in the abyss world, swamp world and Zerg world are not suitable for living in the water world environment.

There is no way to go to the waters to help relieve the pressure of the sea people.

Those undead corpses that could not be swallowed and digested by sea beasts were thrown into the sea of flowers spawned by Yinhua by the sea clan.

It will quickly increase Yinhua's strength in a short period of time and increase the area covered by the bone lotus flower sea.

Yinhua can solve some of the problems of the Hai Clan, but it can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

When there is no longer a shortage of five-star creator resources on the human side, Lin Yuan will ask the Hundred Questions Beast Legion to help the Sea Clan study a kind of aquatic spirit that can deal with dead air and undead corpses.

Maybe when the Hundred Questions Beast Legion was researching healing spiritual objects with special effects on dead energy entering the body, they accidentally researched a spiritual object that could deal with undead wreckage and dead energy in the sea!

Ling Liu hurriedly said what Lin Yuan said.

"The area where the metal rock slabs are laid on the entire seabed has not yet been applied, and there are very few sea creatures that need to survive on the seabed."

"Those coral reefs have no way to transfer, they can only take some coral polyps as fire for the coral reefs."

"These coral polyps are very important, and we sea people are not in a hurry to make these coral polyps settle on the seabed."

"You can freely choose the area where the metal slabs are laid on the seabed to arrange the elf, and let the elf make its home on the seabed."

"At that time, our Sea Clan will use this elf as the core, and arrange for the creatures of the Sea Clan to settle in the sea covered by the sea of flowers."

"We will arrange special cleanup personnel to throw the remains of the undead into the sea of flowers."

"I will personally communicate with your elf, and provide this elf with the best environment to improve its strength."

As a sea clan overlord who has lived for tens of thousands of years, Ling Liu can hear the meaning of Lin Yuan's words.

Obviously, while Lin Yuan is helping the Sea Clan to deal with the death, he also hopes that the Sea Clan can help this elf to quickly improve its strength!

The Hai Clan really has nothing to repay Lin Yuan. Facing Lin Yuan's request, the Hai Clan will do their best to fulfill Lin Yuan's request.

What's more, helping Lin Yuan itself is tantamount to helping the Sea Clan change their living environment.

Hearing what Ling Liu said, Lin Yuan was no longer polite. After making the water sink to the bottom of the sea, Lin Yuan didn't look for those absolutely safe areas.

Instead, after weighing it over and over again, he found an area with densely populated undead wells.

Like when Yinhua was being cultivated, Lin Yuan deliberately opened several dimensional rifts.

Let the tide of dimensional creatures continuously spew out from the dimensional crack.

Use these continuous tides of dimensional creatures to upgrade Yinhua.

Otherwise, the sea of bones and lotuses that Yinhua gave birth to would not grow so fast!

Now Lin Yuan is going to follow the previous method and use these undead wells as the source of Yinhua to obtain undead.

At the same time, it can also relieve the pressure of the ocean maze and the dimensional creatures of the water world.

For those absolutely safe areas, let Wang Yang Maze use those coral polyps to re-cultivate coral reefs!

From the knowledge acquired in his previous life, Lin Yuan is very clear about how important coral reefs are to the development of biodiversity in a world.

Although these undead wells are much more dangerous than dimensional cracks.

At most, a third-level dimensional crack will only produce dimensional creatures equivalent to diamond-level spirits.

However, no matter how strong the undead well is, the undead may spew out.

In the case of the Yinhua diamond class, there are many powerful undead that cannot be killed by their own strength.

If these powerful undead are allowed to wreak havoc in the bone lotus flower sea, it will have a great impact on the flower sea itself.

It is impossible for Lin Yuan to hope for such a situation.

Once a powerful undead caused damage to Huahai, Yinhua went to repair Huahai, it would slow down the speed of strength improvement.

However, this situation is not inevitable.

Lin Yuan only needs to arrange one or two runner-level masters next to each undead well.

The strength of the master of the wheel realm is enough to deal with the strong among these undead.

In the future, as Yinhua's strength becomes stronger and stronger, Lin Yuan can also provide Yinhua with more nutrients by digging the well of the dead himself.

When Ling Liu told Lin Yuan to choose the area by himself, he thought that Lin Yuan might choose the safest area to place his elves.

Ling Liu never expected that Lin Yuan's eyes would be fixed on the wells of the undead on the bottom of the sea.

"Master Lin Yuan's safe area is over there, I'll take you to have a look!"

"The safe area over there is definitely enough for your elves to lay a sea of flowers!"

Lin Yuan shook his head when he heard the words, and asked Ling Liu in a very serious tone.

"Shouldn't this area be the most densely populated area with caved undead wells?"

"Take me to the area where the most densely populated undead wells are in Dongkai."

"I'm going to open the most densely populated area of the well of the dead, and let my elves settle down."

"This will fundamentally solve the pressure you Sea Clan encounters, and it will also give you Sea Clan a place to cultivate those coral reefs!"

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Ling Liu didn't know how to react for a while.

If it is true as Lin Yuan said, then at least the Sea Clan can liberate hundreds of millions of fighters!

The Sea Clan has just settled down in the water world area, and urgently needs to build a living environment.

These hundreds of millions of Sea Clan fighters can improve the living environment of the Sea Clan in a very short period of time.

Ling Liu had already thanked Lin Yuan too many times just now, and Ling Liu felt that thanking him was too pale.

This time, Ling Liu didn't stop thanking Lin Yuan, but was going to tell his elder brother and second brother about the situation, so that all the Hai Clan would know Lin Yuan's help to the Hai Clan.

Lin Yuan needed the power of faith, and Wang Yang Maze took the initiative to encourage a large number of sea creatures to believe in Lin Yuan.

This can be regarded as the heartfelt feedback to Lin Yuan!

In all the areas where metal slabs are laid on the seabed, there is an area where more than sixty wells of the dead have been opened.

This area can be described as the main source of pollution in the sea.

Ling Liu led Lin Yuan to this area, and witnessed the fierce battle between the sea creatures and the dimensional creatures against the undead.

Ling Liu felt that the battle here was too fierce. In the conversation just now, Ling Liu learned about the strength of the elf from Lin Yuan.

It should be difficult for a diamond elf to make a home in this area.

Just when Ling Liu was about to take Lin Yuan to an area where the density of the undead wells was not so large, Ling Liu only heard Lin Yuan speak in a very serious tone.

"I'll give you ten days to clear the place."

"I will arrange a runner master for each undead well to assist you."

"After the sea creatures have completely withdrawn from the field, I will directly move the sea of flowers and put it on top of this undead well."

Ling Liu took a deep look at Lin Yuan upon hearing this, and then bowed vigorously to Lin Yuan.

Then he immediately left to convey the news to Ling Tao and Ling Che.

It takes ten days to evacuate hundreds of millions of sea creatures, and the time is tight and the task is heavy.

But with the help of dozens of masters of the runner realm, it can still be done!

The sea people will carry out a second large-scale migration after the previous migration.

After this migration, after all the sea people have finished arranging their living environment in the water world, they can use coral polyps to cultivate coral reefs!

Ling Liu has thoroughly recognized the reality, and the natural disaster of the undead will probably not end for thousands of years.

The area where the water world merges into the main world will be the future home of the Sea Clan.

Unless the natural disaster of the undead is completely over, the area of the main world will be infected by the leylines, and undead will continue to drill out of the ground.

It is impossible for the Sea Race to survive in the sea area of the main world.

Because the Sea Clan is under the command of Wangyang Maze, Wangyang Maze's orders were implemented as quickly as possible after they were issued.

In nine and a half days, the members of the Sea Clan completed the evacuation.

The sea warriors surrounded the undead in a large circle to prevent the undead from escaping from the encirclement.

After the Sea Clan finished escaping, Lin Yuan arranged for the Qinglu marsh tortoise to directly hold up the area covered by the bone lotus flower sea on the Haiwen Continent.

Then let the Qinglu Marsh Turtle take this area to the midair of the sea.

The sea of bone lotus flowers on land is very clumsy, unable to move with a large area under the body.

But in the sea, every bone lotus is like a flexible foot.

The bone lotus can control the area under the body to swim in the sea while sliding.

Even if he lived a lot of time on land, it still couldn't change the fact that Yinhua was a marine cancer creature.

Because Yinhua can control the sea of flowers to move on its own in the sea, Qinglu marsh tortoise completed the task after taking the bone lotus flower sea into the sea.

Under Lin Yuan's instruction, Yinhua pinpointed the area and let the sea of flowers directly cover the more than 60 undead wells below him.

Even those undead were suppressed by the sea of flowers.

The sea of bones and lotus flowers danced rapidly in an instant, launching a fierce fight with the undead.

The bone lotus flower sea is much more lethal to the undead than those corpse-eating vines.

Yinhua frantically absorbs the dead energy it touches by virtue of its exclusive characteristic [rotten bones turn into fireflies].

The dead air tempered the strength of each bone lotus in the bone lotus flower sea, and at the same time began to form rotting bones under the bone lotus that could continuously provide nutrients for the bone lotus.

As long as the main lotus is not destroyed, the bone lotus can be quickly hatched through the rotten bone formed by [Rotten Bone Turns into Firefly] to save its own consumption.

Spread the sea of flowers above the well of the undead, even if the sea of flowers is destroyed by the undead.

With the effect of the exclusive characteristic [rotten bones turn into fireflies], it can also reduce the consumption of Yinhua.

As long as Yinhua can gain a firm foothold in this area, Yinhua will accumulate more and more rotting bones.

Yinhua can spread the area of the bone lotus flower sea at an extremely fast speed.

The act of Lin Yuan leading the Qinglu marsh turtle to guide the sea of flowers down to the bottom of the sea to cover the tide of undead was like a miracle in the eyes of all sea creatures.

Lin Yuan quickly harvested a lot of power of faith, and not only did a lot of light spots of faith appear in the fountain of faith in God's country.

The previous light spots of faith have also become brighter on the original basis!

Those Masters of the Revolving Realm directly guarded the top of Huahai to clean up all the powerful undead who were inconvenient to kill in Huahai.

Yinhua sat on Lin Yuan's shoulder, shaking her little feet, her face full of joy.

People like Yinhua, who are used to eating big meals, feel overwhelmed with happiness for this sumptuous meal.

This is the first time for Yinhua to absorb the dead air. Yinhua can not only digest these undead, but also filter the dead air in the sea area.

That is to say, not only the sea of bones and lotus flowers laid by Yinhua is not dead.

The Sea of Flowers can also ensure that the dead air within the surrounding area of at least 5,000 square kilometers is relatively thin.

The area that caused the most headaches for the sea tribe and water world dimensional creatures led by Wangyang Labyrinth has suddenly turned into a paradise.

Huang Yin took Bi Dai, and Fei Yan came to Lin Yuan and bowed and said.

"Master Dijun just relies on these reincarnation realm rulers to sit in town. If he encounters reincarnation realm or undead whose strength is comparable to reincarnation realm, it will be difficult to solve the trouble."

"I plan to keep Bi Dai and Fei Yan here to ensure the safety of this sea of flowers."

Some time ago, because Huang Yin was by Wen Yu's side, while protecting Wen Yu's safety, Huang Yin's personal strategy and sophistication have also been greatly improved.

In the past, Huang Yin would definitely want to take the job of taking care of the sea of bones and lotus flowers on himself, so as to show his value.

(end of this chapter)